Friday 05 Jul at : 10:00 (CEST) , resuming at 14:00

The Breton soul: paintings, furniture and objets d'art, ceramics, folk art, sculptures, bronzes, silverware, antique and modern books, illustrated books, Gilbert and Jean-Yves Le Meur collection

Adjug'Art Quimper - +33298529797 - Email CVV

105, avenue de Kerrien 29000 Quimper, France
Information Conditions of sale
548 results

Lot 45 - Set of 2 works in 5 volumes - MORICE (Dom Pierre Hyacinthe) & TAILLANDIER (Charles) - Histoire ecclésiastique et civile de Bretagne composée sur les auteurs et les titres originaux, ornée de divers monumens, & enrichie d'une dissertation sur l'établissement des Bretons dans l'Armorique, & de plusieurs notes critiques - Paris ; Imprimerie de Delaguette, 1750, et imprimerie de la veuve Delaguette, 1756 - 2 volumes In-folio - MORICE (Dom Pierre Hyacinthe) - Mémoires pour servir de preuves à l'histoire ecclésiastique et civile de Bretagne, tirée des archives de cette province, de celles de France & d'Angleterre, des recueils de plusieurs sçavants antiquaires, & mis en ordre - Paris ; Imprimerie de Charles Osmond, 1742-1746 - 3 volumes In-folio - Leaves mostly yellowed, scattered freckles - Armorial vignettes to titles in red and black ink, bandeaux by Guélard, lettrines, culs-de-lampe to each volume. For volume I: 1 folding map of Brittany (often missing) and 15 engraved plates out of text, for volume II: 9 plates, including 1 folding on double page, initials, lamp-heads, and for volumes I and II of the 2nd title: 18 and 17 plates out of text - Uniform contemporary binding in marbled fawn calf (spines formerly restored in lighter basane, some partially split) - Spine ribbed and decorated with continuous tomonnieres (8 headpieces damaged or worn away) - Title and tomonnieres in burgundy and brown morocco, 2 titles rebacked in the 19th century in fawn basane, 1 missing tail in volume V) - Red edges - A very suitable set, complete with map and plates, in an original edition that has become rare.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 46 - [ÉTATS DE BRETAGNE] - Manuscript from the first half of the 18th century, 352 pages (missing the first page(s)). No place, date or title. In-folio (41 x 27 cm), very damaged ½ basane binding (spine partly torn off and missing), "Manuscript" title-piece. Pages crossed out, old annotations in margin. Very important anonymous manuscript, relation to the Etats de Bretagne meeting in Dinan. Extracts: p. 2-3: "[...] But however attached the Bretons are to their rights and privileges, the nobility still preferred to give proof of the obedience they rendered to those they saw who abuzoit the King's authority than to give the whole of France the slightest suspicion that they had ever lacked it [...]. Monsieur le marquis depiré, although one of the most zealous for the province, was also one of the most submissive to the King's alleged orders. He refused to preside over the nobility, and in fear that he would be forced to do so, he left the theater first, and some of the nobility followed him, promising only not to leave Dinan [...]. For this purpose, they sent for those of the nobility of whom they were most assured, at whose head were Messieurs de K[er]cardo, the Chevalier de Rohan who had sold four thousand livres the reputation he had acquired at the States of St Brieuc [...]". p. 149. " [...]. However, the election was postponed until the following day, which gave me time to go and see Mr. the Intendant, with whom I was in contact, being the first cousin of Mad. his wife [...]. I told him what had happened in the morning. He told me that all that the nobility had done for me was useless [...] that when the 3 orders had named me that never the court nor a commissioner would suffer that I knew it was mounted on a tone not to mollify and to make it clear to me he showed me a letter from Mr Le Pelletier des Fort [...] ". p. 217. "[...] That day there was a grand ball at the chateaux, attended by 150 people. This profusion cost the province dearly. Sieur de Lescouet fils complained [...] about the duties on wine and cyder in the parishes of Tintiniac and La Chapelle [...]". Expert : Emmanuel Lorient - Librairie Traces Écrites : 01 43 54 51 04 - [email protected]

Estim. 800 - 1 000 EUR