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19, avenue de l'Opéra
75001 Paris - France
[email protected]

Conseil des Ventes Volontaires de Meubles aux Enchères Publiques
The Conseil des Ventes Volontaires de meubles aux enchères publiques is the French Auction Market Authority, more commonly called "Conseil des Ventes" (CVV). It was established by Law No. 2000-642 of 10 July 2000, which notably abolished the monopoly auctioneers had over voluntary sales.
The law of 20 July 2011 supplemented this legislation, qualifying the Conseil des Ventes as a public utility institution and assigning it the status of regulatory authority.
The Council ensures that the voluntary auction market functions properly for the benefit of consumers, buyers and sellers. As such, it can apply disciplinary sanctions to breaches of the laws, regulations and professional requirements applicable to auction houses.

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44 rue de Douai
75009 Paris
Tel : 01 49 70 12 90

Chambre Nationale des Commissaires-Priseurs Judiciaires
The Chambre Nationale des Commissaires-Priseurs Judiciaires, or National Chamber of Judicial Auctioneers, organised into regional companies, is a public utility institution established by ordinance of 2 November 1945. There are 423 legal auctioneers affiliated to it throughout France.
Its main role is to represent the profession to the authorities, especially the Ministry of Justice. It provides vocational training and is responsible for the prevention and conciliation of disputes.

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15, rue Freycinet
75116 Paris - France
Tél. +33 (0)1 45 72 67 39
[email protected]

Le Syndicat National des Maisons de Ventes Volontaires
Created in 2001, the Syndicat National des Maisons de Ventes Volontaires (SYMEV) or the National Syndicate of Voluntary Auctions, is the professional organisation responsible for officially representing the auctioneers of voluntary sales to the public authorities. It represents every aspect of the profession.

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