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Books & manuscripts

Thus, were born the libraries, and with them the book and manuscript auctions, which gather ancient and modern books, letters, autographs, maps and postcards.
"A book is someone. Don't trust it. A book is a gear," wrote Victor Hugo. From books of hours - those manuscripts richly illuminated with azure and gold - to the works of surrealists André Breton and Paul Eluard, the jewels of the auctions are first editions on "large paper" with three cardinal values: period binding, prestigious provenance and "dispatch", in other words, a dedication by the author.
Collectors compete for manuscripts and letters by the poets of the day - Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rippe - autographs by Proust, travel books and maps. But the online auctions also focus on the ninth art with luxury editions and first editions of comic books by the old trio: Hergé, Franquin, Uderzo and Goscinny. We will also find albums and original plates of the young artists: Hugo Pratt, Moebius and Enki Bilal... a nice bubble of air!


Recommended lots

FRÉDÉRIC BRULY (Zéprégüé, Ivory Coast, 1923 - Abidjan, Ivory Coast 2014). "Un bel homme courant vers son amant", 2008. Ballpoint pen and crayons on cardboard. Signed and dated on the back. Provenance: Private collection / Family of the artist. Measurements: 25,5 x 18 cm. During the Second World War, Bruly worked as a sailor in the French Navy in the Antilles. At the end of the war he was employed on the Dakar-Niger railroad in Rufisque (Senegal). Having left the railway service in December 1945, he started as an employee in the "judicial identity service of the "general security in West Africa", in Dakar. From there he was assigned, in 1958, to the direction of police security in Ivory Coast. The Ministry of the Civil Service assigned him to the Ministry of the Interior, to the Directorate of Political Affairs in Abidjan, and the Directorate of the French Institute of Black Africa (IFAN), upon discovering that he was the inventor of an African alphabet, asked the Ministry of the Interior to transfer him to IFAN in Abidjan in 1958. The direction of the Faculty of Letters of the National University of the Republic of Ivory Coast having approved the scientific character and the classical sense of his manuscripts of which he came into possession, asked, in its turn, for their transfer to the university: service of the institute of ethnosociology, in 1973. The origin of all the work of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré comes from a revealing experience: on March 11, 1948, "the heavens opened before my eyes and seven colored suns described a circle of beauty around their Mother-Sun, I became Cheik Nadro: He who does not forget." Since then, Bouabré compiled his research in manuscripts dealing with art, traditions, poetry, tales, religion, aesthetics and philosophy, revealing himself as an astonishing thinker, poet, encyclopedist, creator. Seeking a way to preserve and transmit the knowledge of the Bété people and the world, he invented a unique alphabet of 448 monosyllabic pictograms, an inventory of sounds that would make it possible to transcribe all the languages of the world.This endeavor earned Bouabré the legendary reputation of being another Champollion and translates the universal thought of Frederic Bruly Bouabré who, from his vision, seeks to unite and pacify humanity. In the 1970s, he began to translate his thought into hundreds of small drawings in postcard format, using ballpoint pen and colored pencils. These drawings, collected under the title Connaissance du Monde (Knowledge of the World), form an encyclopedia of universal knowledge and experience. His works are currently held in important art collections among which are; Contemporary African Art Collection, Jean PIGOZZI Collection, Geneva, Switzerland, the National Museum of Abidjan, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, the Endowment Fund, Agnès b Collection, Paris, France, the François Pinault Foundation, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Italy, MNAM, Centre Georges Pompidou on deposit at the Musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie, Paris, France, the Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands, the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico, the Tanya RUMPFF Gallery, Haarlem, The Netherlands, the Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom, the Musée d'Art Brut, Lausanne, Switzerland, the Lambert Collection (LAC), Geneva, Switzerland, the Madame and Monsieur David-Weill Collection, Paris, France and the Gervane et Matthias Leridon Collection, Paris, France.

Estim. 400 - 500 EUR

JOSE MARIA MIJARES (Havana, 1921-2004). "Bird. Oil on canvas. Enclosed certificate María Antonia Cabrera de Mijares. Provenance Doña María Antonia Cabrera de Mijares, widow of the artist. Measurements: 90 x 121 cm; 117 x 150 cm (frame). In this work the autochthonous referents are fused with the formal language learned in Europe to produce works where the characters of the Yoruba pantheon that will populate great part of his later production already appear. The Cuban school of the 20th century was characterized by embracing the European avant-garde and developing, on that basis, a language of its own. This generalized current of artists trained in Europe, who returned to Cuba, meant a great artistic impulse for the country. Thanks to painters who fused their roots and experiences, thus creating a new personal and independent language as can be seen in the representation of this bird. A symbol that was used on several occasions by Mijares, who resorted to the symbolism of the bird as the protagonist of some of his compositions. Mijares, considered one of the great 20th century Cuban and Latin American artists, studied at the San Alejandro National School of Fine Arts in Havana, where he taught. Among his teachers were Romanach, Menocal, Valderrama, Ramon Loy, Caravia and others. It was Mijares himself who recognized that one of his most influential teachers was Ponce, who helped him develop his own style of expression. He was a member of the group Diez Pintores Concretos. Between 1968 and 1973 he was a member of Grupo Gala in Miami, where he settled at the age of 47. He directed Alacrán Azul magazine in Miami. He held his first exhibition at the Havana Lyceum (1947). In the eighties he exhibited in Coral Gables, Florida, where he reiterated his presence. In 1994 the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture of Miami dedicated a retrospective to him. Also the Alfredo Martinez Gallery of Coral Gables would organize an ontological one in 1996. As for group exhibitions, it is worth mentioning his participation in the Venice Biennial of 1952. He is represented at the Cintas Foundation in New York, the Loewe Art Museum, Florida; the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America in Washington, D.C., and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Mijares' well-deserved recognition came mainly from knowing how to harmonize his universal vocation with the search for an autochthonous Cuban language. His works are characterized by illustrating a personal, expressive artistic style, with a special poetics that values at the same time the versatility of his plastic resources and an exquisite sensitivity in handling different themes. Sometimes starting from a colorful postcubism through which he practically enters into abstraction, but without losing the referential thread. The Florida International University awarded Mijares an honorary doctorate in fine arts in December 2001. In 2002, he opened the Mijares Gallery in Coral Gables, where his latest works were exhibited. Attached certificate María Antonia Cabrera de Mijares.

Estim. 9,500 - 10,000 EUR

Set of literature books, including: -Plutarque, vie des romains illustre, Alphonse Feillet, ed Hachette, Paris, 1896 -L'amant de la Chine du nord, Marguerite Duras, ed NRF Gallimard, Paris, 1991 -La négresse blonde, Georges Fourest, ed Picart, Paris, 1923 -Hélène Boucher, jeune fille française, Antoine Redier, ed Flammarion, Paris, 1935 -Conférences de l'Odéon, les époques du théâtre français 1636-1850), Ferdinand Brunetière, ed Hachette, Paris, 1896 -Bari chien-loup, James-Olivier Curwood, ed Hachette, Paris, 1938 -Flore des dames, botanique à l'usage des dames et des jeunes personnes, A. Jacquemart, Paris, 1840 -Missel, 1890 -Japoneries d'automne, Pierre Loti, ed Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1926 -Le moulin du Frau, wood by LJ Soulas, Eugène le Roy, n°93, ed Mornay, Paris, 1927 -Fable de La Fontaine, Paris, 1838, T4 -La maison vide, followed by Le petit Jacques, Jules Clarette, ed Michels et Fils, Paris -Candidat followed by La maitresse, Jules Clarette, ed Michels et Fils, Paris -Les bestiaires, Henry de Montherlant, ed Mornay, Paris, 1926 -Colas Breugnon, Romain Rolland, ed Mornay, Paris, 1927 -Trahisons followed by Hot-House un pour la route, Harold Pinter, ed NRF Gallimard, Paris, 1987 -Sapho, mœurs parisiennes, Alphonse Daudet, Paris -Causes célèbres, ed Charaire et Fils -La deuxième guerre mondiale, L'orage approche, la "drole de guerre", 3 septembre 1939 - 10 mai 1940, Winston S. Churchill, ed Plomn Paris, 1948 -Memoirs of the Second World War, The Grand Alliance, Invaded Russia, January 1 - June 22, 1941, Winston S. Churchill, ed Plom, Paris, 1950 -Chansons sur trois notes, Georges le Fevre, ed Des tablettes Saint-Raphaël, -Deuxième olympique, les onze devant la Porte Dorée, H. de Montherlant, ed Grasset, Paris, 1924 -Lisons ! leçon de lecture et de langue, J. Baudrillard and M. Kuhn, ed. Nathan (as is)

Estim. 10 - 15 EUR

Nathanael Greene: Report Letter on the Battle of Guilford Court House - Revolutionary War-dated ALS signed “T. Edwards,” one page both sides, 6.25 x 8, March 31, 1781. Addressed from West Point, New York, a handwritten letter from Thomas Edwards (1753-1806), deputy judge-advocate of the Continental Army, sent to Colonel Henry Jackson, commander of the 16th Massachusetts Regiment. In the letter, Edwards provides details of General Nathanael Greene's report to General Washington after the Battle of Guilford Court House. In part: “His Excellency [General Washington] has rec’d letters from Genl. Greene informing that Genl. Greene on the 16th Ins’t (I think) attacked Lord Cornwallis when a severe engagement ensued, wherein we lost 500 killed & wounded & the Enemy it is said 700. Night put an End to the Contest, both parties retiring from the Field without burying their Dead. Genl. G. intended attacking his Lordship the next Morning but a Storm prevented, he intends it however the first Opportunity - he is superior to Cornwallis, says the Continentals behaved to Admiration, & the Militia as well as could be expected of Militia.” In fine condition. The battle was fought on March 15, 1781, at modern-day Greensboro, North Carolina, where 2,100 British troops under Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis met 4,500 American soldiers commanded by Continental Army Major General Nathanael Greene. Although technically a defeat for the Continental Army, Greene inflicted significant damage on the British Army, resulting in a strategic victory for the Americans and leading up to the British surrender at Yorktown later in the year.

Estim. 400 - 600 USD