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Letters and autographs

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"[Autograph Letter] Charles BAUDELAIRE - Complete Works BAUDELAIRE, Charles. Autograph letter signed ""C.B."", addressed to his printer Eugène de Broise, in Alençon, containing a poem from Les Fleurs du Mal. [Paris, May 27, 1857]. 1 p. in-8. Address on verso of second leaf with stamp and postmarks. Exceptional unpublished letter containing Baudelaire's last poem for Les Fleurs du Mal, in an early version. BAUDELAIRE COMPLETES LES FLEURS DU MAL AND COMMISSIONS THE FINAL GENERAL COPY. "Dear Sir, here is the last piece, the hundredth! - The Table! The Cover! Send back the whole copy and check all the numbers and figures in the Table with the correct sheets. Finally, please accept my apologies for all your troubles. C. B. C The Death of Artists How many times must I shake my bells And kiss your low forehead, dreary caricature? To prick at the goal, mystic quadrature, O my quiver, how many javelins to lose? We'll wear out our souls in subtle plots, And demolish many a heavy frame, Before contemplating the great Creature Whose infernal desire fills us with sobs! There are some who have never known their Idol, And these sculptors damned and branded with an affront, Who hammer their chests and foreheads, Have but one hope, - strange and dark Capitol: That Death, hovering like a new Sun, Will make the flowers of their brains bloom! "" In addition to changes in punctuation, the first stanza contains some notable variations on the printed version: ""Combien de fois faut-il secouer mes grelots"" becomes ""Combien faut-il de fois secouer mes grelots""; ""Pour piquer dans le but, mystique quadrature"" becomes ""Pour piquer dans le but, de mystique nature"" and ""O my quiver, how many javelins to lose? "will become "Combien, ô mon carquois, perdre de javelots? "etc. This is piece "C" [cent] in the first edition of Les Fleurs du Mal, which later became piece CXLVIII in the third edition, and then piece CXXIII. This letter is not included in Claude Pichois's Correspondance de la Pléiade. Bibliography (for the poem): Baudelaire, Œuvres complètes, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, pp. 120 and 1560. Letter folded and bound in a copy of Baudelaire's Œuvres complètes. Paris, Michel Lévis Frères, 1868-1869. 6 volumes in-8. Red half-maroquin, gilt head (period binding). One title detached, freckles. Bound in volume 4 is the printed article of Baudelaire's obituary, by Théophile Gautier, published in the Moniteur universel, September 9, 1867. "For a long time already, Death had been circling Charles Baudelaire; it had placed its thin finger on his forehead [...]". Expert: Emmanuel Lorient."

Estim. 7,000 - 8,000 EUR

"Éloi BÉRAL (Cahors, 1838-1908). NOTEBOOKS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 19 notebooks and a wooden case containing approximately 250 documents. Exceptional set mainly covering his mission in the Ottoman Empire. It consists of : - 19 autograph notebooks covering a large part of his career as an engineer and particularly his missions in Turkey and Russia, i.e. around 1,800 pages (in-12 or in-16) of notes, sketches, information records and travel accounts. Ink or pencil. - A wooden case containing a large amount of active and passive correspondence (to be sorted), mainly from the Ottoman and Russian period, 1863-1871: mainly letters from - and to - family, friends and colleagues, including many written from Constantinople (but also from various parts of the Ottoman Empire and Russia Galuboska, Kharkoh, Sevastopol, etc.); drafts, studies and letters to the editor.); drafts, studies on railroads in Serbia and Rumelia, vouchers from the Imperial Ottoman Bank, a document in Turkish on mining discoveries, a passport to Turkey, his booklet from the École Polytechnique, printed matter, etc., as well as 2 rolled-up photographs of unidentified Ottoman regions (including a village with mosques). In all, some 250 documents. A few anecdotes from Eloi Béral's letters. Constantinople, Nov. 1869, on the visit of Empress Eugenie. "You ask me for details of the Empress's reception. She was really very sympathetic. The Turks were delighted. In any case, it has to be said that she is perfectly graceful. Although already quite wrinkled, under the veil she is charming, and she even seemed much prettier than 10 years ago when I saw her at the Tuileries ball. When she and our wives were introduced to her on the day of her arrival, she chatted for a few minutes with each and every one of them, with a truly charming affability and benevolence. In this respect, there's nothing to reproach her for. She is truly attractive, and the welcome she received from the population was sincerely full of enthusiasm and admiration. One goes so far as to say that the Sultan had fallen in love with her and that since her departure he has done nothing but weep [...]". Letter to his father when he stayed in Naples on his way to the Ottoman Empire. He visited Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Bay of Naples, churches and museums. "Finally, yesterday I climbed Mount Vesuvius. It erupted 8 days ago from a small side crater. I climbed to within a few meters of this small crater, from which thick swirls of sulfurous smoke hissed out, covering all the surrounding rocks, still burning, with a layer of yellow and red sulfur dust. I then climbed the cinder cone of the main crater, descending to the rim of the inner cone that surrounds the volcano's mouth [...]"; "Rhodes, Monday morning. My darling, I am writing you a note from Rhodes on the French ship that has just arrived. We arrived here last night at night. It's now 5 a.m. I only have time to give you a big kiss and go ashore for a while. The crossing is magnificent. A thousand kisses, darling. Attached is a business-card-sized photographic portrait of Eloi Béral by Abdullah frères in Péra. Expert: Emmanuel Lorient."

Estim. 3,000 - 4,000 EUR

[HUGO (Victor)] Autograph working manuscript of L'Elégie des fléaux, excerpt from La Légende des siècles In French, autograph manuscript sheet on paper, brown ink S.l. [Paris (?) Victor Hugo returned to Paris in 1870], s.d. [circa 1875 (?)] Two small ink corrosion holes; text scratched with vertical and horizontal lines Size: 310 x 165 mm. This fragment belongs to the group of Victor Hugo's works sometimes referred to as "Copeaux", so named by the author himself. Once transferred and used, the author crossed them out and either archived or destroyed them. See: "J.-M. Hovasse, "Les copeaux de Victor Hugo", in Genesis: Manuscrits, Recherche, Innovation, no. 45 (2017), pp. 17-35: "For most of them were 'used', either in a more developed fragment or in a published work, and were then crossed out. Those that, for various reasons, in which chance plays a major role, have been saved, appeal to collectors and scholars alike, as they allow us to witness the birth of constituted ensembles, to get as close as possible to the origin of the creative work, and to sometimes allow a confrontation between a first draft and its final version". On the recto is an autograph fragment of the Légende des siècles (XXII, L'Elégie des fléaux, Nouvelle Série [Seconde série], Paris, Hetzel, 1877, pp. 297-299). Incipit: "Sous qui rampe la foule aux confuses rumeurs..." and explicit, "[...] D'où vient cette coloère odieuse des fleuves? So many crimes committed by the shadow! So many widows! How many orphans! Infamous massacre of innocents! La Légende des siècles is a collection of poems by Victor Hugo, written intermittently between 1855 and 1876, and published in three series (1859, 1877, 1883). A collective edition of the three series appeared in 1883. Verso: various autograph notes, less legible. Names of historical figures appear in La Légendes des siècles: Cambyses, Cyrus, Alexander, Annibal, Attila, Genghis...Caiaphas, Pico, Borgia, Torquemada....

Estim. 1,000 - 1,200 EUR

LITERATURE - VOLTAIRE François Marie Arouet dit (1694 - 1778) - Autograph letter - Brilliant studies in rhetoric and philosophy, followed by law in 1711. A life of libertinism, then, after a year in the Bastille, a life of worldliness. After three years in Great Britain, he returned to Paris as a courtier. In 1750, he visited Frederick of Prussia. In 1758 he bought an estate in Ferney and developed livestock farming there. In 1778 he returned to Paris in triumph. Autograph letter 17.01.1753: “Billets sont conversation. Où diable prenez-vous cette jérémiade? Je vous dis que vous avez parlé de LouisXIVd’une manière peu convenable, et que vous avez tort, comme j’ai dit au roi qu’il avait eu tort de faire une brochure, et moi tort d’en avoir fait une autre; et je vous dis cela entre nous; et je vous dis que je me …, révérence parler, de tout cela, et de la lettre sur Bolingbroke, et de toutes les sottises de ce monde, et qu’il faut que vous en fassiez de même. Qui songe à vous faire de la peine? Ce n’est pas moi. Vous avez écrit contre les déistes, qui ne vous ont jamais fait de mal; et le roi et moi, qui sommes déistes, nous avons pris le parti de notre religion. Je vous dis encore une fois qu’il n’y a qu’à rire de tout cela. Vous ne voyez les choses que par le trou d’une bouteille. Ne vous affligez pas et ne pleurez point parce queMmede Montespan était aimable. Encore une fois, soyez tranquille”. Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey(1711- 1797) was aGermanchurchman, educator, author, and journalist. On the reorganization of theAcademy of Berlinin 1744, duringFrederick the Great's reign, Formey was named a member, and in 1748 its perpetual secretary.The language between the scientists of the Academy, Latin, was changed into French.

Estim. 4,000 - 5,000 GBP

LITERATURE - French literature, theater and entertainment - Lot of fifty autograph letters, signed printed photographs and concert programs - ANCELLE Jean-Philippe Actor (16 leading roles), director (5 plays), author (2 books), adaptor, arranger, singer, composer, designer, lyricist, scenographer: a highly versatile stage performer. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 "Pour Madeleine". On the verso: signature of J.-Jacques Durand. ARNOULD-PLESSY Jeanne-Sylvanie (Metz, 07.09.1819 - 1897). Conservatoire until 1829. First appearance at the Comédie Française in 1834. In 1845, she left Paris for London where she married a playwright, J.F. Arnould. She performed in St Petersburg and returned to Paris in 1855. Autograph letter signed 01.08.1883: "je suis bien touchée de votre excellente lettre - de toute la bienveillance du Maìtre, du Grand Maître - ..."; Autograph letter signed 12.01. "... Mais tout se paye, et l'on dit que vous avez du talent ! Oh! Mais, un talent !!! Ça me fait un peu peur pour vous, aimable femme". ATLAS Georges (Geneva, 14.08.1926 - Bologna-Billancourt, 26.02.1996). He appeared in around thirty films and TV programmes, but is best known for lending his voice to a number of radio and television roles. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard. AUBERT Francis (1954 - 12.09.2016) Tour manager. Programme signed to Madeleine. AVRON Philippe (Croisic, Loire Atlantique, 18.09.1928 - Paris, 31.07.2010). After becoming a scout, he obtained a law degree and a certificate in adolescent psychology, before becoming an educator. He wrote several novels before turning to the theatre. He played at the Théâtre d'Avignon, then at the TNP. His theatrical qualities earned him several awards around the world. Programme signed for 27 and 28 October "Amicalement Merci”. BARBULEE Madeleine (Nancy, 02.09.1910 - Paris, 01.01.2001). Began performing at the age of three. Studied at the Nancy Conservatory of Fine Arts, where she won first prize for diction. She devoted part of her life to children's theatre. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard. BERNHARDT Rosine dite Sarah (Paris, 22.09.1844 - Paris, 26.03.1923). First seen at the Odéon in 1869, she returned to the Comédie Française in 1872, where she had made her debut. In 1880, she left this theatre for a series of tours abroad. She became director of the Renaissance in 1893 and leased the Théâtre des Nations in 1898. Her golden voice and dramatic sensibility made her the ideal choice for artists from 1870 to 1900. Autograph letter signed "J'aurai bien grand plaisir à vous voir..."; Autograph letter signed "Vous êtes un galant homme ...". BERRY Serge (Paris, 26.01.1921 - Paris, 22.11.1998). He made his film debut in 1941 in a small role, a role in which he remained throughout his career. He played Moers in the Maigret films. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 to Madeleine. At the verso: Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 by Anne Kerylen. BERUTTI Jean-Claude (Toulon, 14.06.1952 - ). Studied at the Strasbourg National Theatre School. In 1997, he was appointed director of the Théâtre de Bussang. From 2002 onwards, together with François Rancillac, he directed the Comédie de Saint-Etienne, the Centre Dramatique National and its school. Since 2009, he has been the sole director of the Comédie de Saint-Etienne. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 to Madeleine. BODOIN Véronique Daughter of Jacques BODOIN and Micheline DAX, actress and television host. She trained at the Cépeg theatre school in Sainte-Hyacinthe (CDN). Photograph dedicated "Pour Madelaine, Amitiés". BRUNET Geneviève (Paris, 31.05.1930 - ). Student at the Lycée Molière. She was an actress and director. She worked on most of her twin sister Odile Mallet's productions. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 to Madeleine. COLIN Erik (Sarcelles, 18.09.1947 - Paris, 15.11.2013). Known for his film roles in "Et la tendresse? Bordel !" He lent his deep voice to the French version of several films. Signature on a programme photo. COQUELIN Cadet Ernest Brother of Constant Coquelin the elder. (Boulogne-sur-Mer, 16.05.1848 - Suresnes, 08.02.1909). In 1864, he went to Paris and after a brilliant examination was admitted to the Conservatoire. A member of the Comédie-Française (1868), he played the great roles of Molière. He also wrote several books under the pseudonym Pirouette. Autograph letter signed 24.04.1896: "... dites le je vous prie à Maréchal...". CUBAYNES Jean-Jacques (Toulouse, ). Studied chemistry and music at university in Toulouse. He obtained a doctorate in structural chemistry. He then went on to perfect his skills at the Ecole supérieure d 'art lÿriques in Paris. He performed on all the main pedals in France as a solo lyric artist. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard:(J:J: Cubaynes). He performed successfully on most of the major French stages. DEUDON Clarisse Student at the Lycée Molière in Paris. A boarder at the Comédie Française, her career was mainly in the theat

Estim. 1,500 - 2,000 GBP

HISTORY - ITALY - Lot of thirteen signed autograph letters and photographs - SAVOY Charles Albert of King of Sardinia Italy (Turin, 1798 - Porto, 1849). In 1800, he was sent to boarding school in Geneva with Vaucher, a disciple of J.-J. Rousseau, then to the Lycée de Bourges and finally to Paris, where he was influenced by revolutionary ideas. In 1814, he was appointed second lieutenant by Napoleon 1st. After the Congress of Vienna, he retired to his lands. In 1831, on the death of the King of Sardinia, he succeeded him. He encouraged the arts and sciences. Autograph letter signed dated Eiya, 14.08.1823:"… je suis tous les jours plus heureux d'être auprès de Monseigneur le Duc d'Angoulême…". VICTOR EMMANUEL II King of Italy Italy (Naples, 1869 - Alexandria, 1947) King of Italy from 29.07.1900 after his father's assassination to 29.05.1946 just before the proclamation of the Republic. During the First World War, he supported Italy's position of neutrality. In the economic and political crisis of the interwar period, the country experienced a series of economic and social crises that the government was unable to contain, bringing the facists to power. On 10.30.1922, he asked Mussolini to form a new government. Against the King's advice, Mussolini made a deal with Hitler. On 26.07.1943, the King had Mussolini arrested. After the armistice, the King left Rome and abdicated in favor of his son. He died in exile in Egypt. Document signed and dated 14.07.1927, transferring infantry Captain MENZIO Clemente to the General Staff on July 1, 1927. Signed by King Victor Emmanuel III and Mussolini. GRONCHI Giovanni President of the Republic Italy (Pontedera, 1887 - 1978). From 1911 to 1915, he taught literature and philosophy in Parma, Bergamo and Monza. He was elected deputy and became under-secretary for industry and commerce under Mussolini. From 1926 to 1944, he returned to private life. Elected Minister, then Chairman of his party's parliamentary group, in 1948 he became President of the Chamber of Deputies, and in 1955 President of the Republic. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 and dated August 1955 to Paul Langer; envelope 12.01.1956. DE NICOLA Enrico President of the Republic Italy (Naples, 1877 - Torre del Greco, 1959). He was a lawyer, journalist and politician. On June 28, 1946, he became the provisional head of the Italian State, at which time the Constituion was established until 1948, when a President of the Republic was elected. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 and dated Rome, 15.01.1943 to Paul Langer; accompanying letter. ORLANDO Vittorio Emanuele President of the Council Italy (Palermo, 1860 - Rome, 1952). Professor of law at the University of Palermo. Appointed Prime Minister on October 30, 1917. At the Treaty of Versailles, he did not obtain all the territorial concessions desired in the wake of the Allied victory. He left the conference. This weakened his position. On 23.06.1919, he resigned. In 1944, following the fall of Mussolini, he returned and was elected President of the Chamber of Deputies. A candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, he was ousted by Einaudi. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16, to Paul Langer. EINAUDI Luigi President of the Republic Italy (Carrù, Cuneo, 1874 - Rome, 1961). Professor of finance from 1902. Governor of the Bank of Italy from 1945 to 1948. President of the Italian Republic from 1948 to 1955. Signed printed photograph applied to cardboard in-16 and dated Rome 21.10.1948 to Paul Langer; envelope. MARIE JOSE Queen of Italy Italy (Ostend, 1906 - Geneva, 2001). Daughter of Albert I of Belgium. Marie-José Charlotte Sophie Amélie Henriette de Saxe- Cobourg-et-Gotha. She studied piano and violin, and had a passion for sports. She founded a music competition in her name. In 1930, she married the Crown Prince of Italy. They had four children. She reigned alongside her husband for 24 days. In 1947, the couple separated and she went into exile at Château de Merlinge near Geneva. Autograph letter signed and dated 18.08.1954 to Paul Langer,; Autograph letter signed:"… avez-vous reçu une réponse à votre lettre à Baudoin…". NIGRA Constantino Ambassador Italy (Villa Castelnuovo, 1828 - Rapallo, 1907). Studied law at Turin University, but also wrote poetry. He was Italian ambassador to Paris, St. Petersburg, London and Vienna. He refused the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed Count in 1882, then Senator of the Kingdom of Italy in 1890. Autograph letter signed dated Vienne, 20.05.1886: "… M. Joubert qui m'annonce son arrivée à Vienne, non pas pour ce soir, mais pour demain soir vendredi…". CADORNA Raffaele General Italy son of Luigi, Count (Pallanza, 1889 - Rome, 1973). During the First World War, he was promoted lieutenant, then captain. He was a member of the inter-allied military commission responsible for drawing up borders with Germany. He was military attaché in Prague. During the Second World War, h

Estim. 400 - 500 GBP

"Claude Joseph ROUGET DE LISLE - Essais en vers et en prose [Bound with] Henri-Alexis CAHAISSE - Mémoires de Préville [Bound with] Jean-Guillaume Antoine CUVELIER - Mes riens, mélanges en prose et en vers [Bound with] Denis Robin DE SCEVOLE - Ambigu littéraire ou tout ce qu'il vous plaira Very interesting factitious collection of pieces bound together in contemporary half basane, ornate spine, a little rubbed, in generally satisfactory condition, including: - ROUGET DE LISLE - Essais en vers et en prose published in Paris by the printing house P. Didot l'aîné in 1796, original edition of the author's works, including La Marseillaise. This is one of the rarest copies to include a signed autograph letter from the author, addressed "Au citoyen Cailhava", from the library of Jean-François Cailhava de l'Estandoux, a successful playwright of the late 18th century. The copy is complete with the hors-texte engraving by Charles-Etienne Gaucher after Jean-Jacques Le Barbier and the 4 engraved score pages at the end of the volume. Copies referenced with dispatch do not exceed a dozen, this one making its first appearance after having been kept well hidden in the middle of this collection of plays, probably composed by Adèle Cailhava, daughter of the addressee. 157pp + 4pp score. - Henri-Alexis CAHAISSE - Mémoires de Préville published by F. Guitel in Paris, 1812, edition published in the same year as the original by Guillaume, with no mention of the edition, but enhanced by a fine engraved portrait of Préville after Couché. These memoirs are dedicated to the great theater actor Pierre-Louis Dubus dit Préville, who represented the type of the perfect comedian and occupied the theatrical stage throughout the second half of the 18th century. 2pp + 288pp. - Jean-Guillaume Antoine CUVELIER - Mes riens, mélanges en prose et en vers, pensées ou réminiscences de différentes couleurs, avec quelques anecdotes, contes et moralités, published by Leprieur in Paris in 1806, first edition of this curious mixture whose curiosity is matched only by its rarity! This is the first part only. Some pages a little bumped with clumsy restorations. 9pp + 160pp - Denis Robin DE SCEVOLE - Ambigu littéraire ou tout ce qu'il vous plaira, published in London and found in Paris, chez P. de Lormel in 1782, first edition of this mixture of various fables, songs and epigrams. 2pp + 126pp."

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

HISTORY - GROUCHY Emmanuel de (1766 - 1847) - Autograph letter signed - Studied to become an officer of the King in Strasbourg. In 1793, he was promoted to brigadier general. He distinguished himself at Austerlitz and Wagram, and was made Marshal of the Empire in 1815. His name is associated with the defeat at Waterloo. He rallied to Louis XVIII and went into exile in the United States. He returned in 1920. Autograph Signed Letter. “Le Mal Mis de Grouchy” to Mms. Sarryt and Saint Edme; (Paris, undated, but taking place in 1840), 1 p. 1/2 in folio. Very beautiful piece, rare of this importance. Magnificent letter relating to his military action at the time of the Battle of Waterloo. He thanks his correspondents for offering to respond to a publication by Marshal Gerard who, at the time of the Battle of Waterloo, vehemently reproached Marshal Grouchy for remaining inactive at Wavre: " C'est... 25 ans après les évènements que des réclamations et de nouvelles contestations s'élèvent encore sur la bataille de Waterloo... Elle (la polémique) eût du se renfermer dans l'examen d'une grande question de stratégie et dans celui de la stricte exécution des ordres de l'Empereur. Singulière fatalité le commandant de l'aile gauche est coupable d'avoir marché le 16 sans ordres, au canon qui se tirait sur la droite, et le 18, le commandant de l'aile droite est accusé pour n'avoir pas marché sans ordres au canon qui se tirait sur sa gauche. Une discussion nouvelle, serait inutilement irritante entre personnes qui croient, en sens opposé, que la question contradictoirement débattue est aujourd' hui définitivement jugée. La postérité, exempte des influences de parti prononcera seule définitivement. La justice impartiale est prochaine pour moi Ne me serait-il donc pas donné de l’invoquer en paix?

Estim. 600 - 800 GBP