Friday 28 Jun at : 14:00 (CEST)

Antiquarian and modern books

Ader - +33153407710 - Email CVV

3, rue Favart 75002 Paris, France
Exhibition of lots
jeudi 27 juin - 10:00/18:00, Ader
vendredi 28 juin - 10:00/12:00, Ader
Information Conditions of sale
141 results

Lot 1 - BIBLIOTHÈQUE CHOISIE DE CONTES, DE FACÉTIES, ET DE BONS MOTS. Paris: Royer, 1786-1788. - 7 volumes in-8, 198 x 124: frontispiece, (2 ff.), xj, xix pp., (2 ff.), iv, 208 pp. ; frontispiece, 245 pp. ; frontispiece, 247 pp. ; 296 pp. ; 250 pp. ; (2 ff.), 231 pp. ; (1 f.), 220 pp. Red morocco, triple gilt fillet framing and gilt fleuron at corners, ornate smooth spine, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (period binding). First edition of this precious and rare collection of tales and short stories. The complete collection should comprise 14 volumes, but it is extremely rare to find it in its entirety. We have here the first five published between 1786 and 1788, containing French as well as Greek and Latin pieces. The first volume is headed by Réflexions sur le conte by Dorat. There are also three unsigned frontispieces, the first of which is printed in red. These first five volumes are joined by two others in the same series, respectively entitled Les Folies sentimentales, ou l'égarement de l'esprit par le cœur, Recueil d'Anecdotes nouvelles, and Nouvelles folies sentimentales, ou folies par amour; précédées De la Folie par haine, avec la Bague d'Hébé, Conte érotique; pour faire suite à la Bibliothèque choisie de Contes, both dated 1786 by Royer. EXEMPLES ON VELIN PAPER IN IN-8 FORMAT, the current edition being in-18 format. Very fine set, uniformly bound in contemporary morocco. Spines very slightly faded. Small light spotting on top of frontispiece of volumes 2 and 3. The last two volumes were volumes XII and XIII; the numbers have been partly erased to leave only I and II.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 2 - [BILLARDON DE SAUVIGNY (Louis-Edme)]. Racconti orientali dell'idioma tedesco nell'italiana favella recati. Bologna: A San Tommaso d'Aquino, 1771. - In-8, 181 x 117 : iv, 127 pp. Half brown calf, spine ribbed, speckled edges (19th century binding, spine rebound). The only Italian edition of this collection of 62 oriental tales presented as the work of a certain "Amed Ben Mohamed", translated from the German by Francesco Mugliorini. In fact, this is the Italian translation of the Apologues orientaux published in Paris in 1764, written by playwright, librettist, poet and polygrapher Louis-Edme Billardon de Sauvigny (1736?-1812) under the pseudonym Amed Ben Mohamed. The edition features a handsome intaglio title vignette and initials. Minor light spotting. Restoration to the top of the title and to the edge of folio D8. Bound in suite: - La filosofia di un turco A 81. Code, A 3. Penne D'Airone A 2. Spennacchi, E A 1. Collana di Smeraldi. Constantinopoli, 1780 - 62 pp. First edition of the Italian translation of the work attributed to the Dalmatian writer and adventurer Stjepan Zanović (1751-1786) entitled in French La Poésie et la philosophie d'un turc à 81 queues, à 3 plumes de héron, à 2 aigrettes et à 1 collier d'émeraudes. It first appeared in 1779, or 1775 according to some sources, but no physical copies to that date seem to have been actually recorded. Published under the false address of "Constantinopoli", this Italian edition is said to have been printed in Florence by Giovanni Battista Stecchi or, according to other sources, in Venice (cf. Parenti, Dizionario dei luoghi di stampa, p. 70). - Amusemens à la grecque. Copenhagen: Pierre Steinmann, 1768. - (1 f.), 190 pp. and (1 f.). Complete collection of this periodical published in 24 issues from April to September 1767. Published anonymously, it is thought to have been written entirely by Nicolas-Jacques-André Yanssens Descampeaux (1732-1795), a native of Rouen who was one of Prince Frederick's teachers until 1771. Apart from 5 verse pieces, each issue includes a prose essay or story on various subjects such as sublunar eclipses, the study of languages, the coronation of kings, unjust treatment of sex, Chinese gardens, the philosopher's stone, etc. This periodical would have taken over from another entitled Amusemens littéraires. The epithet "à la grecque" refers to a fashionable hairstyle and announces the humorous tone of the publication. (cf. Dictionnaire des journaux 1600-1789, edited by Jean Sgard, Paris, Universitas, 1991: notice 92). The last issue is a second printing, with the word "Fin" printed on page 190. The rare first issue is marked "Fin de la première demie année" ("End of the first half-year"). - Lettere scritte da Donna di Senno e di spirito per ammaestramento del suo amante. Venize: Antonio Graziosi, 1764. - 71 pp. New edition of this rare book first published in 1737. It contains twelve anonymous letters sent by a lady to her lover, younger and less experienced in life. This cultured and refined lady offers us a delightful fresco of 18th-century customs. The author tells her naïve reader the most hidden secrets of the feminine world, revealing, with a hint of malice, all the tricks that women devise to deceive and trap men. Some brown spots. Copy in 19th-century binding, but with the spine rebound and modern in imitation, with a title-piece stamped "Variétés amusantes". Wormholes in the middle of the volume, mainly affecting the Amusemens à la grecque leaves, with damage to the text, and in the lower margin of the last leaves of the volume, without damage to the text.

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 3 - BOUCHET (Jean). Les Genealogies, Effigies & Epitaphes des roys de France, recentement reveues & corrigees, par l'Autheur mesmes: auecq' plusieurs aultres opuscules, le tout mis de nouveau en lumiere par ledict Autheur. Poitiers: Jacques Bouchet, Jean et Enguilbert de Marnef frères, 1545. - In-folio, 298 x 195 : (6 ff.), 163 ff., (1 f.). Stiff white overlapping parchment, smooth spine including the other, title, place of edition and year in red and black ink (19th century binding). Tchémerzine, II, p. 62. New edition of this historical and poetic collection, mixing prose and verse, by Poitiers-born poet Jean Bouchet (1476-1557). It was published under a new privilege granted at Fontainebleau on January 3, 1543. The original appeared in 1527. Genealogies and epitaphs occupy the first 67 leaves, after the introductory texts. These are summaries, in prose and verse, of the main events that marked each of the kings, from Pharamond to Louis XII. Each epitaph is preceded by a wood-engraved portrait of the monarch studied, making a total of 57 portraits, most of which are set in decorative frames. The rest of the collection is taken up by poetic works, beginning with a long poem dedicated to François I, followed by epigrams and 101 epitaphs mainly "of various persons", such as Mahommet, Charles Martel, Olivier barbier du roi Louis XI, Anne de Bretagne, Scipion l'Africain, Clément Marot and others. but also animals (Epitaph of a bird called Estourneau, which can be applied in two directions - Epitaph of a small Dog) and various values (Justice, temperance, prudence, etc.). These 101 pieces are completed by Joseph Bouchet's epitaph of La Tremoille, followed by Deploration, et invective contre Tribulation, sur le deces de feu monseigneur monsieur Françoys de La Tremoille. The rest of the collection includes: - Le Chappellet (sic) des princes, formed of five ballades and fifty rondeaux, - various other ballades and rondeaux, - la Déploration de l'Église militante, sur les persécutions, laquelle deteste guerre, & incite les Roys & Princes a paix, - les Dizains moraux, sur les apophtegmes, c'est à dire subtilles réponses, des sept Sages de Grece, desquels i'ai oultre escript en prose la vie, & les mœurs, se terminant par une épître A Monseigneur, monsieur de Baïf, maistre des Requestes ordinaire du Roy, - Les angoysses & remedes d'amours. Du Traverseur, en son adolescence, - des Quatrains & cinquains donnans mémoire des temps d'aulcuns memorables faictz, - et les Patrons scelon l'ordre de A.B.C. commençant par toutes les lettres Latines elementaires, une après l'aultre, pour les filles qui veulent apprendre a secripre, & instructifz a bonnes meurs. The piece entitled Les angoysses & remedes d'amours is introduced by a false title illustrated with a fine woodcut. This is an important poetic work, one of the first composed by Jean Bouchet. Bouchet is considered the first poet to alternate masculine and feminine rhymes, and this is one of the very first pieces of poetry to do so. Copy washed and bound in 19th-century parchment. Boards and spine slightly soiled. The first two leaves and the last leaf have been skilfully restored and rebacked. Early annotations have been faded by washing, rendering them virtually illegible.

Estim. 800 - 1 200 EUR

Lot 4 - COMAZZI (Giovanni Battista). Morale des princes, translated from the Italian by Count J. B. Comazzi. The Hague: Neaulm, 1754. - 4 volumes in-12, 160 x 92: (2 ff.), 36, 164 pp., (1 f.); (2 ff.), 209 pp., (1 f.); (2 ff.), 236 pp., (1 f.); (2 ff.), 238 pp., (1 f.). Red morocco, gilt roulette with floral and bird motifs framing the boards, ornate ribbed spine, inner gilt roulette, gilt edges over marbling (period binding). First edition of the French translation by Jean-Baptiste Dupuy-Demportes (17..-1770), of this work by Italian historian, poet and political theorist Giovanni Battista Comazzi (1654-1711). In the Nouvelles littéraires of July 20, 1754, we find this chapter dedicated to this work: "The author wanted to establish his system of morality on historical facts, and to do this he follows the history of the Roman emperors, from Caesar to Constantine Chlore; he takes the main features of the life of each prince, he looks for the views and causes, and judges, according to the principles, if they were right or wrong, and why; thus each historical fact gives occasion to a moral maxim [...] The Chevalier Comazzi's work [...] deserves [...] much credit; there are ideas, views, precision and nerve in the expression, traits of force, true things, said with boldness and with more boldness than one would expect from an Italian" (Nouvelle littéraire, July 20, 1754, in : Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique by Grimm, Diderot, Raynal, Meister, Etc., Garnier frères, 1877, II, pp. 166-167). At the head of the first volume appear, with a special pagination, "quelques pensées détachées du même Auteur sur les Ministres". A fine and rare copy in contemporary red morocco. The head of the last volume is missing, there are a few small wormholes in the binding, and one corner is dull. The leaves of booklet A in the first volume and booklet G in the third are bound out of order. Light staining on top edge of leaves in third and fourth volumes.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 5 - DEPOT GENERAL DE LA MARINE. Collection of 211 hydrographic charts. Paris, 1780-1849. Very good overall condition. All charts are on strong paper, sometimes slightly yellowed, slight foxing, some ink transfer on double plates. The maps are in broadsheet format. Double maps (with margins) average 69 x 102 cm, single maps 51 x 70 cm. Some maps are in folio format. Important collection of hydrographic charts published by the Dépôt général de la Marine in the 19th century. These charts were used to illustrate the great circumnavigation voyages carried out by French navigators (1787-1839), such as Louis Freycinet's voyage and those of Dumont d'Urville, as well as hydrographic missions carried out in all regions of the world. The Dépôt général de la Marine or Dépôt des cartes et plans de la marine, created on November 19, 1720, is the oldest official hydrographic service in the world. This important collection of 211 hydrographic charts retraces 50 years of French exploration in all parts of the world, in North and South America, Africa and Reunion, Asia, the Pacific and Australia. Les Grands Voyages is illustrated by Vincendon-Dumoulin's maps for Dumont-D'Urville's "Voyage au Pôle Sud et dans l'Océanie", as well as maps for the voyages of Lapérouse, Freycinet, Duperrey, Dupetit-Thouars and others. The maps are dated between 1780 and 1849, and despite their large format, are in very good condition. List of maps on request. Lot appraised by Mrs. Béatrice Loeb-Larocque.

Estim. 5 000 - 7 000 EUR

Lot 6 - DONATI (Vitaliano). Della storia naturale marina dell' Adriatico. Venice: Francesco Storti, 1750 - In-4, 276 x 197 : (4 ff.), LXXXI pp. 10 plates. Speckled calf, cold fillet framing the boards, ornate ribbed spine, red speckled edges (period binding). First edition of the most important work by Italian physician, archaeologist and botanist Vitaliano Donati (1717-1862). "It contains general considerations on marine biology, original observations on the hydrography and geology of the eastern Adriatic coast, descriptions of some fossils, and above all a detailed presentation of the many species that live in this sea. Donati's work influenced European biological thought by demonstrating the essentially animal nature of coral reproduction and growth. The book's scientific success earned him international renown." (Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, XLI, p. 62-63.) Donati's study is followed by a letter to Donati from Italian physician and botanist Leonard Sesler, in which he describes a new species of terrestrial plant that he named Vitaliana to honor Vitaliano Donati. The edition is illustrated with 10 plates, the last of which depicts the Vitaliana described by Sesler. EXEMPLAIRE OF THE FAMOUS BOTANIST ANTOINE-LAURENT DE JUSSIEU (1748-1836), director of the Paris Museum of Natural History, author of Genera Plantarum, one of the most important botanical works in history. Binding skilfully restored, some wear and tear. Provenance: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu (cat. 1857, no. 419, and Livres et documents provenant des bibliothèques d'Antoine, Bernard, Antoine-Laurent et Adrien de Jussieu, 1997, no. 91).

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 7 - EULER (Leonhard). Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarum. Continens methodum facilem ex aliquot observationibus orbitas cum planetarum tum cometarum determinandi. Una cum calculo, quo cometæ, qui annis 1680 et 1681 itemque ejus, qui nuper est visus, motus verus investigatur. Berlin: Ambroise Haude, [1744]. - In-4, 230 x 195: 187 pp. 4 plates. Half white parchment à la Bradel, smooth mute spine, red edges (modern binding). Houzeau et Lancaster, I, 11948. - Poggendorff, I, 689. - La Lande, 422. First edition of the first work by the famous scientist Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), published in Berlin at the invitation of Frederick II of Prussia. It is one of the fundamental books on calculating the orbits of planets and comets, "laying the foundations of an analytical mechanics that Lagrange was to bring to its highest degree of development" (BNF). The edition includes a fine full-page frontispiece engraving by Ferdinand Helfreich Frisch (1707-1758) showing the solar system as it was known at the time, presented on a hanging held by two angels and inscribed "Sapientissimi Opus". There are also 4 folding plates of scientific diagrams at the end. Frisch's engraving was actually printed on the A4 sheet which, as in most copies, was placed opposite the title to form a frontispiece. This sheet therefore corresponds to pages 7 and 8, hence the fact that the pagination runs from 6 to 9 without interruption in the text, as confirmed by the advertisement. A good copy in modern binding. Some foxing.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 9 - [IMPRESSIONS DE DAMPIERRE]. La Vie de Marie de Hautefort, duchesse de Schomberg, dame d'atours de la reine, Anne-Marie-Mauricette, d'Autriche. By one of her friends. First printed by G. É. J. M. A. L. on a Manuscript from the Library of Monsieur Beaucousin. With a Preface and Notes by I. F. A. O. [Dampierre], An VIII (1799.) [Followed by: [ADRY (J. F.)]. Histoire de la vie et de la mort tragique de Vittoria Accorambona duchesse de Bracciano. By J.F.A.O. [Dampierre] : printed by G. É. J. M. A. L. [Guyonne Élisabeth Josèphe (de) Montmorency (d')Albert, (duchesse de) Luynes], An VIII (1800.). - 2 works in one small volume, in-4, 204 x 139: viij, 69 pp. miscalculated 77, (1f. blank); 80 pp. Basane racinée, cold fillet framing the boards, smooth spine decorated (period binding). Reunion of two extremely rare impressions of the Duchesse de Luynes at the Château de Dampierre, true bibliophilic rarities. Guyonne-Élisabeth-Josèphe de Montmorency (1755-1830) married Louis-Joseph-Charles-Amable d'Albert, sixth Duke of Luynes, in April 1768. First Dame du Palais to Queen Marie-Antoinette, then Dame d'Honneur to the Queen, she ran a literary salon and published several works. In 1792, she and her husband retired to the Château de Dampierre, where she set up a printing workshop in 1795. From 1797 onwards, only 17 publications came off her presses, each printed in a very small number of copies. She also oversaw every stage in the production of her publications; in particular, the binding of the booklets was carried out in the château salon by her friend Madame Felz. She suspended her activity following the imperial decrees of February 5 and November 18, 1810, banning private printers. The present copy includes two first-edition biographies, of Marie de Hautefort (1616-1691), honorary daughter of Marie de Médicis, and of the poetess Vittoria Accoramboni (1557-1585). The first, printed on wove paper, is prefaced by the oratorian, librarian and bibliographer Jean-Félicissime Adry (1749-1818). The second was composed by the latter and printed on laid paper. Copy in contemporary binding. 11-centimeter split at first board hinge, label stuck to top of first board, some minor spotting. Provenance: Signature "Lamballe juillet 1842" on the first white endpaper.

Estim. 3 000 - 4 000 EUR

Lot 10 - [INCUNABULUM] - NICOLAS DE LYRE. Postilla Nicolai de Lira super quattuor Evangelistas. Mantua: Paulus Butzbach, July 24, 1577. - In-folio, 270 x 195 : [243 ff. (of 244, mq the first blank)] [sig. a9 (of 10) b-g10/8 h-p8/10 q-y8 &10 x8 z8 ii8 kk8 s8 j10]. Imitation fawn calf, decorated on the boards with a cold frame composed of fillets and a large interlaced roulette as well as filigree irons in the center, spine ribbed with intersecting cold fillets (modern binding). Goff, N130. - BMC, VII, 931. - Polain, 2828. - Proctor, 6894. Rare incunabula edition of postilles or commentaries by theologian and exegete Nicolas de Lyre (c. 1270-1349) on the 4 Gospels, with additions and commentaries by Dominican Paul de Sainte-Marie (1350-1439) and replies by Franciscan Mathias Döring (1390?-1469). These replicas were intended to defend Nicolas de Lyre against the arguments of Paul de Sainte-Marie; they offer a perfect illustration of the confrontation that could exist at the time between two theological schools and two families of thought. This is one of the very first editions to contain Mathias Döring's Replicae. It comes from the presses of Paulus Butzbach in Mantua, printed in Gothic letters on two 50-line columns. This printer, active from 1472 to 1481, produced 4 further editions of Nicolas de Lyre, in the same year (Postilla super Psalterium), on April 28, 1478 (Postilla super Epistolis b. Pauli), on March 30, 1480 (Postilla super Actus apostolorum Epistolas canonicales Apocalypsim cum additionibus) and on April 29, 1481 (Moralia super totam Bibliam). All editions of Nicolas de Lyre published before 1480 are very rare. Copy complete except for the first blank leaf. The latter was not signed; the signature begins on the second leaf, the first printed. The leaves signed a1, a2, a3 and a4 are therefore the second, third, fourth and fifth leaves of the first quire, a feature well mentioned in bibliographies. Quires ii, kk, s and & have been misplaced and should appear after quires i, k, s (old form) and z respectively. Copy in modern imitation binding, from the library of the American antiquarian bookseller Walter Goldwater (1908-1985). It contains old annotations, almost all of which have been erased; only a few headlines remain. Some staining and soiling to leaves. Tear and restoration to folio n9 without affecting the text. Provenance: Walter Goldwater (1908-1985), with his bookplate.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 13 - LA DOÜESPE DE SAINT-OUEN (Louis). Poésies diverses. Nouvelle édition Revûë & Corrigée. Caen: Gabriel Briard, 1725. - In-8, 186 x 119 : (2 ff.), 69 pp. Stiff parchment, smooth spine, speckled edges (period binding). Catalog des ouvrages normands de la Bibliothèque municipale de Caen, III, 1912, p. 286. - Frère, I, p. 129. Very rare first collective edition of poems by Louis La Doüespe de Saint-Ouen (1661-1740), poet, painter and lawyer at the Normandy parliament, director of the Académie royale des belles lettres in Caen. The author was a friend of Segrais; he won several poetry prizes, notably in 1686 and 1688. He published a number of pieces separately, as well as this collective edition, whose "Nouvelle édition Revûë & Corrigée" appears to be purely fictitious. There are two states of this edition, one hardback, the other not. This copy is one of the hardback editions, i.e. without the piece entitled Le Triple esclavage, which is found on page 16 in copies with it. In fact, the entire B section has been replaced. A copy in its rare original condition, without the poetry published separately with its own pagination (7 pages), dated 1728 and logically not found in bound copies such as this at the time of the work's publication. From the library of Pierre Duputel. Born in Rouen in 1775 and died in Saint-Ouen de Thouberville in 1851, bibliophile and man of letters, member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Rouen. Traces of light wetness on first few leaves. Provenance: Pierre Duputel, with bookplate.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 15 - LA FONTAINE (Jean de). Fables choisies. Paris: Desaint & Saillant, Durand, 1755-1759. - 4 volumes in-folio, 470 x 314: frontispiece, (2 ff.), xxx, xviij, 124 pp., 70 plates; (2 ff.), ij, 135 pp., 68 plates; (2 ff.), iv, 146 pp., 68 plates; (2 ff.), ij, 188 pp., 69 plates. Granite calf, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, ornate ribbed spine, red edges (period binding). Rochambeau, 86. - Cohen, I, 548-550. Magnificent illustrated edition by Oudry, probably the most famous and beautiful of the early illustrated editions of La Fontaine's Fables. It was undertaken by the lawyer and journalist Charles-Philippe Montenault (1696-1749), who had acquired the drawings of the painter Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686-1755) around 1751. He entrusted Charles-Nicolas Cochin with the task of enlarging these drawings and adapting them for engraving. In the Mémoires de Trévoux, Father Berthier spoke highly of this edition: "La Fontaine and Oudry have shared, as it were, the empire of the animals. The poet gave them a voice; the painter captured their manners, their games, their attitudes. The former knew how to guess what they would say, if they had formed a society among themselves; the latter had the talent to render them as they are. La Fontaine, in his fables, let himself be led by genius; Oudry, in his drawings, was guided by observation: both have produced two masterpieces which can be found together in 4 vol. in-fol." The illustrations include a frontispiece with a bust of La Fontaine and 275 plates based on Oudry's drawings, engraved under Cochin's direction by him and a team of over 40 engravers, including Aliamet, Aubert, Aveline, Baquoy, Chedel, Chenu, Choffard, Fessart, Galimard, Lebas, Lemire, Moitte, etc. Copy in contemporary binding, including the illustration for Le Singe et le Léopard (tome III, fable CLXXII) in its original state, without the mention "Au Léopard" on the banner. From the library of Aymar Jean de Nicolaï, Marquis de Goussainville (1709-1785), First President of the Paris Chamber of Accounts. Binding skilfully restored, some wear and tear. Non-missing tear at bottom of leaf R2 in first volume. Scattered brown spots, more pronounced on the edges of some leaves, notably in the third volume.

Estim. 4 000 - 6 000 EUR

Lot 16 - LA MOTTE (Antoine Houdar de). Fables nouvelles, dédiées au roy. Avec un discours sur la fable. Paris : Grégoire Dupuis, 1719. - In-4, 281 x 209 : xlij, 358 pp, (1 f.), 1 plate. Red morocco, double cold fillet framing the boards, ribbed spine decorated with cold fillets, interior gilt lace, double endpapers, gilt edges (Petit succr de Simier). Dacier, Trésors des bibliothèques de France, 1929, tome II, p. 1-14. - Cohen, 594-595. Sought-after edition, considered by Dacier to be the true first French painter's book published in the 18th century. It includes a vignette on the title engraved by Simoneau after Vleughels, a frontispiece engraved by Tardieu after Coypel and 101 superb copper-engraved vignettes, more than half of which are based on drawings by the famous painter Claude GILLOT (1673-1722), Watteau's master, but also by Coypel, Edelinck, B. Picart and Ranc. Copy on large paper, cited by Cohen, bound by Petit and enriched with two portraits of the author at the head, one engraved by Dupin after Ranc, published by Odieuvre, the second, re-engraved to book format, engraved by Edelinck also after Ranc. It comes from two major collections: that of Emmanuel Martin, whose library was dispersed in 1877, and that of bookbinder Léon Gruel (1841-1923). Two slight tears to spine, two corners slightly dulled. Perfect condition except for a light ink stain in the margin of page 275. The frontispiece has been bound after the title. Provenance: Emmanuel Martin, with 2 different bookplates, at the beginning and end of the copy (1877, no. 218). - Léon Gruel, with bookplate.

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 18 - METASTASIO (Pietro). Poesie del signor abate Pietro Metastasio. Paris: Veuve Quillau, 1755 (volumes 1 to 9); Paris: G. C. Molini, 1769 (volume 10), 1783 (volumes 11 and 12). - 12 volumes in-8, 182 x 112: frontispiece, title, cciv, 319 pp.; title, 464 pp.; title, 463 pp.; title, 463 pp.; title, 463 pp.; title, 459 pp., (1 blank f.); title, 459 pp..., (1 blank f.); title, 460 pp. (1 blank f.); title, 468 pp. (2 blank f.); title, xxxij, 460 pp.; title, 3, 364 pp. (2 blank f.), pp. 365-534; title, 492 pp. Red morocco, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, ornate smooth spine, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (Bradel). Fine edition of Pietro Metastasio's works, dedicated to the Marquise de Pompadour. It is illustrated with a frontispiece engraved by Sornique after Charles Eisen, an attractive unsigned vignette at the head of the epistle, and 12 handsome engraved titles. A precious copy on large paper, in in-8 format, complete with the last three volumes printed by Molini in 1769 and 1783, which are often missing. The set has been beautifully and uniformly bound by one of the members of the Bradel family. The label with his name stuck in the corner on the verso of the first endpaper of the first volume, gives the address "Rue St Jean de Latran No 9. Hôtel du Collège de France". This bookbinder was mainly active in the early 19th century. Spine very slightly lightened, a few places red-stained. A few scratches, not serious. Small cut to spine of last volume. In volume 7, restoration to the upper left-hand corner of leaf A1 and to the upper right-hand corner of leaf A4, with damage to the text. A few scattered freckles.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 19 - NEPOS (Cornelius). Liber Æmylii Probi historiographi veteris et praeclari, de uitis excellentium Graeciae Principum [et] Ducum, ad T. Pomponium Atticum, Ciceronis familiarem. Viciosissimum exemplar ex manuscripto codice quam emendatissimum redditum est per D. Gybertum Longolium... Cologne: Johann Gymnich, 1543. [Followed by]: Coriolani Cepionis Dalmatae De Petri Mocenici Imperatoris Gestis : Libri tres. Item Conradi Wengeri Brixiensis De Bello inter Sigismundum Archistrategum Austriæ & Venetos Libellus. Praeterea Michaelis Coccinij Tubingensis De Bellis Italicis Liber unus. Basel: Robert Winter, 1544. - 2 works in a small in-8 volume, 145 x 100: (128 ff.); (10 ff. 7th and 8th blank), 242 pp. (5 ff. 3rd and 4th blank). Soft parchment with flaps, blackened with lampblack, smooth spine (period binding). An unusual new edition of this collection of the lives of Greek princes and chieftains, said to be an abridgement by the historian Æmilius Probus of the original work by the Latin writer Cornelius Nepos (0100?-0025? BC). This is the first edition published by the Dutch-born Rhenish humanist Gilbert de Longueil (1507-1543). It contains 24 biographies: Agesilaus, Alcibiades, Aristides, Atticus, Cato, Chabrias, Cimon, Conon, Datamus, Dion, Epaminondas, Eumenes, Hamilcar, Hannibal, Iphicrates, Lysander, Miltiades, Pausanias, Pelopidas, Phocion, Themistocles, Thrasybulus, Timoleon and Timothy. Following this is a collection of three Latin texts, the first by Italian memoirist Coriolano Cippico (1425?-1493?), entitled De Petri Mocenici Imperatoris Gestis Libri tres, the second by Konrad Wenger (1425-1501) (De Bello inter Sigismundum Archistrategum Austriæ & Venetos Libellus) and the last by Michael Köchlin (1478-...) (de Bellis italicis liber unus). The edition opens with a dedication from publisher Johannes Basilius Herold (1514-1567) to Carl Wolfgang Rholinger. Presumed to have belonged to Jacque d'Albon, marshal of Saint-André (1510?-1562). The signature "Jd. St. André", but this is by no means the autograph signature of this important figure. It may, however, be that of a secretary, so it is not possible for us to confirm this provenance with any certainty at present. Binding missing. Some rare light dampening.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 20 - ORTELIUS (Abraham). Parergon, sive veteris geograpiæ aliquot tabulæ. [Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1595]. - In-folio, 442 x 298 : (64 ff. out of 68). Covered parchment, smooth spine, speckled edges (contemporary binding). Koeman Ort 45 & Ort 44. - Adams O-340 (linked to Theatrum). Rare edition of this atlas, which is often joined to the 1595 Latin edition of Abraham Oretelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. The Parergon maps began appearing as a supplement to the Theatrum Obis Terrarum in 1579, with just 3 maps. Over the following years, more maps were produced, and the Parergon became an atlas in its own right. According to Koeman: "This atlas of ancient geography must be regarded as Ortelius' personal work. For this work, he did not, as in the "Theatrum", copy maps from others, but drew the originals himself, which were then engraved by Jan Wierix... The Parergon maps must be considered the most remarkable engravings representing the widespread interest in classical geography in the 16th century." This 1595 edition normally includes a portrait of Ortelius by Philip Galle, a title in a woodcut architectural frame, 30 double-page copper-engraved maps and 2 engraved views. There are also a few woodcut medals in the text. This copy is incomplete with the portrait, text leaves a3 and a4 and the last view entitled Daphné. The title and maps, as well as most of the medals and initials, were colored at the time. Here are the details: - Aevi Veteris, Typus Geographicus (1590). - Europa (1595). - Britannicæ insulæ (1595). - Hispania (1586). - Gallia Cæsaris (1590). - Gallia Strbonis, Ceterorumq (1594). - Belgium (1594). - Germania (1587). - Pannonia et Illyris (1590). - Italia (1594). - Italia gallica (1590). - Tuscia sive Etruria (1584). - Latium (1595). - Magna Græcia (1595). - Sicilia sive Trinacria (1584). - Græcia, sive Hellas (undated). - Thracia (1585). - Daciæ, et Mœsiæ (1595). - Pontus Euxinus (1590). - Creta. Sardinia. Corsica. Insulæ maris ionii (undated). - Cyprus. Euboea. Rhodus. Lesbos. Chios. Lemnos. Samus, Dekus, & Rhenia. Icaria. Cia (1584). - Alexandri magni Macedonis experitio (1595). - Palæstina (undated). - Judæa, et Israhel (1586). - Ægyptus (1595). - Africa propia (1590). - Peregrinatio divi Pauli (1579). - Abraham patriarchæ peregrinatio (1586). - Æneæ navigatio, ex Virgilio : additis etiam quæ ad eandem pertinebant, ex aliis (1594). - Orbis romanus, sive Romanum imperium (undated). - Tempe Thessalica (1590). A copy in contemporary binding, with all maps mounted on tabs. Between the maps of Belgium and Germany, it has been enriched with a color plan of the port of Toulon, probably from the early 17th century, signed by Agnelli. Binding soiled and stained. Body of book partly unbound. Soiling to title, marginal tears to fold of some maps, sometimes restored, except to the map of Italy where it reaches the frame and the map over 2 cm. Restored tears on the map Græcia, sive Hellas. Small wormholes generally in the margins, but one slightly reaching 3 maps (Græcia, sive Hellas, Thracia et Daciæ, and Mœsiæ). Light staining on folio f1, with a trace of a cut, but not missing, on the last plate.

Estim. 5 000 - 7 000 EUR

Lot 21 - PIRANESI (Giambattista). Descrizione e disegno dell'Emissario del lago Albano. [Roma, 1762]. - In-folio, 526 x 388: engraved title, 19 pp. 6 plates (of 9). Marbled calf, ornate spine, red edges (contemporary binding). Hind, p. 85. - Wilton-Ely, II, 613-624. - Focillon, 480-491. First edition of this fine work describing and depicting the hydraulic system installed by the ancient Romans at Lake Albano, south of Rome, in beautiful plates of technical plans and views. This copy includes a handsome engraved title, a vignette in the text, a cul-de-lampe and 6 of the 9 required plates. Missing plates V (large perspective view), VI (Tartaro dell' acqua) and IX (large interior view). The copy has been enriched with 3 plates: - Veduta della Spelonca, detta il Bergantino, presso l'imbocco d'ell Emissario del Lago Albano... [Focillon, 494]. This is the second plate of the appendix published the same year under the title Di due spelonche ornate dagli antichi alla riva del Lago Albano. - large folding plate (1100 x 360 mm) signed by Francesco CURTI (1603?-1670?), entitled Disegno, e misure dell' insigne, e famosa Torre dell' Illustrissima, e cospicua Citta' di Cremona. Bears date 1674. Tear not missing on left side, reinforcement on verso of plate. - Large folding plate by Piranesi (etching 550 x 730 mm) entitled Sepolcro Regio, o Consolare, inciso nella rupe del Monte Albano, constituting the third plate of the work Antichita d'Albano, e di Castel Gandolfo Descritte ed incise da Giovambatista Piranesi published in Rome in 1764. [Focillon, 511]. Restoration to verso. Rubbing and wear. Lower headband missing, part of the calf in the lower corner of the first cover detached.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 23 - SABBATHIER (Esprit). Idealis Umbra Sapientiæ Generalis. - The Ideal Shadow of Universal Wisdom. Paris: Madame Jablier, sister of François-Marie de Paris, 1679. - 2 works in one volume in-8, 169 x 127: (4 ff.), 21 ff. ; (4 ff.), 21 ff. Brown calf, spine ribbed (period binding). Caillet, III, 9731. - Dorbon, 4274. - Stanislas de Guaita, 921. Extremely rare" (Caillet) first edition of this fully engraved mystical work. According to Caillet, it was "undoubtedly printed in the form of a six-column table with compartments, which was then cut up at will to preserve it in book form. This unusual arrangement explains the extreme rarity of surviving copies, and their singular appearance". This text of high mysticism and Christian Kabbalah was composed by the Capuchin preacher and Kabbalist Esprit Sabbathier, originally from Ivoy in Berry. According to Stanislas de Guaita, it is "scholastic Theosophy in the best sense of the word". The edition was printed at the address of "Madame Jablier, sœur du R. P. François-Marie", referring to François-Marie de Paris (1634-1714), a Capuchin preacher of the Order of Friars Minor and close friend of the author. A precious copy in contemporary binding, enriched with the edition of the French translation published under the same date and printed in the same manner as the Latin edition. "According to Stanislas de Guaita, "These two parallel French and Latin editions, both fully engraved, are rarely found together. From the library of Nancy-based orientalist and writer Auguste-Prosper-François Guerrier de Dumast (1796-1883), Knight of the Legion of Honor (1846), Knight of the Spanish Order of Charles III (1823), Knight of the Mexican Order of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1866) and 3rd Class Knight of the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown (1868). He presided 3 times over the Stanislas Academy. Binding restored. Some soiling to leaves. Provenance : Handwritten bookplate "Bibliothecae Bertlans (?) 1689" on title. - Auguste-Prosper-François Guerrier de Dumast, with bookplate.

Estim. 2 500 - 3 500 EUR

Lot 26 - SERRES (Jean de). Academiae Nemausensis leges. Ad optimarum Academiarum exemplar, collatis doctissimorum virorum iudicijs, summa cura & diligentia instauratæ atq; emendatæ. Nemausi [Nîmes]: [Sébastien Jaquy], 1582. - In-4, 205 x 140 : (32 ff.). Soft parchment, smooth spine with visible stitching (period binding). Very rare first edition of the new statutes of the Collège des arts de Nîmes. This establishment was created by letters patent in 1539, at the same time as a university whose project was abandoned a few years later. Protestant pastor Jean de Serres took over the stewardship in 1579, and drafted the new statutes at a time when the Wars of Religion were raging. "These statutes deserve to be known. They tell us with great precision and clarity how the institution of youth was conducted at the time, the different stages it went through and the various studies it was required to undertake" (Léon Ménard, nemausensis.com). The book was printed by Sébastien Jaquy, the city of Nîmes' first printer. Born in mid-sixteenth-century Dauphiné, he apprenticed as a printer in Lyon and settled in Nîmes in 1578, where he printed his first work, Le questionnaire des tumeurs contre nature de Guillaumet, now impossible to find. On February 24, 1579, he was approved as "imprimeur ordinaire de la cité", under a treaty signed by Jean de Serres, intendant of the arts college. He ran his business until, on May 8, 1590, he committed murder and fled to Orange. He sought the benevolence of King Henri IV and was granted a pardon in September 1591. He resumed his activities in 1592 and died in 1612. Only 23 of his works are known (cf. Le Billet des bibliothécaires. Ville de Nîmes). Copy in contemporary binding. Stains and traces of dampening to parchment. Mottling at the top of the leaves.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 28 - SOMAIZE (Antoine Baudeau, sieur de). Les Prétieuses (sic) ridicules. Comédie. Performed at the Petit Bourbon. Nouvellement mises en Vers. Seconde Edition. Paris : Jean Guignard le fils, 1661. - In-12, 153 x 84 : (12 ff.), 60 pp. Mottled calf, double gilt fillet on covers, ornate smooth spine, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (Thouvenin). Very rare second edition of this comedy written by Somaize, dedicated like the first to Marie de Manciny, whose secretary the author was. It is a verse setting that Somaize dared to make of Molière's famous play. Despite the indication on the title, this work would never have been performed. A copy bound by Thouvenin, from the library of Alexandre Martineau de Soleinne (1784?-1842), then that of the literary critic Pierre-Paul Plan (1870-1951). Hinge crack on first cover. Some wear. Provenance: Alexandre Martineau de Soleinne (I, 1340). - Pierre-Paul Plan, with signature and bookplate. Also by the same author: - Les Véritables prétieuses (sic). Comédie. Suivant la Copie imprimée à Paris : Jean Ribou [Leyde : F. Hackius], 1660 - In-12, 125 x 68 : 55 pp. Tan calf, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, smooth spine, inner gilt roulette, speckled edges (early 19th century binding). Riffaud, n°6046. Dutch counterfeit of this pale imitation of Molière's Précieuses ridicules, composed by Somaize with the aim of exploiting the play's success. Spidermoor in middle of spine. Leaves short of margins, with damage to running titles.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 29 - [TAITBOUT]. Essai sur l'isle d'Otahiti, située dans la mer du sud; et sur l'esprit et les mœurs de ses habitans. Avignon, Paris: Froullé, 1779. - In-8, 194 x 121: frontispiece, xxiv, 125 pp. Half marbled calf, ornate smooth spine, red speckled edges (period binding). O'Reilly, Reitman, 9291. - R. du Rietz. Biblioth. Polynesia, 1271. Rare first edition attributed to Taitbout. Véronique Dorbe-Larcade, in her book Ahutoru ou l'envers du voyage de Bougainville à Tahiti, states that this is the jurist and polygrapher Jean-Baptiste Taitbout, while others (sudoc) refer to Julien Taitbout, clerk of the Hôtel de Ville de Paris. "As a fervent disciple of Montesquieu, the author seizes on the observations reported by the discoverers of Tahiti, Cook and Bougainville, observations which he summarizes in an impersonal manner, to study the true nature of man and investigate what lessons can be drawn from them to "bring about the general and much-desired revolution". The life of the natives reflects the conditions of their environment. Their regime cannot survive, and the arrival of Europeans will be fatal to them". (O'Reilly, Bibliographie de Tahiti et de la Polynésie française, 9291). The edition is illustrated with a fine frontispiece depicting a view of the island, engraved by Jean-Jacques Avril (1744-1831). Copy in contemporary binding, from the library of Charles-Pierre Claret de Fleurieu (1738-1810), naval officer, nautical theorist, member of the Institut and the Bureau des Longitudes. Originally called Eveux de Fleurieu, he took the name Claret de Fleurieu on his father's death. A naval guard in Toulon in 1755, he took part in the Seven Years' War, then received leave to pursue scientific studies. He took lessons from the watchmaker Berthoud, whose clocks he experimented with at sea in 1768-1769 on the frigate Isis. The report of this voyage, written by Fleurieu and Pingré, was published in 1773. In 1776, he became second inspector of the Navy's map and plan repository, and deputy inspector of the Académie de Marine. The following year, he was appointed director of ports and arsenals. He prepared campaign plans for the American War for the Minister of the Navy, took part in the creation of the port of Cherbourg and drafted instructions for La Pérouse's voyage. He became Minister of the Navy in 1790. To support himself, he sold his library and map collection, and directed the execution of the Neptune Americo-septentrional published by Bonne. Until his death, he worked on the Neptune des mers du Nord. Member of the Bureau des Longitudes. Appointed State Councillor in 1799, he became Senator in 1805, then Administrator of the Tuileries Palace. [Sources: Data BNF]. Binding skilfully restored. A few traces of light dampening. Provenance: Charles-Pierre Claret de Fleurieu, with bookplate (1810, no. 1296)

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 30 - VATTIER (Pierre). L'Onirocrite Mussulman (sic), ou la doctrine et interprétation des songes selon les arabes, Par Gabdorrhachaman fils de Nasar. Paris : Louis Billaine, 1664. - In-12, 142 x 76 : (18 ff.), 240 pp. Red morocco, boards decorated with a triple gilt fillet, interlaced gilt CC in the corners and gilt arms in the center, spine decorated with arms, gilt edges (period binding). Caillet, 11044. - Brunet, II, 1430. Rare first edition, the only one of this learned and curious work considered one of the best ancient books on the interpretation of dreams. Dedicated to Louis XIV. It is a translation by orientalist Pierre Vattier (1623-1667), advisor and physician to Gaston d'Orléans, of the Abrégé du discours sur l'interprétation des rêves by Syrian author ʿAbd al-Raḥmân ibn Naṣr al-Šayzarī (11..-1193), a treatise in which the latter drew inspiration from great authors including the famous onirocrite Muḥammad Ibn Sīrīn (0654-0728). This is the first time that the principles of explanation that inspired the Arabs in their keys to dreams have been set out. A precious copy from the library of Pope Alexander VII (1599-1667), with his arms and cipher on the boards. It was subsequently acquired by the famous collector Benedetto Maglione, and later by the man of letters and occult scientist René Philipon (1869-1936). This is undoubtedly one of the finest known copies of this work. Fine restoration to hinges and corners. Leaves browned. Provenance: Pope Alexander VII, with his coat of arms on the boards. - Paolo Petrucci (1865, II, no. 125). - Benedetto Maglione (1894, I, no. 90). - René Philipon, with bookplate engraved by J. de Andraca in 1917. - Jean Marchand, known as Johannes Mercator, with bookplate (1943, I, no. 15, with reproduction).

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 31 - [VERSAILLES]. [Plans, elevations and views of the Château de Versailles]. [Paris : imprimerie royale, s.d.]. - Collected folio, 532 x 385: 73 plates. Red morocco, boards decorated in the Duseuil style, with crowned royal cypher at the corners, royal coat of arms gilded in the center, spine decorated with gilded crowned royal cypher, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (period binding). Composite collection of 73 plates from volumes of the King's Cabinet, published in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Includes: 1. [Plans, élévations et vues du château de Versailles] 12 plates from the fifth volume of the Cabinet du roi, engraved by : - Israël SILVESTRE : Plan de la Maison Royalle de Versailles (1674) - Chasteau Royal de Versailles, veu du milieu de la grande avenüe (1674) - Chasteau Royal de Versailles veu de l'avant-cour (1674) - Veüe du Chasteau de Versailles, du costé du Jardin (1674) - Veüe du Chasteau, des Jardins, et de la ville de Versailles, du costé de l'Estang (1674) - Veüe du Chasteau de Versailles, du costé de l'allée d'eau, et de la fontaine du Dragon (1676) - Plan général du Chasteau, et du petit parc de Versailles (1680) - Chasteau de Versailles veu de la grande place (1684), Chasteau de Versailles veu de l'Avant cour (1682) - Veüe du Chasteau de Versailles et des deux costé des Jardins (1682). - Jean-Baptiste NOLIN: Elevation of the Versailles orangery facade (1688). - Pierre LEPAUTRE: Elevation of one of the sides of the King's stables, on the avenues at Versailles (1689). Non-missing tears repaired with scotch tape on the third plate. Tear without damage to the engraving and light wetness to the Nolin plate. Some foxing. 2. [Grotte, labyrinthe, fontaines, bassins de Versailles] 10 plates from the sixth volume of the King's Cabinet, engraved by: - Pierre LEPAUTRE: Latone entre ses deux Enfans Apollon et Diane (1678) - Fontaine de Flore, accompagnée d'un bassin doré semé de fleurs, dans les Jardins de Versailles (1680) - Encelade de bronze, accablé sous des rochers, et poussant en l'air un gros jet d'eau (1677). - Israël SILVESTRE: Marais artificiel, entouré de Joncs d'airain, et de Jets d'eau (1680) - Veuë des trois Fontaines dans le Jardin de Versailles (1684) - Fontaine de la renommée dans le Jardin de Versailles (1682) - Le Théâtre d'eau Dans les Jardins de Versailles (1680). - Louis de CHÂTILLON: Fontaine d'Apollon, à la teste du grand canal de Versailles (1683). - Louis SIMONNEAU: Fontaine des bains d'Apollon dans le jardin de Versailles (1688), Veue principale du théâtre d'eau (1689). Some foxing to edges of plates. 3. [A single plate by Israël SILVESTRE from the thirteenth volume of the King's Cabinet, entitled: Veüe du Chasteau de Chambor, du costé de l'entrée (1678). This is the only plate in the collection that does not concern Versailles. One small tear, not missing. 4. [Grotte, labyrinthe, fontaines, bassins de Versailles] 18 other plates from the sixth volume of the King's Cabinet, engraved by : - Jean LEPAUTRE : Infant de bronze représentant le Genie de la Puissance royalle, assis sur un Aigle, qui pousse en l'air un gros jet d'eau (1677) - Infant de bronze représentant le Genie de la Valeur, assis sur un Lion devorant un Loup, qui pousse en l'air un gros jet d'eau (1676) - Infant de bronze représentant le Genie des Richesses, assis sur (sic) Cerbere, qui pousse en l'air un gros jet d'eau (1676) - Deux amours de bronze qui joüent avec une Escrevisse de mer, qui fait un Jet d'eau (1677) - Deux Amours de bronze qui tiennent une Lyre, d'ou sorti un jet d'eau (1677) - Deux Amours de bronze qui joüent avec un Cygne, which makes a jet of water (1677) - Two bronze Lovers who join with a Gryphon, which makes a jet of water (1676) - A bronze Love with his quiver, from which come out arrows of water (1676) - A bronze Love who shoots an arrow of water (1677) - Basin of 10 feet in quarré, of a single stone, and in the middle three small Dancers of gilded metal, who support a bronze basin (1672) - Basin of 10 feet in diameter, of a single stone and in the middle two young girls with a small love of gilded metal (1673) - Basin [...and in the middle three small gilded metal children (1673) - 10-foot basin [...] and in the middle three small instrument players (1673) - Basin [...] and in the middle three small Satyrs (1673) - Basin [...] and in the middle three small Tritons (1673) - Basin [...] and in the middle three small gilded metal Terms, supporting a bronze basket (1673). - Pierre LEPAUTRE: Bronze statue of Venus elevée sur un bassin de marbre blanc, faisant un des ornemens de la Fontaine appellée, la Gallerie d'eau (1679) - Bronze statue of Venus elevée sur un bassin de marbre blanc, faisant un des ornemens de la Fontaine appellée, la Gallerie d'eau (1679).

Estim. 5 000 - 7 000 EUR

Lot 32 - VIBIUS SEQUESTER. De fluminibus, fontibus, lacubus, nemoribus, paludibus, montibus, gentibus ; quorum apud poëtas mentio fit. Roterodami [Rotterdam]: Arnold Willis, 1711. - Small in-8, 159 x 96 : (30 ff.), 295 pp. Long-grained dark blue morocco, gilt fillets and roulette framing the boards, small gilt fleuron at the corners, richly decorated spine with false nerves, gilt roulette framing the inside, beige silk lining with gilt roulette framing, beige silk endpapers, followed by two laid paper endpapers and one in parchment, gilt edges (early 19th century binding). Esteemed and rare edition of this work by the 4th or 5th century Latin compiler Vibius Sequester, published and annotated by the philologist Franciscus Hesselius (1680-1746). It is a list of geographical names taken from the works of Latin poets, including Virgil, Ovid, Lucan and Horace. The names are divided into seven categories: Flumina (rivers) - Fontes (springs) - Lacus (lakes) - Nemora (forests) - Paludes (swamps) - Montes (mountains) - Gentes (peoples). A very fine copy in early 19th-century morocco in the taste of Bozérian or Lefebvre. This binding was made for the bookseller and bibliophile Antoine-Augustin Renouard (1765-1853), one of whose hallmarks was its two parchment endpapers. It was later owned by the English bibliophile Charles Butler (1821-1910) of Warren Wood, Hattfield. Slight wear to covers and corners. Old annotations on pages 14 and 15. Provenance: Antoine-Augustin Renouard (Catalogue de la bibliothèque d'un amateur, 1819, IV, p. 10). - Charles Butler, with bookplate.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 33 - [VILLENEUVE (Daniel Jost de)]. Le Voyageur philosophe dans un pais inconnu des habitans de la Terre. By Mr. De Listonai. Amsterdam : Aux dépens de l'éditeur, 1761. - 2 volumes in-12, 166 x 97 : XXIV, 339 pp. ; VI, 384 pp. Red morocco, triple gilt fillet framing and gilt fleuron at corners, ornate smooth spine, interior gilt roulette, dark green moiré tabis linings and endpapers, gilt edges (period binding). Quérard, II, 791. - Utopie. La Quête de la Société idéale, BNF, 2000, no. 114. First edition of this lunar utopia by writer and playwright Daniel Jost de Villeneuve. "This philosophical odyssey is a dream at the end of which the traveler finds himself at the bottom of his bed. The dreamland, that of the Selenites (inhabitants of the moon), allows comparison of the social state and the natural state: in the absence of mine and yours, there is no vice, no crime, no fear of death. In Selenopolis, science has made great strides. It's the Enlightenment perfectly realized" (A. Soboul, Utopies au siècle des Lumières, Hachette, 1978). "More than in his description of the Moon and its capital, Selenopolis (a classic device for presenting the author's ideas on society), the book's interest lies in the passages in which Daniel de Villeneuve describes the principles of his aerial navigation and the inventions of the 24th century. His sail-and-oar ship is specifically designed for interplanetary navigation, and its crew includes physicist passengers whose job it is to take stock of the situation and determine the route to follow. Among the inventions of the centuries to come was 'ductile and malleable glass', used to make furniture" (Bernard Vouillot, BNF). A rare copy in contemporary morocco. Two slight tears on the spine of the second volume. Some foxing.

Estim. 2 200 - 3 200 EUR

Lot 34 - WITTICH (Johannes). Von dem ligno Guayaco, Wunderbawm, Res nova genandt, von der China, ex Occidentali India, von der Sarssa Parilla, von dem Frantzosenholtz Sassafras, und von dem Grießholtz, so man Lignum Nephriticum nennet, etc.. Welche alle zum theil fuer die Fluesse, Zipperle, wassersucht und reissenden Stein, sampt andren eingewurtzelten Kranckheiten, gantz dienstlichen, und wie dieselben, an denen Orten, do sie wachsen, zubereitet und gebraucht werden, biß daher in Druck also noch nicht kommen: Jetzo aber zu nutz und frommen allen Wundtaerzten und Balbirern, mit fleiß zusammen gezogen. Leipzig: [Michael Lantzenberger], 1592. - In-4, 193 x 148 : (22 ff.). Bradel-style speckled paper boards, smooth muted spine (modern binding). A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine, 4760. Very rare second edition, the first separate, of this treatise by Johannes Wittich (1537-1596), personal physician to the Counts of Schwarzburg. It is usually found together with the second edition of the author's work on bezoar stones, published the same year and entitled Bericht Von den wunderbaren Bezoardischen Steinen... This treatise focuses in particular on the guaiac tree, a dense tropical tree much sought-after for its curative properties, but also on Sarsaparilla and Sassafras. The author would not have based his work directly on his own experience, but on the study of various writings and on the examination of objects collected by travellers and missionaries. The use of these plants, now commonplace, was relatively new at the time. A good copy in modern hardback. From the library of Élize Grendel (1899-1986), pharmacist in Gouda, member of the International Academy of the History of Pharmacy. Provenance: Élize Grendel, with bookplate.

Estim. 1 200 - 1 600 EUR

Lot 35 - [YSAMBARD DE SAINT-LÉGER?]. [La Légende des flamands] - La Legẽde des flamẽs artisiens et haynuyers. Ou autremẽt leur cronique abregee en laquelle sint contenues plusieurs hystoires de Frãce Angleterre & Allemaigne... Paris : à l'enseigne Saint Claude, [20 mai 1522]. - In-4, 220 x 163 : (6 ff.), 107 ff. ill-foliated Ci. Dark green half-maroquin with corners, smooth spine decorated (19th-century binding). Bechtel, L-113. First edition of this rare anonymous work, dedicated to Louise de Savoie. It was printed by François Regnault. "The officially-inspired text, written in the context of the conflict with the House of Austria, endeavors to support François I's territorial claims with genealogies, excerpts from widely-quoted authors (Gerson, Gaguin, Froissart, C. de Seyssel, J. Lemaire, Erasmus, etc.) and various arguments.) and various arguments, François I's territorial claims to Flanders, Artois, Burgundy and also Naples, Sicily and Milan - countries then in the power of Charles V, or which the French king would have to renounce after the defeat of Pavia. As for the Flemish, the text recalls their origins, the various revolts and claims on their territory, notably by the English (passage sur la prinse et vendition de la pucelle par sire Jehan de Luxembourg aux anglois qui la firent a Rouen). A general principle repeated throughout: the kings of France were always autonomous, particularly in relation to the Emperor of Germany" (Bechtel). Beautifully printed in Gothic script. The title is printed in red and black and features a grotesque L lettering with a face. The illustration includes 30 woodcuts, one on the verso of the title depicting Charles VIII's entry into Naples, one on the recto of folio 1, depicting the author writing, and 28 in the text, showing mainly figures but also two battle scenes, which, according to Bechtel, are "of composite provenance, some from the 15th century (Vérard, Levet)". Interesting copy including an early manuscript addition following the colophon, giving us these indications: "Compille & ordonné à l'instance & requeste de tres haulte illustre et tres clere dame Madame Louyse de Savoye duchesse d'egoumois & d'anjou & comtesse du Maine & mere du tres chrestien Roy de France Françoys premier de ce nom par Maistre Ysambard de Sainct Leger pbre prieur commendataire de la Roche Mabille en diocese du Mans Escollier & Chapellain de la de dame. " If authentic, this note would provide vital information, pointing to a certain Ysambard or Ysembert de Saint Léger as the author, or rather compiler, of this work. The latter is known for the partial translation made between 1526-1531 of the work entitled Speculum dominarum (Miroir des Dames nobles) by the Franciscan Durand de Champagne (12..-13..). This note is written in imitation of a printer's typeface. It is undoubtedly old, but would benefit from further study to determine its precise date and authenticity. Heavy rubbing to spine, corners dulled. Title leaf rebacked. Light staining throughout. Last blank leaf missing.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 36 - ZIMMERMANN (Eberhard August Wilhelm von). Specimen zoologiae geographicae, quadrupedum domicilia et migrationes sistens. Dedit, tabulamque mundi zoographicam adjunxit. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Theodorum Haak et Socios. [Dirk Haak et compagnie], 1777. - In-4, 252 x 201: XXIV, 685 pp, (1 blank f.), 1 map. Marbled calf, cold fillet framing the boards, ornate ribbed spine (period binding). Sought-after first edition of this work by German geographer and zoologist Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermann (1743-1815), professor of mathematics and natural sciences at the Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick from 1766 to 1815. This is one of the first studies devoted to the geographical distribution of mammals, making the author one of the precursors of zoogeography - along with Buffon, whose work he built on. Some of his conclusions may well have influenced Darwin. Indeed, he "put forward a curious theory based on the unity of origin of mankind. For him, primitive man was white, brown-haired and inhabited a high spot in Central Asia, where he multiplied, families descended and emigrated in several directions, forming colonies. In these new settlements, the influence of the climate gradually modified their physical characteristics: skin color, size, etc. This dissemination took place in a number of countries. (Lester, L'Anthropologie. Histoire de la science. Encyclopédie de La Pléiade). The edition is illustrated with a large fold-out map drawn by German cartographer August Wilhelm Knoch (1742-1818), which is the very first zoological map, showing the distribution of animals in the different countries of the world. It is one of the first to include the discoveries made by Captain Cook in 1770 on the east coast of Australia, known here as "Nova Hollandia", including kangaroos, opossums and more. Binding restored. Tears to map repaired. Provenance: Docteur Michel Durieux, with bookplate.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 38 - AUBARET (Gabriel). Code pénal annamite (Hoant viêt luat lê.) Laws and regulations of the kingdom of Annam, translated for the first time from the original text. Tome premier. Saïgon: imprimerie impériale, 1862. - In-8, 227 x 145 : XIV, (1 f.), 395 pp. 3 tables. Black half-chagrin, spine ribbed and decorated (period binding). Extremely rare first edition of the first volume, the only one published, of Gabriel Aubaret's translation of the Vietnamese penal code, which, inspired by the Chinese code, was drafted during the reign of King Gia Long (1762-1820), descendant of the Cochinchina kings and reunifier of Dai-Viet, which became Vietnam in 1804. The work appeared under the government of Vice-Admiral Bonard and was published under the ministry of Count de Chasseloup-Laubat, Minister of the Navy. It contains 3 parts: I. Preliminaries of the Code. - II. General laws. - III. Criminal laws: rebels and thieves. Homicide, injuries and quarrels. Insults. Legal complaints. Prevarication. Forgery and deceit. Adultery. Miscellaneous offences. Arrests and escapes. Offenders and prisoners. ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS PRINTED IN VIETNAM. Indeed, it wasn't until the 19th century that letterpress printing became established in this country, with the creation of the Imperial Printing House in Saigon in 1861 by Admiral Bonard, barely a year before the publication of this book. A copy in its original binding, complete with 3 fold-out tables. Wear and tears to percaline boards and spine. Body of the book partly unbound. Scattered foxing.

Estim. 2 500 - 3 500 EUR

Lot 39 - [BARBAT (Louis)]. Evangiles des dimanches et fêtes. Illustrated by Barbat père et fils. Châlons-sur-Marne: Imprimerie lithographique Barbat, 1844. - In-4, 268 x 202: (1 f.), 148 pp., (2 ff.), pp. (149)-315, (1 f.), printed cover. Bound in marbled paper à la Bradel, painted decoration on the boards, consisting of a diamond-shaped frame painted in green, spandrels and a cross motif in the center, gold color, smooth spine decorated with the title of the book painted in green and gold, accompanied by gilt fillets and two gilt compositions, gilt edges, cover and spine preserved, case (20th century binding). Remy Bellenger, Le papier porcelaine et ses utilisations, une histoire oubliée, in: Art et métiers du livre, 2020, n° 341, pp. 55-61. ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS TO BE COMPLETELY PRINTED IN POLYCHROME LITHOGRAPHY, and one of the finest works produced by the Barbat brothers. The text, printed in a variety of colors and sometimes in gold lettering, is set in almost always distinct frames decorated with arabesques and rocaille or architectural motifs in the Gothic style. The Passion text features an attractive series of stylized crosses. Only 55 copies of this edition were printed on porcelain paper, this one being one of 50 on double-sided white porcelain paper. "In 1827, a patent for "porcelain paper" was registered in Germany; in 1837, Godefroy Engelmann, a lithographer in Mulhouse, patented chromolithography for his Traité de lithographie, which appeared two years later and whose title page was printed in chromolithography... on porcelain paper. For a little over 45 years, porcelain paper was used throughout Europe, or almost, for a wide range of purposes - books, business cards, visiting cards, membership cards, invitations... - before gradually falling into oblivion, often replaced by another innovation: coated paper. The support - paper, card or cardboard - is covered with a white covering of ceruse, giving it an impeccable surface quality and a previously unknown whiteness, the reason for its name: porcelain paper" (Remy Bellenger, Le papier porcelaine et ses utilisations, une histoire oubliée, in: Art et métiers du livre, 2020, n° 341, p. 55). A very well preserved copy.

Estim. 800 - 1 200 EUR

Lot 40 - BLOY (Léon). Un brelan d'excommuniés. Paris: Nouvelle librairie parisienne, Albert Savine, 1889. - In-12, 182 x 118: 128 pp, (2 ff. last blank), printed cover. Red half-percaline à la Bradel, smooth spine, cover preserved (period binding). Original edition not printed on large paper. In this book, Bloy sets out to defend the works of Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly ("L'Enfant terrible"), Ernest Hello ("Le Fou") and Paul Verlaine ("Le Lépreux"), which he believes are attacked and despised by their contemporaries and condemned by the Catholic Church. The author states in his preface: "Modern Catholics hate Art with a savage, atrocious, inexplicable hatred. Undoubtedly, this poor art is not much loved in contemporary society, and I exterminate myself repeating this. But happy exceptions, it seems, should be found in this lineage of the great incubator of intelligences, to whom the world is indebted for its most dazzling masterpieces" (p. 11). Copy by the poet Alfred Pouthier (1866-1946), including this autograph dispatch signed by the author on the first blank page: to Alfred Pouthier // Léon Bloy Pouthier became a close friend of Léon Bloy in the last years of the writer's life. This copy was probably given to him in the 1910s. Alfred Pouthier has transcribed onto the first white endpaper a letter Léon Bloy wrote on September 8, 1888 to the publisher Albert Savine about the work, in which he asked that the booklet be "enlarged": "Nothing would be easier for me than to multiply the paragraphs on the proof. I'd be able to do a lot of hunting & save at least ten pages. But above all, my work would become more readable, more artistic. He goes on to talk about his book Le Désespéré: "You're planning to have new covers printed. Why don't you have an errata & a key printed at the same time, which I'll give you?" There is a handwritten correction on page 38, and the copy is also enriched with a text by René Martineau entitled Bloy et Verlaine, taken from the November 15, 1922 issue of Les Marges. Missing tears to false title. Rousseurs. The cover is marked "Second Edition". Provenance: Alfred Pouthier, with consignment.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 41 - BOUCHER DE PERTHES (Jacques). Celtic and antediluvian antiquities. Mémoire sur l'industrie primitive et les arts à leur origine. Paris: Treuttel et Wurtz, Derache, Dumoulin, Victor Didron, 1847-1864. - 3 volumes in-8, 233 x 149: (2 ff.), XII, 628 pp. 80 plates; (2 ff.), XVI, 511 pp. 24 plates; (2 ff.), XXIV, 178 pp. (1 f.), pp. (179)-681, 10 plates. Demi-basane, spine ribbed and decorated, speckled edges (modern binding). In French in the text, no. 266. First edition of this key text "for the history of archaeology as a discipline, but also for the history of ideas and science". In fact, as Grégoire Meylan, head of the library at the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale, points out: "Jacques Boucher de Perthes is considered today as one of the 'fathers of prehistory', his Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes being one of its founding works. A customs director in Abbeville, he was nevertheless a man of letters, and the author of numerous literary works, as well as President of the Société d'émulation d'Abbeville. He was neither an archaeologist nor a geologist, but was particularly interested in man's origins and evolution. To this end, he wrote and published a metaphysical essay, De la création, essai sur l'origine et la progression des êtres in 1838, in which he hypothesized that traces of "antediluvian man" would one day be found. In 1838, he presented to the Académie des Sciences the first lithic elements extracted from the sandpits of the Somme, whose stratigraphic position enabled him to assert that "antediluvian man" had indeed existed at the time of the large mammals. But for many years, he came up against the skepticism and fierce opposition of a certain intellectual elite, convinced that man's antiquity could not predate the Celtic and Gallic periods. In 1842, the discovery of a mammoth jaw associated with a flint tool in the same stratigraphic layer enabled him to demonstrate the contemporaneity of man and extinct species. This hypothesis was definitively validated in 1859 when English scholars J. Prestwich, J. Evans, J.W. Flower, R. Godwin-Austen, R.W. Hylne and C. Lyell, who attested to the authenticity of his discoveries. In these works, Boucher de Perthes presents his research and demonstrates his theory to convince even the most skeptical. Les Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes was published in three volumes, each one providing new answers and enabling the author to assert his position by presenting his latest discoveries and, above all, by listing the new scholars and scientists around the world who had rallied to his cause" (Source: Grégoire Meylan, in: site du Musée d'Archéologie Nationale, domaine de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Les collections, Bibliothèque, Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes). The edition comprises 114 plates, 80 in the first volume, 24 in the second (numbered I to XXVI), and 10 in the last (numbered III to XII, with the figures numbered I and II being full-page, and therefore included in the pagination). Together, these plates comprise more than 2,200 figures. A good copy in 20th-century binding. Spine slightly faded, a few scratches. Scattered foxing in the first volume. Provenance: Henri Millerioux, with bookplate bearing the motto "Semper transformare".

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 42 - [COLLECTIVE]. Les Minutes Parisiennes. Paris : Librairie Paul Ollendorff, 1899-1904. - 11 volumes in-16, 156 x 117. Bradel-style marbled paper boards, smooth spine, untrimmed, cover and spine preserved, slipcase (Yseux sr de Thierry Simier). Beautiful, sought-after publication by wood engravers Tony Beltrand (1847-1904), his brother Jacques (1874-1977), and Eugène Dété (1848-1922). The collection comprises 11 volumes, each with a text illustrated with woodcuts, by a different author and artist almost every time. Each text focuses on a different hour of the day, successively presenting a particular aspect of life in Paris. For the publishers, this publication was a battle to defend the use of real woodcuts against the new reproduction processes that were gaining ground at the time, notably photography and photogravure. Each volume therefore contains "true and picturesque drawings, images that are frank, clear and legible, executed with the clear intention of reacting against engravings that imitate the processes" (pp. 10-11 volume 1). Twenty-four volumes were envisaged, but only these 11 saw the light of day: 1. MONTORGUEIL (Georges). Midi. Le Déjeuner des Petites Ouvrières. Illustrations by A. LEPÈRE. 1899. 2. MOUREY (Gabriel). 1 hour. La Bourse. Illustrations by Charles HUARD. 1899. 3. GEFFROY (Gustave). 2 hours. La Cité and Ile Saint-Louis. Illustrations by Auguste LEPÈRE. 1899. 4. MILLOT (Léon). 3 heures. Les Courses, le Grand Prix de Paris. Illustrations by A. GÉRARDIN. 1899. 5. VALDAGNE (Pierre). 4 heures. L'Essayage. Illustrations by BALLURIAU woodcut by Beltrand and Dété. 1901. 6. FÈVRE (Herny). 5 hours. La Rue du Croissant. Illustrations by SUNYER woodcut by Beltrand and Dété. 1901. 7. OHNET (Georges). 6 hours. La Salle d'Armes. Illustrations by Flasschœn woodcut by T.-J. Beltrand and Dété. 1902. 8. GEFFROY (Gustave). 7 hours. Belleville. Illustrations by SUNYER woodcut by T.-J. Beltrand and Dété. 1903. 9. GUILLEMOT (Maurice). 8 heures. Diners Parisiens. Illustrations by JEANNIOT woodcut by J.-T. BELTRAND and Dété. 1901. 10. COQUIOT (Gustave). 1 Heure du Matin. Les Soupeuses. Illustrations by Georges BOTTINI woodcut by T.-J. Beltrand et Dété. 1903. 11. LOUIS (Désiré). 6 Heures du Matin. La Chapelle. Illustrations by Gaston PRUNIER woodcut by J.-T. Beltrand and Dété. 1904. Each volume is one of 108 numbered copies on China paper. Very fine set bound by Yseux for the bibliophile Juan Hernandez. Some scattered foxing. Provenance: Juan Hernandez, with bookplate.

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 43 - DEGRANGE (Edmond). L'Arithmétique pratique, analisée et démontrée dans tous ses développemens et dans ses différentes applications à tous les usages du commerce, de la banque, de la finance, des arts et métiers. Paris : Ve Hocquart ; Bordeaux : J. Foulquier, Filiatre frères, 1808. - 2 volumes in-8, 198 x 121: xxxiv, 320 pp. ; (2 ff.), 290 pp., (1 f. blank). Long-grained red morocco, gilt pampers border and gilt fleuron corners on boards, smoothed spine decorated with gilt roulettes, bouquet and ships, dark green morocco for title, tomaison and border at bottom of spine, gilt border inside, dark green moiré tabis linings and endpapers, gilt edges (period binding). Rare first edition of this complete course in arithmetic, including the basics of the subject and all aspects of commercial accounting. Dedicated to François-Nicolas Mollien, Minister of the Treasury, it begins with a long chapter on La Manière d'étudier l'arithmétique. Edmond Degrange (1763-1826?) was a professor of commercial accounting. A native of Bordeaux, he contributed to Marandon's Courrier de la Gironde, was a member of several revolutionary committees, and was appointed to the departmental directoire in April 1794. He was also one of the main editors of the Journal du Club National de Bordeaux with Jean-Baptiste Lacombe until Lacombe's execution in 1794. Copy on wove paper, complete with the publisher's and author's signatures on the verso of the title of the first volume. Splendid binding strictly of the period, unsigned but attributable to a bookbinder named P. Boyer, who used the ship's iron on the spine (cf. Culot, Relieurs et reliures décorées en France aux époques Directoire et Empire, no. 63). Curiously, the binder designed a different framing for the caissons of the two volumes, except for the title and tail caissons. On the first volume, the motifs in the center of the caissons are surrounded by two stars and four branches at the corners, and the title page features 8 stars; on the second volume, the same motifs are surrounded by two wavy fillets and 4 stars, and the same applies to the title page. Waxing on the boards. Inner hinge of first volume front cover weakened. The lining frames of the second volume have been partially rebound, obviously at the time. Some scattered foxing, not serious.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 44 - FABRE D'OLIVET (Antoine). De l'état social de l'Homme; ou vues philosophiques sur l'histoire du genre humain, précédées d'une dissertation introductive sur les motifs et l'objet de cet ouvrage. Paris: J. L. J. Brière, 1822. - 2 volumes in one in-8, 202 x 129: xv, 348 pp., (2 ff.), 469 pp. Dark green half-sheepskin, smooth ornate spine, marbled edges (period binding). Caillet, 3776 - Guaita, 1362: "de la plus insigne rareté" - Dorbon, 1578 (for the second edition). First edition "of the most insignificant rarity" (Guaita) of this "remarkable work, one of the great classics of the occult which inspired Eliphas Lévi and Saint-Yves d'Alveydre in turn" (Dorbon). "Fabre d'Olivet's admirable work De l'État social de l'Homme, ou Vues philosophiques sur l'Histoire du genre humain, taken up and continued to this day by Saint-Yves, stands like an imperishable monument among the productions of the human spirit. In an introductory dissertation of 64 pp., the author sets out the metaphysical constitution of man, based entirely on the great law of the Ternary, which is found everywhere in the universe; then he defines the 3 great powers that govern this universe "Human Will, Destiny and Providence", and it is on these great principles that he bases his entire work" (Caillet). The work was republished in 1824 under the title Histoire philosophique du genre humain, ou l'Homme considéré sous ses rapports religieux et politiques dans l'état social, à toutes les époques et chez les différens peuples de la terre. Rubbing to covers, hinges and edges, corners dulled. Tear with damage to the text on one leaf of the first volume (pp. 269-270). Some rare freckling. Provenance: William Décloux of Perpignan, with bookplate.

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 45 - GAUTIER (Judith) - YAMAMOTO (Hōsui). Poëmes De la Libellule. Translated from the Japanese According to the literal version by M. Saionzi Conseiller d'État de S. M. l'Empereur du Japon. Paris : [L. Frinzine et Cie], Ch. Gillot, [1885]. - In-4, 313 x 243 : (55 ff.), 7 plates, illustrated cover. Full blue Bradel cloth, smooth spine, front cover preserved (20th century binding). First edition of this collection of Japanese poems translated into verse by Judith Gautier, with a preface by Tsoura-Youki. It is illustrated on each page with a composition by Japanese painter Hōsui YAMAMOTO (1850-1906), reproduced in chromotypography after the Gillot processes, each printed with a different color ink. In addition, there are 8 color illustrations by the same artist, including one on the title and 7 hors texte. Edition of 820 copies on Japanese imperial paper; this is ONE OF 20 VERY RARE RETOUCHED EXEMPLAIRES, justified in violet ink and bearing the letter N. This edition is unknown to Vicaire, Talvart and Place. Virtually all the illustrations were enhanced by Judith Gautier herself, who signed the cover with her first name in Japanese. A precious copy enriched with TWO ORIGINAL PAINTINGS SIGNED BY HÖSUI YAMAMOTO, one on silk glue, and the second on Japanese paper depicting a floral composition. It also includes an autograph poem signed by the poetess, a copy of the translation of Princess Sikisi's poem in the collection: "Sweet flowers that brush // The roof of our home, // When the hour flees // Or I see you in my tears // Don't forget me, O flowers! // Judith Gautier." The silk painting opposite seems to be an illustration of this poem. A copy in a modest 20th-century binding; a few stains on the boards. First cover only preserved. Spotting and foxing on the front cover and facing leaf. We would like to thank Mr. Frantz Fray for identifying the signatures.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 46 - HUGO (Victor). Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris: Eugène Renduel, 1836. - In-8, 205 x 128: frontispiece, (2 ff.), 631 pp. 11 plates. Havana morocco, boards richly decorated with gilt roulette on the edges, framed by a wide band of dark green morocco decorated with gilt repetition decoration of circles and lozenges linked by a fillet, cut at the corners by a gilt quatrefoil on a piece of red morocco, bordered on the outside by a small gilt fleur-de-lys at the corners, and on the inside a gilt fillet lobed at the corners with a spandrel in light green morocco adorned with gilt scrolls, the first plate also featuring a beautiful gilt rosette in the center, ribbed spine adorned on each box with a quatrefoil in dark green morocco surrounded by gilt scrolls, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (late 19th-century binding). Bertin, no. 106. Partly original edition, the first complete, so-called "Keepsake Edition", including three previously unpublished chapters that had been lost. Printed in an edition of 2,000 copies, it went on sale as a New Year's book on December 5, 1835. Very fine first-edition illustration, comprising a frontispiece and 11 plates on China paper, steel-engraved by Edward and William Finden, Robert Staines, Gabriel-Louis Lacour-Lestudier, G. Périam, T. Philibrocon after Adolphe Rouargue, Tony and Alfred Johannot, Louis Boulanger, Camille Rogier and Auguste Raffet. The plate entitled Utilité des fenêtres qui donnent sur la rivière (Utility of windows overlooking the river) was not ready in time and, as always, is printed on wove paper. ONE OF THE VERY RARE EXAMPLES ON FINE VELIN PAPER, in a superb later mosaic binding, enriched with 5 wood-engraved vignettes after Tony Johannot, glued and mounted on strong vellum paper. Slight rubbing to nerves.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 51 - PERCHERON (Luc). Pyrrhe, tragedy by Luc Percheron du pays du Maine (1592). Paris : imprimerie de Crapelet, 1845. - In-8, 202 x 115 : xiij, 80 pp. Red morocco, boards decorated in the center with a quatrefoil surrounded by four compositions of small filigree irons, the whole set within an inner quatrefoil frame composed of three gilt fillets and marked at the corners with a filigree iron, and an outer frame of three gilt fillets, richly decorated ribbed spine, inner gilt lace, gilt edges on witnesses, modern red half-maroquin slipcase (Bauzonnet-Trautz and Ateliers Laurenchet for the slipcase). Extremely rare first edition of this five-act tragedy by Luc Percheron, published by and at the expense of Max de Clinchamp and Raoul de Montesson. It is the only known poetic work by this author, printed here from the only known manuscript preserved at the time in the Le Mans library. This edition was announced in the Bibliographie de la France of May 10, 1845 (no. 2366). Only 16 copies were printed, some in-12 on strong paper, others in-8 on chine and at least 1 on vellum. This is the ONLY KNOWN EXEMPLAIRE ON VELIN, specially printed for Max de Climchamp. It is quite possible that a second copy was printed on the same medium for Raoul de Montesson, but we have found no trace of this. A superb copy in a period binding signed "Bauzonnet-Trautz". Antoine Bauzonnet added to his name that of his son-in-law Trautz from 1840 to 1851. Cracked hinges. Provenance: Max de Climchamp, with bookplate and his name printed on the fourth leaf.

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR

Lot 53 - PICARD (Edmond) - REDON (Odilon). Le Juré. Monodrama in five acts. Bruxelles: des presses de Mme Ve Monnom, 1887. - In-4, 283 x 225: frontispiece, (4 ff.), XLVII, 133 pp., (4 ff.), 2 portraits, 6 plates. White overlaid parchment, boards decorated with a double frame of 3 gilt fillets, gilt iron with symbols of justice at corners, gilt plate in center, smooth spine decorated, untrimmed (Claessens). Mellerio 75-81. Rare and highly sought-after first edition, printed in an edition of only 100 copies on special vat Hollande Van Gelder paper. The work opens with two introductory texts printed in black, namely a Lettre sur le Monodrame - in which the author defines Monodrama as a play intended to be read aloud to an audience - and a study entitled Le Fantastique réel. The Monodrama, first read by the author at the Brussels Young Bar Association conference on November 10, 1888, is printed in bistre and gothic type. This edition is sought-after because of its illustrations, made especially for the work, including 7 original lithographic interpretations by Odilon REDON (1840-1916). In addition, there is a self-portrait of the artist, reproduced using the Evely process, and a portrait of the author writing at his desk, reproduced in heliogravure after a composition by Théo Van Rysselberghe. Each plate is printed on japon and includes a captioned serpente. Copy numbered 38, specially printed for Eugène Robert. Preserved in its publisher's binding signed by Claessens. Soiling to binding, 7.5-centimeter split at first board hinge. Ink stains in the margins of pages 58-59. Non-missing tears to some serpents. Transfer of the plates despite the serpents. Provenance: Eugène Robert.

Estim. 4 000 - 6 000 EUR

Lot 55 - REDOUTÉ (Pierre-Joseph). Album des plus belles Roses de Redouté. Paris, [circa 1830]. - Album folio, 471 x 322: portrait, 24 plates. Unbleached moire, wide gilt and cold-rolled borders on covers, gilt album title on first cover, smooth spine, pink moire lining, white moiré paper endpapers, gilt edges, flap folder, red cloth spines (period binding). Very rare edition of this album featuring a sample of 25 plates from Redouté's Roses. Redouté's Roses appeared in 3 folio volumes between 1817 and 1824, shortly after the artist's other fine publication devoted to Liliaceae, published in 8 volumes between 1802 and 1816. These two publications made Redouté famous, and he was dubbed the "Raphael of flowers". The success of the Roses in particular was such that reprints in in-8 format were quickly conceived, as well as collections of a selection of some of the most beautiful flowers. The present collection is extremely rare, unknown to Hunt, and we have found only one other copy described in the Audenet sale of March 1841. It appears to be a completely confidential publication, intended as a gift. The album contains a total of 25 plates, including 23 of roses, printed on vellum paper in folio format. They are almost identical to those in the 1817-1824 edition, except that the roses have a number engraved in the plate in the upper right-hand corner, which does not appear on the proofs of the edition but indicates the order in which they are to appear in the work. They are clearly marked "Imprimerie de Rémond" in the lower center, with the engravers' names on the right and Redouté's ("P. J. Redouté pinx.") on the left. Here are the contents, with the number engraved in the corner in brackets: - portrait of Redouté engraved by Pradier after Gérard, dated 1811 and captioned "P. J. Redouté, Peintre de Fleurs", - rose wreath engraved by Charlin, including, gilded in the center, 5 Greek verses from Anacreon's Ode V, - Rosa centifola foliacea. Rose à cent feuilles, foliaceous, engraved by Langlois (no. 84), - Rosa Damascena. Subalba. Rose de Damas with rose-tinted petals, engraved by Chapuy (no. 20), - Rosa Indica. La Bengale bichonne, engraved by Langlois (n° 73), - Rosa Damascena aurora. Rose Aurore Poniatowska, engraved by Chardin (sic) (n° 75), - Rosa Gallica Regalus. Rose Gandeur Royale, engraved by Bessin (no. 64), - Rosa Centifolia mutabilis. Rosier Unique, engraved by Bessin (no. 43), - Rosa Centifolia crenata. Rose Centfeuilles à folioles crenélées, engraved by Chapuy (no. 87), - Rosa Gallica caerulea. Rosier de Provins with bluish leaves, engraved by Talbaux (n° 100), - Rosa Centifolia Bipinnata. Celery-leaved rose, engraved by Langlois (no. 60), - Rosa Collina Monsoniana. Ladi-Monson rose, engraved by Langlois (no. 147), - Rosa alba foliacea. La Blanche foliacée de fleury, engraved by Victor (n° 122), - Rosa Gallica latifolia. Rosier de Provins à grandes feuilles, engraved by Langlois (n° 116), - Rosa Gallica Versicolor. Rosier de France with variegated flowers, engraved by Langlois (n° 55), - Rosa Rapa. Rosier Turneps, engraved by Charlin (no. 58), - Rosa Muscosa Anemone-flora. La Mousseuse de la Flèche, engraved by Victor (no. 163), - Rosa Damascena Variegata. Rosier d'Yorck et de Lancastre, engraved by Bessin (n° 56), - Rosa Tomentosa. Rosier Cotonneux, engraved by Bessin (n° 98), - Rosa Indica vulgaris. Rosier des Indes commun, engraved by Bessin (no. 14), proof with the rose hip in the lower right, which does not appear on the proof of the 1817 edition, - Rosa Damascena Calsiana prolifera. Rosier de Cels à fleurs prolifères, engraved by Langlois (no. 120), - Rosa Centifolia Anemonoides. La Centfeuilles Anemone, engraved by Victor (n° 112), - Rosa Indica Cruenta. Bengal rose with blood-purple flowers, engraved by Langlois (n° 49), - Rosa Damascena. Rosier de Cels, engraved by Charlin (n° 81), - Rosa Multiflora platyphylla. Rosier Multiflore à grandes feuilles, engraved by Langlois (no. 89). A very fine copy in its period binding covered with unbleached moire, which could be considered a present-day binding. Slight wear to moire at spine ends, dust jacket damaged. Some foxing to portrait.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 57 - TOLSTOÏ (Léon). The Power of Darkness. Drama in five acts and six tableaux. Paris: Tresse & Stock, 1888. - In-12, 182 x 122 : (2 ff.), 152 pp. Bradel brown half cloth with corners, smooth spine, untrimmed (contemporary binding). Precious proof copy of the first edition of the French translation by Isaac Pavlovsky and Oscar Méténier of this drama by Leo Tolstoy, first performed at the Théâtre Libre on February 10, 1888. It contains numerous handwritten corrections, some in the author's own hand and others attributed to his daughter Tatiana Lvovna (1864-1950). A copy of the playwright and translator Oscar Méténier, with his monogram OM at the bottom of the spine, enriched with the proof before the letter of the portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Théophile Bérengier dated 1886, and an autograph letter signed by Tatiana Lvovna, one page in-12, addressed to the translator Isaac Pavlovsky and dated 1887. This precious letter is quoted in the preface to Calmann-Lévy's 1894 edition, and refers directly to these proofs. Here is the translation: "Gracieux seigneurs, Mon père vous fait communiquer qu'il a reçu vos épreuves; il approuve beaucoup votre traduction et la rendre vous avec quelques petites corrections qu'il a trouvé nécessaires; il est très content de voir monter La Puissance des Ténèbres et surtout au Théâtre-Libre." Here's what Oscar Méténier had to say about this letter and these proofs in the preface to the 1894 edition: "With this letter we received our proofs corrected by Count Tolstoy, who had gone so far as to correct the typographical errors, of which there were many in these proofs! Barely twenty words had been changed in the text. And even then, most of these words were synonyms we had shied away from, finding them too Parisian and not Russian enough. In a certain passage, for example, Count Tolstoy replaced "bavarder" with "blaguer"; he substituted "Et si les femmes m'adorent" for "Et si les femmes m'adorent": Et si les femmes me courent après, etc. Anything that could be considered a bold use of language has been approved and even accentuated by the author. An important detail: the role of Akim, the stumbling block of the play, has not been the subject of a single correction, and not a single taië has not been replaced by a French equivalent that the spectator can understand. We'll be the judge. M. Antoine himself has kindly taken on this dangerous role. It is therefore not an adaptation, but a tight translation, complete in all its parts, literal, countersigned and declared exact by the author himself, that the valiant troupe of the Théâtre-Libre will present to the public" (preface by Oscar Méténier to Trois chefs-d'œuvre du théâtre russe, Calmann Lévy, 1894, p. XIV). Rubbing to title-piece on spine. Enclosed: - TOLSTOÏ (Léon). The Power of Darkness. Drama in five acts and six tableaux. Paris: Tresse & Stock, 1888. - In-12, 182 x 122: (2 ff.), 152 pp. printed cover. Paperback. Copy of the original edition of the translation, enriched with an autograph letter signed by the two translators, addressed to Lucien Descaves: A Lucien Descaves // avec une bonne poignée // de main // Pavlovsky & Oscar Méténier The cover is slightly torn and missing.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 58 - ZOLA (Émile). L'Assommoir. Paris: G. Charpentier, 1877. - In-18, 183 x 114: (2 ff.), III, 569 pp. printed cover. Jansenist brick morocco, ribbed spine, red morocco lining edged with gilt fillet, red moiré silk endpapers, double endpapers, gilt edges on witnesses, cover preserved, edged slipcase (G. Mercier sr de son père 1923). Rare first edition of the seventh novel in the Rougon-Macquart series. EXEMPLAIRE DE JORIS-KARL HUYSMANS (1848-1907), on publisher's paper, with this autograph letter signed by the author on the false title: A mon confrère et ami Huysmans // son bien dévoué / Émile Zola This is an important provenance, given the close friendship between these two great novelists at the time. They had met in the spring of 1876, and Huysmans did not hesitate to defend his friend in a series of articles, a kind of manifesto, entitled Émile Zola et L'Assommoir, which appeared in the Belgian newspaper L'Actualité in 1877. However, the author of À rebours gradually distanced himself from the naturalist movement, leading to a rift with his friend. Differences developed from 1884 onwards, and their separation became effective in 1891 with the publication of Là-bas. This copy includes a superb autograph letter signed by Zola to Huysmans, dated L'Estaque, August 3, 1877, 4 pages in-8. In it, he discusses his forthcoming novel Une page d'amour, the eighth title in the Rougon-Macquart series: "I've just finished the first part of my novel, which will have five parts. It's a little popote, a little jeanjean; but I think it will be a pleasant drink. I want to astonish the readers of L'Assommoir with a good-natured book. I'm delighted when I've written a naïve little page that looks sixteen. Yet I'm not saying that, here and there, a fart-in-the-air doesn't get me off on the wrong foot. But that's the exception. I'm inviting readers to a family party, where we'll meet some good hearts. Finally, the first part will end with a bird's-eye view of Paris, first drowned in fog, then gradually appearing under a blond spring sun, which is, I think, one of my best pages so far. That's why I'm happy, and I say it, you see, in a lyrical tone." He then turns to the theater: "I'll get to it this winter, if I finish my novel quickly. But theater continues to terrify me. I feel the need to tackle it, and I don't really know where to begin the assault. We'll have to see." He ends with a thought for his friends: "Get Céard to do some work. If you see Maupassant, shake his hand and tell him I've heard nothing from Flaubert, to whom I'm going to write, by the way. Handshakes to everyone." This letter has appeared in most editions of Zola's correspondence since the one published by Charpentier in 1908. A first-edition copy, completed at the end of 1876, with the two leaves of the preface, dated January 1, 1877, added after the fact. A very fine copy in lined binding by Georges Mercier. Spine slightly faded. Small traces of light wetness on one edge of the two leaves of the preface. Provenance: Joris-Karl Huysmans, with dispatch from the author.

Estim. 4 000 - 6 000 EUR

Lot 60 - BLOY (Léon). The Resurrection of Villiers de L'Isle-Adam. Paris: Librairie E. Lecampion, A. Blaizot, 1906. - Booklet in-8, 243 x 159: frontispiece, (4 ff.), 32 pp. printed cover. Percaline brique à la Bradel, smooth spine, untrimmed, cover preserved (period binding). First edition of this pamphlet, intended to solicit contributions for the erection of a monument by sculptor Frédéric Brou to the memory of Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam. "La Résurrection is a glowing, eulogistic article about Villiers, but at the same time, Bloy persists in recording everything he hated about Villiers' ideas (fifteen years after his death!). In our opinion, the most heartfelt words in the text are those he dedicates to Villiers' feminine ideal. Both men had had an affair with a common woman and a very similar way of life: they were able to recreate the illusion of a being gifted with extraordinary intelligence and unheard-of beauty (a woman who would be God, or the Holy Spirit for Bloy). The passages Bloy quotes from Villiers' works clearly show that the creator of La Femme pauvre understood Villiers' dreams and obsessions" (Marta Giné Janer, Bloy et Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, in: Léon Bloy au tournant du siècle, 1992, p. 40). The edition is illustrated on the frontispiece with a heliogravure of the model of the monument sculpted by Frédéric Brou (1862-1926) (a nude beauty tearing off the planks of Villiers' coffin). A precious copy, one of the very few printed on laid paper, whose edition is not mentioned in the justification. This is the copy offered to critic and writer René Martineau (1866-1948), bearing this autograph dispatch from Bloy, signed by the author and Frédéric Brou: to René Martineau // l'Initiateur // Léon Bloy // Frédéric Brou Martineau was a close friend of Léon Bloy. In 1901, he published a book entitled Un vivant et deux morts devoted to Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Ernest Hello and Léon Bloy. According to Natacha Galpénine: "It was thanks to this publication, which included a portrait of Villiers on his deathbed, that Léon Bloy was able to see the face of his friend from which Huysmans had dismissed him in August 1889, shortly before his meeting with Jeanne" (Natacha Galpénine, Jeanne et Léon Bloy. Une écriture à quatre mains, 2017). Enriched with two corrections (pp. 20 and 24) and an addition (title) by the author, as well as two original vintage silver photographs, one 212 x 132 mm, of the monument at an angle different from that shown in the frontispiece photo, and the other a very fine portrait of the sculptor (158 x 113 mm). Spine faded and covers discolored in places. Provenance: René Martineau, with bookplate. - Bibliothèque J.C.D., Norman amateur, with bookplate (Artcurial sale, May 23, 2005, no. 179).

Estim. 500 - 700 EUR

Lot 61 - BLOY (Léon). Celle qui pleure (Notre Dame de la Salette). Paris: Société du Mercure de France, 1908. - In-8, 217 x 141: frontispiece, (4 ff.), 253 pp, (3 ff.), printed cover. Blue Bradel-style cloth, smooth spine decorated with a gilt fleuron, untrimmed, cover retained (period binding). First edition, dedicated to Pierre Termier, of this deeply Catholic work devoted to the miracle at La Salette in Isère, where two young shepherds named Mélanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud claimed to have witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary on September 19, 1846. "It was only in 1906, under the influence of Pierre Termier, that Bloy resumed the project of writing a book on the miracle of La Salette. After another pilgrimage to "la Sainte Montagne", he set to work, completing his work in September 1907. Termier paid the printing costs, but the Catholic publishers declined, so the book was published by the Mercure de France" (catalog of the Léon Bloy exhibition, Bibliothèque nationale, 1968, no. 59). The edition is illustrated on the frontispiece with a heliogravure of the statue of Celle qui pleure. ONE OF THE 3 FIRST COPIES ON IMPERIAL JAPON, this being the author's personal copy, numbered 2. It also includes this autograph note on one of the endpapers: mon exemplaire // Léon Bloy. Modestly bound for the author, he had it enriched with a color photograph of a view of the village of La Salette, and placed between pages 161-162 carnations picked on the mountain of La Salette, of which only one flower remains today. He also made four corrections, on pages 3, 7, 71 and 73. This is the copy that was presented at the Bibliothèque nationale during the exhibition devoted to Léon Bloy in March 1968, to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of his death. It appears in the catalog under number 59. The copy was subsequently enriched by an autograph card signed by Madeleine Souberbielle-Bloy, the author's youngest daughter, dated Paris, July 16, 1969. She offers this book to a friend: "It is not I who offers you this book, but Léon Bloy himself. Please accept it as a tribute to our great and affectionate gratitude. My father had this copy bound and added the color photograph that is now in it. The carnations on page 161 were picked on the mountain of La Salette." This friend is René Lacroix-à-L'Henri, whose bookplate is affixed to the front flyleaf. He was the author of several articles on Léon Bloy, including a book entitled Léon Bloy un écrivain pour l'an 2000, published in 1977. Spine slightly browned, slight wear to covers and corners. Provenance: Léon Bloy. - Madeleine Souberbielle-Bloy. - M. and Mme Lacroix-à-L'Henri, with bookplate.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 62 - [BLOY (Léon)] - BOLLERY (Joseph). Cahiers Léon Bloy La Rochelle: [Joseph Bollery], 1924-1939. - 90 issues in 8 volumes in-8, 221 x 137. Red half-maroquin, spine ribbed, gilt head, untrimmed, covers preserved (P. L. Martin). Complete collection of the first series of Cahiers Léon Bloy, edited by Joseph Bollery, comprising 90 issues published in 76 fascicules from September 1924 to September 1939. A precious copy, ONE OF 4 ON LAFUMA REGISTER VELIN, justified by the publisher as follows: "Il a été tiré, de chaque numéro des Cahiers Léon Bloy: Quatre exemplaires sur vélin registre Lafuma." This one bears the number 2 and includes this handsome autograph letter from Bollery to Jehan Kappès-Grangé: à mon ami, Jehan Kappès-Grangé, // qui a bien voulu me demander // l'histoire des Cahiers Léon Bloy. // I beg his pardon for having done so // at such length, but this story is // that of my whole life, which, from the moment I was // born, was directed, without my knowledge // and even against my will, towards // the vocation of historian of the // "Ungrateful Beggar", // In memory of our common // expeditions in search of Cain's // "disjecta membra" // Marchenoir, // remember Vernègues, // Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Cubjac, // Taillepetit, to name but // our most prestigious stops... // La Rochelle, June 1957 // Joseph Bollery As promised in his dedication, Bollery has written on 4 flyleaves not the history of the Cahiers, but a veritable autobiography recounting the events since his childhood that led him to admire Léon Bloy and devote a publication to him. Signed and dated July 1957, here is an extract from the beginning of the publishing adventure: "I had collected enough subscriptions to cover the magazine's first year. The first issue of Cahiers Léon Bloy appeared on September 25, 1924, with a print run of 250 copies - more than enough, I thought. It quickly sold out, however, and I was obliged to arrange for a new composition and a second print run to satisfy new subscribers. The Cahiers Léon Bloy lived up to - and exceeded - my manifesto's rash promises. They appeared regularly every two months, except for a few double and triple issues that sometimes extended the periodicity to 4 or 6 months. Founder, director, editor-in-chief, editorial secretary, proofreader, office boy and errand boy, I assumed all the functions single-handedly." A beautifully bound copy by Pierre-Lucien Martin, enriched with the subscription bulletin announcing the publication of the Cahiers, as well as the supplements often printed on colored paper. It is also complete with all red covers. A very well preserved copy. Provenance: Jehan Kappès-Grangé, with consignment from the publisher.

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Lot 66 - CHOPIN (Henri). Poésie sonore internationale. Paris: Jean-Michel Place, [1979]. - In-4, 277 x 198: 309 pp, (1 f.), printed cover. Paperback, in publisher's red cloth slipcase. Very rare first edition, printed in an edition of only 60 copies on Phoenix paper from the Ruysscher paper mills. In this handsome work, artist and poet Henri Chopin (1922-2008) presents the history and evolution of sound poetry around the world, with numerous biographies of poets and composers. It is divided into 4 books: Tâtonnements avant 1950. - The Reality of sound or electronic poetry. - 1960 à 1969. - 1970. and poetry-music encounters in electro-acoustics. The study concludes with a bibliography and discography. The edition includes numerous photographic portraits reproduced in black in the text. A precious copy, one of the first 20 to include : - a collage and montage signed by Franco-Swiss painter Arthur AESCHBACHER (1923-2020), - a collage signed by André BELLEGUIE, - a typewriter poem signed by Henri CHOPIN, - an underside of a poster signed and dated 1980 by painter, poet and composer François DUFRÊNE (1930-1982), - a print signed by painter, poet and musician Brion GYSIN (1916-1986), - a magnetic collage signed and dated 30.10.79 by poet and publisher Bernard HEIDSIECK (1928-2014), - a score signed and dated October 79 by composer Pierre MARIETAN (b. 1935), - and a single-line drawing signed and dated October 14, 1979 by cartoonist, novelist and poet Michel SEUPHOR (1901-1999). NOMINATED EXEMPLAIRE, NUMBER I, SPECIAL PRINTED FOR ROBERT ALTMANN, enriched with this justification in the author's hand: Exemplaire tiré // pour Mr Robert Altman (sic) // un grand ami et soutien // de la première heure // pour cette activité // nouvelle // Hommage à vous // H. Chopin 14.1.81 Robert Altmann (1915-2017) was a banker, publisher and collector, father of the famous Lettrist artist Roberto Altmann. With his Brunidor publishing house, he published Isou's first lithograph, the start of a long series. He also published works by Henri Chopin, notably his print Le Sourire, which appeared in Portfolio VII, "Three Artists Six Images" in 1973. A very well preserved copy, complete with the two audio cassettes and a modern print of Seuphor's 1930 photograph "Russolo au Russolophone", signed on verso by the poet-photographer. Provenance: Robert Altmann.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 71 - [MANUSCRIPT - ARMORIAL]. [Armorial des Consuls de Narbonne]. Narbonne, 1910. - Manuscript in-folio, 347 x 235 : (150 ff.). Marbled calf, Duseuil-style gilt decoration on boards, ornate spine, interior gilt roulette, gilt edges (imitation period binding). Remarkably accurate handwritten copy of the Armorial of the Consuls of Narbonne. The centerpiece of the manuscript holdings of the Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne, it provides an illustrated directory of the magistrates of Narbonne from 1523 to 1685, with hundreds of painted coats of arms. Produced at the end of the 17th century, this armorial "allows us to observe the families and professions that held a share of power in Narbonne during the 16th and 17th centuries. Among them are doctors of law and medicine, merchants and officers. Among them, one family reappears regularly: the De Cogomblis. A family of notables, it has nearly twenty-two mandates over the armorial period. We can therefore imagine that they had an influence as much within their social group as within the city itself. It should be noted that no consul is re-elected from one year to the next" (source: Blog Patrimonial de la Médiathèque du Grand Narbonne). As in the original, "the first illustrated coats of arms can only be seen from 1549 onwards; from 1674 to 1685, the coats of arms are no longer drawn, although a few sketches remain" (Idem). This copy was made in 1910 by Louis Duviviez for Louis Berthomieu, curator of the Musée de Narbonne, as indicated in the colophon: "I, the undersigned, certify that this copy, executed by Mr Louis Duviviez, professor of drawing at the college of the Archaeological Commission, for Mr Louis Berthomieu, curator of the Narbonne Museum, is absolutely in conformity with the original, which was part of the library of Mr Abbé Causse and is currently in the possession of Mr Bories, former notary and member of the Narbonne Archaeological Commission. Narbonne, November 12, 1910. L'Archiviste Bibliothécaire de la Ville de Narbonne". Beautiful copy bound in imitation of a 17th-century binding. Provenance: Louis Berthomieu (1870-1928).

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 80 - BRANGWYN (Frank) - VERHAEREN (Émile). Les Villes tentaculaires. Paris: Helleu & Sergent, 1919 [1920]. - In-4, 290 x 230: 178 pp, (3 ff.), 1 plate, illustrated cover. Cream box, first board decorated with four rectangles of brown box arranged in the center of the lower edge in the shape of a pyramid, including on the first three the title of the work in gilt lettering, quarter gilt pastille at the ends of each rectangle, the highest being surmounted by a gilt pyramidion, this composition being surmounted by two wide vertical strips of snakeskin, extending to the top edge, separated by a brown box strip, second plate decorated in the same spirit but with a brown box rectangle at the bottom, smooth spine, gilt fillet inside, with the two snakeskin strips and the brown box strip returning at the top, double endpapers, gilt edges on witnesses, cover and spine preserved, case (F. Bernard 1929). Edition of 274 copies, illustrated with 48 black compositions by British painter, draughtsman and engraver Frank BRANGWYN (1857-1966), including 1 out-of-text lithograph and 47 woodcuts, 6 of them full-page. Although dated 1919 on the title and cover, it was completed on June 15, 1920. One of 230 copies on French paper from Papeteries d'Arches. A superb copy in a period Art Deco binding by Marguerite Bernard. A pupil of Noulhac for bookbinding and Cuzin for gilding, she was active from 1922 to 1939. She won a bronze medal at the 1925 Exposition des Arts Décoratifs. Spine slightly browned. Bookmark marks on pages 72 to 77.

Estim. 800 - 1 200 EUR

Lot 92 - CHIMOT (Édouard) - MAGRE (Maurice). Les Soirs d'opium. Poésies. Paris: Le Livre du bibliophile "L'édition", 1921. - In-4, 318 x 248: (2 ff.), 164 pp. (2 ff. first blank), 12 plates, illustrated cover. Grey-brown morocco, gilded fillets framing the boards, spine ribbed and decorated in the same spirit, burgundy morocco lining adorned with two beautiful gilded and mosaic framings, one at the edge composed of a garland of stylized foliage in dark green and red morocco between two brown morocco listels edged with a gilded fillet, and in the center, interlaced gilded fillets forming compartments decorated with mosaic rosettes in red and dark green morocco, and small leaves in dark green morocco, set between two triple gilded fillets, double endpapers, gilded edges on witnesses, cover and spine preserved, lined case (Weckesser et ses fils). Edition of 514 copies, illustrated with 33 compositions by Édouard CHIMOT (1880-1959), including 21 woodcuts engraved by P-J. Sauget, and 12 color etchings outside the text under captioned serpente. One of the first 55 copies reprinted in in-4 format on various papers, including an ORIGINAL DRAWING SIGNED by the artist, 4 states of the hors-texts and states of the woodcuts. This is one of 12 on antique japon à la forme, comprising 10 woodcuts in two states and 11 in three states, including one on chine. It is enhanced by a rejected plate and the two captioned serpents intended for the wood suites. A superb copy in Weckesser's contemporary lined and mosaic binding. A few very rare brown spots. Provenance: Joseph Lafarge, with bookplate.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Lot 99 - DELUERMOZ (Henri) - MONTHERLANT (Henry de). Les Bestiaires. Paris: Les Bibliophiles franco-suisses, 1932. - In-4, 306 x 238: (4 ff.), X pp., (1 f.), 305 pp., (3 ff.), illustrated cover. Red morocco, continuous band of black morocco on lower edge of boards and spine, topped by a gilt band, bull's head in front, drawn with gilt fillets and gilt and cold spiral motifs, smooth spine, red morocco framing inside, decorated with a black morocco band on the bottom and 3 gilded fillets, black satin lining, red silk endpapers, double endpapers, gilded edges on witnesses, cover preserved, black morocco spine folder and flap bands, lined slipcase (G. Cretté successor to Marius Michel). Edition published on the initiative and by the care of Jules Exbrayat, illustrated with 52 original lithographs by Henri DULUERMOZ (1876-1943), printed in two tones, including 10 hors texte. The lithographs on the cover and title are also gilded. Edition of 125 copies on japon; this one, number 25, was specially printed for Jules Exbrayat. Superbly bound by Georges Cretté, it has been enriched with the following items: - 2 L.A.S. from Montherlant to J. Exbrayat, concerning the work, - 6 L.A.S. and an autograph postcard from Henri Deluermoz to J. Exbrayat, constituting a very fine correspondence on the genesis of the illustration. The postcard shows a bullfighting scene, - a ticket for the show "Carmen et course deux toros" at the Bayonne bullring on August 13, 1933, - 6 original oil compositions, signed, - 7 original sketches on test layouts, - one of 2 suites of illustrations on japon pelure, - 2 proofs of the cover, - 13 test plates in black before retouching on wove paper, - dinner menu. Perfectly preserved copy. Provenance: Jules Exbrayat, with bookplate (III, 1962, no. 205). - Mlle Dousse, with bookplate (June 23, 1976, no. 40).

Estim. 1 500 - 2 000 EUR