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210 results

Pons-Emmanuel de LAS CASES, who followed his father to St. Helena and was Secretary to Napoleon I; Deputy for Finistère in 1830, returned to St. Helena with the Prince de JOINVILLE to collect the Emperor's ashes. (1800-1854): 3 Letters (2 L.A.S., 1 L.A) Paris and Passy 1833-1834 and n.d., to André DUPIN aîné, President of the Chambre des Députés; 3 pages and a half in-4 or in-8, 2 addresses (the 1st a little creased) - December 29, 1833, recommending Amédée Thayer for the Conseil général des hospices: his great fortune, "his philanthropic tastes, his administrative knowledge [...] are all guarantees of the assiduity with which he will fulfill his duties"... January 5, 1834, recommending the Traité de phrénologie humaine et comparée by Dr. Vimont, laureate of the Institut, who complemented the work of Gall and Spinoza by adding comparative phrenology (animals, men). "You will find in the atlas, for example, the head of the parricide Martin, (plate 98), and that of the negro Belin (plate 113) which won the deserved prize for virtue, and you will see that the difference in their instincts and faculties is related to the difference in their cerebral organization"... Wednesday evening. M. "de Las Cases père", indisposed, regrets not being able to attend the Dupins' invitation... - Speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Phrenological Society, 1832.

Starting price  200 EUR

The Romanian Princess Helene KOLTSOV-MASSALSKY, known by her pen name DORA D'ISTRIA (born Elena Ghica on February 3, 1828 in Bucharest and died in 1888 in Florence, Italy), was a Romanian painter, writer, essayist, historian, traveler and woman of letters. A polyglot, she wrote mainly in French and Italian - Letter A.S. "Princesse Koltzoff Massalsky" from SARAU on April 15, 1857. 3pp in-8°: "Monsieur, among the atlases you have indicated to me, I believe that Houzé's is the most appropriate to realize my views. Indeed, I am not at all keen on meticulous execution for an object destined to undergo all the laborious vicissitudes of packets. What's more, I attach the greatest importance to historical maps, which I need at all times, so to speak. As I have already received several proposals for the translation of La Vie Monastique, I would ask you not to forget to send me the sales figures for this work in May. I would be very reluctant to let it be translated as it is. Should the first edition sell out, I would then do what I did for La Suisse Allemande: a conscientious transformation of the text intended for translation. But this transformation would be much more complete for La Vie Monastique. Indeed, I was very happy to have had the opportunity so quickly to apply Boileau's excellent precept to La Suisse Allemande: Vingt fois sur le métier remettez votre ouvrage. I must add that the translators are also giving me their full support, doing everything they can to ensure that the work is carried out with the utmost care. The English edition will even have magnificent engravings..."

Starting price  100 EUR

Thu 20 Jun

HUGO (Victor). Autograph poetic manuscript. 34 verses on one p. 1/4 in-8, a few erasures and corrections; the second p. is mainly occupied by an autograph tally. Four passages from "Océan d'en haut", first part of his collection Dieu, in a version with variants from the final printed text: "Higher than Atlas, and more than the swift birds! Why be content with your religions? When in infinity we take refuge, Why not follow us, soul in the leaning coffin, And know all? Why, what the abyss sings, [next to "know" Hugo crossed out "take" which he would eventually choose] Not to decipher it? you only have to want it! If you can't hear it, you can at least see it, That hymn that shudders beneath the eternal veils. [above "cet hymne qui frémit" Hugo inscribed "The eternal vibrating hymn" he would ultimately choose] The constellations are scales of stars ; And the winds at times sing you shreds Of that unheard song that fills the tombs. ["De ce chant inouï" would become "Du chant prodigieux" in the printed version] Come, make an effort, greater spirit than eagle; Take your ladder, take your pen, take your ruler; All this music with its ineffable noise Is there on the frightful register of the night; Go, climb; all you have to do is draw staves Under the septentrions and under the lactées ways To read at this very moment, deep in the ruddy skies, The symphony written in notes of suns!" "But you're getting small; you're changing the argument, And there, you take up your complaint rightly; Man is a vast desire in a narrow embrace, A eunuch in love, a traveller who limps; Man is nothing, the earth lies to him every hour; Life is a reckoning instead of a payment". "What are you waiting for? Go to the bottom of God! Go quickly! Ah! breath of manure that perfume avoids, Man, shadow! vain runner of all lost steps! [under "coureur" Hugo crossed out "marcheur"] Merchant of betrayed Christs and sold Josephs! [next to "marchand" Hugo has crossed out "vendeur"] Go! you come out of the mire!" "Muskrats, huddled at the bottom of glassy lakes, Caught wintering under the ice and eating each other;" [the definitive version would be much reworked: "Les musquas rongeurs pris au fond des lacs vitreux Par la glace et l'hiver, se dévorant entre eux"] Also at the top, two verses whose various expressions would be scattered throughout several of the final printed verses: "You providential, and the rest fatal! Ah, you think you're divine! Ah giant! Ah colossus!" "L'OCEAN D'EN HAUT". From the spring of 1855 onwards, Victor Hugo envisaged a kind of conclusion to Contemplations, which he initially entitled "Solitudines cœli [solitudes du Ciel]". This initial nucleus soon grew and took on a life of its own in the writer's mind, under the successive titles "Ascension dans les ténèbres" and "Le Gouffre". It was on the advice of Auguste Vacquerie that he would turn it into a separate work under the immense title of Dieu, so immense that he would not complete it, and it would be published posthumously by Paul Meurice in 1891. It would then comprise two parts, "L'Océan d'en haut" and "Le Seuil du gouffre". Hugo himself explained that he had conceived a triptych in which "the single problem, Being in its triple face: Humanity, Evil, Infinity; the progressive, the relative, the absolute; in what might be called three songs: The Legend of the Centuries, The End of Satan, God". "JE FINIS PAR NE PLUS ÊTRE QU'UNE ESPECE DE TEMOIN DE DIEU". While Baudelaire, like many of his readers, still said of him: "M. Victor Hugo est un grand poète sculptural qui a l'œil fermé à la spiritualité" (Victor Hugo is a great sculptural poet with his eye closed to spirituality), Victor Hugo was turning his thoughts to the mysteries of the infinite and man's metaphysical condition. Thus, in April 1856, he wrote to Franz Stevens: "I live in splendid solitude, as if perched on the tip of a rock, with all the vast foam of the waves and all the great clouds of the sky beneath my window; I dwell in this immense dream of the ocean, I gradually become a somnambulist of the sea, and before all these prodigious spectacles and all this enormous living thought in which I immerse myself, I end up being no more than a kind of witness to God. It's from this eternal contemplation that I wake up from time to time to write. There is always on my stanza or my page a little of the cloud's shadow and the sea's saliva; my thought floats and comes and goes, co

Estim. 2 000 - 3 000 EUR

Sat 22 Jun

[ATLAS] Magnificent and spectacular Bouasse-Lebel atlas-encyclopedia comprising 25 plates and two fold-out maps, mounted on tabs and bound in a large in-folio volume in full period red percaline with 5-ribbed chagrin spine, title in gilt lettering, rubbing and small cut at head of binding, tabs have all been detached from binding, leaving plates free and flying, nevertheless very well preserved in very good condition. 1 Tableau de Géométrie pratique à l'usage des artistes et des Industriels by A.M. Perrot, ingénieur Géographe, Bouasse-Lebel encyclopedia, numerous figures enhanced in color. Two plates: Volcanoes and Tableau de cosmographie et des divers Systèmes de la Sphère with numerous enhanced figures. Tableau comparatif des cathédrales et principales églises de France by Perrot, ingénieur géographe Tableau de météorologie représentant les divers phénomènes de l'atmosphère par A.M. Perrot ingénieur géographe Tableau des principaux grands hommes qui se sont illustrés dans toutes les parties du Monde par leurs belles actions, leur genie ou leur courage, avec réhauts en coloris d'époque. Elementary mechanics with colored figures Tableau pittoresque des merveilles de la nature par Perrot, ingénieur géographe, spectacular plate entirely enhanced in period colors. Vieux Paris et ses monuments (XVIIème siècle) with the delineation of its boundaries under Philippe-Auguste, Charles VI, Louis XIII and the current boundaries with color highlights. Historic castles of France, fully enhanced in period colors. Two plates of departmental coats of arms (90 coats of arms) and coats of arms of French provinces, coats of arms of French sovereigns, flags (54 coats of arms) enhanced in color. Les Reines de France et les monarques français, two plates fully enhanced in period colors. Synoptic table of Popes from Saint Peter to Pius IX The Butterfly Collector, 102 figures enhanced in color Archaeological painting with numerous color figures, some enhanced Inventions and discoveries in science and art Two plates: Tableau des femmes des cinq parties du monde présentant les caractéristiques physiques qui les distingues et leurs costumes nationaux, and Tableau comparatif des races et des costumes des principaux peuples des cinq parties du Monde, both enhanced in period colors. Table of universal perspective by J. Jacob Topographie, tableau des teinte et signes conventionnels adoptés par le ministère de la guerre drawn and washed on Pierre by Louis Allard Two plates: Elements of Botany with 227 enhanced figures and Mushrooms, with a large number of enhanced color figures. Tableau des animaux et des végétaux existans avant le déluge written according to Cuvier, Buckland, De Humboldt etc; by Perrot, geographer. Large folding map, encyclopedic geographic table of France, in color. Boreal celestial planisphere projected on the plane of the equator, finely colored (small tear at center, not serious).

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR

Sat 22 Jun

A very interesting and moving set of books and maps belonging to the engineer and politician Eloi Béral, which attest to his travels during his mission to Ottoman countries and the Russian frontiers. [Turkey] Pierre-François VIGUIER - Elemens de langue Turque ou table analytiques de la langue turque usuelle avec leur développement De l'imprimerie du Palais de France à Constantinople, 1790 - The first and only edition of this grammar of the Turkish language, this very rare publication from the printing house of the Palais de France in Constantinople is by a French missionary, orientalist and linguist who spent 18 years in Turkey. This Lazarist father was also an eminent orientalist. A superb copy in a very rare period Orientalist binding, double framed with gilded fillets on the boards, 5-rib spine, richly decorated with arabesques, a fleur-de-lys in the last box, Oriental rosette decorations on the boards. Rubbing, snags and scratches, a partial split through the spine, nevertheless a copy in its rare period condition. Interior well preserved, two marbled endpapers missing, otherwise complete with dedication to Louis XVI and list of subscribers. In-4, (32) 462p (1) [Attached] Georges RHASIS - French-Turkish Vocabulary Imprimerie de l'académie impériale des sciences à St Pétersbourg, 1828 - Rare dictionary edition bound for Eloi Béral (mention on spine) in contemporary half-chagrin, five-ribbed spine, in good condition overall, slight rubbing, fresh interior. Work in two parts. In-4, (11) (1) 432pp, (2) 328pp [Attached] A general map of Russia, folded in a matching slipcase. Color map mounted on paper. Size of unfolded map: 95x80 cm [Attached] Une carte de l'empire Ottoman en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique avec les pays limitrophes dressée par Mr. Lapie, commandant au Corps Royal des ingénieurs Géographes, gravée et publiée par J. A. Orgiazzi, Paris (1840-60) Provenance: Eloi Béral, with ex-libris label

Estim. 400 - 600 EUR

Sat 22 Jun

[PLANS DE PARIS] Very fine set of 6 plans of Paris from the 18th and 19th centuries: - Nouveau plan de Paris avec ses augmentations tant finies que projetettées, levé et dessiné par M. Brion de la Tour, ingénieur géographe du roi, à Paris chez les Campion frères, 1786, very fine example of a pre-revolutionary period plan, the plan is centered on the Seine, the copy is quite fresh, canvas segments and folded plan, placed in its superb period leather-bound slipcase, well preserved despite light rubbing. Dimensions : 58x82cm Provenance : Augustes Aéroll... (not deciphered) Lawyer (penmanship certainly late 18th century). - Nouveau plan routier de la ville et faubourgs de Paris published in Paris by Esnauts et Rapilly, 1775 Canvas-covered segments and folded plan, in good overall condition (minor snags and slight flaws) set in its original morocco boards, in good condition, some rubbing and snags not serious. Dimensions : 81x53cm - Plan routier de la ville et faubourgs de Paris divisé en 12 mairies, Paris, Jean, 1801, bound in contemporary boards under pink paper, containing a very handsome folio plan, this plan establishes the boundaries of the arrondissements with rehauts in contemporary red, yellow and blue colors. Some tears and tape reinforcements on the spine, otherwise a fine copy. Plan dimensions: 80 x 55 cm - Plan de la ville de Paris divisé en 12 arrondissements et 48 quartiers indiquant tous les changements faits et projetés, dressé par X. Girard, ex-géographe des postes, à Paris chez J. Goujon 1820 Beautifully preserved plan, divided into canvas segments and folded. Plan dimensions: 100x60cm - Plan de la ville de Paris divisé en 12 arrondissements et 48 quartiers published by Vicq, graveur géographe et éditeur, in Paris 1840. Beautifully preserved plan, divided into canvas segments and folded. Plan dimensions: 97x64cm - Geometric plan of Paris and its enlargements, to a scale of one millimeter to 10 meters. Published by the Lanée map store 1866 Superb large-scale plan, divided into collected and canvas-covered segments, folded plan, without its cardboard binding. Good condition. Dimensions : 155x105cm

Estim. 400 - 600 EUR

Sat 29 Jun

[Nouveau recueil de voyages]. Geneva P. Barde [- Manget & compagnie]; Paris, Moutart, Mérigot the young 1785-1787 6 vols. 8vo. Contemp. mottled calf, gilt-ruled spines with raised bands, red spr. edges (sm. and occ. traces of use, front joint of vol. VI split). Complete collection in 6 vol. composed of: - Voyages aux montagnes d'Écosse et aux isles Hébrides, de Scilly, d'Anglesey, &c. Translated from English by a society of literary men, with the necessary notes and clarifications. Enriched with maps and many views and drawings, engraved by the best artists. 2 vols: xv-[1 bl.]-375-[2], vi-[2]-328-[2] pp; 10 pl. (vol. I: sl. marg. damp stain at the begin., marg. stain on pl. p. 250, sm. stain on pp. 272-273). Illustrated with 10 fold. plates: one map and 9 views. Contains a.o. "Isles of Scilly" by William Borlase, "Description de l'isle d'Anglesey, au nord-ouest du Pays de Galles", "Relation d'un voyage de Milord Littelton au nord du Pays de Galles, & à l'isle d'Anglesey" and "Voyage en Écosse et aux isles Hébrides, fait en 1772" by Thomas Pennant, "Description de l'isle de Staffa" by Uno von Troil, "Description de l'isle de Saint-Kilda" by Kenneth Macaulay and "Écosse" by Samuel Johnson, etc. - Coxe, William - Voyage en Pologne, Russie, Suède, Danemarck, etc. [...]. [...]. Translated from the English, enriched with notes and the necessary clarifications and increased by a voyage to Norway, by Mr. P.H. Mallet [...]. Work decorated with maps, portraits, plans & figures in intaglio. 4 vols. xii-380, [4]-404, [4]-293 [= 393], [4]-303 pp. 19 pl. (tear in 1st map of vol. I, marg. damp stains in vol. IV, tear in 3rd map in vol. V). Illustrated with 19 plates: 5 fold. maps (Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark), 7 fold. plans (Moscow, St-Petersburg, Stockholm, etc.), 4 portraits and 3 plates (2 fold.). Ref. Brunet IV:114.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Sat 29 Jun

BARTHELEMY, Jean-Jacques Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire. Paris De Bure (printed by P. Fr. Didot junior) 1790 7 vols, 8vo: xxiv-382, [6]-568, [6]-560, [6]-564, [6]-543, [6]-511, [4]-130-[2]-cccxxii-[1] pp. + Atlas: 40 pl. (some sl. browning, occ. water stains and foxing). Contemp. blond polished calf by Courteval, gilt triple fillet frame on boards, richly gilt-orn. flat spines, red leather labels (1 joint starting to split, some min. def.). Atlas bound differently: 19th-c. half calf, gilt-orn. spine, red leather labels (spine titled upside down, some def. on boards, one joint split, corners dulled). Nice set. Third edition (1st 1788) of Barthelemy's masterpiece, often reprinted and translated in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Armenian, Greek. Atlas from the 5th ed., with 40 pl. engr. mainly by Tardieu, a few by Pillement son. Without pl. I (portrait?) but with 2 fold. maps after J.D. Barbié Du Bocage ("Carte générale de la Grèce" numbered "4e édition N° 1, 5e édition pl. 2"; "La Grèce et ses isles" = pl. 2bis) and 38 double-page (num. 3 to 40) figuring maps, plans, views, coins, etc. Ref. Brunet I:674. - Cp. Contominas (Greek Civilization) 29-sq, Atabey I:67, Blackmer (Sotheby's) 386. Bound with, at the beginning of vol. I, same imprint: Mancini Nivernois, Louis-Jules-Barbon - Essai sur la vie de J.J. Barthelemy. An III, 1795. 69 pp. Ref. Blackmer (Sotheby's) 386 (bound at the beginning of vol. I, 1788). Prov. Duvaucel (ms. entries and stamps). - Delaunay, bookseller in Paris (label in vol. I).

Estim. 250 - 300 EUR

Thu 04 Jul

Vaugondy, - Atlas universel- Paris 1757(- 1758). 53x 39 cm). With engraved title. Title and 109 (108 border col., 1 old col.) double-page copper maps, 3 of which folded in. 1 leaf, 34 pp. Marbled cloth with ribbed boards, spine and spine edge gilt (somewhat rubbed, corners bumped, front hinge broken). Shirley, T.ROBV-1d; Phillips 4292; cf. Pedley, p. 227 - Early edition, maps according to Pedley mostly in first state. Scale bars partly still without border or only framed with a simple border line. All 5 postal route maps are already present, but not yet included in the map index. Contains world map, 5 continent maps (America in 2 sheets), Old World (12; incl. 1 further world map) as well as country and area maps from Europe (77), Asia (7), Africa (1) and America (5) with dates from 1749-1757, only the postcard of France is dated 1758. In addition to the 108 Robert maps, there is an unattributed old col. Map of the Near East by T. C. Lotter bound in. Maps titled on verso. - Partly slightly browned or somewhat stained, here and there slight creases (only the last map of South America more creased), individual small marginal or bump holes partly repaired, a few maps with water stains on the sides. Empty fold at beginning with hs. Ownership note by Adrien. D'Andelot, Vicomte Delooz, Baron de Saphre, dated 1760 - Early edition with 108 engr. double-page (3 folding) maps in outline coloring. Scales still without border or only with simple border line. All 5 maps of postal routes are present, but not yet included in the index; and with 1 additional map by Lotter in contemp. coloring. - Some browning, some staining in places, occasionally slight crease folds (heavier to final map), a few small tears to margins or centerfolds partly rep., marginal dampstains to a few maps only. With ms. ownership inscription. Bound in contemporary marbled calf spine gilt, somewhat rubbed, corners worn, crack to upper joint.

Estim. 7 500 - 11 000 EUR

Thu 04 Jul

Prevost d'Exiles,A.F. - Histoire generale des voyages ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre. "Continuation..." in 76 vols. Paris, Didot 1749ff. With numerous, partly folded. Copper engravings. Softcover d. With gilt-stamped boards, reeded boards and ribbed boards (some with holes). - Partly foxed, some waterstained. Maps partly with tear. Not extensively collated. The series, published from 1749 to 1789, contains numerous maps and plates with plans, views, depictions of animals and plants as well as small scenes from the life of the population. Regardless of the overarching character of the individual travel illustrations, the imaginary travel route of the sub-series moves along the West African coast. According to modern state names: to Senegal, Cape Verde, the Cape Verde Islands and Cape Blanco, to Sierra Leone, Libya, Senegal, Gambia, Benin, Congo to Angola and further along the Guinea coast. It also provides information about the inhabitants of West Africa, their culture and the natural history of this region. The numerous copper plates show detailed geographical maps, each with a large cartouche and compass rose, small-scale vedutas, interior or urban and rural scenes, characterizations of the indigenous population, depictions of native mammals, fish and insects, urban complexes and architecture, tools and jewelry, and much more. - 76 volumes. With numerous, partly folded copper engravings. Decorative contemporary leather volumes.

Estim. 3 600 - 5 000 EUR