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Tue 23 Jul

PABLO GARGALLO CATALÁN (Maella, Zaragoza, 1881 - Reus, Tarragona, 1934). "Harlequin's Head", 1928. Drypoint on laid paper, copy 9/12. Signed in plate: PG 28. With hand-painted period frame. Presents some lack of polychrome. Some stains on the paper. Measurements: 18 x 13 cm (plate); 22 x 17 cm (paper); 43 x 37 cm (frame). Rare print by the artist. Only one edition of 12 numbered copies was made of this work. The Pablo Gargallo Museum has the original plates of the only four drypoint engravings by Gargallo (Self-Portrait, Harlequin's Head, Female Nude and Ballerina). Pablo Gargallo is considered the precursor of iron sculpture, and learned the technique of forging from his father, who owned a blacksmith shop. In 1888 his family emigrated to Barcelona for economic reasons and there he began his artistic training, in the workshop of the sculptor Eusebio Arnau and in the School of La Lonja, with Venancio Vallmitjana as his main teacher. At the height of Modernism in Barcelona, Gargallo frequented the gatherings of "Els quatre Gats", establishing relationships with artists such as Nonell and Picasso. That is why his first works are influenced by Modernism, as is the case of the decoration of Barcelona buildings that he made in collaboration with the architect Domènech i Montaner, such as the Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo or the Palau de la Música. In 1903 Gargallo obtained a scholarship that allowed him to travel to Paris to complete his studies. His stay in the French capital was brief, but from then until 1923, when he settled permanently in Paris, his trips there would be frequent. In this city he found the aesthetic formulations of cubism, assimilated its expressive systems and sought the schematism and essentiality of figures and objects, trying to find the authentic three-dimensional expression of the cubist postulates. During these years he began to use metallic materials such as sheet metal, copper and iron. Around 1911-12 he made his first masks, pieces of great simplification made with cut sheet metal, linked to the cubist aesthetic. Using sheet metal, Gargallo began to suggest volumes and exalt the voids through the penetration of light into the interiors. In 1920 he was appointed professor of sculpture at the Escuela Técnica de Oficios Artísticos de la Mancomunidad de Cataluña, a post from which he was removed in 1923 for political reasons. It was then that Gargallo settled permanently in Paris with his wife and daughter. From this moment on his style acquires a very personal dimension, derived from his interpretation of cubism, based on the search for a formal synthesis of the figure in geometric planes always fluid, replacing conventional materials with wrought iron sheets, and introducing a new sculptural language by introducing the void as volume and giving his figures a great expressive dramatism. Pablo Gargallo is currently represented in the museum that bears his name in Zaragoza, the MoMA in New York, MACBA in Barcelona, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and the Reina Sofia in Madrid, among many others.

Estim. 1 500 - 1 800 EUR

Tue 23 Jul

EUSEBI ARNAU MASCORT (Barcelona, 1864 - 1933) for MASRIERA Y CARRERAS. Paperweight "Ninfa", ca. 1905. Bronze on veined marble base. Signed with anagram by the author. Masriera y Carreras stamp on one side. Measurements: 9 x 5 x 8 cm (sculpture); 1,5 x 8 x 9 cm (base). The sculptor Eusebi Arnau was formed in the School of Fine Arts of Barcelona, and was a disciple of José Gamot. From 1887 he continued his studies in Rome, thanks to a scholarship from the School of La Lonja. Later he extended his training at the Julian Academy in Paris, exhibiting his works at the Salon of the French capital in 1895 and 1902. Later he opened his own workshop in Barcelona, where he had disciples such as Pablo Gargallo and Josep Dunyach. Arnau will carry out numerous commissions, such as the altarpiece of the basilica church of Santa Engracia in Zaragoza, where he worked with Josep Llimona. On the other hand, his sculptures applied to architecture made him stand out as a modernist sculptor. Some examples are those made for the Lleó Morera and Amatller houses, the Hotel España, the Palacio de la Música Catalana and the Hospital de San Pablo, all in Barcelona. He was also a regular collaborator of the architect Enric Sagnier Villavecchia, with whom he worked on the Customs building of the Port of Barcelona, the Ruper Garriga House, the Via Crucis of Montserrat, the Expiatory Temple of the Sacred Heart, the parish of the Sacred Heart of Poblenou, the agency of the Caixa de Pensions in Reus and other projects. He also excelled as a medal maker, producing, among others, the medal of the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1888, the Catalan Solidarity medal, the Columbus Centenary medal and the commemorative medal for the demolition of the walls of Barcelona. Throughout his life, Arnau took part in numerous exhibitions in Spain, Chicago, Mexico City and Paris. He was awarded a bronze medal at the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1888, an honorary diploma at the Fine Arts Exposition of the same city in 1891, and a prize at the 1896 Exposition; honorary mention in sculpture at the National Exposition of Madrid in 1899, first class medal in decorative arts at the National Exposition of 1908, gold medal of the Artistic Circle of Barcelona at the International Art Exposition of 1911, and third class medal at the National Exposition of 1912. Currently we can find public monuments by Arnau in Barcelona, Madrid and Villafranca, and other works by him in Barcelona, Comillas and Zaragoza. He is also represented in the National Art Museum of Catalonia.

Estim. 150 - 180 EUR

Tue 23 Jul

Lote tres plumas estilográficas Twsbi, series "VAC 700", "Diamond 580" y "ECO", c.2012-2021. Lote tres plumas estilográficas Twsbi, series "VAC 700", "Diamond 580" y "ECO", c.2012-2021. Una, modelo "VAC 700 Clear" realizada en resina transparente y de color negro ahumado en boquilla y culote de sección facetada. Cuerpo diseño troncocónico y capuchón con detalles en metal plateado, clip de acabado mate y corona rematada por cabujón con logotipo flotante de la marca. Banda central grabada con el nombre la casa taiwanesa y la serie. Cierre a rosca. Sistema de carga por vacío con válvula mejorada para facilitar el proceso de llenado. Plumín en acero pulido. Adjunta estuche original y manual de usuario. En buen estado. Presenta desperfecto la base del capuchón. Otra "Diamond 580 AL Emerald Green" en resina transparente con mecanismo de pistón y boquilla en aluminio anodizado de tonalidad verde esmeralda, detalles en metal cromado y corona remata por cabujón con logotipo flotante de la marca. Banda central grabada con el nombre de la casa taiwanesa y la serie. Cierre a rosca. Sistema de carga de émbolo integrado. Plumín en acero pulido. Adjunta estuche original y manual de usuario. En buen estado. Presenta señales de uso y restos de tinta. Y otra, modelo "Eco Black" de diseño cilíndrico con cuerpo en resina transparente y de tonalidad negra en capuchón, culote y pistón. Corona con logotipo de la marca en resina y clip y banda central grabada con el nombre de la casa taiwanesa y la serie en metal cromado. Cierre a rosca. Sistema de carga por émbolo integrado. Plumín en acero pulido. Adjunta estuche original, manual de usuario y elementos para el mantenimiento del mecanismo de llenado. En buen estado. Presenta leves señales de uso y restos de tinta.

Estim. 150 - 200 EUR