Null WILLY (1859-1931). 5 L.A.S., 1894 and n.D., to a "confrère" [Hugo Noltheniu…

WILLY (1859-1931). 5 L.A.S., 1894 and n.d., to a "confrère" [Hugo Nolthenius, editor of the Dutch magazine Weekblad voor Muziek]; 11pagesin-8 (qqs cracks). Lons-le-Saulnier September 25, 1894. Thanks for the obliging article on La Mouche des croches, "such a smoky book, despite the seriousness of my musical convictions [...] L'Ouvreuse du Cirque d'Été, proud to be presented to the Dutch public - so artistic! - sends you her most beautiful reverence"... He sends her more of his books, and adds in a postscript: "It wasn't Pougin (that smug, insufficient little cretin) who declared Wagnerians incapable of tasting Thaïs, but Heugel, the monster himself! under his usual pseudonym of Moreno". - December 20. Controversy with Camille Kufferath; Willy takes offence at "the nonsense of this Kufferath. [...] Now he dares to claim that Wagner dismissed the idea of fatality! No doubt this idiot has never heard of the Schicksalmotiv..."... - He asks to translate and insert his little insert "Wagnerian polemic". - He thanks for sending the Weekblad and the article, and announces the dispatch of an unpublished letter from the "poor great Berlioz" to be inserted in his review.Enclosed: - a copy of the end of the minutes of the interview of the witnesses of Henry Gauthier-Villars and Charles Morice (including Paul Gauguin), March 28, 1891 (pp. 3-4); - a L.A.S., Brussels June 10, 1914, to a lady: he cannot leave Brussels, where he is attending the trial of the swindler Nestor Wilmart and regrets having to give up the evening to which she invites him (on paper with his portrait in vignette). Plus 2 bills a.s.


WILLY (1859-1931). 5 L.A.S., 1894 and n.d., to a "confrère" [Hugo Nolthenius, editor of the Dutch magazine Weekblad voor Muziek]; 11pagesin-8 (qqs cracks). Lons-le-Saulnier September 25, 1894. Thanks for the obliging article on La Mouche des croches, "such a smoky book, despite the seriousness of my musical convictions [...] L'Ouvreuse du Cirque d'Été, proud to be presented to the Dutch public - so artistic! - sends you her most beautiful reverence"... He sends her more of his books, and adds in a postscript: "It wasn't Pougin (that smug, insufficient little cretin) who declared Wagnerians incapable of tasting Thaïs, but Heugel, the monster himself! under his usual pseudonym of Moreno". - December 20. Controversy with Camille Kufferath; Willy takes offence at "the nonsense of this Kufferath. [...] Now he dares to claim that Wagner dismissed the idea of fatality! No doubt this idiot has never heard of the Schicksalmotiv..."... - He asks to translate and insert his little insert "Wagnerian polemic". - He thanks for sending the Weekblad and the article, and announces the dispatch of an unpublished letter from the "poor great Berlioz" to be inserted in his review.Enclosed: - a copy of the end of the minutes of the interview of the witnesses of Henry Gauthier-Villars and Charles Morice (including Paul Gauguin), March 28, 1891 (pp. 3-4); - a L.A.S., Brussels June 10, 1914, to a lady: he cannot leave Brussels, where he is attending the trial of the swindler Nestor Wilmart and regrets having to give up the evening to which she invites him (on paper with his portrait in vignette). Plus 2 bills a.s.

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