Thursday 22 Aug at : 11:00 (CEST) , resuming at 14:00

MONTIGNAC - 29th BOOK SALE - Day 2 of 5 (#538 to 1061)

Pastaud - +33555343331 - Email CVV

5, rue Cruche-d'Or 87000 Limoges, France
Information Conditions of sale
525 results

Lot 552 - MENIER (Gaston). Cruise of the Steam-Yacht "Ariane" along the coasts of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, June 9 - August 1, 1902. Notes intimes de bord. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et Cie, sd. In-4 green morocco, spine ribbed and decorated, gilt title, sextuple gilt fillet framing the covers, gilt head, fine interior gilt framing, red moire lining and endpapers, covers preserved. Spine very slightly faded, a few very slight dark spots on boards. Rare, confidential edition of the logbook of a cruise on the yacht "Ariane" along the Scandinavian coast by Gaston Menier, owner of the famous chocolate factory of the same name, in the company of President Waldeck-Rousseau and his wife (to whom the book is dedicated), Fernand Crouan and his daughter Anne-Marie, Mme L. Raffard and Dr. Paul Barbarin. It is illustrated with numerous photographs of the trip reproduced in the text, 7 oil studies by M. Waldeck-Rousseau reproduced in color outside the text, and a fold-out map in fine. This copy, printed for Mr. Fernand CROUAN, is enriched by numerous documents: - the manuscript of a play "Revue du Cercle ... Polaire. En deux actes de M.M. G. Menier et P. Barbarin représentée à bord de l'Ariane le 5 Juillet 1902 en Norvège". In-4 of [39] ff. carefully handwritten in brown ink on the recto. Bradel taupe half-percaline, title p. in red mar. on spine (with some rubbing and missing parts) (period binding). E.A.S. "à la gracieuse commère de la Revue" from one of the two authors, Gaston Menier. Amusing manuscript of a facétie performed during the Ariane cruise described in the previous publication; it was performed by the two authors Gaston Menier, Dr. P. Barbarin and Mlle Marie Crouan (perhaps the recipient of the mailing and manuscript). - the original handwritten menu for the dinner on July 11, 1902 aboard Kaiser Wilhelm II's yacht Hohenzollern offered to the Ariane's passengers (reproduced on p. 77), with Marie Crouan's handwritten place card (with a small handwritten rebus in pencil on the reverse) and a vignette cut from a magazine depicting the imperial yacht - the original handwritten musical program for the same evening of July 11 aboard the Hohenzollern (reproduced on p. 78) - a handwritten note (financial details) on the back of half an invoice from Lagotellerie; Maurice de Lagotellerie, son-in-law and successor to Fernand Crouan, Marie's husband (he had joined the cruise in Denmark) - a printed menu of the November 19, 1902 dinner hosted by the Emperor (gilded imperial crown letterhead) in French, with handwritten music program signed by the Director of Music. A wealthy shipowner and banker from Nantes, Fernand Crouan (1845-1905) traded in cocoa from Pará and sugar from the West Indies, among other things for Menier chocolateries. He was one of Waldeck-Rousseau's closest friends (who was also a regular guest on his yacht or at his estates) and a sponsor of the Belem.

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 585 - JULIEN (Roch-Joseph). Topographical and military atlas, including the Kingdom of Bohemia, the marquisates of Moravia and Lusatia, the Duchy of Silesia, Upper and Lower Saxony, the borders of the Upper Rhine and Westphalia, and general maps of these states, and of the present theater of war in Germany. [Dedicated to Her Majesty the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia]. Paris, chés l'auteur, à l'Hôtel de Soubise, 1758. In-folio, [2] ff. 5 double introductory leaves (general assembly plan, two general maps, map of the Electorate of Saxony, legends and scales), 60 double-page maps, with colored outlines, with collettes for plates 5, 11, 17, 23, 31 and 50. Marbled fawn basane, ornate ribbed spine, red title page, double gilt fillet on the edges, red edges (period binding). Headbands trimmed, jaws cracked, small leather tears on boards. First edition of the first part of this monumental atlas published in the context of the Seven Years' War, by the bookseller Julien, who specialized in maps and sold at the Hôtel de Soubise between 1745 and 1780. He was also valet de chambre to Charles de Rohan, Prince de Soubise, then inspector of his buildings from February 1757. The second part, entitled Second volume de l'atlas géographique et topographique de la guerre d'Allemagne, is missing here. (Quérard IV, 267 (describes above all the 1797 edition); the CCF does not seem to describe a complete copy, even for the first part: Tours lists 45 maps, Soissons 47 and the BnF 55...).

Estim. 1 100 - 1 200 EUR

Lot 608 - CORROZET (Gilles). Les antiquitez et choses plus remarquables de Paris, recueillies par M. Pierre Bonfons, controlleur au grenier & magasin à sel de Pontoise. Augmentees, par frere Iacques du Breul, religieux octogenaire de l'abbaye de sainct Germain des Prez, lez Paris. [Les Antiquitez et singularitez de Paris. Livre second. De la Sepulture des Roys, & des Roynes de France, Princes, Princesses & autres persones illustres : Repentez par figures ainsi qu'ils se voyent encores a preset es Eglises où ils sont inhumez. Recueillis par Jean Rabel, M. paintre. Paris, Bonnefons, 1586-1588. 2 parts bound in 1 large volume in-12, brown morocco, ribbed spine, boards, edges and inner border decorated with alternating cold-stamped bold and light fillets, gilt title on spine, gilt edges (sober unsigned 19th century binding in the taste of those of the 16th century). Large, handsome publisher's mark on the title, innumerable bands and initials and 58 woodcut figures in text. The most sought-after edition of this work, which includes the second part in an original edition. It is sought-after because of the Sépultures [...] recueillies par Jean Rabel, peintre, which contain 55 curious woodcut figures. The 1586 edition mentions various events from the years 1581-1585. Like its predecessors, it concludes with a list of bishops, magistrates and officers of the provost's office, the châtelet and the town hall, a table of temporal jurisdictions and prisons, the names of streets, churches, chapels and colleges in the city, town and university of Paris; and lastly, a list of the principal houses and hostels of the great lords, as well as gates, bridges, fountains and suburbs. An important Parisian bookseller, Gilles Corrozet was also a successful author, and thus occupied an exceptional place in the world of 16th-century Parisian publishing. A tireless chronicler, his best-known work is this book on Paris, a multi-faceted work that he revised throughout his life, and which is at once an eulogy of the city's origins, a historical and monumental description and an early example of a tourist guide. A very fine copy.

Estim. 1 700 - 1 800 EUR

Lot 635 - Set. Set of 9 works (9 volumes): - VEUILLOT (Louis), Les Odeurs de Paris. Third edition. Paris, Palmé, 1867. In-12 green half-chagrin, spine ribbed, gilt title (period binding). Some foxing. - CLARETIE (Jules), La Vie à Paris 1880. First year. Fourth edition. Paris, Havard, sd (c. 1880). In-12 green half-chagrin, ornate spine, gilt title (period binding). Bookplate of the Grand Cercle. - Guide de l'étranger dans Paris et ses environs. Illustrated with 130 woodcuts after drawings by A. de Bar, H. Clerget, Deroy, G. DORÉ, Lancelot, Marie, Thérond, Thiollet, etc., etc., 9th edition. Paris, Grand Hôtel du Louvre, 1877. In-12 publisher's brick boards (worn). Int. spine split, brown spots. - MARTIN (Alexis), Les Etapes d'un touriste en France. Walks and excursions around Paris. Région du Nord. With 150 engravings, 2 panoramic views and 6 colored maps. Paris, Hennuyer, 1894. Fort in-12 modern beige cloth boards, black title page on spine. - MARTIN (Alexis), Les Etapes d'un touriste en France. Walks and excursions around Paris. Eastern region. With 57 engravings and 2 maps. Paris, Hennuyer, 1898. Fort in-12, red percaline boards. Qqs foxing. - MARTIN (Alexis), Les Etapes d'un touriste en France. All around Paris. Walks and excursions in the Seine department. Illustrated with 20 hors texte engravings, 2 panoramic views and 5 colored maps and plans. Paris, Hennuyer, 1890. In-12 paperback, printed cover. - JOANNE (Adolphe), Les Environs de Paris illustrés. 3rd edition. Paris, Hachette, 1878. In-12 hardback, without general map. Covers worn, else a good copy. - JOANNE (Adolphe), De Paris à Lyonillustrés. 3rd edition containing a map and two plans and 100 vignettes [...] . Paris, Hachette, 1866. In-12 ed. boards, spine unstained, covers dulled. - AUDIAT (Pierre), Paris pendant la guerre (juin 1940-août 1944). Paris, Hachette, sd. In-12 paperback, printed illustrated cover. E.A.S. from the author to the writer Yves Gandon.

Estim. 80 - 120 EUR