Wednesday 21 Aug at : 11:00 (CEST) , resuming at 14:00

MONTIGNAC - 29th BOOK SALE - 1st of 5 days (nos. 1 to 537)

Pastaud - +33555343331 - Email CVV

5, rue Cruche-d'Or 87000 Limoges, France
Exhibition of lots
mercredi 21 août - 09:00/11:00, Etude Limoges
Information Conditions of sale
538 results

Lot 46 - VAUBAN (Jacques-Anne-Joseph Le Prestre, comte de). Projet d'une dixme royale qui, supprimant la taille, les aydes, les doüanes d'une province à l'autre, les décimes du clergé, les affaires extraordinaires & tous les autres impôts onéreux et non volontaires ; Et diminuant le prix du sel de moitié & plus, produirait au roi un revenu certain et suffisant, sans frais et sans être à charge à un de ses sujets plus qu'à l'autre, qui s'augmenterait considérablement par la meilleure culture des terres. sl [Rouen?], sn (à la sphère), 1707. In-12, viii-268 pp. 4 folding tables. Brown calf, spine ribbed and decorated (period binding). Lack of leather at head. One of the many forgeries of the date of the extremely rare original in-4 edition, reputed to be a Rouen printing, according to a handwritten note by the previous owner who adds "mais qui?...". In this work, published without royal authorization, Vauban proposed replacing the existing royal taxes with a single tax, the royal tithe, levied on the income of all the kingdom's inhabitants, in a proportion varying from a twentieth to a tenth, depending on the resources of each. Louis XIV ordered the seizure of this work on February 14, 1707. "Would the French Revolution have taken place if Louis XIV had followed Vauban's advice and implemented his royal tithe project? Even if this counter-factual question (what would have happened if?...) may seem incongruous, the hypothesis is worth posing. The tercentenary of the death of Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633-1707) thus provides an opportunity to rediscover the man's extraordinary personality and the "revolutionary" content of a "little" book which Schumpeter wrote in his History of Economic Analysis constitutes "one of the most remarkable works in the field of public finance, unequalled before and since in the clarity and force of its argument". A tireless designer and engineer of the "iron belt" surrounding the kingdom, a man of war renowned for taking cities [...] Vauban was also attentive to the economic and social realities of his time. [...] In 1706, in the wake of a new economic and financial crisis that caused fatal dysentery in Anjou, Vauban, who had become Marshal, had his Projet d'une Dixme royale printed without authorization, perhaps in Lille, and distributed in the capital in 276 copies. [...] This royal tithe, which completely overhauled the kingdom's taxation system, was threefold original. Firstly, this "general contribution", divided into "four funds", would be levied on all the kingdom's resources, in proportion to individual wealth: a "tithe of all the fruits of the earth", collected in kind; a tithe on the income from buildings, annuities and the profits of craftsmen and merchants; a uniform and generalized gabelle; a tax on customs products and the consumption of goods considered to be luxury goods (tobacco, tea, coffee...). Above all, and this was the "revolutionary" dimension of the project, this royal tithe implied the abolition of tax benefits for the two privileged orders, the nobility and the clergy. Finally, it implied the abolition of all other levies, in particular the taille personnelle and the aides, considered to be "so many public plagues". [...] " Jacques Marseille, "Vauban un fiscaliste révolutionnaire", in Les Enjeux, Les Echos, June 2007. Bookplate JM.

Estim. 80 - 100 EUR

Lot 51 - [AUGER (Émond)]. Les Status de la Congregation des Penitens de l'Annonciation de Nostre Dame. Paris, Jamet Mettayer, 1583. Small in-8, 34-[1] pp. Late 19th c. marbled paper bradel boards, title page on spine. Fine woodcut vignette to title. Rare first edition of this work by the Jesuit priest Émond Auger (1530-1591), preacher and confessor to King Henri III, who was certainly the source of Henri III's particular devotion to the Holy Spirit. After the Peace of Saint-Germain, Auger tried to develop penitential confraternities along the lines of those in Italy. He helped create those in Toulouse in 1575, and in Lyon and Dôle, drafting their rules and statutes. Henri III had known him since 1568, choosing him as his confessor just before the battle of Jarnac. He had accompanied him on his journey to Avignon at the end of 1574, and had taken part with him in the procession of penitent brotherhoods in that city shortly before Christmas. When, in March 1583, he parted company with his confessor, Father Claude Mathieu, Jesuit provincial of France, whom he judged to be too close to Spanish interests, he chose him as his confessor; he is the second Jesuit to have filled this delicate role. He helped the mystically inclined king to create Penitent brotherhoods in Paris. Contemporaries, the queen mother, ministers, the pope and the nuncio all found the king's devotion excessive. Auger was blamed for these excesses of piety, which he denied. Despite his efforts to promote penitent congregations, he was convinced that it was necessary to try to live in peace with the Reformed as early as 1583. Auger was gradually alienated from Henri III by the Ligueurs, and retired to Italy, where he died in Como (source Wikipedia.) Bookplate of Édouard Pelay. Bookplate JM (Barbier IV, 566.)

Estim. 60 - 80 EUR

Lot 64 - [CARRÉ (Rémi)]. Recueil curieux et édifiant sur les cloches de l'Eglise, avec les cérémonies de leur Bénédiction. A l'occasion de celle qui fut faite à Paris le 3 juin 1756, à l'abbaye de Penthemont, en présence & aux noms de Monseigneur le Dauphin et de Madame Adelaïde de France, et le 14 septembre suivant, à l'abbaye aux Bois, en présence & aux noms de Monseigneur le prince de Condé et de Madame la princesse son épouse. Cologne [Paris], sn, 1757. In-12 of [4] 104 pp. Marbled calf, ornate ribbed spine, burgundy morocco title page, red pages (period binding). Rare little treatise on campanology by Rémi Carré (1706-1775), a Benedictine monk born in Troyes. What is a bell, where does the use of bells in churches come from, when are they used, why are they blessed, and where does the custom of naming them come from? The author answers these and other questions in the first part of the book. The second part of the book deals more specifically with the bells of Paris. Among the points addressed by the author is a section on exorcisms: "Inanimate creatures are exorcised, because the Devil can abuse them, and often does so to harm men. Through these exorcisms, the Church asks God not to allow demons to abuse these creatures, which were made for his glory, and which she wishes to use for holy purposes" (p. 33). At the end are "Cérémonies du rituel de Paris, pour la bénédiction du métal ou fonte destinés à faire une Cloche" and "Cérémonies du Rituel de Paris, pour la bénédiction d'une Cloche." Angular paper loss on two leaves (pp. 69-70 and 71-72), otherwise a fine copy. From the library of the Dukes of Luynes, with the armorial bookplate of Château de Dampierre on the flyleaf.

Estim. 120 - 150 EUR

Lot 85 - Manuscript - Port-Royal. Histoire abbrégée de l'abbaye de Port Royal des Champs, Depuis la fondation en 1204. Jusqu'à l'Enlevement des Religieuses en 1709. sl, 1711. In-4, 144 pp. in very fine, neat and legible handwriting in brown ink. pp.79-124 "Gémissement d'une âme vivement touchée de la destruction du St Monastere du Port Royal des Champs". pp. 125-132 "Réflexions de la Mère Angelique de Saint Jean Arnauld pendant sa captivité au monastère des Religieuses annonciades de paris en l'année 1664, sur la conformité de l'État ou etoient alors les religieuses du port Royal avec Celuy de jesus Christ dans l'Eucharistie". pp. 133-143 "Satire douzième sur l'Equivoque" [Boileau] followed by a last page "Monsieur Boileau Despréaux ayant composé sa douzième satyre sur l'Equivoque la communiqua manuscrite à quelques personnes qui en firent part aux jesuites qui s'en plaignent et harzardement même d'en faire la Critique qui n'a pas encre parû, mais Mr Boileau en ai eu la connoissance, y fait la reponce suivante [...]".Numerous blank leaves follow. Brown calf, spine ribbed and decorated, title page in red marble (contemporary binding). Covers missing, corners worn, stained and rubbed. Precious anonymous manuscript concerning the history of the abbey of Port-Royal, copying several period pieces. The abridged history was written by Michel Tronchay and published in 1710 (sn). It provides a wealth of details on the proceedings, the abuse of royal power and the events surrounding the suppression of the abbey. As for the "Gémissements", four texts with this title are known ("Premier gémissement d'une âme vivement touchée de la destruction du saint monastère de Port-Royal-des-Champs. [Second gémissement... Troisième gémissement... Quatrième gémissement... 1714]") attributed to Father P. Boyer and Abbé J. B. Le Sesne d'Etemare, published anonymously between 1710 and 1717. The text of this manuscript corresponds well to the text of Father Pierre Boyer's "Premier Gémissement", the first edition of which appeared in 1710. The text by Mother Angélique Arnauld d'Andilly also appeared in 1710. Small handwritten bookplate on page 1 "Mme V[euv]e Belier[?]". Bookplate JM.

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 90 - [MAZOT (François)]. Le Tableau de la Croix représenté dans les cérémonies de la Ste messe. Ensemble le tresor de la dévotion aux soufrances de Nre. S. J. C. le tout enrichi de belles figures. Paris, Mazot, 1653. In-8, garnet-red morocco, ribbed spine finely ornamented with small irons, quadruple framing of triple gilded fillet with gilded fleurons in spandrels, roulette on the edges, gilded edges, small clasps retained (period binding). The first 6 leaves are mounted on tabs. Second edition. (1) f. title frontispiece (by J. Colin depicting Christ in the Garden of Olives), [1] f. engraved notice to the reader with portrait of Charles de l'Aubespine engraved on verso, [1] engraved dedication leaf, 1 suite of 35 engravings of ceremonies and Passion scenes engraved on verso of ff., 1 suite of 40 engravings of orations and litanies by J. Collin, portrait of Christ and the Virgin and 2 pp. of litanies, 1 suite of 20 engravings recto-verso 'Histoire de David', (1) p. Privilège engraved. Very charming work published by the engraver and printer François Mazot, entirely engraved on copper, including the curious mass scenes featuring the officiant standing at the altar throughout the service, with full-length portraits of the apostles, saints and great dignitaries of the Church opposite. In its day, this highly polished work was considered precious, and its copies worthy of being entrusted to the best bookbinders in Paris. For this reason, it can be found in some of the greatest collections of the 19th century.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR