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Une propriété au bord du lac - First day of sale

Beaussant Lefèvre & Associés - +33147704000 - Email CVV

Salle 4-5-6 - Salle 4-5-6 | Hôtel Drouot | 9 rue Drouot 75009 Paris, France
Exhibition of lots
jeudi 19 septembre - 11:00/20:00, Salle 4-5-6
vendredi 20 septembre - 11:00/18:00, Salle 4-5-6
samedi 21 septembre - 11:00/18:00, Salle 4-5-6
dimanche 22 septembre - 11:00/18:00, Salle 4-5-6
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294 results

Lot 1 - Capitoli di dogana. In Torino [Turin], per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1721. In-folio, stiff parchment, mute spine; worn binding with long split in the front cover, marked stains on the first few leaves (period binding). Collection of tax measures taken by the Duke of Savoy, Victor-Amédée II, on January 14, 1720 (except for one on August 28, 1721), concerning taxes to be levied in various places in Savoy and Piedmont, on all kinds of commodities: tobacco, brandy, stamped paper, etc., as well as on other goods. In August 1720, Victor-Amédée II, then King of Sicily, received the Kingdom of Sardinia in exchange for Sicily. Rare copy with appendices and French translations, including: 1.Capitoli di dogana, entranea di Grassina, tratta, foranea, e transito; dacito grande, e piccolo di Susa; dritto d'un percento; dacito di Vercelli; gabella di carne, corame, e foglietta, & altri uniti, con luoro respettive tariffe. InTorino, per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1721. 136-26-(2blanches)pp. (Antonio Manno and Vincenzo Promis, Bibliografia storica degli Stati della monarchia di Savoia, Torino, Brocca, 1884, vol.I, n°1887, for this issue alone). -2.Vittorio Amedeo per grazia di Dio rè di Sicilia [...] Volendo noi provedere [...]. In Torino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1720. 24pp. -3.Vittorio Amedeo [...]. Quando avevamo giusto motivo di credere [...]. In Torino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1720. 20-6-(2blanches)pp. -4.Vittorio Amedeo [...]. Ancor che sia di nissun aggravio a sudditi [...]. In Torino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1720. 11-(one blank)-3-(one blank)pp. -5.Vittorio Amedeo [...]. Goderessimo volentieri di sentire [...]. In Torino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1720. 12-3-(one white)pp. -6.Vittorio Amedeo [...]. Le strettezze delle nostre finanze [...]. In Torino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1720. 12-2-(2blanches)pp. -7.Vittorio Amedeo [...]. Abbenché nell'editto nostro [...]. InTorino per Gio[vanni] Battista Valetta, 1721. 4pp.-8.Articles de douane, entrée, & dace de Grassine, de la traite, dixième des chanvres, & vingtième des toiles, & du fil; de la grande, &petite dace de Suse; du droit d'un pour cent, réduit à demy pour cent; et des articles communs aux gabelles unies, avec leurs tarifs respectifs. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Baptiste Valetta, 1721. 118-(2blanches)pp.; 2ff. missing corresponding to pp.61to64. Translation of no.1 above, except for index. -9.Victor Amé par la grâce de Dieu roy de Sicile [...]. Le bien, & la tranquillité publique de nos sujets [...]. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Baptiste Valetta, 1720. 31-(uneblanche) pp. -10.Victor Amé [...]. The multiplicity of edicts [...]. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Baptiste Valetta, 1720. 20pp. Translation of no. 3 above. -Victor Amé [...]. Quoique la gabelle générale du tabac [...]. 12pp. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Baptiste Valetta, 1720. Translation of n°4 above. -12 Victor Amé [...]. The exhaustion of our finances [...]. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Baptiste Valetta, 1720. 10-(2blanches)pp. Translation of n°6 above.

Estim. 200 - 300 EUR

Lot 2 - FERRERO (Francesco-Maria). Augustæ regiæque Sabaudæ domus arbor gentilitia. Augustæ Taurinorum [Turin], ex typographia Io[hannis]Baptistæ Zappatæ, 1702. In-folio, 208pp, bilingual Latin and French printing, speckled fawn half-calf, spine ribbed, partitioned and decorated with gilt motifs including fleurs-de-lis, with red title-pieces and bookplates, marbled parchment boards, speckled edges; errata leaf missing (paginated 209 with blank verso); spine worn with leather missing from one nerve, one spine completely split, first and last pages a little soiled, some notes and underlining in pencil (binding circa 1840). First edition of this genealogy of the House of Savoy, accompanied by historical accounts. Copper-engraved illustration comprising 33 (of 37) plates: frontispiece by Georges Tasnière after Giulio-Cesare Grampino, and 32 portraits by Georges Tasnière, Pierre Giffart and Jean-Baptiste Bouchet after the Annécian painter François Josserme dit Lange (Antonio Manno and Vincenzo Promis, Bibliografia storica degli Stati della monarchia di Savoia, Torino, Brocca, 1884, vol.I, n°1887, n°171, with 30 plates; Saffroy, vol.III, n°50113, with 36 plates). A great clerk and historian of the Duchy of Savoy, Francesco-Maria Ferrero (1655-1730), son of the Count of Lavriano, obtained in 1707 the post of economo regio created for him and was in charge of the regale of vacant benefices. He was also appointed provost of Montcenis (1717), abbot of the Santo-Stefano d'Ivrée monastery (1718), and played an active role in the reform of the University of Turin. He published the present work, followed by a monograph on the city of Turin (1712) and a treatise on Italian linguistics (1722). Provenance: Société héraldique (copper-engraved ex-libris armorial vignette on first flyleaf). -Collège héraldique de France (ex-libris stamps on title).

Estim. 500 - 600 EUR

Lot 3 - [FRANÇOIS DE SALES]. - ARNAULD (Antoine). Le Magnifique triomphe de saint François de Sales, évesque et prince de Genève, fondateur de l'Ordre de la Visitation de sainte Marie. ÀParis, Gilles Tompère, 1680. Small in-8, 10pp. numbered 1-10, 16pp. unnumbered, 134pp. numbered 11-144, 147pp. numbered 73-219, 11pp. not numbered; signatures: A4-B1, ã4, 4, B2-3, C-I4, K*-N*8, O*4, K-Z4, Aa-Ee4, Ff1, 2; tobacco morocco, ribbed spine, double cold fillet dividing the spine and framing the boards, gilded fillet on the edges, gilded inner lace, gilded edges; head and first cover slightly sunned (19th-century binding). Apotheosis of Saint François de Sales, combining an anthology of his thoughts with texts by Antoine Arnauld himself - not the great Arnauld, as Sainte-Beuve had remarked. This Antoine Arnauld's interest in the saint may well stem from the fact that, as parish priest at the Hôpital général de Paris, known as the Salpêtrière, where beggars were confined, he would have been sensitive to the Introduction à la vie dévote, in which Saint François de Sales says he considers confinement sites - hospitals or prisons - as places of salvation where an appropriate pastoral care should be exercised. Fine copper-engraved portrait-frontispiece of Saint François de Sales by Herman Weyen after Jean Boulanger. A bibliographical case. This is probably the original edition, or at any rate the first to be published, if we take into account the absence in the CcFr of a single copy of an earlier edition, and take into account the following elements: here we find the mention of "second edition" in the title, and that of "second printing" in the preface. The volume forms a composite whole: on the one hand, it includes a first set of 113ff. in regular signatures (i.e. 219pp. paginated, followed by 7 unpaginated pages for the table of contents), bearing several texts, some of which clearly appear to be occasional pieces written on the occasion of the canonization ("triumph") of Saint François de Sales (1665) - the table of contents mentions only the texts in this first set. The volume also includes a second set of 46ff. with signatures in uppercase with a star or in lowercase with a tilde, bearing additional texts: treatises on piety, prayers, a text on Saint François de Sales and his brothers, and a preface mentioning the fact that the canonization has long since passed. The two sets of printed leaves, however, bear dates from the same year: the first set includes a title dated 1680, the approvals of two Sorbonne theologians dated June and August 1680, and a permission from the Lieutenant General of Police in Paris, Gabriel Nicolas de LaReynie, dated June 1680; similarly, the second set of printed leaves bears an approval from the Bishop of Geneva dated August 1680. However, the dates of the first set appear on its title leaf and last leaf, both apparently on different paper, which would logically suggest that they were renewed for the "second edition" and therefore belong to the second set. In any case, it is highly probable that the work in its form before the additions was never distributed. Provenance: Pingon (double signature on title, scratched). Possibly from the Savoyard family of this name, the barons of Cusy, one of whose wives married the brother of Saint François de Sales.

Estim. 150 - 200 EUR

Lot 4 - FRANÇOIS DE SALES (saint). Autograph signed "Françs e[vêque] de Geneve". Annecy, 11juin 1621. 34p. in-folio; some ink stains; framed under glass. "Sur la remonstrance a nous faite a Thonon tendant aux fins que les ecclesiastiques de la congregation de Notre-Dame de Tonon ayent a faire celebrer la sainte messe et faire la station accoustumee dans le diocese pour les fideles trespassés dont les cors reposent au cimetiere de Saint-Bon [à Thonon-les-Bains]; nous commettons les sieurs de Blomay, prefect, et de Chatillon, plebain [in Savoie, a "plebain" was a parish priest appointed by a chapter], pour voir ce qui sera plus a la gloire de Dieu, et ordonner de nos part ce qui devra estre observé pour ce regard et, s'il y a de la difficulté, renvoyer nous leur advis sur lequel nous puissions pourveoir..." Thonon and its Sainte-Maison on the Catholic front. During the Bernese occupation (1536-1567), Thonon and the Chablais region had gone over to the Reformation, so when they returned to the Savoy States, the Duke was determined to restore Catholicism and make it a citadel of the Counter-Reformation. To this end, he enlisted the help of successive bishops of Geneva, including, from 1602 to 1622, Saint François de Sales. A Sainte-Maison was founded in Thonon in 1599, a complex of institutions dedicated to Catholic education and preaching. It was supported in this task by a brotherhood established by the Pope under the name of Notre-Dame-de-la-Compassion, whose action was to promote the conversion of Protestants, help missionaries and assist new converts. Claude de Blonay, a friend of St. Francis de Sales, and Jean de Châtillon, mentioned in this letter, worked at the Sainte-Maison de Thonon as prefect and administrator respectively. Provenance: Bishop of Annecy Claude-Marie Magnin (1802-1879). François de Sales, OEuvres complètes, Paris, J.-P.Migne, vol.VI, 1862, col.844, n°cccxx, indicating the above provenance.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 200 EUR

Lot 5 - FRANÇOIS DE SALES (saint). Autograph letter, [most likely addressed to Saint Jeanne de Chantal]. S.l.n.d. One p. in-4oblong, mounted on cardboard with glass frame. "J'ai repensé, ma trés chere mere au desir que M[m]ede Gouffier a de venir vous prendre, et l'ai conferé avec ses lettres, et m'est venu en l'esprit que peut-estre il ne seroit pas si hors de rayson qu'il me sembloit d'abord puisque ell[e] a son esprit si embarassé et plein de choses qui l'affligent. Àelle la peine de venir et la despense de son voyage, mays nous en parlerons, Dieu aydant, ce soir, cependant vous y penserés un peu, et moy [j']aura[y] eu ce petit sujet de donner le bonjour au trés aymé cœur de ma mere." After reading the Introduction to the Devout Life of St. Francis de Sales, Marie-Elisabeth de Gouffier came into contact with the latter and, thanks to him, was able to leave her monastery at Le Paraclet in 1614, to visit Jeanne de Chantal at the monastery in Annecy (1613). She also obtained permission to remain there for a time and to wear the habit, but without being a Visitation nun. She went on to render outstanding service to the Order, helping to found new monasteries in Moulins and in Paris in her own house on the Faubourg Saint-Marcel (1619). However, an exalted and unstable spirit, she asked to leave the Visitation (1620) and came into conflict with the mother de Chantal over money. Saint Jeanne de Chantal, founder of the Visitation Order. Jeanne Fremyot (1572-1641), Baroness de Chantal by marriage, was the daughter of a president of the Burgundy parliament. After meeting Saint François de Sales, who came to preach in Dijon, she asked him to become her spiritual director. Widowed, she joined St. Francis de Sales in Annecy, and founded the Order of the Visitation with him in 1609. She ensured the development of a large network of monasteries, which she animated with her zeal - and was canonized in 1767. She was also the grandmother of the Marquise de Sévigné. Provenance: Bishop Pierre-Joseph Rey of Annecy (1770-1842, autograph note signed with red wax seal on verso). In 1826, Bishop Rey, then bishop of Pignerol, delivered a speech to the Court of Piedmont-Sardinia on the occasion of the transfer of the relics of Saint François de Sales and Saint Jeanne de Chantal to the new Visitation basilica. In 1836, as Bishop of Annecy, he founded a triduum of prayers in honor of François de Sales in the chapel of the Château des Allinges. -Canon Mercier, parish priest of Notre-Dame parish in Chambéry, who maintained special links with the Visitation Sainte-Marie de Chambéry, becoming its referent in 1867. François de Sales, OEuvres complètes, J.-P.Migne, vol.VI, 1862, col.1094, n°xlvi, proposing the identification of the recipient, and indicating the above provenance.

Estim. 800 - 1 000 EUR

Lot 6 - GUICHENON (Samuel). Histoire généalogique de la royale Maison de Savoie. ÀTurin, chez Jean-Michel Briolo, 1778-1780. 4(sur5) volumes in-folio, 24[ciphered vàxxviii without missing]-435-(1) +458 +444 +(6)-406-(6of which the last is blank)pp., titles printed in red and black, fawn half-basin with corners, spine ribbed with title and giblets (red and green for the 3 volumes of History and blond for the volume of proofs), red edges; second part of tomeIV missing (continuation of the proofs, including the Bibliotheca Sebusiana), bindings rubbed with slightly stained spines, a small handwritten paper label at the head of the first volume, one headband and corners worn (period binding). Enlarged edition of this classic work, originally published in 1660, "more beautiful than [the original], as rare, but less sought-after" (Saffroy, vol.III, n°50107). Extensively illustrated: 54 copper-engraved compositions, mostly by Luigi Valperga, (mainly portraits and representations of funerary monuments), including one in repetition to the titles, comprising 4 hors texte including 3 fold-outs; and over 310 wood-engraved vignettes (mainly sigillographic, numismatic and heraldic representations). The first modern historiographical work on Savoy. This vast Histoire généalogique, which took ten years to write, links numerous historical accounts in the order of succession of the dukes, with detours to evoke the fate of personalities belonging to the family's lateral branches. In this work, commissioned by the Duchess of Savoy, Christine de France (daughter of HenriIV), Samuel Guichenon certainly sets out to demonstrate the antiquity and power of the Savoyard dynasty, while insisting on its links with the House of France, but he applies the scientific methods of French historiography as established by Étienne Pasquier and Claude Fauchet. Unlike his predecessors, who confined themselves to compiling annals and ancient chronicles, Samuel Guichenon systematically sought to compare earlier versions, and above all to establish a corpus of reliable sources by copying original documents. As a result, despite a few errors, the work is still of great use to historians today. The greatest historian of Savoy. Samuel Guichenon (1607-1664) was born into a Protestant family in Mâcon, but converted in 1631. He first worked as a lawyer in Bourg-en-Bresse, before marrying well and devoting himself entirely to historical works. The publication of his Histoire de Bresse et du Bugey (1650) brought him to the attention of the learned world and earned him the posts of historiographer of France and historiographer of Dombes. He then entered the service of the Duchess of Savoy, Christine de France (1606-1663), who in turn appointed him historiographer of Savoy and commissioned him to write the history of the Savoy dynasty - which he did with the present work. Provenance: Counts of Antioch (ex-libris vignettes).

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 8 - SALES (Charles-Auguste de). LePourpris historique de la Maison de Sales de Thorenc en Genevois. AAnnessy, by Jacques Clerc, 1659. Small folio, (12)-571-(one blank)-(12)pp. semi-rigid parchment; binding worn and stained with some coverwear; some wetness, wider on first few leaves, scattered foxing (period binding). First edition. To the glory of the de Sales family. Reliable sources attest to the family's ancient nobility from the thirteenth century onwards, but the author does not hesitate to trace it back to fabulous origins, evoking a Gérard de Sales who was herald to King RodolpheIII of Burgundy at the beginning of the seventeenth century. In a polemical, even quarrelsome tone, Charles-Auguste de Sales erects a monument to the glory of his family, which he ends with a eulogy of his own father, and of his uncle Saint François de Sales. The organization of the work is highly unusual, borrowing poetically from the vocabulary of surveying: family history is presented as occupying a territory of time, a "pourpris" (a term already archaic at the time, meaning fence, enclosure, place occupied by man), and the text is not divided here into "books" and "chapters" but into "toises" and "feet" measuring this "pourpris", like so many eras and periods in this history. The author, having been criticized before publication for his biases, makes a strong case for them in his preface. Charles-Auguste de Sales, who had devoted much time to copying original documents with the aim of writing a more ambitious Savoyard nobiliary, gave up this new project and passed on his papers to the historian Samuel Guichenon, who was then preparing his own Histoire généalogique de la royale Maison de Savoie. Charles-Auguste de Sales (1606-1660), nephew and successor of St. Francis de Sales to the episcopal see of Geneva in Annecy, had published several other works, including a Life of St. Francis de Sales (1634, in two versions, one Latin, the other French). An extremely rare work: only 7 copies are referenced at the CcFr, held in the municipal libraries of Annecy, Besançon, Chambéry, Grenoble, Louviers, Lyon and Moulins. Gaston Saffroy (vol.III, n°49720) has not been able to see a copy, and cites without collation the one in the Chambéry library.

Estim. 800 - 1 000 EUR

Lot 9 - ANDERSON (Æneas). Relation de l'ambassade du Lord Macartney à la Chine, dans les années 1792, 1793 et1794. Paris, Denné le jeune, Bocquillon et Poisson, l'anIV [1795-1796]. 2tomes in one volume in-8, (2dont la seconde blanche)-xxiv-vii-(1)-255-(uneblanche)-(2dont la seconde blanche)-227-(uneblanche)pp., brown basane, spine ribbed, cloisonné and fleuronné with brown-yellow title-piece, double black fillet framing the boards, guilloche edges, speckled edges; without the faux-title of the second volume; table of the second volume bound after those of the first; worn headbands and corners, small stain on the first cover (period binding). First French translation, in a second edition published the same year as the original, of this work first published in English in 1795. Copper-engraved portrait-frontispiece of Emperor Qianlong (K'ien-Long). Lord Macartney's embassy in China. The gradual closure of China since the beginning of the 18th century, when only Canton remained open to Europeans, prompted England to send an embassy to the emperor to obtain greater freedom for its trade, particularly in tea. This embassy, headed by Lord Macartney, made a long journey by sea, via Madeira, the Canaries, Cape Verde, Rio de Janeiro, then, after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, via Java, Sumatra, along Cochinchina and China to the mouth of the Yang-Tse-Kiang. Lord Macartney then reached Peking and the emperor's summer residence at Jehol. Aeneas Anderson's account is one of the most important sources on this embassy, along with the accounts of John Barrow, Samuel Holmes, Johann Christian Huttner and George Staunton. As Lord Macartney's servant, Aeneas Anderson proved to be an intelligent, attentive and broad-minded observer. After his return from China, he would become an officer in the British army, serving in Malta and Egypt against the French. Joint: Levaillant (François) [and Casimir Varon]. Voyage [...] dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 &85. ÀParis, chez Leroy, 1790. 2volumes in-8, marbled brown basane, slightly worn (period binding). Copper-engraved plates outside text, several leaves incomplete.

Estim. 200 - 300 EUR

Lot 10 - [ARCY (Michel Larcher, marquis d')]. - Manuscript entitled "Catalogue des livres de M.Larcher. Paris 1738". In-folio, brown marbled calf, spine ribbed, cloisonné and fleuronné with garnet title-piece, triple gilt fillet framing the boards, gilt roulette decorating the necks and endpapers; worn binding with missing headpieces and corners, handwritten note cut out in the margin of the first flyleaf (period binding). Catalog listing a library built up in three stages over a century and a half. Library of the Marquis d'Arcy, Michel Larcher (1714-1772). 85ff. handwritten on front. Catalog based on a thematic plan, with the number of volumes, format and location in the library indicated for each work. A member of the Paris Parlement in 1735, Michel Larcher became maître des requêtes in 1741. One of his cousins had married the Marquis de Paulmy and Comte d'Argenson, Marc-Pierre de Voyer. List of works acquired by the Marquis d'Arcy Michel-François-Louis Larcher (1754-1804), son of the former. Around ten pages, mostly double-sided, for books generally published in the years 1770-1800. The Marquis held no public office, and devoted his life to managing his Burgundian estate. Acquired by the Count of Antioche, Alphonse-Charles de Brotty (1813-1882), and kept at the Château de Sélore, Saône-et-Loire. Some fifteen double-sided pages. The drafting of this catalog, which began in 1872, was interrupted before completion. Alphonse-Charles de Brotty had inherited the estate from his sister, Françoise-Gabrielle Céline de Brotty, second wife of Georges Thomé de Saint-Cyr, himself second husband of Sophie Jacquelin-Dulphé, who had first been the wife of the Marquis d'Arcy, Michel-François-Louis Larcher. Bound with the arms of Michel Larcher (iron missing from OHR). Attached is a drawing of a château plan (18th or early 19th century, ink and pen with brown wash highlights, approx. 32x7.5cm with cut-outs). Provenance: Comtes d'Antioche (ex-libris vignette covering two others, including one by Michel Larcher).

Estim. 500 - 600 EUR

Lot 12 - BARBEY D'AUREVILLY (Jules). - GUÉRIN (Eugénie de). Reliquiæ. Caen, printed by A.Hardel, 1855. In-16, (8of which the last 4 are blank)-60 [numbered vàlxiv]-44-(4of which the last 3d are blank)-144pp., followed by 12ff. blanks of the same "Blauw" watermarked hollande paper, the last of which glued to the lower flyleaf; stiff parchment with thin overlaps, smooth spine, gilt fillets dividing the spine and framing the boards with gilt fleurons on the spine and spandrels on the boards, initials "J.B.D'A." gilded in a gilt medallion in the center of the upper board, gilt head on witnesses; binding tarnished with slightly faded boards and thin tear to spine (period binding). Very rare first edition, printed hors commerce in only 50 copies on hollande, including this one, and at least one copy on papier rose. It was printed in December 1855 at the expense of Guillaume-Stanislas Trébutien, orientalist, medievalist, Norman scholar, curator at the Caen library and close friend of Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly. A bibliophilic gem for the happy few. Barbey and Trébutien took extreme care in the creation of the volume, personally choosing its format, paper, typeface and typographic layout, in accordance with their own criteria of elegance. The work, which, according to the print run's justification, "doesn't sell", was sent to only a few friends and critics. Barbey explained his motivation in a letter to Trébutien in April 1854: "This publication is not commercial. It is an Entre nous and an Entre ceux qui nous ressemblent". Eugénie de Guérin's literary "Reliques", preceded by a long preface by Barbey (pp.vàlxiv). These relics included the admirably sensitive and stylistic letters she wrote to her beloved brother, the poet Maurice de Guérin, the poignant diary of pain and mysticism she kept after his premature death, and other letters she wrote to the Breton poet Hippolyte LaMorvonnais. Sending a copy of the present work to Charles Baudelaire in February 1856, Barbey commented: "C'est rare et précieux comme le diamant bleu de M.Hope [a famous gem that had just been exhibited at the Universal Exhibition]". This monument to women's literature also contains two poems by Maurice de Guérin. Eugénie de Guérin's personality inspired Barbey to create certain traits of Aimée de Spens in LeChevalier Destouches, and of the Carmelite nun Calixte Sombreval in Un Prêtre marié. Autograph signed letter from Trébutien to Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly: "Donné par moi G.S.Trébutien à Moi J.Barbey d'Aurevilly, dans mon nid de passer solitarius. Caen, 29septembre 1853, jour de S.Michel Archange". Trébutien wrote the two "moi" in red ink, to emphasize that their friendship made them one and the same heart. The Latin term passer solitarius ("solitary sparrow"), was one of the affectionate nicknames by which Barbey d'Aurevilly sometimes called him. Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly's copy (gilded initials on the front cover). Literary tomb of Eugénie and Maurice de Guérin. A fellow student and friend of Barbey d'Aurevilly, Maurice de Guérin (1810-1839) also devoted himself to writing, mainly poetry, but died of tuberculosis at a very young age. During his lifetime, he published only a few texts in magazines, and remained little known, despite George Sand's 1840 article on him in the Revue des deux mondes. His sister Eugénie (1805-1848) also had a literary bent, and proved to be an outstanding letter-writer and diarist. Barbey met her in 1838, and was struck by her ugliness, but also by her depth and mysticism. She nurtured an exalted love for her brother Maurice, and vowed to have his works printed, but died before she could fulfill her promise. Barbey, solicited by Eugénie de Guérin, didn't really support her in this mission, and ended up distancing himself, but later regretted his thoughtlessness when, converted to a less disordered and more Christian life, he learned that Eugénie had died praying for his salvation. Although Barbey and Trébutien had been planning an edition of Maurice de Guérin's works since 1844, it wasn't until his "conversion" in 1853 that the project really took shape. The two friends then gathered together Maurice de Guérin's papers (Barbey held part of them) and, failing that, copies, as well as texts by Eugénie de Guérin kept by the latter's sister, Marie. The idea then arose to publish the works of both brother and sister, Trébutien also wishing to publish the works of Eugénie de Guérin.

Estim. 400 - 500 EUR

Lot 13 - BOSSE (Abraham). Collection of 2 works, bound in a small in-8 volume, glazed fawn calf, smooth spine cloisonné and decorated with gilded motifs with garnet-red title-piece, triple gilded fillet framing the covers with corner finials, filleted edges, inner gilded roulette, edges speckled with red; upper headband damaged, corners worn (binding circa 1700). One of France's most illustrious engravers, Abraham Bosse (c. 1604-1676), was the son of a German tailor who immigrated to Tours. Also a mathematician and geometer, he published personal works on geometry and the art of engraving, including several based on treatises by the architect and engineer Girard Desargues on perspective, sundials and stereotomy. Reunion of his two major books on perspective, one theoretical and the other practical. -Maniere universelle de MrDesargues, pour pratiquer la perspective par petit-pied, comme le geometral. Ensemble les places et proportions des fortes & foibles touches, teintes ou couleurs. AParis, de l'imprimerie de Pierre Des-Hayes. 1647 [on title-frontispieces] and 1648 [on printed title]. Small in-8, 352pp. as follows: 16pp. unnumbered, pp.1to168, 8pp. (with 2columns per page, numbered 169to184), pp.169to176 (counting as 185to192), pp.193to312, 8pp. unnumbered (counting as 313to320), pp.321to342, 2pp. unnumbered. First edition. Important copper-engraved illustration by Abraham Bosse. Off-text: title-frontispiece, portrait of Michel Larcher, and 81ff. of mostly double-sided plates (bearing a second frontispiece and 156 numbered stamped compositions, 2 of which are repeated). One of the plate leaves has been folded by the binder and attached to the outer margin of a text leaf. In the text, 2 vignettes: a dedication to Michel Larcher, illustrated with his coat of arms, and a numerical demonstration accompanying composition no. 156 (Abraham Bosse, savant graveur, Maxime Préaud and Sophie Join-Lambert dir., Paris, BnF, et Tours, musée des Beaux-Arts, pp.61-62, 244-251 et325; Berlin, no. 4716; Fowler, no. 56). A great scientific and artistic treatise. Using a rational Cartesian pedagogy, Abraham Bosse expounds and extends the theories of Girard Desargues: he deals with perspective applied to the drawing of figures and their shadows, then applied to variations in hue and color according to the distance of the objects represented, and adds to this theoretical complements including the treatise that Girard Desargues himself had published in 1636. He suggests the conformity of geometrical and perspectival drawing: "geometrical drawing" means drawing the orthogonal projection of an object on a horizontal or vertical plane, enabling builders or craftsmen to read dimensions and carry out fabrication or construction. To practice "le perspectif" (the leterme of "petit pied" means a reduced scale) is to draw an object seen from a certain point at a given distance, which falls within the liberal arts, and is the prerogative of the architect. By suggesting this conformity of the "geometrical" and the "perspectival", Abraham Bosse overturns traditional hierarchies and "gives the handicraftsmen their letters of nobility. If we add to this the aggregation of engraving and painting in what [he] calls the art of portraiture, there can be no doubt that he attempted an intellectual and social liberalization of the art of engraving" (Abraham Bosse, savant graveur, op.cit., p.244). This Manière universelle earned Abraham Bosse admission to the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, where he was called upon to teach the practice of perspective, and was widely distributed in Europe: it was translated into Dutch, and inspired the first major English treatise on perspective, published in 1719 by the mathematician Brook Taylor. A teacher of Blaise Pascal and esteemed scholar of René Descartes, the architect and geometer Girard Desargues (1591-c. 1661) frequented Père Mersenne's circle and was a friend of Abraham Bosse. He is considered the founder of projective geometry, and one of the inventors of the geometric coordinate system (which, however, was given the less legitimate name of Descartes). He published four treatises, including one on perspective in 1636, a veritable Bible for Abraham Bosse, who was among those who did most to spread his ideas. Although overshadowed by Descartes and Pascal, Girard Desargues' work was rediscovered in the following century by Gaspard Monge, and developed in the 19th century by mathematicians Jean-Victor Poncelet and Charles-Julien Brianchon.

Estim. 400 - 500 EUR

Lot 15 - BOURGOGNE. -MANUSCRITS. 4volumes. Documents concerning the marquisate of Arcy, in the department of Saône-et-Loire, which first belonged to the de Guillard family before passing to the de Larcher family in 1719. -Manuscript signed in several places by royal notary Juste Demolins. 1665-1671. Approx. 650ff. in a large folio volume, marbled brown basane, ribbed spine, remnants of leather fastenings; worn binding with some loss of leather, some quires loose or detached, angular loss to last manuscript leaf with loss of several words (period binding). Terrier de la seigneurie d'Arcy, drawn up for the Marquis d'Arcy, Paul de Guillard. A second volume is advertised for various outbuildings, here absent. -Manuscript. 1789-1792. Approx. 240ff. in a large in-folio volume, brown shagreened basane, green smooth spine decorated with gilt motifs; worn binding with some spotting and leather loss on first cover (period binding). Terrier de la seigneurie d'Arcy drawn up for the Marquis d'Arcy, Michel-François-Louis Larcher. Preceded by an alphabetical table of tenants. -Manuscript entitled "Livre des domestiques... d'Arcy". Circa 1785-1855. Approx. 200pp. by several hands, in a volume bound in stiff parchment, with title in ink on the first cover; very worn binding with missing spine (period binding). Nominative list with account of wages and gifts given to the servants of Château d'Arcy, first in the service of the Marquis d'Arcy, Michel-François-Louis Larcher, then, after his death in 1804, by subsequent owners. -Manuscript. Circa 1735-1783. Approx. 60ff. in an in-folio volume, brown basane, vestiges of cloth fastenings; worn binding with missing title-piece (period binding). Account book of the Dowager Marchioness of Arcy, Marie-Anne de Jaucen, widow of Pierre Larcher. She was the daughter of Baron de Crosne, Jean-Martial de Jaucen, who was fermier général and receveur général des finances de Flandre et de Hainaut. Provenance: Comtes d'Antioche (ex-libris armorial vignette on the first flyleaf of 2 volumes).

Estim. 600 - 800 EUR

Lot 17 - HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS and miscellaneous. -Approximately 60 letters and documents, preserved in a burgundy morocco portfolio bearing the arms of the Counts of Antioch, and about 160 photographs. -Adenauer (Konrad). Signed letter, in German, to Baron Bruno de Leusse. Bürgenstock, August 4, 1952. "Von meinem Sohn Georg höre ich von der guten Aufnahme, die er bei ihrer Gattin und Ihnen gefunden hat. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals dafür. ich hoffe sehr, dass er Ihnen nicht zur Last fallen wird. Wenn ich eine Bitte äussern darf, dann ist es die folgende. Sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass er abends um 10Uhr spätestens zu Bett geht. Er braucht viel Schlaf, denn er hat einen schweren Winter vor sich..." Translation: "My son Georg tells me of the warm welcome he received from you and your wife. I would like to thank you for this. I do hope that his presence will not be a burden to you. If I can express one wish, it is this. Please see to it that he goes to bed no later than 10 o'clock in the evening. He needs plenty of sleep, for he has a hard winter ahead of him..." -Bismarck (Otto von). 4 autograph letters signed, in French, [to Baron Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord]. Berlin, 1862-1864 and n.d. "I would be very grateful to you, my dear Baron, if you would do me the pleasure of dropping by my house tomorrow at noon. I have a Council meeting at my house at one o'clock, and in the morning my advisors won't allow me to go out, lest the reel should stop in my absence. So please excuse me, if I disturb you on time at lunchtime..." Etc. -Eugenie (Empress). 2 autograph letters signed to Baron Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord. Arenenberg [in the Swiss canton of Thurgau, 1884], to congratulate him on the marriage of his daughter Marie-Marguerite to Count Adhémar de Brotty d'Antioche, and Farnborough [in Hampshire, 1886 or 1890], to express her condolences on the death of one of his daughters. -Order of the Visitation]. -Fusina (Marie-Emmanuel). Signed as Mother Superior of the Visitation monastery in Annecy, countersigned by four other sisters from the same monastery. Annecy, 1922. "...We declare that we have received... from Baron Chaulin, the missionary cross of Saint François de Sales, our Father and Founder, which he himself passed around the neck of Maurice de Brotty d'Antioche at the time of his conversion [the latter had until then been a Protestant]..." -Paley (Olga Valerianovna Karnovitch, Princess). Autograph letter signed. Tsarskoye Selo [imperial residence near St. Petersburg], August 30, 1915. "...I have received the title of Princess Paley (o i: ) which is the name of the Cossack hetman under Peter the Great and sung by Pushkin in "Poltava". She is one of my maternal ancestors, and her name died out with my grandmother. We are very happy to leave the German name of Hohenfelsen, given to us by the Regent of Bavaria. Everything German is hated, abhorred and despised in Russia, and they deserve it! We won't make peace here for anything in the world until we've brought them down completely..." Born Olga Karnovitch, daughter of the tsar's chamberlain, divorced, she morganatically married Grand Duke Paul Romanov (son of tsar Alexander II): she was then titled first Countess of Hohenfelsen, then, in 1915, Princess Paley. -Paris (Henri d'Orléans, comte de)]. Photographic portrait, cliché Pierre Ligey in Paris, with autograph signed letter (1934, ink faded), and signed letter (Rabat, 1942), both addressed to Baron Robert Chaulin. -Édouard de Cazenove de Pradines (as secretary to the Comte de Chambord, to Comte Adhémar de Brotty d'Antioche, 1882), Robert d'Orléans, Duc de Chartres (to Comte Adhémar de Brotty d'Antioche, 1901), Dorothée de Courlande, duchesse de Dino (2lettres au général Simon Bernard, 1837), Édouard Drouyn de Lhuys (to comte Alphonse de Brotty d'Antioche, 1864), Gaston Alexandre Auguste de Galliffet (8lettres, 1890-1901 et s.d., on famous people, Charles Haas, Madame Standish, the Duchesse d'Uzès, etc.), Alexandre Mikhaïlovitch Gortchakov (9lettres in his capacity as Russian Foreign Minister to Baron Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord, s.d.), Isabella II of Spain (1882, twelve years after her abdication), Victor Bonaparte, Prince Napoleon (1914, concerning the birth of his son Louis Bonaparte), Sophie de Wurtemberg, Queen of Holland (to Rose-Amour de Roisin, Baroness Falck, 1846), Marie Clémentine Anne de Rochechouart-Mortemart, Duchesse d'Uzès (3letters, s.d.), Henriette de Belgique, duchesse de Vendôme (1911), Victoria d'Angleterre, impératrice douairière d'Allemagne (to Marie-Marguerite de Talleyrand-Périgord, comtesse d'Antioche, 1896), and more. -Approx. 160 photographs, mostly portraits, preserved.

Estim. 800 - 1 000 EUR

Lot 19 - [LIGNE (Charles-Joseph de)]. Coup d'œil sur Belœil et sur une grande partie des jardins de l'Europe. ÀBelœil, et se trouve à Bruxelles, chez F.Hayez, 1786. In-8, copy with very wide margins, approx. 22x14cm, (2)-206 [mis-calculated 1à115, 114, and 115à204]pp. in burgundy glazed calf, spine ribbed, cloisonné and fleuronné, boards framed with gilt fillets and gilt plant and animal motifs with gilt coat of arms in center, gilt head; lacking false title, upper margin of boards and spine faded, one corner restored to title (binding circa 1900). Partly first edition, the second of this work originally published in 1781. It is enlarged by a long passage occupying pages 84 to 115, in which the general principles of garden design are set out. It was printed using the same typographic equipment as the first, on what was the Prince de Ligne's private press. Installed for him in a room in Brussels, it had operated in this capacity from 1781 to 1783 under the direction of François Pion, former protector of the Imprimerie académique. In 1783, Pion obtained a printer's licence in his own name, but died in 1784. He passed on the collection to his son-in-law, Frédéric Hayez, whose professional status was not officially established until 1791, but who was already printing, for example, the present volume. "Amateurs des jardins, soyez amateurs de l'humanité" (p.199). A writer and wit who graced most of the courts of his time, Prince Charles-Joseph de Ligne here describes the garden at his château de Belœil, in what is now Belgian Hainaut, which his father had landscaped. He then goes on to describe the gardens he visited throughout Europe, from Italy to Russia. He sees gardens as a total work of art, capable of satisfying the mind as well as the senses, and as a living illustration of the liberal principles that should lead mankind to happiness: "It seems to me that the time has finally come when all the arts, which were once only for pleasure, will spread enlightenment and lift up our existence. I foresee that gardens will contribute to this from one end of the Pole to the other. I see painting, poetry & sculpture marching in their wake, guided by philosophy" (p. 110). Provenance: Count Adhemar de Brotty d'Antioche (gilded coat of arms on boards and armorial bookplate on first flyleaf).

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 20 - [LOUIS XVI]. -LEARDI (Paolo). In Funere LudoviciXVI. Galliæ et Navarræ regis christianissimi oratio habita in sacello Quirinali ad sansctissimum dominum nostrum Pium sextum pont[tificem] max[imum]. Romæ, apud Lazarinos, 1793. Large in-4 (31x22,8cm), (2dont la seconde blanche)-v-(1)-55-(uneblanche)pp., brown calf, smooth spine adorned with gilt roulette between gilt fillets, wide gilt frame on the boards including flowered medallions linked by foliage scrolls emerging from horns of plenty, decorated edges, gilt edges; top board a little stained, spine faded, covers and edges a little rubbed, some marginal soiling (period binding). First edition, printed in the workshop of Luigi Lazarini, printer to the Apostolic Chamber. Copper-engraved illustrations: 7vignettes by Alessandro Mochetti, Carlo Antonini, Pietro-Leone Bombelli, after drawings by Carlo Antonini, Pietro-Leone Bombelli, Francesco Morro and Luigi Sabatelli: 2bandeaux (portraits of PiusVI and LouisXVI), 2culs-de-lampe, 2initials, and a vignette on the title, allegory of the Revolution represented as a hydra ruining the arts, plundering the horns of plenty and threatening the fleurs de lys. Funeral oration of Louis XVI delivered before the Pope. It was read in Latin on September 28, 1793 in the papal chapel of the Quirinal, in the presence of PiusVI, the Sacred College (including Cardinal de Bernis, former ambassador of monarchical France to Rome, deposed by the Republic, who sang mass for the soul of the deceased king), and Mesames Marie-Adélaïde and Victoire, aunts of LouisXVI. Paolo Leardi, then secret cameraman, would later become apostolic nuncio in Vienna, from 1817 to 1823. If, in his consistorial address of June 17, 1793, PiusVI had been able to envisage the sanctification of LouisXVI as a martyr, he subsequently modified his position, and allowed his secret camerere to decry France here as a hotbed of philosophy and disorder, and to blame the monarchy and the monarch himself for the morals of the Court, the American War, the trust placed in Necker (a foreigner and Protestant), and the approval given to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. This funeral oration was subsequently published in French and Italian. Beautiful neoclassical Italian binding.

Estim. 400 - 500 EUR

Lot 24 - RIGAUD (Jacques). [Recueil choisi des plus belles vues des palais, des châteaux et maisons royales de Paris et des envions]. Paris, chez l'auteur, [xviiiesiècle]. 31 plates mounted on strong paper sheets in an oblong folio volume, burgundy chagrin, smooth spine cold-stamped, framed with cold-stamped and gilt fillets with large corner fleurons, gilt title in the center of the first board and gilt coat of arms in the center of the second; plates trimmed a little short, worn binding with detached upper board, lower headpiece missing, upper flyleaf torn (binding circa 1840). A collection of suites engraved successively over a period from around 1720 to 1752, the original edition of which was published around 1738, and the plates of which could also be sold individually. Different editions, and even copies of the same edition, therefore show fluctuating collations (cf. Berlin Katalog, Millard, Cohen-Seymour de Ricci). The present copy includes the following plates, listed in order of binding: Diverses vues du château de Versailles. 1 View taken from the grand avenue between the two stables. 2 View of the Versailles stables from the second gate. 3Special view of the chapel at the Château de Versailles. 4 View of the Château de Versailles. Taken from the terrace opposite the chapel. 5.view of the château and part of the town of Versailles. From the estang side. [6] View of the Château de Versailles from the Orangerie. Taken beyond the large lake known as the pièce des Suisses. -Remarkable places in the garden and park of Versailles. 7 View of the Orangerie at Versailles. Taken from the balustrade at the edge of the château terrace. 8.view of the Bassin de Latone taken from the edge of the château terrace. [1] View of the groves in the Versailles garden. The ballroom. [5] Apollo's basin. 6] Enceladus' basin. 8] The water theater. 9] View of Neptune's basin in the garden of Versailles. 10.view of Trianon in the Versailles park from the avenue side. 11.three fountains. -Various views of the Château Royal de Marli, near Versailles. 1 This first view is taken at the main entrance near the gate on the way in from Paris. 2 View of the Château de Marli from the petit parterre. 3 View of Château de Marli taken from the bottom of the grand parterre. -Various views of Château de Chantilli. 1739. [1] View from the main entrance. [Veue particulière des écuries de Chantilli du côté du manège. [View of the Chantilli waterfall. [110] Veue du grand canal de Chantilli prise à sa source. -Various veues of the Château de Seaux belonging to monseigneur le Duc du Maine. 1736. [1] Veue du château de Seaux du côté de la grande avenue prise à la première grille. [Veue du château de Seaux prise du haut de l'allée de la Diane. [View of the Château de Seaux from the distance opposite the Châtenay side. [View of the Seaux waterfall. [View of the Seaux flowerbeds and the Grand Canal from a distance. -Various views of St-Cloud. [Paris], chez le srDuChange et chez l'auteur, 1730. 1] View of the Château de St-Cloud from the grand avenue to the second gate. 4. View of the St-Cloud waterfall. -[...remarkable places in Paris]. ÀParis, chez le SrDuchange, et chez l'auteur, 1729. [4]. Les promenades du palais des Thuilleries. [7]. Les promenades du Luxembourg. Provenance: Comtes d'Antioche (gilded coat of arms on lower cover, armorial vignette ex-libris on first flyleaf; handwritten ex-dono from Charles de Brotty d'Antioche, dated 1880, to his son Adhémar, on second flyleaf).

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 25 - Soulès (François). Histoire des troubles de l'Amérique anglaise. ÀParis, chez Buisson, 1787. 4 vols. in-8, (8)-379-3 [misfigured 3 to 6]-(uneblanche)+ (4)-365-(uneblanche)+ (4)-420+ (4)-272-43-(uneblanche)pp. in marbled fawn calf, spine ribbed, cloisonné and fleuronné with title-pieces; spines a little faded and slightly rubbed, corners a little worn (period binding). First edition. 3 out-of-text copper-engraved folding maps, 2 of which are lightly enhanced with color: a map of the eastern half of North America, a plan of the siege of Yorktown in 1781, and a map of the coast from Williamsburg to Boston (Sabin, t.XXII, n°87290). History of the American Revolutionary War, from the stamp tax affair in 1765 to the Treaty of Versailles in 1783. A man of letters and a historian who embraced new ideas, François Soulès (1748-1809) was sympathetic to the principles on which the American Revolution was founded, but he also undertook the work of a true historian, gathering first-hand information in the form of handwritten memoirs and first-hand accounts from French, English and American actors. Chapters are devoted to the operations that pitted French and English against each other in India during this conflict. Thomas Jefferson's admiration: François Soulès submitted his manuscript to Thomas Jefferson, ambassador to France at the time, who wrote to the diplomat Louis-Guillaume Otto in January 1787 that he had seen this History, concluding with a clear judgment: "I [consider it] the best I have ever leafed through". François Soulès would publish many other works, including translations from English by Thomas Paine, Ann Radcliffe, Arthur Young, historians and travelers such as William Bligh... Provenance: the Marquis d'Arcy Michel-François-Louis Larcher (ex-libris vignettes of his father Michel Larcher on the first flyleaves), then the Counts of Antioche (armorial ex-libris vignettes covering two other earlier ex-libris, including those of the Marquis d'Arcy).

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR

Lot 27 - STAËL (Germaine Necker, Madame de). De l'Allemagne. À Paris, chez H.Nicolle; chez Mame frères, 1814. 3 volumes in-8, (4)-xvi-348 +(4)-387-(une blanche) +(4)-415-(uneblanche)pp. half green basane, smooth spines filleted and fleuronned, marbled paper covers on boards; spines a little rubbed, scattered freckles (period binding). First French edition (Lonchamp, n°6, with variants in the appendices). In 1810, the work had an incomplete first printing for the bookseller Gabriel-Henri Nicolle: Napoleon, recognizing himself in the passage entitled "Portrait d'Attila" (here t.II, pp.223-231), ordered the seizure and destruction of the work, despite the protests of the bookseller's director-censor, Portalis. Of this print run, which was stopped halfway through the third volume, only 5 copies remain. The true original edition was printed and published in London in 1813, based on a Nicolle copy of 1810, with corrections and a new preface. Two further editions appeared in London in 1813, and one in Berlin in 1814, but it was not until the fall of the Empire in 1814 that the present first French edition was published. The first French-language study of the arts and letters in the German-speaking world in the early 19th century. This ambitious work was the fruit of several stays and numerous meetings in Germany and Austria: it met with immense success, partly due to the anticipation it had aroused for three years after its banning in France, and can be considered "the capital work that founded Mme de Staël's European reputation" (Lonchamp). While Del'Allemagne received much criticism in German-speaking countries for its errors and un-German intellectual posture, Goethe approved it as a work independent of partisan quarrels and as an instrument for the rehabilitation of Germany in Europe. Provenance: probably Sophie Jacquelin-Dulphé, widow of the Marquis d'Arcy Michel-François-Louis Larcher (engraved armorial bookplate of her father-in-law Michel Larcher, on verso of faux-titres), then Comtes d'Antioche (engraved armorial bookplate on upper flyleaves). Alphonse-Charles de Brotty inherited the estate from his sister, Françoise-Gabrielle Céline de Brotty, second wife of Georges Thomé de Saint-Cyr, himself second husband of Sophie Jacquelin-Dulphé.

Estim. 150 - 200 EUR

Lot 29 - VERSAILLES. - RAINSSANT (Pierre). Explanation des tableaux de la galerie de Versailles, et de ses deux sallons. ÀVersailles, de l'imprimerie de François Muguet, 1687. In-4, (10)-117-(uneblanche)pp. copy with very wide margins (28,4x20,6cm), garnet-red morocco, cloisonné ribbed spine with chain of geometrical motifs at head and tail, gilt fillet framing on covers with gilt coat of arms in center, ornate edges, inner gilt roulette, gilt edges; covers a little stained and slightly sunned, marginal wetness with several leaves slightly faded (period binding). First edition. One of the first books printed in Versailles, by the city's prototypographer, François Muguet, who was installed by order of Louis XIV in the former Hôtel de Seignelay. 19 copper-engraved vignettes in the text (4 in repeats), including bandeaux (3 of which signed by Sébastien Leclerc after Charles LeBrun), culs-de-lampe and initials. On paintings by Charles Lebrun to celebrate the reign of LouisXIV. Printed as a gift for Court officials and distinguished guests, this work is devoted to the compositions painted in the Galerie des Glaces or Grande Galerie (completed in 1684), as well as in the salons de la Paix et de la Guerre (completed in 1686), to illustrate the King's successes from his accession in 1661 to the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678-1679. A member of the Académie des Inscriptions (1682) and keeper of the king's medals (1684), Pierre Rainssant was a learned physician who enjoyed the protection of the archbishop of Reims (his native city), Charles-Maurice LeTellier, brother of Louvois and a great bibliophile. When captions had to be placed under the paintings in the Grande Galerie and the two adjoining salons, those composed by Pierre Rainssant (in French) were preferred to those proposed by Abbé Paul Tallemant (in Latin) and François Charpentier (in French). Copy with the arms of LouisXIV (OHR, pl.n°2494, iron n°10 in second format). Provenance: d'Assier de Valenches family (handwritten ex-libris on one endpaper, and armorial ex-libris stamp on the same endpaper and on the title).

Estim. 200 - 300 EUR