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Sat 29 Jun

Nadar ; Petit, Pierre ; Reutlinger Studio ; Vaillant ; Benque, Wilhelm ; Berger (studio) ; Waléry (studio) - [PONCELET, Émile] Album of photographs and autographs of celebrities from the world of opera, theater and letters extolling the virtues of "Pastilles Poncelet". [Paris or Verviers? 1903] In-8° square: 23 photographs printed on albumen paper and 24 autographed bills and cards, mounted on [26] cream cardboard sheets, with mss captions and technical annotations in pencil in a hand of the ep. (qqs photos partly detached, discharge of 2 photos on the facing doc.). Contemporary black morocco half-basin with corners, black chagrined percaline boards with gilt filleting, smooth gilt-stamped mute spine, mounted on tabs (some rubbing with small superficial loss of percaline, endpapers slightly cracked at hinges). Astonishing collection of portraits and testimonials, often tinged with humor, by some twenty singers, actresses, poets, songwriters, etc., most of them French, lending their image and signature with a few lines to promote cough drops. A few names: academician François Coppée, Caroline Otero dite La Belle Otero ("Thanks to 'Poncelet' pastilles, I intend to sing my pretty roles in the 'Folies Bergère' revue 200 times in a row without tiring"), the no less beautiful Cléo de Mérode ("[..] double pleasure in taking them: satisfying my sweet tooth while curing me!"), Swiss soprano Lucienne Bréval (portrayed as Brünnhilde), baritone Jean Lassalle, bass Lucien Fugère ("I don't cough anymore, O Poncelet! Depuis la prise de la Pastille !!"), Suzanne Desprès of the Comédie-Française ("Je vous prie de m'envoyer 12 boîtes [...]"), Marcelle Bordo of the Théâtre des Nouveautés ("Les Pastilles Poncelet guérissent la toux et sont l'atout le meilleur dans le jeu des artistes grippées"), author and lecturer Maurice Lefèvre ("aux conférenciers enrhumés... mes confrères ! [...], Paris-la-Grippe, February 12, 1903"), songwriters Dominique Bonnaud (the only autograph without a portrait) and Xavier Privas, and more. Photographers are identified: Nadar, Benque, Reutlinger, Pierre Petit, Vaillant, Berger, Waléry, etc. Pencil indications, sometimes on small loose papers, testify to the use of these photos and signatures for advertising purposes by the Franco-Belgian company Produits Poncelet, founded by Émile Poncelet, a pharmacist from Verviers, who had established his administrative headquarters in Paris. Enriched with an aut. s. card from Sarah Bernhardt (steering wheel): "Je les trouve exquises et bienfaisantes les pastilles Poncelet!" (1903). Ref. Moniteur Belge. Annexes, t. XLI, 1899, p. 797.

Estim. 300 - 400 EUR