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1867 results

Wed 05 Jun

JANNINK (Éditions). L'Art en écrit. Paris, Editions Jannink, 1991-2017. 100 vol. in-8 narrow (12.5 x 21 cm), paperback, flap covers, cardboard slipcases. Housed in a pine bookcase specially designed by Tadashi Kawamata. Exceptional complete collection of this fine set of writings by contemporary artists, most in first editions, including: Buren, Asse, Soto, Arman, Topor, Arrabal, Viallat, Baselitz, Jan Fabre, Monory, Raysse, Gilbert et George, Morellet, Adami, Baj, Christo, Othoniel... Each title is accompanied by a signed work (original or original multiple). The collection is housed in a signed T. Kawamata library, dated 2017, of which there were only 2 copies. Each work was printed in circa 280-295 copies (plus 15 hors commerce, most of the time). Detailed collation: 1. César Domela. L'Art en écrit - 1991: 285 copies and 15 HC; original silkscreen. 2. Roland Topor. Vous savez, moi, sans mes lunettes - 1992 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; original enhanced lithograph. 3. Claude Viallat. Suite - 1992 : 275 ex. and 15 EA ; enhanced canvas. 4. Antonio Saura. Señoritas y caballeros - 1992 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; original serigraph. 5. Martial Raysse Qu'il est long le chemin - 1992 : 288 ex. and 15 EA ; original phototype. 6. Jacques Monory. 3'30' - 1993 : 299 ex. and 15 EA ; original enhanced silkscreen. 290 ex. and 15 EA ; original enhanced lithograph in colored pencil. 7. Erró. Easy is interesting - 1993: 299 copies and 15 EAs; original enhanced silkscreen. 8. Claude Rutault. Marie-Louise - 1993: 285 copies and 15 EAs; complete with work, bookmark and cut-out frame. 9. Takis. Les fleurs poussent si on les regarde - 1993 : 290 ex. and 15 EA ; original serigraph. 10. Olivier O. Olivier. Paris-Rome - 1993 : 290 copies and 15 EAs ; original lithograph enhanced with phosphorescent paint. 11. Christian Zeimert. Moreau... lure of glory - 1993: 290 copies and 15 EAs; original lithograph enhanced with colored pencil. 12. Eduardo Arroyo. Saturne ou le banquet perpétuel - 1994: 295 copies and 15 EAs; original lithograph enhanced in color pencil. 13. Gilles Aillaud. Mise au point - 1994 : 295 copies and 15 EAs ; original lithograph with enhancement. 14. Alexandre Fassianos. L'Envie du Lézard - 1994 : 290 copies and 15 EAs ; original lithograph. 15. Basserode. Poitevin (Qui Lab) - 1994: 284 copies and 15 EA; original drawing. 16. François Morellet Je n'ai plus rien à dire - 1994 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; original silkscreen enhanced. 17. Valerio Adami. Lettere non scritte - 1994 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; original serigraph. 18. Serge Rezvani. Processus - 1994: 290 copies and 15 EA; original etching. 19. Gilbert & George. The Ten Commandments - 1995: 299 copies and 15 EAs; original serigraph. 20. Gottfried Honegger. Le vide est plein - 1995 : 285 ex. and 15 EA ; original screen print, enhanced. 21. Jean Dewasne. Tenu de rigueur - 1995: 288 copies and 15 EAs; original silkscreen. 22. Arrabal. Tête de mort dans l'armoire - 1995: bilingual text; 280 copies and 15 EAs; illustration on rhodoïd, and original highlights. 23. Larry Bell. Fractions - 1995 : 285 ex. and 15 EA ; original and unique work (canvas). 24. Jacques Villeglé. Un homme sans métier - 1995 : 273 copies and 15 EAs ; signed torn poster (pasted on cardboard). 25. Arman. Complément d'objets - 1996 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; signed accumulation (nails). 26. Pol Bury. La gravité des images - 1996 : 291 ex. and 15 EA ; original etching. 27. Jean Miotte. L'Œuf, le couteau et la ficelle - 1996 : 275 ex. and 15 ex. EA ; original painting. 28. Marie Chamant. Le Palais des glaces - 1996 ; 275 ex. and 15 HC ; original signed work. 29. Ben. Manifeste d'Art Total - 1997: 275 nos. and 15 ex. EA; original serigraph. First separate edition. 30. Bram Bogart. Optimist - 1997: 254 copies and 15 HC copies; original painting. 31. Claude Bellegarde. Blancheur de la couleur - 1997: 280 copies and 15 HC copies; original painting. 32. Stephen Farthing. Mode d'emploi - 1997: 285 copies and 15 copies EA; numbered silkscreen sketch (not yet enhanced by the artist). 33. Jean Le Gac. Je t'écris - 1998: 295 editions and 15 editions EA; complete with artist's LAS with photo, addressed to M. Correia Sampaio. 34. Peter Stämpfli. Pneupneupneupneupn - 1998: 295 copies and 15 EAs; original work (on rhodoid and paper). 35. Jean-Luc Parant. Et je fais des boules... - 1998 : 295 ex. and 15 EA ; original collage. 36. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Erreurs les plus fréquentes - 1998 : 295 copies and 15 EAs ; signed, numbered edition. 37. Baj. Inactualité de l'art et pataphysique - 1998: 275 ex. and 15 EA; original collage enhanced. 38. Jean Messagier. Tous les Pollens du monde - 1998: 280 copies and 15 EAs; original lithograph, enhanced. 39. Peter Klasen. L'Image la ville - 1999: 290 copies and 15 EAs; original collage. 40 Georges Noël. Les

Estim. 30 000 - 40 000 EUR

Wed 05 Jun

MISCELLANEOUS - BOOKS - DOCUMENTATION - Extract from a partly printed procès-verbal.1 page in-folio. Written on September 14, 1793, Year II of the United and Indivisible Republic. Citizen Joseph Morion, hunter in the French legion, company 1, native of Chombron, district of Toul, department of the Meurthe, is attacked by an ankylosis of the arm, with the forearm, following a blow from Fire". Five signatures at the bottom of the page, including General Thirion. - Set of three 19th and 20th century bound manuscripts. - 2 collections of scores (waltz, mazurca, polka), anonymous. - 1 handwritten collection of medicinal formulas for treating: gastric fever, inflammatory fever, rheumatism and gout... - Copy of the "Journal des scavans" for the year 1788. June second volume. Paperback, Paris. In-folio. Table of articles contained in the journal: Le sage dans la solitude, Mémoire concernant l'histoire, mes sciences, les arts, les moeurs, les usages, des chinois... Slight rust and dampstaining. Attached are various copies of the Gazette Nationale or Moniteur Universel 1789. Attached: Set of three documents, "Certificat de bonne conduite" by sailor Boutin, from 1856, 1865 and 1869. - Set of various handwritten and printed documents from the 18th and 19th centuries (Figeac region, Toulouse, Cahors, etc.). - Autograph letter on the letterhead of the liner "La Seyne". - Account letters. - Printed matter Département du Lot. "Avertissement pour l'acquit des contributions 1871". - Plaque of the DELAGE D6.11 car with independent front wheels. Two illustrations of cars attached. - Autograph letter signed by Jean Doumergue (father of Paul Doumergue). He declares that he has personally paid a debt of 204 francs and 60 centimes owed by a certain Lady Lezet. CHEVREUSE Henriette-Nicole Pignatelli d'Egmont [1719 - 1782], duchesse de Chevreuse. Lady-in-waiting to Queen Marie Leczinska. Wife of Charles Louis d'Albert, Duc de Luynes et de Chevreuse. Letter signed "DEGMONT Duchesse de Chevreuse" to a lady. October 9, 1775; 1 1/2 pages in-8°. Charming letter of friendship, in which she speaks of M. de Cordoue des Cordes. Attached is an autograph bill signed by Marie Paule d'Albert de Luynes Duchesse de Chaulnes, 1779. Set of 5 manuscripts bound in leather, vellum or cardboard; 18th and 19th centuries; In-8° and In-4°. - Art poétique, 14-page manuscript booklet by Camille Pyart. - 1 volume of recopies of poems or thoughts (St François de Sales, Goethe, Anatole France...) bound in hardback. - Account book by a certain (Lombart Casreres) XVIII° bound in vellum. - Book manuscript "Philosophie, Etymologie du terme philosophie" by Chabant, October 26. - Recueil de voyage d'un jeune soldat en partance pour le Tonkin, Hanoï du 3ème régiment d'infanterie de marine appartenant au soldat Tailleur. Rochefort, June 20, 1891. He described his trip, wrote songs and poems. Some pages are detached.

Estim. 80 - 100 EUR

Wed 05 Jun

Georges SAND - Edmond de PLAUCHUT - Alphonse KARR Set of signed autograph letters addressed to Edmond Plauchut bound in a black leather book including including letters from Louis Lurine, Babaud-Laribière, Alphonse Karr and three exceptional letters from George Sand that Edmond Plauchut had bound, and called the Cassette. He managed to save them after his shipwreck off Cape Verde. Letter A - Autograph letter signed, Nohant, September 24, 48; 7 pages in-8°. Some damage. "You ask me if socialism was fighting in June in Paris. I believe so, although none of my friends among the workers, thought it necessary to take part in that appalling struggle. I was already here at the time and saw nothing for myself. so I can only judge by induction. I believe that socialism had to fight in all its shades, because there's something for everyone in this great people of Paris, and even something for all of us. people of Paris, and even combinations of ideas and doctrines that we don't know. But I don't believe that socialism sparked the movement, or that it led it. I doubt it would have dominated and regulated it if the insurgents had triumphed. There were, I believe, all sorts of despairs in this melee, and, consequently, all sorts of fantasies; for despair has them, as you know, like extreme illnesses. The election of Louis Bonaparte alongside that of Raspail should explain a little today the confusion of the June event. of June. All in all, there is one great fact that dominates everything, and I can explain it to you quite simply as the evil of despair. Despair cannot reason reason, it can't wait. Therein lies the misfortune. The people had no confidence in the National Assembly, and today, we can see that their instincts were not mistaken; for the National Assembly, with the exception of a deserving republican minority, and an infinitesimally small socialist minority, is burying all the vital issues of democracy. But it is not by fighting that the people will triumph for a long time to come. We've scared the bourgeoisie too much. It believes that everything, money and life, is being taken away from it, and it finds support in the majority of the people, who also fear for the shadow of property it holds. the shadow of property they possess or dream of. I believe that the question is delayed because it is poorly posed on both sides. on both sides. However, the more civilized and perfected societies become, the more they extend the common fund, as a counterweight to the abuse and excess of individual ownership. But there must also be a limit to this extension of common property; otherwise, individual freedom and family security would perish. So Minister Duclerc had a truly social thought in mind when he wanted to give the State a monopoly on railways and fire insurance. and fire insurance. These were perfectly logical measures, to be extended as society reaped the benefits. So everything to do with communication routes, roads, canals and the wealth which, by its very nature, is common to all, the great financial measures concerning mortgages and which can make money cheap, all this will have to be socialized in time, provided the good will is there. But it's not there, the truth having been overstepped by the socialist schools, which go so far as to take away from the individual his house, his field, his garden, his clothes and even his wife. Fear, pusillanimous and furious at the same time, has seized the bourgeoisie. And the speculators who, under the last monarchy, seized these common riches (and it's in this sense that Proudhon is right to say that property is theft), have no desire to restore to the community what is essentially common property. If they could, as they did under feudalism, own bridges, roads, rivers, houses and even men, they would find this highly legitimate, as they make little distinction, vis-à-vis the community, between yours and mine. Did the people who fought in June understand this distinction? You'd think so, given the fact that the dissolution of the national workshops served as a cause or pretext. It seems they took up arms to maintain their right to work. But the fait accompli is so confused and, I repeat, the latest Paris elections are so bizarre that we no longer know what to think of the masses. These, sir, are my ideas on our misfortune. They are rather vague, as you can see; for one's mind is not very lucid when one's heart is so deeply torn. Faith in the future must never be shaken by these catastrophes; for experience is a bitter fruit, full of blood.

Estim. 1 000 - 1 500 EUR