
Narcisse-Virgilio Diaz de la Pena (1807-1876) 'Tzigane ecoutant la prediction d 'une Jeune voyante' or 'Le Chant du songe de Deborah', a study of the painting in the Hermitage, inscribed 'Eugene Delacroix la Dance' verso, oil on canvas, 40.5 x 30cm, in carved gilt frame From the Estate of Francis and Larissa Haskell. Francis Haskell (1928-2000) was an art historian, author and professor of Art History at the University of Oxford. His wife Larissa (1931-2024) was a noted Russian art historian, and was curator of Venetian drawings at the Hermitage. Prov: Couper Gallery, 15 July 1968 (£250) Lit: cf. Pierre & Rolande Miquel: Narcisse Diaz de la Pena (1807-1876) 2 vols (Paris 2000)

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