Null GOBELINS - Count LA BOULAYE-MARILLAC (1771-1824, chemist, traveler, directo…

GOBELINS - Count LA BOULAYE-MARILLAC (1771-1824, chemist, traveler, director of Manufacture des Gobelins) / Letter from prison - autograph letter signed, 2 p in-8 plus address page with postage, from Sainte-Pélagie prison, January 18, 1816, to his solicitor, whom he asks to come and see him as soon as possible: he is detained because of a debt owed by his wife, for which he is held jointly and severally (we know from other letters of the same period to this solicitor that his wife had filed for divorce, and that things were not going well), "judge how surprised I am to see myself condemned in the gazette without having been able to be heard, nor to present all my most respectable witnesses to destroy all the odious calumnies I am fed"; "my intentions are always pure, my cause is that of religion, honor and morality".


GOBELINS - Count LA BOULAYE-MARILLAC (1771-1824, chemist, traveler, director of Manufacture des Gobelins) / Letter from prison - autograph letter signed, 2 p in-8 plus address page with postage, from Sainte-Pélagie prison, January 18, 1816, to his solicitor, whom he asks to come and see him as soon as possible: he is detained because of a debt owed by his wife, for which he is held jointly and severally (we know from other letters of the same period to this solicitor that his wife had filed for divorce, and that things were not going well), "judge how surprised I am to see myself condemned in the gazette without having been able to be heard, nor to present all my most respectable witnesses to destroy all the odious calumnies I am fed"; "my intentions are always pure, my cause is that of religion, honor and morality".

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Important lot of 7 19th century railway books: 1 [PROUDHON (P.-J.)]: Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer et des conséquences qui en peuvent résulter, soit pour l'augmentation du revenu des compagnies, soit pour l'abaissement des prix de transport, l'organisation de l'industrie voiturière, et la constitution économique de la société. Paris, Garnier Frères, 1855. One volume. 11.5 by 18.5 cm. (4)-392 pages. Paperback, in printed cover. Uncut, untrimmed. Some foxing and light dampening. First edition, by the philosopher-theorist of anarchism. Haubtmann, P.-J. Proudhon, Bibliographie générale, p. 1069. 2. VILLIAUMÉ (Nicolas): De l'Espagne et de ses chemins de fer. Third revised and enlarged edition. Paris, Garnier Frères, 1862. One volume. 11 by 18 cm. (4)-329-(1) pages. Modern bradel boards. Some foxing. Good condition. 3. LEGRAND (Alexis-Baptiste-Victor): Discourses prononcés dans la discussion du projet de loi relatif au chemin de fer de Paris à Versailles. (Session of June 13, 1836). [Paris], Mme Ve Agasse, s.d. [1836]. One volume. 12.5 by 20.5 cm. 28 pages. Modern bradel boards. Some foxing. Very rare offprint from the Moniteur of June 14, 1836. The CCFr. locates only one copy (B.N.F.). 4. DEMOULIN (Maurice): La locomotive actuelle. General study of recent types of high-power locomotives. Proportions - Conditions of establishment - Construction - Economic regime - Use - Review of the main types used in Europe and the United States. Complement to the practical treatise on the locomotive engine. 132 figures in the text and 40 plates outside the text. Paris, Librairie Polytechnique Ch. Béranger, 1906. One volume. 18 by 27 cm. (4)-III-(1)-333 pp. + 40 plates h.t. (including 22 fold-outs). Publisher's full percaline. Copy in perfect condition. In-text illustrations, including 30 full-page. First edition. By a traction engineer with the Compagnie des Chemins de fer de l'Ouest. 5. DARU (Pierre-Antoine-Noël-Bruno, Comte): Rapport fait à la commission sur le tracé des embranchements dirigés du chemin de fer de Paris à Lille sur le littoral de la Manche, au nom d'une commission composée de MM. Prévost de Vernois, Kermaingant, Comte Daru. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1844. One volume. 22 by 28.5 cm. (4)-260 pp. + 8 maps on 4 folding h.t. plates. Contemporary half brown basane, spine decorated. Lack of leather on top of spine, endpapers with traces of wear. Good condition inside. Attached 2 ff., paperback: Chemin de fer de Paris à Rouen. Service d'été. July 1st 1844. Paris, Typographie Lacrampe et Compagnie (train departure and arrival times, seat prices). First edition The construction of a railway from Paris to the Belgian border, via Lille and Valenciennes, was decided by law in 1842. Immediately afterwards, the debate began as to where the branches of the transverse lines should be built. This report examines the various possibilities, presents the arguments and quantifies the costs. 6. Railroads of Southern Austria, Lombardy and Central Italy. Ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of April 30, 1864. Chaired by Baron James de Rothschild. Report of the Board of Directors. Paris, Imprimerie Centrale des Chemins de Fer de Napoléon Chaix et Cie, 1864. One volume. 21 by 27 cm. 58 pages + 1 double-page color map. Paperback in printed cover. Good condition. Progress report and financial situation of the company. 7. DEGHILAGE (Alexandre-Louis): Origine de la locomotive. Paris, A. Broise et Courtier, 1886. One volume. 26.5 by 34 cm. [5] to 44-(1) pages + 12 double-page plates. Publisher's boards, damaged and clumsily restored, with kraft paper, corner missing. Light staining in margins of 3 leaves, one page corner cut out, foxing. First edition. Inventory and technical characteristics of steam engines and locomotives, from 1771 to 1846.

Reunion of 5 bound books on the favorites of the kings of France: 1. [BARBÉ-MARBOIS]: Lettres de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour: depuis MDCCXLIV, jusqu'à MDCCLII, inclusively. London, 1773. 3 volumes in 1 volume. 9 by 16.5 cm. Continuous pagination of (4)-IV-331 pages. Contemporary full calf, smooth spine decorated, red title page. Upper spine frayed, one corner slightly worn, otherwise fine binding. Very rare foxing. The title and warning pages of volume 3 (pp. 179-182) have been mistakenly bound after p. 192. Each volume has a title leaf, included in the pagination. That of volume 2 reads "depuis MDCCLIII jusqu'à MDCCLXII". The 1st edition dates from 1771. This edition contains 163 apocryphal letters. "These letters were originally attributed to Crébillon Fils. Since then, and as they are very well written, they are considered to be a youthful work by Marquis Barbé-Marbois, born in 1745 and died in 1837. What is most true is that the author, whoever one may suppose him to be, could only have been a man of great wit." (Gay III-824). 2. CANTREL (Emile): Nouvelles à la main sur la Comtesse du Barry trouvées dans les papiers du Comte de *** revues et commentées. Introduction by Arsène Houssaye. Two portraits and an autograph. Paris, Henri Plon, 1861. One volume. 14.5 by 23 cm. (4)-IV-441 pages + 2 portraits + 1 facsimile. Contemporary midnight-blue half-maroquin with corners, 5-rib spine, gilt head. A very fine copy. First edition. 3. CRAUFURD (Quentin): Notices sur Mesdames de La Vallière, de Montespan, de Fontanges et de Maintenon; extraites du catalog raisonné de la collection de portraits de M. Craufurd. Paris, J. Gratiot, 1818. One volume. 12 by 19.5 cm. (4)-88-(1) pages. Contemporary half basane, spine decorated, red title page. Binding in very good condition, a few scattered brown spots. First edition. Rare. Quérard II-331; The CCFr. only locates copies in the B.N.F.. 4. [GAIN DE MONTAGNAC (Louis-Laurent-Joseph): L'esprit de Madame de Maintenon, avec des notes. By the author of the Mémoires du Chevalier de Kilpar. Paris, Durand, 1771. One volume. 9 by 16.5 cm. XXIV-156 pages. 19th century full buff, spine with 5 ornate nerves, untrimmed copy. 1st and last pages dusty. ch. 126); 19th century full basane, spine with ornate nerves. First edition. Barbier II-190; Conlon 71: 956. Collection of Madame de Maintenon's bon mots and maxims, taken from her correspondence. 5. [THEVENEAU de MORANDE (Charles de)] or [PIDANSAT de MAIROBERT (Mathieu-François)]: Anecdotes on M. la comtesse du Barri. London [Amsterdam], [Van Harrevelt], 1778. 2 parts in 1 volume. 9 by 16 cm. Continuous pagination of 1 portrait-416 pages. Contemporary full basane, spine ribbed and decorated. Covers worn, one corner damaged. Discreet marginal wetness on the first 10 leaves. The second part begins on p. 241, with its own title page. The original edition dates from 1775. Barbier, Ouvrages anonymes I-188 c. In his first edition, Barbier attributed this work to Charles Théveneau de Morande. The Société Bibliographique de France attributes it to Pidansat de Mairobert... "This work contains many scandalous documents on the famous favorite, her correspondence, genealogy, etc.".

[Balzac et ses amis] Lot of 8 books: A Augustin-Thierry, La princesse Belgiojoso. Paris, Plon, 1926. Fair condition. Mme Surville, Le compagnon du foyer. Stuttgart, Hallberger, 1855. Half basane, spines split. Ruxton, La dilecta de Balzac. Paris, Plon, 1909. Half-chagrin. Boschot, La jeunesse d'Hector Berlioz. Paris, Plon, 1906. Half-maroquin with corners, gilt head. Pizzagalli, L'Amica Clara Maffei e il suo salotto nel Risorgimento. Milan, BUR, 2004. Hommage à George Sand, revue de l'Académie du Centre, 1975. Echinard et Jessula, Léon Gozlan. Collection IMMAJ, 2003. Arrigon, Balzac et la "contessa". Paris, Les portiques, sd. [Balzac et ses amis] Set of 4 books: Bondy, une femme d'esprit en 1830 - madame de Girardin. Lafitte, 1928. EO one of 17 hollande, second paper. Turquan, La duchesse d'Abrantès. Montgredien, 1901. Séché, Delphine Gay. Mercure, 1910. Longhi, L'educazione esemplare - Zulma Carraud un'amica di Balzac scrive per l'infanzia. Schena, 1984. We enclose 6 books. A Hertor Berge, Le commis banquier. Bordeaux, 1856. Rare curiosity. Biré, Houvelles causeries historiques et littéraires, 1927. Excerpt from the volume, only the article on Lovenjoul. Dore Ashton, A fable of Modern Art, Thames and Hudson, 1980. The author quotes Balzac as much as Picasso or Cézanne. Wages and the cost of living in various periods up to 1910. Photocopy of 1911 edition. Guide du voyageur du chemin de fer de Paris à Tours. Photocopy of 1846 edition. Considérations sur l'histoire médicale et statistique du Choléra-Morbus. Photocopy of the 1832 edition. Balzac et son temps, Set of 12 volumes: Burnand, La vie quotidienne en France en 1830. Hachette, 1947. Paperback. Pelletan, De 1815 à nos jours. Charavay-Mantoux-Martin, 1891. Publisher's hardback. La Gorce, Louis Philippe 1830-1848. Plon, 1931. paperback, one of 30 copies on pur fil lafuma. Charassin, Dictionnaire des racines et dérivés de la langue française. Héois, 1842. Half-basane, lacking on spine. Toledano, La vie de famille sous la restauration et la monarchie de juillet. Albin-Michel, 1943. Paperback. Henriot, Les romantiques. Albin-Michel, 1953. Linda Kelly, The young romantics Paris 1827-1837. London, Sidney, Toronto, The Bodley Head, 1976. d'Ariste, La vie et le monde du Boulevard. 1830 - 1870. A dandy: Nestor Roqueplan. Tallandier, 1930. Bory, La Révolution de juillet - 29 juillet 1830. Gallimard, 1972. Paperback. Anquetil, Histoire de France. Jubin, 1829-1831. Volumes 12 to 15, 4 volumes. A.-F. Teulet and Urbain Loiseau, Les Codes. Preceded by Memento de l'étudiant en Droit. Paris, Videcocq, 1840 - In -12 of XXXVI + 815 p. 2-column printing. Bookplate from the library of H. Hottinguer. Half-bound in green calf, smooth spine decorated with gilt fleurons. A good copy. F. Raymond, Dictionnaire Français augmenté d'environ 15000 mots relatifs aux sciences, aux arts, aux métiers, a la médecine, a la chirurgie, pharmacie, chimie etc.. de plus qu'aucun dictionnaire de ce format. Paris, Ladrange, 1837. In-16, 438 p, printed on 2 columns. Armorial bookplate of Louis François Bertrand du Pont d'Aubevoye, comte de Lauberdière, with his motto: "Virtute et Labore". Full tan basane binding, smooth spine with 5 faux-nerfs, spidering on the first cover.