
A Dutch silver tobacco box, commemorating The Battle of Dogger Bank 1781, maker's mark CB, Assay marks for 1903, shaped oblong form, the hinged cover engraved with a naval scene, the base is engraved with the Captains of the Dutch fleet with canons and central crest, length 14.6cm, approx. weight 7oz. The so-called battle of Dogger Bank in 1781 was, in all but name, a rare defeat for the Royal Navy at any time since Britain attained naval supremacy in the reign of Elizabeth I. The Netherlands had recently entered the War of American Independence as an ally of France and, in the first days of August 1781, two opposing squadrons found themselves in sight of each other off the Dogger Bank in the North Sea. Admiral Hyde Parker, commanding seven men-o-war, was escorting home a large and valuable Baltic convoy whilst the Dutch Admiral Zoutmann, also with seven men-o-war, was escorting an outward bound convoy heading for the Indies. At 8.00am. on 5 th August, Hyde Parker signalled his ships for ‘close action’ and the battle commenced. Furiously fought by both sides, the fighting continued for nearly four hours, but neither side was able to gain the upper hand. Eventually, the two fleets parted, exhausted and with very high casualties in both squadrons. Although no vessels were lost in the battle, most of the warships were severely damaged and the Dutch 64-gun Hollandia sank the next day. In the event, both convoys got clear during the action and although neither side was victorious, the Dutch claimed it so as the British ships were, on paper at least, larger and more powerful than their own.

wiltshire, United Kingdom