Null Autograph document: notarial manuscript

Autograph document: notarial manuscript


Autograph document: notarial manuscript

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THEATRE - François-Joseph TALMA (1763-1826, actor, Napoleon's favorite comedian and friend) / Exceptional document: these are corrections in his own hand to the notice preceding his "Quelques réflexions sur Le Kain et sur l'Art théâtral" for the 1825 Crapelet edition in Paris - These reflections appeared on the occasion of the republication of Le Kain's "Mémoires" (Henri Le Kain, 1729-1778, was the most revered Comédie Française actor of the 18th century, his memoirs were published by his son Bernardin Le Kain in 1801, from his papers) - Talma in 1825 was at the height of his popularity and his Art, his fame surpassing Le Kain's, and in fact Talma took advantage of this republication, to express his considerations on the theatrical art / The MANUSCRIT shown is that of the notice preceding Talma's reflections, 2 p in-folio, written by a secretary (calligraphic handwriting) and with Talma's autograph corrections (in darker ink) - the 1856 reprint of this text confirms in the preamble that the notice begins "I have no pretension of being a writer" and ends "I hope the reader will see in this confidence neither an excess of vanity nor a false modesty" is well in line with Talma's corrections, it is also stated that the manuscript of the text itself of these reflections is in the Bibliothèque de la Comédie française (without the notice) / EXPLANATION: this manuscript comes from the archives of Louis-Benoit PICARD (1769-1828, actor, playwright and company director), and was kept with 4 other documents: 1°) An autograph letter (1 p in-8, unsigned) addressed to Picard, asking him to write the notice: "Monsieur Picard, who does novels so well and notices so well, does he need me to send him some notes on the plan I wanted to follow and the works I wished to consult? I'm sending him these indications as he wishes. I'd be delighted if they could save him some trouble; there is no student in painting who has not been glorious in grinding the colors of a great master" - 2°) The previously announced plan, which details in 8 points what needs to be said about Le Kain, including an anecdote about his beginnings (2 p in-8) - 3°) A handwritten note on La Kain, written by the secretary (calligraphy) includes bibliographical information and details of an appointment with Talma - 4°) a printout of an "extrait d'une lettre particulière" from June 1780 concerning Le Kain (4 p in-8) / CONCLUSION: the possible interpretation of these documents is that Bernardin LE KAIN Fils is the author of the letter and notes to PICARD (this publication was above all a republication of Le Kain's Mémoires), the printout comes from Le Kain's archives, and the notice was written by PICARD, which explains its presence in his archives / NB: this notice is very interesting because of the erasures and especially the strong passage at the end which was deleted in the printed notice.

PROVENCE / Important archives concerning the publication of "L'Histoire de Provence" by Count Jean-Baptiste Villeneuve de Beauregard (1781-1867) - The facts: Count Villeneuve de Beauregard had his "Histoire de Provence" printed by Feissat Demouchy (Joseph-François Feissat, 1791-1835 and Pierre-Alexandre Demouchy, 1793-1871), printers and booksellers on rue de la Cannebière in Marseille, in installments for distribution by Marseille publisher Mathieu Camoin (1783-1837) - The file includes 12 documents: agreement made in duplicate between the Comte de Villeneuve-Beauregard and the printers Feissat Demouchy in Marseille on January 23, 1830 (this one signed by Teissat); the Comte de Villeneuve-Beauregard's autograph undertaking setting out the terms of the agreement; the subscription drawn up by Camoin with names, addresses and signatures of subscribers; an autograph letter signed by Teissat to the Comte, dated January 12, 1832: "For some time now, the printing of your history of Provence has been halted; the subscribers are complaining, and the blame falls on us" (we understand that they are awaiting the text for the 10th issue, and are taking advantage of this to claim the 2nd payment due); Feissat Demouchy invoice stopped in 1832; [it seems that the printers are not paid and put the matter in the hands of their solicitor Maître Audiffret in Draguignan] in May 1832, letter aut. signed. from Feissat to the solicitor detailing the situation, the Comte owes them 1854 f, the 10th delivery has not been published due to lack of manuscript, Camoin seems to lack subscribers to sell the deliveries, he needs 100 more, however the Comte seems to want to complete his work which should count 12 deliveries; [in his letter of August 1832, he informs the solicitor that it was difficult for him to obtain information, "after 20 appearances at Camoin's", in fact there were only 28 subscribers; in December 1832, Feissat claims to have received a manuscript continuation, but not yet the end; in his August 1833 letter to the avoué, Feissat still demands the manuscript continuation, he would like to finish this publication "before M. Augustin Fabre begins his own"; in September 1834, Feissat takes stock of the situation with the lawyer (we learn that they have finished despite the lack of payment); in April 1835, Feissat regrets that this affair is not over, even if cholera has afflicted Marseille and its businesses, now that there is no longer any danger, we must conclude; [Teissat dies in September 1835] the widow Teissat takes over from her husband, and in April 1836 establishes in detail the situation of this "Histoire de Provence" (printed deliveries, status with Camoin, various accounts).

[ZADKINE] - Henri RAMEY (La Fère Aisne 1927 - La Fère 1991, painter of the Montparnasse populist movement) / Nice set of 2 signed autograph letters and 1 signed autograph manuscript of 10 p in-4 in which he recounts his memories of the sculptor Zadkine - In the 2 letters, from 1971 and 1972 (each 1 p in-4), he addresses the director of a film shot in his countryside of Bruniquel with Zadkine (nb: Ramey had fallen in love with this corner of the Tarn-et-Garonne and had brought his artist friends to his corner of paradise), asking him for his memories of the sculptor: "I'd love to see the film you shot during your visit to my country home, but in the meantime couldn't I have a photo of Zadkine and me from the film? It would be a precious souvenir", and, when sending the manuscript: "Enclosed are a few pages of memories you asked for. They have only the merit of being very accurate. Use as you wish, cut, subtract, I have no self-respect as an author", he still has to rummage through his piles of documents, "already a few months before his death, Zadkine had written to ask me to find what concerned him, among other things, copies of the engravings included in the catalogs of our exhibition in Toulouse, but I haven't found anything yet" - The manuscript tells many anecdotes, evokes numerous artists, is written in a very lively manner, the original typed transcription of this manuscript is enclosed / Enclosed: set of articles and documents on Henry Ramey and the typed transcription of the manuscript.

FRANCESETTI DI MEZZENILE, Luigi (1776-1850). Two autograph manuscripts and a printed copy of Lettres sur les vallees de Lanzo." Turin: Chirio et Mina, 1823. Important lot including the original manuscripts of the work dedicated to Lanzo Torinese and its valleys, the 'Valade 'd Lans', in the Piedmontese Graian Alps, between the Orco Valley to the north and the Susa Valley to the south. This is the first scientific description of the area, the result of research by Luigi Francesetti, a Piedmontese nobleman, who during his summer holidays in the castle of Mezzenile, made excursions with scientific instruments with which he made observations and measurements on rocks, local flora and fauna and the life of mountain folk. The 'lettres', dedicated and addressed to Countess Marina Nomis Cristiani di Ravarano, constitute an important document of Piedmontese history and provide a fresh and accurate description of the Lanzese valleys as used to be in the early 19th century. 3 volumes, 8vo, (228 x 158mm). printed volume: 12 lithographic plates protected by tissue guards (light spotting) Contemporary binding with calf spine [IN LOT WITH:] 'Lettres sur les vallees de Lanzo par Louis Francesetti Comte de Mezzenile' manuscript dated 1820, ff. 115. Contemporary half-calf binding, title giit to boards [IN LOT WITH:] 'Quelques lettres sur les trois vallees qui composent ce qu'on appelle comunement la valee de Lanzo' manuscript dated 1820, 105 leaves. Contemporary half-calf binding, title gilt to boards. (3) "