
Jefferson Davis Autograph Endorsement Signed as Confederate President (1865) Civil War-dated autograph endorsement from Jefferson Davis, signed as the Confederate president, “J. D.,” penned on the reverse of a letter sent to Davis requesting a light assignment for Private Chapman Coleman. The endorsement reads: “Sect’y of War, this case will attract your attention from its merit and connections. Please advise me as to anything which can be done consistently. J.D. 6 March 65.” The handwritten request to Davis, one page, 7.75 x 10, penned on Confederate States of America (Post Office Department) letterhead, is dated to the same day of Davis’s reply and relates to the assignment of Coleman, the grandson of influential former Attorney General and U.S. Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky. Also of note on the reverse is a subsequent endorsement made on behalf of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest at Gainesville, Alabama, whose command surrendered two weeks later; this endorsement was penned by John Presley Strange, who served under Forrest as his assistant adjutant general. In very good to fine condition, with scattered light staining.

amherst, United States