
George Washington Carver Autograph Letter Signed on Religion and Agriculture ALS signed “Geo. W. Carver,” one page both sides, 8.5 x 11, The Carver Products Company letterhead, December 28, 1924. Handwritten letter to Chas. F. White in New York City, in part: "Thank God for your beautiful letter...I have read and re-read it many times, and at each reading the tears would rush forward. Your letter makes me so happy, not for myself, but I felt that the cause of Jesus Christ had been assailed, I wondered really how far this ego in man had been carried and I also wondered if it was not gaining ground, which would ultimately mean death to Christianity. With but few exceptions the press has been very kind...The Criticism has brought out the fact that there are a great many real Christians in the world who believe the Bible and know that 'If in all our ways we acknowledge Him He will direct our paths. God has and is yet leading me so wonderfully. Orphaned, from a baby; rode on 1/2 fare ticket when nearly 19 years old; was nearly the same age before I could talk, never had a well moment, up to that time that I can remember. Then through God's divine providence He has permitted me to do what He has. In fact my friend this is God's work, that He has given me in trust to do. It is to be a contribution to education. I am only a trail blazer for those who are to come after me. Thank God many young people, both White and Colored are catching the spirit. The letters are coming in from North, South, East, and West, asking me to investigate some big problem for them. These range all the way from wheat, milk, beans, white potatoes, oranges, etc. etc. to the Alligator pear in Jamaica. What a field is opening up for the creative chemist who will attune himself with the great Creator and let Him reveal to him some of the things He has created." In fine condition. A wonderful, inspirational letter from the pioneering agricultural scientist.

amherst, United States