
William Penn Autograph Letter Signed to His Deputy Governor in America: "Without resolution, as well as meekness & Patience, there is no Governing" English-born Quaker (1644-1718) and founder of the colony that became the State of Pennsylvania. Significant ALS signed “Wm. Penn,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 11.5, March 5, 1704. Handwritten letter to "Capt. [John] Evans my Depty. Gover. of the Pennsylvania Territory at Philadelphia," sent from London. In part: "It is now six months since you Sayled from Spithead, and not ye least intimation yet arriv'd of your getting well to your Journey[s] end, which makes all uneasy. We understood by ye Master of ye Fleet, [that] was carried into Martineco [Martinique), by a French Privateer, & was deliver'd, by one of our Ship's taking ye Privateer in his way to France, that you were all well, ye Fleet I mean, ye 2d of Xbe [October], being four days after our unexampled Storme [that] has more than taxd ye nation 4 [shillings] in ye pound. by ye devastations it has occasioned. My tax is 30lb and where I live, but I have sustain'd about fifty, & am come off, more than equall with ye best. But you will have the Prints to tell you all. It seems America, the Continent at least, had a mighty Tempest on ye 7th of 8be [August] while you were upon ye voyage, but the winds of neither side made themselves known, that to this, or this to [you]r side of the world. I hope th[at] my Sons arrivall have contributed to ye quelling [of] that which has too long agitated the people of my Govermt. I shall say nothing... about [what] my Dep[u]t[y] Gover[nor] did about Capitall Cases, trying men for life by oath, and the Militia, wch our Bantifeux harrangu'd so clamorously about Regist[e] ring of vessels upon oath only; since thy arrivall & approbation will put an end to all those things. Positively stand to ye letter of ye powers of my Patent [granted by Charles II in 1680] Without resolution, as well as meekness & Patience, there is no Governing. Wherefore keeping within the Compass of the Laws of ye Province, & Pow[e]rs of my Graunt, fear nothing, while I am here, & able to follow my own business; I hope by this opportunity, to send you a letter, or at least to get one sent, or a Coppy thereof, from ye Lords Com[mission]rs for Tr[a]d[e] & Plant[ation]s in reproof of's Insolence, to address... Lord Cornberry, a Guest, in our own Towne & Governm[en]t...to write to ye Queen to take our Government away from us [i.e., to rescind Penn's patent for Pennsylvania]; an Impudence [that] is without Precedent, & for wch he deserves ye severest rebukes & discountenance. I must tell thee I am much more like to keep my Governm[en]t than to sell or loose it. & therefore am not upon those uncertain & precarious Circumstances they hope y[e]t are my Endings, & our fr[ien]ds may fear. [May] our great men plainly see ye motives [of] those folks to vex us, & more resolve [to] suport us in our just rights... Thy mother sent to day to see me & I have dispatcht one to her for her business, Puckle being gone today, & I goeing out of Town at 3 this afternoon C.L. thinks to write to thee & my Son, now, or by way of N. York...John, lett honour, conscience & old friendship prevaile to acquit thy selfe to me & my family. & the Country, according to our La[w]s & Constitution, not yet repeald...P.S. I can say no more till I heare from thee of the state of things. Be just & then wise. Salute me to ye Councill & Magestrates." In very good to fine condition, with slightly irregular toning, and minor seal-related paper loss to the integral address leaf.

amherst, United States