
Patrick Henry Autograph Document Signed, Referencing Indian Agent Joseph Martin ADS as governor of Virginia, signed “P. Henry,” one page, 8 x 6.25, November 3, 1777. Handwritten order sent to Colonel Evan Shelby, in full: “Be pleased to order Cap’t Joseph Martin, agent in the Cherokee Nation to be supplied with provisions for himself & his Servants among that people.” Henry his initials to a postscript: “Let Cap’t Martin have such other provisions as he may want to entertain the Chiefs. P.H.” In fine condition. Joseph Martin, Jr. (1740-1808) was a close friend of Patrick Henry and a brigadier general in the Virginia militia during the American Revolutionary War, in which Martin's frontier diplomacy with the Cherokee people is credited with not only averting Indian attacks on the Scotch-Irish American and English American settlers who helped win the battles of Kings Mountain and Cowpens, but with also helping to keep the Indians' position neutral and from siding with the British troops during those crucial battles. Historians agree that the settlers' success at these two battles signaled the turning of the tide of the Revolutionary War—in favor of the Americans.

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