
Zachary Taylor: Manuscript Resolution on the Death of President Taylor Manuscript document on the death of President Zachary Taylor, one page both sides, 8 x 12.5, no date but circa July 1850. Handwritten resolution on the death of President Taylor, who passed away on July 9, 1850. In part: "Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom to remove from us by the hand of Death, Zachary Taylor, President of the United States...By the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State, and National Law School, in Congress assembled. Bet it resolved that, for the purpose of expressing our respect for the memory and our heartfelt sorrow for the death of our late President, we wear the usual badge of mourning, upon the left arm (as for the death of one of our own members) for thirty days. Resolved, that in the discharge of the duties of his office, our late President has fully proved to the American people that their confidence was not misplaced, and that his death is a great national calamity. Resolved, that we deeply, and most sincerely sympathize with the afflicted family and friends of the illustrious dead, in this, their sad bereavement." Signed at the conclusion in ink, "Wm. C. Bull," "E. C. Moulton," and "J. H. C. Boulton." In fine condition.

amherst, United States