
Warren G. Harding Document Signed as President Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 15.5 x 14, April 14, 1922. President Harding appoints Abram L. Van Horne as “Postmaster at Fultonville, in the County of Montgomery, State of New York.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by Warren G. Harding and countersigned by Postmaster General Hubert Work. The lower left is embossed with the Post Office Department seal. In fine condition. Abram L. Van Horne (1861-1931), a New York native, was a prominent resident of Fultonville who served three terms as Postmaster under Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. He served from 1922 until his death. Before he was Postmaster, Horne was a school teacher, farmer, county clerk, and hardware business owner.

amherst, United States