
Millard Fillmore Document Signed as President - Appointing a U.S. Minister to Mexico Partly-printed DS as president, one page, 8 x 10.5, September 23, 1852. President Fillmore directs the Secretary of State to affix the Seal of the United States to “a Full Power for Alfred Conkling, E. E. & M. P. from the U.S. to the Mexican Republic.” Signed neatly at the conclusion by Millard Fillmore, who accidentally started writing his signature below the date line. In fine condition. Alfred Conkling (1789-1874) was a New York judge and congressman who, from August 6, 1852, to August 17, 1853, served as the United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico for the United States Department of State.

amherst, United States