Null BRISSOT DE WARVILLE Félix Saturnin, 1818-1892
Hunter and shepherd at the po…

BRISSOT DE WARVILLE Félix Saturnin, 1818-1892 Hunter and shepherd at the pond oil on canvas (traces of cracking) signed lower left 135 x 217 cm NB: This lot can be picked up at our warehouse in St Ouen.


BRISSOT DE WARVILLE Félix Saturnin, 1818-1892 Hunter and shepherd at the pond oil on canvas (traces of cracking) signed lower left 135 x 217 cm NB: This lot can be picked up at our warehouse in St Ouen.

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Set of 3 19th century booklets on naval medicine, in modern radel boards in perfect condition, basane title page: 1. ALLARD (P.-Eugène): Quelques considérations sur le mal de mer. Tribut académique, présenté et publiquement soutenu à la faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le ... juillet 1829, pour obtenir le grade de docteur en médecine. Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, 1829. One volume, 18 by 24.5 cm. 19-(1) pages. Small ink stains in lower margin of first leaf. First edition. Rare. 2. LORREYN (Honoré): Quelques mots sur l'influence des affections morales sur les marins. Tribut académique présenté et publiquement soutenu à la faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 12 août 1831, pour obtenir le grade de docteur en médecine. Montpellier, X. Jullien, 1831. 18 by 24 cm. 27-(1) pages. First edition. Very rare. 3. BARRALLIER (Dr. A.): Note sur une épidémie de dysenterie observée à l'hôpital de la marine de Toulon pendant l'année 1859. Extract from the Union médicale (nouvelle série) of June 13, 1861. Paris, Félix Malteste et Cie, 1861. 13.5 by 21.5 cm. 11 pages. Scattered foxing. Autograph signed letter from the author to Dr. Réveil in the upper margin of the title page. Very rare offprint. Berger and Rey, Rép. biblio. des travaux des médecins et des pharmaciens de la marine française 1698 - 1873, p. 71, mention only the Union médicale article; the CCFr. locates only one copy (B.N.F.). A. Barrallier was Professor of Medical Pathology at the Toulon Medical School.

Olympic Games/ summer, winter, 1924/ Paris/Chamonix/Lille/Reichel/Géo André/ Crapouillot. Astonishing set of 6 booklets, magazines or fascicles on or around the French Games: a) program "Fêtes de la Paix, Olympiades du Nord, Fêtes Franco-Belges, 8 juin 1924", with city arms, 24 p amazing, with photos; b and c) Les Jeux Olympiques, (1er et 3è livre, n°344 et 353 des Livres roses, Larousse, 28p) by Albert Lorbert (alias Lorentz, born in Dijon, 1892-1952, cdt d'artillerie). An introduction to the Games, just before the Paris Games, featuring antiquity, the Société "Sans Nom" of the future Dr. Charcot, as well as Glandazo, a famous French artist.Charcot, but also Glandaz, Reichel, etc.); "Histoire d'une volonté" n°370 (continuation of the previous series, Livres roses, Larousse, 1925), which surprisingly features Géo André's first steps, and Sonja Hénie in Chamonix (28p), a curiosity; d) "Les Jeux Olympiques de Paris, VIIIè Olympiade" from a sensational article by Frantz-Reichel, detailing the awarding of the Games to Paris, and the difficult road to the Cité Olympique in Colombes. 29P, with previously unpublished technical details, and a strong emphasis on volunteerism; e) Oct 1921 issue of "La Revue des Colonies", with an article by H.Bert (of the VGA) on the desired contribution of athletes of color to the 1924 Olympics; f) Special "Le Sport" issue of "Le Crapouillot" published on the occasion of the Olympic Games. With articles on the Games by André Obey, Marcel Berger, Alexandre Arnoux, Dominique Braga, Louis Chéronnet. Illustration by Segonzac. 28 pages, 33x25.