Null JOUVENET Nicolas Wulfran (1788-1878)
Chartres, figures on a plain overlooki…

JOUVENET Nicolas Wulfran (1788-1878) Chartres, figures on a plain overlooking the cathedral Oil on paper, unsigned tears, soiling 14.5 x 19.5 cm NB: A work by this artist depicting the Forêt de Compiègne is in the Musée d'Amiens.


JOUVENET Nicolas Wulfran (1788-1878) Chartres, figures on a plain overlooking the cathedral Oil on paper, unsigned tears, soiling 14.5 x 19.5 cm NB: A work by this artist depicting the Forêt de Compiègne is in the Musée d'Amiens.

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Reunion of 4 19th century works on curious Paris, in 5 bound volumes: 1. TOURNEUX (Maurice): Paris in the 18th century. Les promenades à la mode. Etching by Ad. Lalauze. Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1888. One volume. 10.5 by 17.5 cm. 1 engraved frontispiece-(4)-XV-(1)-112-(3) pages. Contemporary glaucous half-maroquin (it's a color) with corners, ornate ribbed spine, cover boards preserved, gilt head. Binding signed Pierson. "Printed in a very small number. Collective edition of light pieces relating to Parisian mores in the 18th century. 2. BRAZIER (Nicolas): Histoire des petits théâtres de Paris depuis leur origine. Nouvelle édition, corrigée et augmentée de plusieurs chroniques. Paris, Allardin, 1838, 2 volumes in 1 volume. 8.5 by 14.2 cm. XVI-303-(1); (4)-264 pages. Contemporary half-brown basane. Some rubbing, scattered foxing. Pp. [247] to 264 of vol. 2: Catalogue of plays performed by Brazier in Paris, from 1803 to 1838, with the names of his collaborators. 2nd edition (E.O.: 1837). Laporte, Biblio. contemporaine II-6. "2nd edition more sought-after than the 1st, it is augmented by some rather naughty adventures." (Laporte). 3. PRIVAT D'ANGLEMONT (Alexandre): 1) Paris anecdote. Paris, A. Delahays, s.d., 243 pp. ; 2) Paris inconnu. Preceded by a study of his life by M. Alfred Delvau. Paris, Adolphe Delahays,1875, (4)-315 pp. + 1 portrait h.t. ; 2 works in 1 volume. 12 by 15.5 cm. Contemporary light blue half-percaline with corners, cover boards preserved for the second volume. Very good condition for both volumes. Privat d'Anglemont, a Bohemian journalist, "devoted many articles to the Paris of small trades and rare industries [...], which appeared in newspapers, particularly Le Siècle, and were collected in two volumes: Paris anecdote (1854) and Paris inconnu (1861) [...]. Privat d'Anglemont explored Paris by night with the same spirit of adventure, the same appetite for discovery that one might feel for more distant lands." (Jean-Pierre A. Bernard, Les deux Paris, les représentations de Paris dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, pp. 200-201). 4. VEUILLOT (Louis): Les odeurs de Paris. Paris, Palmé, 1867. One volume. 13.5 by 22.5 cm. in-8 of XVI-498 pp. + 1 f. (prospectus for 2 books). Contemporary brown half-chagrin, 5-rib spine. Very minor rubbing, some discreet foxing. First edition. P. Lacombe, no. 1144; Van Tieghem, p. 4071. "Genuine first edition (and only edition in this format) of this famous work which, as we still remember, caused such a stir in Paris when it first appeared. The first two books, devoted to the press, and the third, devoted to Parisian entertainment (theaters, cafés-concerts, etc.), provoked the strongest complaints in the world and in the newspapers because of the violence they contained [...]. Louis Veuillot often painted his characters under assumed names. We find Passionnard d'Auvergne (Jules Vallès), Eliassin Lupus (Albert Wolff), Amanda Pigeonnier (Marie Colombier), Passe-Partout (Adrien Marx), Lilia (George Sand) [...]." A compendium of erudite, reactionary nastiness...

[HELYOT, (Père Pierre), and BULLOT (père)]: Histoire des Ordres monastiques religieux et militaires, et des congrégations séculières de l'un & de l'autre sexe Contenant leur origine leur fondation, la décadence des uns et leur suppression, les vies de leurs fondateurs avec des figures (...). Paris, Nicolas Gosselin, 1714-1719. 8 volumes. 18 by 24 cm. XCVIII-(5)-399-(21); (8)-436-(31); XVI-(6)-456-(40); (8)-464-(42); (6)-488-(20); (8)-446-(26); (8)-493-(34); (8)-446-(36) pages. Contemporary half basane, 5 bindings. Binding solid, but worn, with numerous small defects. Mottling in two volumes on a few leaves. Volume 3 with missing title page (replaced by a handwritten page) and the last page of the table. Some scattered foxing. Volume 1: 102 plates (missing 62, 68, 75, 97). Vol. 2: 119 plates (missing 12, 14, 16, 31). Vol. 3: 120 plates (1-117, 29*, 29**, 64*) (missing 61, 67, 72). Vol. 4: 111 plates (1-110, 45*) (missing 55, 100, 101). Vol. 5: 87 plates (missing 1, 20, 22, 25, 35, 51, 60). Vol. 6: 100 plates (missing 2, 11, 14, 15, 19, 61, 91, 92). Vol. 7: 72 plates (1 to 71 + 99). Volume 8: 98 plates (plate 99 was bound in volume 7). 780 plates out of 809 plates. Highly contrasting engravings. "The plates are very well engraved by Cl. Duflos, P. Giffart, de Poilly and Thomassin". First edition of this work by Father Hélyot, who entered the Franciscan Third Order of Picpus, founded by his father Canon Jérôme Hélyot. From volume 6 onwards, the work was continued by Père Bullot. An extraordinary source of information on all the monastic, religious and military orders, many of which have disappeared, and all of which had their own distinctive costumes, a particular history, different practices, and often astonishingly remarkable characters. Discover a world that has partly disappeared, and is little known today. With a thought for the fashion show in Fellini's film Roma.

Neapolitan School or Circle of FRANCISCO SALZILLO (Murcia, 1707 - 1783), XVIII century. "Saint Joachim" or "Neapolitan Manger Character". Polychrome wood carving. Measurements: 55 x 40 x 33 cm. The character represented here, with long beard and Renaissance attire, stands out for the virtuous naturalism printed in the clothing and in the pious expression of the countenance. The histrionics or theatrical gesticulation is another element to highlight. Both attributes (naturalism and gestural dramatization) were characteristic of the work of Francisco Salzillo, one of the most outstanding figures of the Murcian school of the 18th century. Likewise, a possible Neapolitan origin of this piece should not be underestimated, since extreme naturalism was also more than frequent. Given that the Neapolitan school is part of the tradition of nativity scenes, the carvings of the Baroque and late Baroque period have a strong scenographic and dramatic component. We can appreciate in this carving the quality of the stew, the chromatic and textured plasticity of the drapery of the cape and the blouse knotted with a cloth at the waist, the naturalistic folds around the knees and calves.... The character, with her mouth ajar, seems to be addressing God in gratitude for something. In the case of a Neapolitan nativity scene figure, it could be part of the retinue of the Magi. It could also identify Saint Joachim, father of the Virgin. It is worth remembering that Salzillo was influenced by the Italian influence, being the son of the Italian sculptor Nicolás Salzillo. The Murcian school of sculpture was born in the eighteenth century, driven by the economic growth of the region, around the figure of Francisco Salzillo, collecting Mediterranean influences and especially Italian through the art of the Nativity Scene, which is introduced and developed in Spain in this century. Through the Murcian school, the novelties of the European Rococo were introduced in Spain, which were incorporated by Murcian masters such as Salzillo to the popular feeling typical of Spanish imagery.

MILLIN (Aubin Louis). Antiquités nationales, ou recueil de monumens pour servir à l'histoire générale et particulière de l'Empire François, tel que tombeaux, inscriptions, statues, vitraux, fresque etc; tirés des abbayes, monastères, châteaux, et autres lieux devenus domaines nationaux. Paris, Drouhin, 1790-[1799]. 5 vol. in-4, bradel blue half-percaline, title p. in red mar. on spine (late 19th c. rel.). Some foxing. Light spotting in places. The book contains: - Volume I La Bastille: 35 pp. & 4 pl. - Tour de Montlhéry: 13 pp. & 1 pl. - Les Célestins: 172 pp. & 26 pl. - Le couvent des Jacobins: 69 pp. & 7 pl. - Les Feuillans de la rue Saint-Honoré: 82 pp. & 11 pl. - Hotel Barbette: 8 pp. & 1 pl. - Saint-Denis de la Chartre: 8 pp. & 3 plates - XXIV pp. (table and list of plates) - Vol. 2 Le petit Chatelet: 3 pp. & 1 plate - Monument de la Pucelle: 3 pp. & 1 plate - Vincennes: 79 pp. & 14 pl. (including 1 bis) - Royaumont Abbey: 18 pp. & 6 pl. - Couvent des Bons-Hommes de Chaillot: 35 pp. & 4 pl. - Abbaye de Barbeau: 23 pp. & 3 pl. - Couvent de l'Oratoire: 28 pp. & 5 pl. - Ancien château de Corbeil: 23 pp. & 1 pl. - Juvisy fountains: 8 pp. & 2 pl. - Prieuré des deux amans: 8 pp. & 1 pl. - La porte Saint-Bernard: 6 pp. & 2 pl. - Notre-Dame de Mantes: 46 pp. & 3 pl. - The old palace of Rouen: 16 pp. & 1 pl. - Cordeliers de Vernon: 8 pp. & 1 pl. - Saint-Spire de Corbeil: 26 pp. & 5 pl. - Le Pont-Rouge: 6 pp. & 1 pl. - XXVI pp. (table and list of plates). - Volume 3 Cordeliers de Mantes: 7 pp. & 1 plate - Couvent des Grands-Augustins: 80 pp. & 12 plates - Monuments of the town of Vernon: 46 pp. & 5 pl. - Church of the Sepulchre: 12 pp. & 1 pl. - Collégiale d'Ecouis: 30 pp. & 4 pl. - Eglise de Saint-Benoit: 60 pp. & 4 plates - Rouen's big clock, Massacre Fountain, Crosse Fountain: 26 pp. & 1 pl. - Palais de Justice de Rouen: 14 pp. & 4 pl. - Mathurins Church: 37 pp. & 3 pl. - Commanderie de Saint-Jean-en-l'Isle: 32 pp. & 5 pl. - Le Pilori: 4 pp. & 1 pl. - Saint-Côme: 30 pp. & 2 pl. - Tour et fontaine de la Pucelle à Rouen: 10 pp. & 3 pl. - XXX pp. (table and list of plates) - Vol. 4 Chapelle de Saint-Yves: 21 pp. & 5 plates - La Chatreuse-lez-Gaillon: 10 pp. & 2 plates - Jacobins: 94 pp. & 11 pl. - Abbaye de Bon-Port: 10 pp. & 2 pl. - Chapel of Saint-Julien-des-Menestriers: 18 pp. & 2 pl. - Town of Chaumont and Gomer-Fontaine Abbey: 22 pp. & 2 pl. - Prieuré de Long-Pont: 14 pp. & 3 pl. - Bergues Saint-Winox: 16 pp. & 2 pl. - Ville et château de Gisors: 20 pp. & 2 pl. - Carmes de la place Maubert: 48 pp. & 8 pl. - Les Blancs-Manteaux: 20 pp. & 6 pl. - Pont-de-L'arche: 7 pp. & 1 pl. - Meulan: 28 pp. & 4 pl. - Calais: 20 pp. & 5 pl. - XXII pp. (table & list of plates) - Volume 5: Collegiate church of Saint-Nicolas in Amiens: 6 pp. & 1 plate - Chartreuse de Paris: 68 pp. & 12 plates - Ancien palais des Comtes de Flandre: 10 pp. & 3 pl. - Collegiate church of Saint-Pierre in Lille: 82 pp. & 10 pl. - Hôpital Comtesse in Lille: 6 pp. - Dominicans of Lille: 8 pp. & 1 pl. - Recollets of Lille: 4 pp. & 1 pl. - Château de Comines: 2 pp. & 2 pl. - Sant-Landry in Paris: 16 pp. & 2 pl. - Abbaye de Sainte-Geneviève in Paris: 120 pp. & 6 pl. - Bibliothèque Saint-Pierre in Lille: 63 pp. & 7 pl. - XXIX (1) pp. (table and list of plates). First edition illustrated with a total of 250 hors-texte plates. This work is unfinished: despite its title, it contains almost as many modern monuments as old ones; but it is no less interesting because it includes a large number of buildings destroyed during the Revolution. (Brunet III, 1723.) Handwritten notes signed by Pierre de La Rochefoucauld on the flyleaf, "an interesting work, because of the monuments and objects, now destroyed, which are described in it" (April 1895) and on the title, "Millin has the merit of having been one of the first to concern himself with our national antiquities [...]". Bookplate of the Duke and Duchess of La Rochefoucauld. Wet stamp from the library of the Château de la Roche Guyon. Ex-libris JM.