Null CLÉMENTINE, princesse de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha (1817-1907)
L.A.S.: "Clémentine…

CLÉMENTINE, princesse de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha (1817-1907) L.A.S.: "Clémentine", Laeken, July 4, 1840, addressed to her mother, Queen Marie-Amélie of the French (1782-1866), 1 page, folio, text in French, folds, but overall good condition. Attached is a photographic portrait of her seated in an armchair signed Ivan A. Karastojanow, in Sofia, print on albumen paper mounted on cardboard with the photographer's name at the bottom and on the back of the document. "More bad weather and rain today, my dear Mama, I flatter myself that this is a guarantee of fine weather for Tuesday. Léopold gives us hope. Louise continues to do well now, in the morning better, in the evening she is always a little more tired. Yesterday we had a visit from Puki, she's well, but Françoise couldn't come to share her little Marguerite is still unwell, she has a small continuous fever, the cause of which we don't know. Today the Fezensacs are going to spend the day with (...) where Mme de Valence is expected. I'll leave it to Aumale to tell you about his trip to Ghent - he was very bored. Today Léopold suggested he go to Bruges, but he preferred to stay here and postpone his trip to another day. Yesterday Leopold received a letter from Metternich, who is very unhappy with the way affairs in the East are going, England is behaving there (...) as in all things. I have nothing more to tell you, my dear Maman, but I kiss you and Father from the bottom of my heart".


CLÉMENTINE, princesse de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha (1817-1907) L.A.S.: "Clémentine", Laeken, July 4, 1840, addressed to her mother, Queen Marie-Amélie of the French (1782-1866), 1 page, folio, text in French, folds, but overall good condition. Attached is a photographic portrait of her seated in an armchair signed Ivan A. Karastojanow, in Sofia, print on albumen paper mounted on cardboard with the photographer's name at the bottom and on the back of the document. "More bad weather and rain today, my dear Mama, I flatter myself that this is a guarantee of fine weather for Tuesday. Léopold gives us hope. Louise continues to do well now, in the morning better, in the evening she is always a little more tired. Yesterday we had a visit from Puki, she's well, but Françoise couldn't come to share her little Marguerite is still unwell, she has a small continuous fever, the cause of which we don't know. Today the Fezensacs are going to spend the day with (...) where Mme de Valence is expected. I'll leave it to Aumale to tell you about his trip to Ghent - he was very bored. Today Léopold suggested he go to Bruges, but he preferred to stay here and postpone his trip to another day. Yesterday Leopold received a letter from Metternich, who is very unhappy with the way affairs in the East are going, England is behaving there (...) as in all things. I have nothing more to tell you, my dear Maman, but I kiss you and Father from the bottom of my heart".

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Théophile Malo de LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE-CORRET (1743-1800) famous warrior and scholar, First Grenadier of the Republic. - 2 autograph MANUSCRITS; 1 oblong page in-8 and 1 1/2 pages in-4. Note on the House of Auvergne; from 1423 with Marie de Boulogne to Catherine de Medicis, via Jean STUART "Duke of Albania". Notes on the House of Stuart. The first STUART, King of Scotland, was Robert II, son of Walter Stuart, whose descendants follow, and the list of Kings of England. La Tour d'Auvergne notes: "Jacques Stuart, excluded from the crown because of his religion, born June 21, 1688, married in February 1719 to Marie Clémentine, daughter of Prince SOBIESKI. Note: there have been Polish kings of this name. Marie Charlotte, another daughter of Prince Sobieski, married Charles Godefroi duc souverain et prince de BOUILLON father of Godefroi Charles Henri duc regnant d'aujourd'hui "... - L.A.S. "La Tour d'Auvergne Corret volontaire à l'armée du Rhin", Basel 23-24 prairial VIII (June 12-13, 1800), to citoyen Dhyesme Paulian l'aîné in Passy; 2 1/4 pages in-4, addressed. Beautiful letter written a few days before his death (June 27, at the battle of Oberhausen; at 56, he had volunteered). He is on his way to join General MOREAU's headquarters in Bavaria... "... The way the French are going, they don't march but seem to fly, they could well be 80 or 100 leagues from Basel in 8 days, before it would have been possible for me to join them"... He will take the safest route via Zurich and Constance. "I report that I will reach my destination in Memmingen, where headquarters are located, in 3 or 6 days. [...] Moreau's army is obtaining new successes every day, and the Telegraph announces that General SUCHET has succeeded in cutting off 5,000 men of the army under General Mélas, the same ones who had advanced as far as the Var, and that he has taken them prisoner. He adds: "If you receive any letters addressed to me under the title of 1st grenadier of the armies, please remove this title". In Huningue, he left a large leather coat rack in the care of the Pauly war commissioner: "He is also the custodian of my weapon of honor; in the event of my death, I would ask you to inform my relatives"... - P.A.S., "Observations additionnelles, et faites depuis la présentation au Directoire"..., 14 germinal VII (3 avril 1799); half-page in-fol. with erasures and corrections. "The baptismal certificate of citoyen La Tour d'Auvergne Corret, in which he is referred to only as Corret, was only a provisional document, awaiting recognition by the father or his representative. His diploma of recognition is therefore the true act of his birth"... He explains that his real name is La Tour d'Auvergne, and that Corret became his nickname... We enclose 2 L.S. addressed to him by brigadier general DUMAS (Elizondo18 frimaire III) and by commissaire ordonnateur LE FEUVRE (25 floréal VIII), concerning his pay, which will be doubled as a tribute to "your bravery, your virtues and the courage you have never ceased to display in defense of the Republic". - L.A.S., Perpignan December 24, 1785, to M. de LA SALLE CEZEAUX, in Montréal du Condomois; 2 1/2 pages in-4, addressed with red wax seal of arms, with 2 pages in-4 enclosed. He wants to share with his friend what concerns him. "I have received a very wise plan for my conduct in Spain from Monsieur de Fremeux, and I hope that by following it I will be able to obtain a happy success for my voyage, which he tells me he approves of very much". He will be recommended to the Minister of War in Spain. In addition, he hopes to obtain satisfaction "concerning my denomination of La Tour d'Auvergne, on my captain's commission"; business seems to be going well... He leaves for Spain: "in moving away [...] from the people who are so dear to me in my homeland, I feel that I will not part with them; my heart will always remain entirely with the prince who has showered me with so many kindnesses, with a sister to whom I am tenderly attached, with my comrades and above all with those who, like you, have shown me true attachment"... He enclosed with his letter an autograph copy of a letter from M. de Mirbeck and two letters from the Duc de CRILLON, one addressed to him, the other to the Count of Florida Blanca, recommending La Tour d'Auvergne Corret: "he is descended from a natural son of S. A. le prince Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, sovereign of Sedan and Bouillon"; he presents him as a "good man, by his probity and his social virtues; as a general, by his valor, and his military talents"... Attached is a l.a.s. addressed to him by his friend Anne-J