Null ORTELIUS (Abraham).
Parergon, sive veteris geograpiæ aliquot tabulæ.

ORTELIUS (Abraham). Parergon, sive veteris geograpiæ aliquot tabulæ. [Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1595]. - In-folio, 442 x 298 : (64 ff. out of 68). Covered parchment, smooth spine, speckled edges (contemporary binding). Koeman Ort 45 & Ort 44. - Adams O-340 (linked to Theatrum). Rare edition of this atlas, which is often joined to the 1595 Latin edition of Abraham Oretelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. The Parergon maps began appearing as a supplement to the Theatrum Obis Terrarum in 1579, with just 3 maps. Over the following years, more maps were produced, and the Parergon became an atlas in its own right. According to Koeman: "This atlas of ancient geography must be regarded as Ortelius' personal work. For this work, he did not, as in the "Theatrum", copy maps from others, but drew the originals himself, which were then engraved by Jan Wierix... The Parergon maps must be considered the most remarkable engravings representing the widespread interest in classical geography in the 16th century." This 1595 edition normally includes a portrait of Ortelius by Philip Galle, a title in a woodcut architectural frame, 30 double-page copper-engraved maps and 2 engraved views. There are also a few woodcut medals in the text. This copy is incomplete with the portrait, text leaves a3 and a4 and the last view entitled Daphné. The title and maps, as well as most of the medals and initials, were colored at the time. Here are the details: - Aevi Veteris, Typus Geographicus (1590). - Europa (1595). - Britannicæ insulæ (1595). - Hispania (1586). - Gallia Cæsaris (1590). - Gallia Strbonis, Ceterorumq (1594). - Belgium (1594). - Germania (1587). - Pannonia et Illyris (1590). - Italia (1594). - Italia gallica (1590). - Tuscia sive Etruria (1584). - Latium (1595). - Magna Græcia (1595). - Sicilia sive Trinacria (1584). - Græcia, sive Hellas (undated). - Thracia (1585). - Daciæ, et Mœsiæ (1595). - Pontus Euxinus (1590). - Creta. Sardinia. Corsica. Insulæ maris ionii (undated). - Cyprus. Euboea. Rhodus. Lesbos. Chios. Lemnos. Samus, Dekus, & Rhenia. Icaria. Cia (1584). - Alexandri magni Macedonis experitio (1595). - Palæstina (undated). - Judæa, et Israhel (1586). - Ægyptus (1595). - Africa propia (1590). - Peregrinatio divi Pauli (1579). - Abraham patriarchæ peregrinatio (1586). - Æneæ navigatio, ex Virgilio : additis etiam quæ ad eandem pertinebant, ex aliis (1594). - Orbis romanus, sive Romanum imperium (undated). - Tempe Thessalica (1590). A copy in contemporary binding, with all maps mounted on tabs. Between the maps of Belgium and Germany, it has been enriched with a color plan of the port of Toulon, probably from the early 17th century, signed by Agnelli. Binding soiled and stained. Body of book partly unbound. Soiling to title, marginal tears to fold of some maps, sometimes restored, except to the map of Italy where it reaches the frame and the map over 2 cm. Restored tears on the map Græcia, sive Hellas. Small wormholes generally in the margins, but one slightly reaching 3 maps (Græcia, sive Hellas, Thracia et Daciæ, and Mœsiæ). Light staining on folio f1, with a trace of a cut, but not missing, on the last plate.


ORTELIUS (Abraham). Parergon, sive veteris geograpiæ aliquot tabulæ. [Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1595]. - In-folio, 442 x 298 : (64 ff. out of 68). Covered parchment, smooth spine, speckled edges (contemporary binding). Koeman Ort 45 & Ort 44. - Adams O-340 (linked to Theatrum). Rare edition of this atlas, which is often joined to the 1595 Latin edition of Abraham Oretelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. The Parergon maps began appearing as a supplement to the Theatrum Obis Terrarum in 1579, with just 3 maps. Over the following years, more maps were produced, and the Parergon became an atlas in its own right. According to Koeman: "This atlas of ancient geography must be regarded as Ortelius' personal work. For this work, he did not, as in the "Theatrum", copy maps from others, but drew the originals himself, which were then engraved by Jan Wierix... The Parergon maps must be considered the most remarkable engravings representing the widespread interest in classical geography in the 16th century." This 1595 edition normally includes a portrait of Ortelius by Philip Galle, a title in a woodcut architectural frame, 30 double-page copper-engraved maps and 2 engraved views. There are also a few woodcut medals in the text. This copy is incomplete with the portrait, text leaves a3 and a4 and the last view entitled Daphné. The title and maps, as well as most of the medals and initials, were colored at the time. Here are the details: - Aevi Veteris, Typus Geographicus (1590). - Europa (1595). - Britannicæ insulæ (1595). - Hispania (1586). - Gallia Cæsaris (1590). - Gallia Strbonis, Ceterorumq (1594). - Belgium (1594). - Germania (1587). - Pannonia et Illyris (1590). - Italia (1594). - Italia gallica (1590). - Tuscia sive Etruria (1584). - Latium (1595). - Magna Græcia (1595). - Sicilia sive Trinacria (1584). - Græcia, sive Hellas (undated). - Thracia (1585). - Daciæ, et Mœsiæ (1595). - Pontus Euxinus (1590). - Creta. Sardinia. Corsica. Insulæ maris ionii (undated). - Cyprus. Euboea. Rhodus. Lesbos. Chios. Lemnos. Samus, Dekus, & Rhenia. Icaria. Cia (1584). - Alexandri magni Macedonis experitio (1595). - Palæstina (undated). - Judæa, et Israhel (1586). - Ægyptus (1595). - Africa propia (1590). - Peregrinatio divi Pauli (1579). - Abraham patriarchæ peregrinatio (1586). - Æneæ navigatio, ex Virgilio : additis etiam quæ ad eandem pertinebant, ex aliis (1594). - Orbis romanus, sive Romanum imperium (undated). - Tempe Thessalica (1590). A copy in contemporary binding, with all maps mounted on tabs. Between the maps of Belgium and Germany, it has been enriched with a color plan of the port of Toulon, probably from the early 17th century, signed by Agnelli. Binding soiled and stained. Body of book partly unbound. Soiling to title, marginal tears to fold of some maps, sometimes restored, except to the map of Italy where it reaches the frame and the map over 2 cm. Restored tears on the map Græcia, sive Hellas. Small wormholes generally in the margins, but one slightly reaching 3 maps (Græcia, sive Hellas, Thracia et Daciæ, and Mœsiæ). Light staining on folio f1, with a trace of a cut, but not missing, on the last plate.

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[Jacob Cats] Faces augustae, sive poematia, quibus illustriores Nuptiae, a nobili & illustri viro, D. Jacobo Catsio, eq. & praepot. Holl. Frisiae occidentalis ord. syndico, antehac Belgicis versibus concriptae, Jam a Caspare Barlaeo & Cornelio Boyo Latino carmine celebrantur. Ad Serenissimam Principem Elizabetham, Fred. Regis Bohemiae & Electoris Palatini Filiam. Dordraci, sumptibus Matthiae Havii, & Typis Henrici Essaei, 1643. One volume. 9 by 15 cm. 1 portrait-(62)-272 (Paradisus)-149-(1) (Dialogi aliquot nuptiales)-32 (Faces sacrae)-198 pages (Sermonum). 19th century green half-chagrin, 4-nerved spine. Edges slightly worn, otherwise a very fine copy. Few brown spots, otherwise very good condition of the text. 1 portrait and 14 figures engraved in the text, of fine artistic quality. First edition of this collection of four separately paginated texts on love and marriage, composed on the occasion of the second marriage of Jacob Cats, Flemish poet and statesman. Included are 14 poems on marriage, 9 by the great humanist Caspar Barleus (van Baerle), 1 by Jacob Cats, 4 by Cornelius Boyus; Jacob Lydius's treatise on matrimonial rites and divorce among various peoples. The work is dedicated to Elisabeth of Bohemia. It is decorated with a full-page portrait of her and 14 mid-page engravings. The illustration is by Crispin Van Queboorn, a Dutch draughtsman and engraver. Some of the figures bear his monogram. Bound at the beginning of the volume: CATS (Jacob): L'art du mariage. Latin poem by J. Cats, grand-pensionnaire of Holland, with commentary by Lidius, translated into French, with facing text. [Juxtalinear edition]. Paris, Barrois l'Aîné, 1830, pp. [3] to 121. Scattered foxing on this volume.