Null Algeria N°363A: XX, Congo River variety, BDF, handwritten annotation of var…

Algeria N°363A: XX, Congo River variety, BDF, handwritten annotation of variety + Scheller signature, superb.


Algeria N°363A: XX, Congo River variety, BDF, handwritten annotation of variety + Scheller signature, superb.

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Set of 6 books on Chad and Sudan: 1. REIBELL (General Emile): Le commandant Lamy d'après sa correspondance et ses souvenirs de campagne (1858-1900). Algeria - Tunisia - Tonkin - Sahara - Congo - Madagascar - Sudan. With a heliogravure portrait and eleven maps accompanying the text. Second edition. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1903. One volume. 15.5 by 24 cm. (6)-XVII-(1)-576-(3) pages + 11 folding maps h.t. Modern full cloth, basane title-piece on spine, inside front cover (soiled). False title stained. Otherwise a good copy. Portrait missing. 2. BARATIER (Colonel Albert-Ernest-Augustin): A travers l'Afrique. Crowned work by the Académie française. Illustrated after drawings by Gaston de Burggraff, photographs, maps and sketches by the author. Paris, Arthème Fayard & Cie, s.d. [ca 1910]. One volume. 18 by 27 cm. 1 portrait-206-(1) pages. Contemporary red half cloth with corners. Wear to edges, endpaper trimmed to remove old ownership. Two leaves slightly damaged at corner tip, small stain on one page-lower margin of 2 ff. slightly damaged (lower corner tip) but not missing, small blue ink stain on p. 179, very small wetness in upper margin of last 20 leaves. In-text illustrations, including 21 full-page illustrations and 6 maps. First edition. Numa Broc, Les explorateurs français. Afrique, p. 15. In June 1895, the author took part in the "Congo-Nil" expedition, commanded by Captain Marchand, with whom he had befriended. 3. LENFANT (Commandant Eugène): La grande route du Tchad. Mission de la Société de géographie. Preface by M. Le Myre de Vilers. Introduction by Maurice Albert. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1905. One volume. 16 by 25 cm. 1 portrait-(6)-XIV-(2)-287-(1) pp. + 1 folding map h.t. in color. Contemporary red half-basane with corners, 5-rib spine, gilt head. Small tear on one nerve, otherwise very good condition. In-text illustrations, including 27 plates and a map. N. Broc, Dict. illustré des explorateurs français du XIXe siècle. Afrique, pp. 199-201. "In 1902, Lenfant was entrusted with a new mission [...]. The aim of the expedition was to find an easier, faster and more economical route to Chad than the Ubangi and Congo routes". (N. Broc). Richly illustrated with reproductions of photographs. 4. CASATI (Gaetano): Ten years in Equatoria. The return of Emin Pacha and the Stanley expedition. Translated with the author's permission by Louis de Hessem and enriched with 170 engravings and 4 maps. Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1892. One volume. 17.5 by 27 cm. 1 portrait-XI-(1)-498 pp. + 4 maps h.t. (3 on double page) + 66 plates. Contemporary red half-chagrin with corners, 5-rib spine, gilt head. Worn edges, otherwise very good condition. In-text illustrations. First edition in French. Italian explorer whose work, "a mine of information of the highest value, corroborates, explains or invalidates on various points the famous works of Stanley and Mounteney Jephson". (A. de Claparède, Le Globe, revue genevoise de géographie 1902, vol. 41). 5. KLOBB (Colonel Jean-François-Arsène): Dernier cahier de route. French Sudan. Official report by Governor Bergès on the end of the Klobb mission. Preface by Jules Lemaitre. Paris, Ernest Flammarion, s.d. [1905]. One volume. 10.5 by 17.5 cm. (4)-VIII-292-(1) pages. Contemporary red bradel percaline. References in blue pencil and pen on title page, otherwise very good condition. First edition. Paule Brasseur, Bio-bibliographie générale du Mali, n° 3305. Lieutenant-Colonel Klobb stayed in Timbuktu, then was sent in search of the Voulet-Chanoine expedition, famous for the cruelty of the massacres it perpetrated. Voulet and Chanoine, joined by Klobb, opened fire and Klobb was killed. 6. PÉROZ (Etienne): Au Soudan français. Souvenirs de guerre et de mission. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1889. One volume. 13 by 21 cm. (6)-467 pp. + 3 maps on 1 folding f. h.t. Contemporary half-chagrin, 5-rib spine nicely decorated, ex. de prix de la Ville de Paris. Scattered brown spots, endpaper missing. First edition. Paule Brasseur, Bibliog. générale du Mali 3191. "Account of the mission led by Captain Péroz in 1886-87, which led to the treaty signed with Samori at Bissandougou. Historical reminder of the 3 previous campaigns, particularly when Péroz commanded Niagassola." (P. Brasseur).

Reunion of 4 19th century medical books, in 5 bound volumes: 1. BROUSSAIS (François-Joseph-Victor): Examen de la doctrine médicale généralement adoptée, et des systèmes modernes de nosologie, dans lequel on détermine, par les faits et par le raisonnement, leur influence sur le traitement et sur la terminaison des maladies; suivi d'un plan d'études fondé sur l'anatomie et la physiologie, pour parvenir à la connaissance du siège et des symptômes des affections pathologiques, et à la thérapeutique la plus rationnelle. Paris, Gabon, 1816. One volume. 12 by 20.3 cm. (4)-XIX-(1)-475 pages. Contemporary half-brown basane, smooth spine decorated. Good condition of binding, scattered light foxing. First edition. 2. METZGER (Johann Daniel): Principles of legal or judicial medicine, translated from the German by Dr. J. Dan. Metzger, et augmentés de notes, par le Dr J.J. Ballard. Paris, Gabon, 1813. One volume. 12 by 20.5 cm. (2)-XXIII-(1)-504 pages. Contemporary half-brown basane, smooth spine decorated. Good condition of binding, very few light scattered foxings. 2nd edition in French. 3. BROUSSAIS (François-Joseph-Victor): Histoire des phlegmasies ou inflammations chroniques, fondé sur de nouvelles observations de clinique et d'anatomie pathologique: ouvrage présentant un tableau raisonné des variétés et des combinaisons diverses de ces maladies, avec leurs différentes méthodes de traitement. Second edition. Paris, Gabon et Crochard, 1816. 2 volumes. 12.3 by 20 cm. (4)-XX-648; (4)-584 pages. Contemporary fawn half-basane, ornate smooth spines, red title-pieces. Binding in good condition. Paper tending to brown, not serious. 2nd edition (E.O.: 1808). 4. CABANIS (Pierre-Jean-Georges): Coup d'oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la médecine. Paris, Crapart, Caille et Ravier, An XII-1804. One volume. 12 by 20 cm. XII-438 pages. Contemporary brown half-basane, smooth spine decorated. Good condition of binding (jaws rubbed but not affecting the solidity of the work), scattered light foxing, small marginal wetness on about twenty ff. Last two leaves restored but not missing. First edition. Wellcome II-283; Waller 12858. "The medical revolutions have been mere revolutions of ideas, and have only engendered public skepticism and the arrogance of charlatans. The new medical doctrine will be constituted by the relationships of order and logical sequence, established between methodically assembled tables of observations and experiments." Important book.

BERTA JAYO (Santander, 1971). "Purple canvas with holes", 2003. Mixed media on canvas. Presents label of the gallery Siboney (Santander). Measurements: 195 x 195 cm. In this large format work, the artist perforates the support, introducing in the work a vacuum that allows the viewer to see behind these holes. Thus rethinking a two-dimensional object through space, giving it elements of sculpture, such as the interaction of the object with the contextual space in an active way. These large moles, are a resource widely used in the work of Berta Jayo, who through her performances, or series such as "Portraits and clothes", presents to the viewer this pattern so associated with Spain, but from a contemporary point of view that reflects on identity and tradition. Berta Jayo is a multidisciplinary artist who began her studies in Fine Arts at the University of Bilbao, where she graduated with honors. She later pursued postgraduate and master's studies in Fine Arts at the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London. She has participated in numerous programs such as ISCP (International studio and Curational Program) New York. As described on her website she is a non-conformist, critical and talented creator in continuous evolution whose clearest language is conceptual art developed in a wide variety of media. Her clear and concise ideas encourage reflection, which also disturbs and provokes our intellect. His original projects, charged with power, awaken our anesthetized and banal existence to offer us his visions of life far from stereotypes. His work has been exhibited in many countries and has been shown at International Art Fairs such as ARCO Madrid, SWAB Barcelona, FRIEZE London, PULSE New York, Art BASEL Switzerland, 57th Venice Biennale, Documenta 14 Kassel Germany, in International Festivals like Video Screen Festival in Berlin or New Media Festival HACS Miami, in public spaces or Museums like MAM RD, MAS, The Chill Concept Museum Miami, CAC Malaga, CAM Naples, Bronx Museum NYC, Reina Sofia, Tate Modern, Guggenheim Bilbao, MoMA, Louvre Paris. Other relevant exhibitions are: 'Exquisite Doll Kit' Mexico itinerant, 'Artistas del siglo XX y XXI', itinerant, Sala Robayera, 'Ellas' Madrid, itinerant, Void + Tokyo, Japan. Presents label of the Siboney Gallery (Santander).