
A GILT-BRONZE STANDING FIGURE OF BODHIDHARMA 清代 銅鎏金只履西歸達摩祖師立像 China, Qing dynasty The gilt bronze statue of standing Bodhidharma or Damo features a broad and towering forehead, a prominent nose, deep-set eyes, and ears adorned with lively hoop earrings, resembling the facial features of a foreigner. Clad in a draped right-shoulder kasaya and monk's skirt, he holds a scroll with both hands close to his chest. His left foot is shod in a sandal, while the right foot is bare. This portrayal of Bodhidharma is commonly encountered. H: 22cm (excluding stand) NOTE Legend has it that after transmitting the robe and alms bowl to Huike, Bodhidharma left the Shaolin Temple and retreated to Mount Yumen, where he resided in the Qiansheng Temple. In the third year of the Tianping era during the reign of Emperor Xiaojing of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, he passed away while sitting in meditation. According to a tale, during an official mission to the Western Regions, the envoy Song Yun coincidentally encountered Bodhidharma at Congling, where the latter was only wearing one sandal as he journeyed westward, leaving behind a legendary episode. Within the corridor of inscribed steles at the Shaolin Temple, a Bodhidharma's Journey Westward monument stands, bearing an inscription that reads, In the year when Bodhidharma entered Nirvana, the pagodas and temples in Xiong'er Mountain were complete. It was not until Song Yun witnessed him at Congling that the world knew of his one-sandal journey to the west. This bronze artwork is meticulously crafted, presenting a vivid and unique representation distinct from typical depictions. It stands as a rare and precious masterpiece among the extant statues of Bodhidharma. 本件達摩像額際高廣,高鼻深目,耳戴活環耳飾,面目似胡人。 身著袒右肩袈裟及僧裙,雙手持捲軸交於胸前,左足穿鞋,右足赤腳,此種造型之達摩多見。 傳說達摩將衣缽法器傳給慧可后便離開少林去禹門,禪棲在千聖寺,於東魏孝靜帝天平三年端坐而逝,東魏使臣宋雲因事出使西域,於蔥嶺偶遇達摩只履歸西,得留一段傳說。 現少林寺碑廊內亦立有《達摩只履西歸圓碑》,上刻詩雲「達摩入滅太和年,熊耳山中塔廟全。 不是宋雲蔥嶺見,誰知只履去西天。 」此作品銅質精純,造型生動,有別於典型造型,是傳世達摩造像中少見的精品,尤為珍貴。


A GILT-BRONZE STANDING FIGURE OF BODHIDHARMA 清代 銅鎏金只履西歸達摩祖師立像 China, Qing dynasty The gilt bronze statue of standing Bodhidharma or Damo features a broad and towering forehead, a prominent nose, deep-set eyes, and ears adorned with lively hoop earrings, resembling the facial features of a foreigner. Clad in a draped right-shoulder kasaya and monk's skirt, he holds a scroll with both hands close to his chest. His left foot is shod in a sandal, while the right foot is bare. This portrayal of Bodhidharma is commonly encountered. H: 22cm (excluding stand) NOTE Legend has it that after transmitting the robe and alms bowl to Huike, Bodhidharma left the Shaolin Temple and retreated to Mount Yumen, where he resided in the Qiansheng Temple. In the third year of the Tianping era during the reign of Emperor Xiaojing of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, he passed away while sitting in meditation. According to a tale, during an official mission to the Western Regions, the envoy Song Yun coincidentally encountered Bodhidharma at Congling, where the latter was only wearing one sandal as he journeyed westward, leaving behind a legendary episode. Within the corridor of inscribed steles at the Shaolin Temple, a Bodhidharma's Journey Westward monument stands, bearing an inscription that reads, In the year when Bodhidharma entered Nirvana, the pagodas and temples in Xiong'er Mountain were complete. It was not until Song Yun witnessed him at Congling that the world knew of his one-sandal journey to the west. This bronze artwork is meticulously crafted, presenting a vivid and unique representation distinct from typical depictions. It stands as a rare and precious masterpiece among the extant statues of Bodhidharma. 本件達摩像額際高廣,高鼻深目,耳戴活環耳飾,面目似胡人。 身著袒右肩袈裟及僧裙,雙手持捲軸交於胸前,左足穿鞋,右足赤腳,此種造型之達摩多見。 傳說達摩將衣缽法器傳給慧可后便離開少林去禹門,禪棲在千聖寺,於東魏孝靜帝天平三年端坐而逝,東魏使臣宋雲因事出使西域,於蔥嶺偶遇達摩只履歸西,得留一段傳說。 現少林寺碑廊內亦立有《達摩只履西歸圓碑》,上刻詩雲「達摩入滅太和年,熊耳山中塔廟全。 不是宋雲蔥嶺見,誰知只履去西天。 」此作品銅質精純,造型生動,有別於典型造型,是傳世達摩造像中少見的精品,尤為珍貴。

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