Null Cooper, Edward Joshua,
Irish politician and astronomer from Markree Castle …

Cooper, Edward Joshua, Irish politician and astronomer from Markree Castle in County Sligo (1798-1863). Honorary. Letter with signature, dat. Markree, Aug. 27, 1835. gr.8°. 2 p., 3 p. inscr. Folded several times. In English to the German astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve in St. Petersburg about a note on Halley's comet which he had read in the Dublin Evening Mail and about his observations. Cooper had the telescope with the largest lens of its time in his private observatory. - With address, stamps and seal remnants, slightly damaged by opening. Damaged due to opening. R


Cooper, Edward Joshua, Irish politician and astronomer from Markree Castle in County Sligo (1798-1863). Honorary. Letter with signature, dat. Markree, Aug. 27, 1835. gr.8°. 2 p., 3 p. inscr. Folded several times. In English to the German astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve in St. Petersburg about a note on Halley's comet which he had read in the Dublin Evening Mail and about his observations. Cooper had the telescope with the largest lens of its time in his private observatory. - With address, stamps and seal remnants, slightly damaged by opening. Damaged due to opening. R

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BLAEU, Willem (1571-1638); TODESCHI, Pietro (17th cent.). I quattro continenti: Nova Acurata Totius Americae Tabula [WITH:] Nova et Acurata Totius Asiae Tabula [AND WITH:] Nova et Acurata Totius Europae [AND:] Nova et Acurata Totius Africae Tabula [Bologna: Giuseppe Longhi, c.1673]. Scarce complete set, enhanced by historiated borders, of the famous series of the four continents first published by Blaeu in 1608 in Amsterdam, considered the masterpiece of Dutch cartography of the Gouden Eeuw . From 1594 to 1596 Blaeu was a pupil of the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, who had also taught Kepler; upon his return to Amsterdam, Blaeu founded the Officina Blaviana, specializing in the production and sale of maps, globes, and scientific instruments. He was assisted in the enterprise by the cartographer Hessel Gerritsz (1580-1632) and the engraver Joshua van de Ende. After the first edition in 1608, the four continents were subsequently published in 1612, and in 1624 they were reissued by Hendrik Hondius and in 1655 by Nicholas Visscher. In Italy, a version was published in 1646 by Stefano Mozzi Scolari (1598-1650), from whom Pietro Todeschi later derived this version. Between the two versions, the differences are minimal, but in this version the ' Mare del Nort' of Scolari's version becomes 'Mare del Noi'. The American continent is already well delineated here, although South America is undersized due to inaccuracies in the determination of longitude. The Canadian Atlantic coast follows the measurements of the voyages of Samuel de Champlain and Pierre Dugua de Mons in 1604; Cape Horn is depicted following the discovery of the passage by Jacob Le Maire in 1616. South-eastern Australia and New Zealand appear in the Pacific, reached by Abel Tasman in his voyages of 1642-1644. The cartouches on either side show the coasts of the South Pole ('Terra Australis Incognita') and the undefined borders north of Canada. The map of Asia reflects the high interest the area held for Dutch trade and the Dutch East India Company (VOC), of which Willem Blaeu was official hydrographer. Java and Bali are drawn according to the travel accounts of Willem Lodewijksz (1560-1620), while Ceylon and the Maldives are derived from the descriptions of Jan Huygen van Linschoten (1563-1611). The map of Japan is mainly based on Ortelius's map of 1595, and that of New Guinea is particularly advanced, thanks to information from the travels of Abel Tasman. The map goes so far as to represent the Red Sea to the west and even the Aegean Sea and the southern coast of Italy, while the Aral Sea is absent and the Caspian Sea undefined. The map of Europe is particularly geographically precise. The large cartouche in the Atlantic Ocean space presents a brilliantly executed double-hemisphere map by Hessel Gerritsz (1580-1632), surmounted by the arms of the city of Amsterdam, a reference to Blaeu's official privileges. On the north-western borders a part of North America is visible with the 'Terra de Labrador'. The map of Africa depicts European knowledge of the continent at the beginning of the 17th century, with the outline of the coastline well defined and rich in detail, while the interior is virtually unexplored. The sources of the great rivers, the Nile and the Zambezi, are still based on Ptolemy's descriptions and appear as lakes beyond the mythical Mountains of the Moon. Abyssinia is still the land of the mythical 'Prester John' of medieval chronicles. The primary geographical sources for the depiction of the coastline include Giacomo Gastaldi's 1564 map, Abraham Ortelius's 1595 maps, Duarte Lopes's Congo voyage reports (1591), and Luis de Texeira's up-to-date depiction of the Gold Coast. Each map is accompanied by historiated cartouches depicting the clothing and customs of the peoples of each continent, while at the base are views of the main cities, mainly taken from Braun and Hogenberg. The series, which is very scarce, exists in only two complete copies in this version on the Italian peninsula, likewise depicting the four continents between two cartouches: one at the Società Geografica Italiana in Rome and one at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Other copies are at the Library of Congress (2 copies); Harry Ransom Center, UT, Austin; RGS, London; Lüneburg Museum, Germany; Koninklijke Hollandsche Lloyd, Amsterdam. 4 engraved maps, (1350 x 950 mm) printed on 4 sheets accompanied by side cartouches, all with contemporary mounting, framed (leaves browned, abrasions and chipping mainly affecting the map of Africa with some minor early repairs). Please contact the department for a detailed condition report (4)

Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Alain, Reading Balzac. Laboratoires Martinet, 1935. Cazauran, "Sur Catherine de Médicis" by Honoré de Balzac. Collection de l'ENS de jeunes filles, 1976. Ponceau, Paysages et destins balzaciens. Paris, Myrte, 1950. Métadier, Balzac homme politique. L'Harmattan, 2006. Vouga, Balzac malgré lui. José Corti, 1957. Bertault, Balzac et la religion. Boivin, 1942. Giraudoux, Le film de la duchesse de Langeais d'après la nouvelle de Balzac. Grasset, 1942, illustrations by Laglenne. Ki Wist, Les manuscrits de premier jet de Honoré de Balzac. Henriquez, 1964. 2 volumes in common cover. Clouzot and Valensi, Le Paris de la comédie humaine. Le Goupy, 1926, half-chagrin with corners. Lot of 12 studies on Balzac: Le Breton, Balzac l'homme et l'oeuvre. Boivin, sd. Faguet, "En lisant les beaux vieux livres". Extract from his 1911 book. Favre, Balzac et le temps présent. Flammarion, 1888. Demi-basane. Faguet, Dix neuvième siècle, études littéraires. Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie, 1900. Half-percaline. Neefs, Balzac, l'éternelle genèse. Manuscrits modernes, 2015. Brunetière, Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de la littérature française. Hachette, sd, seventh series. Dédéyan, Le faustisme romantique de Balzac. Revue des lettres modernes, n°39, Autumn 1958. Pommier, Créations en littérature. Hachette, 1955. Copy with dispatch to the writer André Maurois. Myrdal, Balzac und der Realismus Essays. Bucherei Oberbaum, 1978. Janis Glasgow, Une esthétique de comparaison - Balzac et George Sand. Nizet, 1978. Wedmore, Balzac. London, Walter Scott, 1890. Claudia Schmölders, über Balzac. Diogènes, 1977. Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Barny, Etudes textuelles 3. Volume 63, 1993, 5 texts on Balzac. Pommier, Créations en littératures. Hachette, 1955. Evans, Louis Lambert et la philosophie de Balzac. José Corti, 1951. Chardon, Expliquez-moi Balzac (2 Balzac). Foucher, 1962. Lecour, Généalogie des personnages de la Comédie humaine. Vrin, 1966. One volume and 33 folding plates. Important work. In common folder and slipcase. Voivenel, Autour des femmes et l'amour. Raoul Lion, 1950. Copy enriched with a letter to Dr. Moynier. Ingrid Ulrike Lange, Der Selbstmord in Honoré de Balzacs Comédie humaine. Romanistischer Verlag, 1995. Garnand, The influence of Walter Scott on the works of Balzac. NY, Octagon books, 1971. Weigand, Stendhal und Balzac, essays. Leipzig, Im Inselverlag, 1911. [autographs by Bardèche] Set of 15 studies on Balzac: F Germain - Honoré de Balzac, L'enfant maudit (critical edition). Paris, belles lettres, 1965. Half morocco, fine copy. Bardèche, Balzac romancier. Paris, Plon, 1940. Enriched copy with two typescript letters signed by Bardèche to Charles Gould of Bristol University. Half-percaline. Balzac and Italy. Paris, Des Cendres, 2003. Lucey, Les ratés de la famille - Balzac et les formes sociales de la sexualité. Paris, Fayard, 2008. Guise, Balzac. Nancy, Presses universitaires, 1994. Lotte, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages fictifs de la Comédie humaine. Paris, Jose Corti, 1952. Adamson, The genesis of Le Cousin Pons. Oxford university press, 1966. Swahn, Balzac et le merveilleux - étude du roman balzacien 1822-1832. Lund University press, 1991. Surville, Balzac, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, librairie nouvelle, 1858. Blanchard, Témoignages et jugements sur Balzac. Paris, Champion, 1931. Lotte, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages fictifs de la Comédie humaine. Paris, Corti, 1956. Bérard, La genèse d'un roman de Balzac - Illusions perdues 1837 - du manuscrit à l'édition. Paris, Colin, 1961. Affron, Patterns of failure in La Comédie humaine. Yale university press, 1966. Prendergast, Balzac - Fiction and Melodrama. Edward Arnold, 1978. Vanoncini, Figures de la Modernité. Paris, Corti, 1984.