Null Churfürstlicher Pfaltz bei Rhein,
&c. Renewed and improved land law, with l…

Churfürstlicher Pfaltz bei Rhein, &c. renewed and improved land law, with large armorial engraving on the title. 5 vols., 522 pp., 22 vols. and 25 vols. Reg. and titles to the individual books. Weinheim, J. Mayer, 1700 - ╔Publication: Churfürstlicher Pfaltz bey Rhein,╗ &c. ernewert und verbesserte Land-Ordnung. With large armorial engraving on the title. 1 leaf, 238 pages, 7 sheets. Weinheim, J. Mayer, 1700. folio. Mod. Half pigskin binding with spine label. Roth, Elector. Hofdr. zu Weinheim (in N. Archiv f. Gesch. d. Stadt Heidelberg IV, 1901), pp. 255f., VIII - Das kurpfälzische Landrecht und die Landesordnung von 1582 in der verbesserten Fassung von 1610, mit Publikationspatent von 1698; letzte Einzelausgaben . - Only a few more recent laws are included in the Landrecht (court regulations, civil law, criminal law): Revision-Ordnung, Inquisitions-Ordnung (from 1683) and "Edictum wider die Duella" (from 1692). The Land Code deals with government, police, guardianship, administration, trade regulations, etc. - "The Landrecht of 1582 represents 'the most impressive codificatory achievement of the Electoral Palatinate' (Press). With it, legal unity was achieved for the Electoral Palatinate, which had grown together from the most diverse components.... It becomes clear to what extent the sovereign intervened in the organization of daily life. In the process, previously existing local regulations were abolished... The integration of court regulations with the Land Code and Land Law can be seen as an expression of the advanced development of the Electoral Palatinate as a unified territory. The codification is often attributed to Nikolaus Cisner from Mosbach; however, other jurists such as Hartmanni, Noe Meurer and Justus Reuber are also likely to have played a significant role in it..." (Cat. of the exhibition 'Bibliotheca Palatina', Heidelberg 1986, E 12.4). - Partly somewhat browned, browning and fingerstaining as well as slightly waterstained in places; a good copy of this generous impression on strong laid paper from Weinheim's first printing press.


Churfürstlicher Pfaltz bei Rhein, &c. renewed and improved land law, with large armorial engraving on the title. 5 vols., 522 pp., 22 vols. and 25 vols. Reg. and titles to the individual books. Weinheim, J. Mayer, 1700 - ╔Publication: Churfürstlicher Pfaltz bey Rhein,╗ &c. ernewert und verbesserte Land-Ordnung. With large armorial engraving on the title. 1 leaf, 238 pages, 7 sheets. Weinheim, J. Mayer, 1700. folio. Mod. Half pigskin binding with spine label. Roth, Elector. Hofdr. zu Weinheim (in N. Archiv f. Gesch. d. Stadt Heidelberg IV, 1901), pp. 255f., VIII - Das kurpfälzische Landrecht und die Landesordnung von 1582 in der verbesserten Fassung von 1610, mit Publikationspatent von 1698; letzte Einzelausgaben . - Only a few more recent laws are included in the Landrecht (court regulations, civil law, criminal law): Revision-Ordnung, Inquisitions-Ordnung (from 1683) and "Edictum wider die Duella" (from 1692). The Land Code deals with government, police, guardianship, administration, trade regulations, etc. - "The Landrecht of 1582 represents 'the most impressive codificatory achievement of the Electoral Palatinate' (Press). With it, legal unity was achieved for the Electoral Palatinate, which had grown together from the most diverse components.... It becomes clear to what extent the sovereign intervened in the organization of daily life. In the process, previously existing local regulations were abolished... The integration of court regulations with the Land Code and Land Law can be seen as an expression of the advanced development of the Electoral Palatinate as a unified territory. The codification is often attributed to Nikolaus Cisner from Mosbach; however, other jurists such as Hartmanni, Noe Meurer and Justus Reuber are also likely to have played a significant role in it..." (Cat. of the exhibition 'Bibliotheca Palatina', Heidelberg 1986, E 12.4). - Partly somewhat browned, browning and fingerstaining as well as slightly waterstained in places; a good copy of this generous impression on strong laid paper from Weinheim's first printing press.

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