Null Praetorius,J. (d.I. H.Schulze).
Anthropodemus Plutonicu(s). That is, a new …

Praetorius,J. (d.i. H.Schulze). Anthropodemus Plutonicu(s). That is, a new description of the world, of all kinds of marvelous people. Vol. 1 (of 2). With copper title. 14 vols, 720 pages. Contemporary vellum binding. Magdeburg, J. Lüderwald, 1668, Dünnhaupt 1427,35,Ia. Jantz 2019. Hayn, Praetorius, 79 - An extremely rich collection of reports on curiosities, monsters and mysterious phenomena of all kinds. The first two parts are summarized and paginated in the present 2nd edition. Without the third part. - The copper title shows 22 small illustrations of "dragon children, mandrakes, keelpieces, weerwolves, dwarves" etc. "Today Praetorius is known primarily as the discoverer and compiler of the Rübezahlsagen, but since the Baroque period his rich source works have provided inexhaustible material for entire generations of German poets" (Dünnhaupt). - "An extraordinarily rich collection of information about various curiosities...The story of Lohengrin is found...on page 184" (F.d.F. 757). - "Goethe took the suggestion for the introduction of the keelheads (in Faust) from Anthropodemus" (Goethe-Jahrbuch XXII, p. 188). - Chapter VII, "Gestorbene Leute", served Goethe as a source for "Die Braut von Korinth" (cf. Dünnhaupt). - Frontisp. somewhat trimmed and with small marginal defects, browned.


Praetorius,J. (d.i. H.Schulze). Anthropodemus Plutonicu(s). That is, a new description of the world, of all kinds of marvelous people. Vol. 1 (of 2). With copper title. 14 vols, 720 pages. Contemporary vellum binding. Magdeburg, J. Lüderwald, 1668, Dünnhaupt 1427,35,Ia. Jantz 2019. Hayn, Praetorius, 79 - An extremely rich collection of reports on curiosities, monsters and mysterious phenomena of all kinds. The first two parts are summarized and paginated in the present 2nd edition. Without the third part. - The copper title shows 22 small illustrations of "dragon children, mandrakes, keelpieces, weerwolves, dwarves" etc. "Today Praetorius is known primarily as the discoverer and compiler of the Rübezahlsagen, but since the Baroque period his rich source works have provided inexhaustible material for entire generations of German poets" (Dünnhaupt). - "An extraordinarily rich collection of information about various curiosities...The story of Lohengrin is found...on page 184" (F.d.F. 757). - "Goethe took the suggestion for the introduction of the keelheads (in Faust) from Anthropodemus" (Goethe-Jahrbuch XXII, p. 188). - Chapter VII, "Gestorbene Leute", served Goethe as a source for "Die Braut von Korinth" (cf. Dünnhaupt). - Frontisp. somewhat trimmed and with small marginal defects, browned.

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