Null Thummermuth, W.
Krumbstab does not expel anyone; hoc est relatio compromiss…

Thummermuth, W. Krumbstab does not expel anyone; hoc est relatio compromissi feudalis inter Ferdinandum Archi-Episcopum Coloniensem, nec non Capitulum Metropolitanum contra Statum Patriae, Nobilitatem & pares curiae. Main work and 7 appendices. Cologne, Steinhaus, 1738. fol. (33:21.5 cm). With armorial copperplate title verso. Separately paginated. Cloth binding (best, spine with loss). Composite work on the disputes between the Elector of Cologne and his cathedral chapter and the nobility of Cologne. Also exemplary for other ecclesiastical imperial territories in the 18th century. In the appendices contributions by J. P. Kress and J. H. Böhmer. - Mostly browned or foxed.


Thummermuth, W. Krumbstab does not expel anyone; hoc est relatio compromissi feudalis inter Ferdinandum Archi-Episcopum Coloniensem, nec non Capitulum Metropolitanum contra Statum Patriae, Nobilitatem & pares curiae. Main work and 7 appendices. Cologne, Steinhaus, 1738. fol. (33:21.5 cm). With armorial copperplate title verso. Separately paginated. Cloth binding (best, spine with loss). Composite work on the disputes between the Elector of Cologne and his cathedral chapter and the nobility of Cologne. Also exemplary for other ecclesiastical imperial territories in the 18th century. In the appendices contributions by J. P. Kress and J. H. Böhmer. - Mostly browned or foxed.

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Collection of 6 books on gynecology and pediatrics: 1. FREIND (John): Emmenologia in qua Fluxus Muliebris Menstrui Phaenomena, Periodi, Vitia, cum Medendi Methido, ad Rationes Mechanicas exiguntur. Huic Editioni accedunt ejusdem Authoris Praelectiones Chymicae. Parisii, Apud Guillelmum Cavalier filium, 1727, 3 parts in 1 volume. 9.5 by 16.5 cm. (14)-238-(22); (2)-XII-(2)-102; 31-(1) pages. Contemporary full calf, 5-rib spine, ornate boards, red title page. Defects to headpieces and spines (without affecting the solidity of the work). The edition includes three different texts, with a separate title page: A. Emmenologia, a treatise that has been considered a remarkable exposition from the intro-mathematical or mechanical point of view. B. Praelectiones Chymicae. C. Appendix_in qua critica exhibetur harum praelectionum relatio in Actis Lipsiensibus edita. Una cum aliquot Authoris in eandem animadversionibus. 2. NOIROT (Louis): La callipédie contemporaine ou l'art d'avoir des enfants sains de corps et d'esprit. Second edition. Paris, E. Dentu, Dijon, Lamarche, 1869. One volume. 9.5 by 15.5 cm. 202 pages. Contemporary brown half-chagrin. Very good condition. The CCFr. lists only 4 copies of the 1869 editions. L. Noirot takes up Quillet's ideas and attempts to give them a scientific basis that is often ... delirious. 3. HUGUIER (Dr. Pierre-Charles): De l'hystérométrie et du cathétérisme utérin, de leurs applications au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies de l'utérus et de ses annexes et de leur emploi en obstétrique. Lectures given at the Beaujon Hospital. With four lithographed plates. Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1865. One volume. 13 by 21.5 cm. VIII-372-4 pages + 4 folding plates h.t. Contemporary brown half-chagrin, 4 ribbed spine, framed boards. Some foxing, small very light wetness in the ext. margin of the plates. First edition. Copy of Jules Cloquet 4. RIGBY (Edouard) and DUNCAN (Stewart): Nouveau traité sur les hémorrhagies de l'utérus. With 124 observations drawn from the practice of both authors. Translated from the English, with notes by Madame Boivin, preceded by a historical note on the treatment of uterine hemorrhagia, and followed by a letter from M. Chaussier, on the structure of the uterus. Paris, Méquignon l'Aîné, 1818. One volume. 12 by 20 cm. (4)-XLVI-405-(1) pages. Contemporary half basane, spine decorated. Binding rubbed. Some brown spots. Stamp of the library of Professor J. Cloquet on the title page. Garrison and Morton 6158 5. DELACOUX (Dr. A.): Éducation sanitaire des enfans. Paris, Crevot et Bruxelles, Au Dépôt de la Librairie Médicale Française, 1827. One volume. 13.5 by 21 cm. (4)-352 pages. Paperback, in printed cover. Minor defects. First edition. 6. COMBY (Dr. Jules): Formulaire de poche pour les maladies des enfants. Paris, J. Rueff, 1901. One volume. 10 by 16 cm. VI-611 pages. Publisher's half cloth. Fair condition. First edition.

CARINA LINGE (Cuxhaven, Germany, 1976). From the series "Single n. III". 2011. Five photographs on aluminum board. Signed on the back by hand. Measurements: 80 x 120 cm; 60 x 45 cm; 46,5 x 35 cm; 28,3 x 24,3 cm. In her photographic series "Single", Carina Linge explores themes that have always interested her, related to identity, femininity and the interaction between reality and fiction, between dream and wakefulness. She develops a visually captivating and sensual work, but without ceasing to delve into the conceptual. This is more than evident in these images: she plays with the classic genres of the baroque still life and vanitas painting (exploring the erotic symbolism of fruits), as well as with the female nude and the tradition of odalisques, dressing these genres with new meanings, where the woman speaks from the center of her being and her desire, of her sexual fantasies fulfilled or dreamed, of the ephemeral nature of passions and of life. In 2000 she began studying fine arts at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, where she graduated with a diploma in 2006 from Norbert W. Hinterberger. In 2007 she received her first teaching position at the Bauhaus University Weimar, followed by another in 2014. Carina Linge has one son and lives in Leipzig. Since 2009 she has been represented by the Berlin gallery Jarmuschek + Partner. Carina Linge works in photography and installation. In complex image paintings, she relates photographs, objects and text sheets to each other. Carina Linge's photographs are staged interiors, still lifes and multi-layered body images loaded with associative, symbolic and art historical references. Evanescence and death, love and loneliness, longings and desires are thematized with selected references to people, myths and historical images. In her series of works "Einsamer Eros", Carina Linge has been dealing with an expanded concept of portraiture since 2008 and portrayed singles and couples in image compositions arranged as psychograms. The image series "About Desire", created between 2011 and 2013, deals with the past, the vanished and the desired and the related development of human longings and desires. With "Theatrum Mundi" a new series of works was created in 2014, which shows the external representation and the inner world of emotions behind it of selected people and makes them visible. His work can be found in important collections such as: Testimony Collection, La Caixa Foundation, Barcelona; Vila Casas Foundation, Torroella de Montgrí, Girona; Barcelona Bar Association; Agbar Foundation; La Sardana Foundation, Barcelona.