Hus,Jan. [Opuscula, pars prima (of 3)]. De Anatomia Antichristi, Liber unus. De …


[Opuscula, pars prima (of 3)]. De Anatomia Antichristi, Liber unus. De mysteriis iniquitatis Antichristi, Fragmentum 1. de revelatione Christi, & antichristi, Fragmentum 2. de abolendis Sectis, & traditionib(us) hominu(m). Lib. 1. de unitate Ecclesiae, & scismate vitando. Liber 1. de Evangelica perfectione. Liber 1. de pernicie traditionum humanarum. Fragment. 3. de regno, populo, vita, & morib(us) Antichristi. Lib. 1 Item Fragmentorum collectanea quædam. Cum indice summario contentorum. Appendix Othonis Brunnfelsii. [Strasbourg, Hans Schott, 1524]. Cl.-4°. 8 unnum. Fol., 98 rom. fol. Fol., 10 unnum. With three woodcuts in the text, an ornamental piece and 9 woodcut initials. Modern cloth binding. VD16 H-6162. Adams H-1201(also only this first part). Kuczynski 3192 The manuscripts of Hus' works were sent to Ulrich von Hutten from Bohemia; he forwarded them to the humanist and ardent Luther supporter Brunfels in Strasbourg for publication. It is not surprising that Hus's pre-Reformation writings, which are all strongly indebted to the ideas of Wyclif, were all printed during the years of the most violent Reformation debates. All of Hus's writings are exceptionally rare; all three parts of the "Opuscula" are almost untraceable; some bibliographers list the three volumes as separate units. A good copy. The last leaf dusty. Some underlining in the text. Early 16th century ownership inscription on the somewhat soiled title page - "Ex bibliotheca patris M. Melchior Widmann", at the foot the signature of David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874) with date 1837, on the inside cover bookplate of Richard Zoozmann - also signed and dated 1903 by the latter on the last leaf.



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