Null Hortulus anime
zu Tewtsch Sele(n)wuortzgertlein gena(n)t / mit vil schönen …

Hortulus anime zu Tewtsch Sele(n)wuortzgertlein gena(n)t / mit vil schönen gebeten un(d) figuren. (On the last text leaf:) Nuremberg, Friedrich Peypus for Johann Koberger, May 18, 1519. 8°. 16 unnum. 228 foliated Roman fol. (instead of 230 fol. [wrongly paginated 234]), 6 unnum. With 54 (instead of 56) large text woodcuts by Hans Springinklee, 2 astronomical woodcuts (sun, moon) and 3 smaller woodcuts, all text pages with woodcut borders and printer's mark on the last leaf. Modern half pigskin binding (signed Hedberg) with gilt-stamped spine title. VD16 H-5099. w. Consuelo Oldenbourg, Hortulus animae [1494]-1523, bibliography and illustration L86. Not in Adams. Prayer book printed throughout in red and black with wonderful woodcuts by Dürer's pupil Hans Springinklee (1490/95-1540), of great rarity; this is also a contemporary colored copy. Previously unknown variant of the Munich copy described in VD16 under H-5099 (Mü SB Rar. 1622) with the final printing date of May 18, 1519, whose digital copy (nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00071227-2) we have used for comparison. Our copy also has this date of completion, but shows such significant differences to the Munich copy that we assume it is a completely new edition; in our opinion, the Munich printing is the later variant. For example, a different woodcut is printed on our title - also a crescent moon Madonna, but a standing one (and not a seated one as in the Munich copy). In the Munich print, the initials (originally) printed in red are often replaced by small woodcut initials printed in black on the "inscription plates" below the woodcuts (cf. pp. 93v, 94v and 95v); this also necessitated a new text at the head of the following page, as the woodcut initials required more space than the original small red initials. The most notable deviations are at the end of the last two foliated leaves and the six unfoliated leaves. In our copy, the last leaf of quire "f" is foliated "CCXXVIII", the first leaf of quire "g" "CCXXXIII"; in the Munich copy, the foliation of the first leaf of quire "g" has been corrected to "CCXXIX". The text is identical in both prints. In our copy, leaf "g2" has the following text printed in red at the end: "Das ist die löbliche bruderschafft des hymelischen Rosenkrantz. To those who pray the hymnal rosary we grant all indulgences of our dear Lady Rosary / and to this end one hundred and seven years / one hundred and fifty years / and one thousand seven hundred and eighty days." The reverse of the leaf shows the woodcut of the rosary. In the Munich copy, the text printed in red is printed above or below the rosary woodcut, whereby the text below the woodcut had to be shortened due to lack of space to: "To those who pray the hym(m)lische Rosenkrantz we grant asller ablass unser lieben frawen Rosenkra(n)tz ( vn(d) darzu. seven(d) years/ c.quadrage(n)/ vn(d) lxxx. Day." The small-format "Hortulus animae" was an extremely popular prayer book for the people at the time; it first appeared in Latin in Strasbourg in 1498 and in German in 1501, after which editions followed almost every year. Peypus printed three Latin and three German editions for Koberger in 1518 and 1519 alone! Given that so many editions were published, only very few copies have survived - a telling testimony to how much these books were used. Oldenbourg lists 36 editions, of each of which only a single copy has survived. The present copy has the following 16th century ownership entry at the foot of the crucifixion woodcut on p. XXXI: "Auß dem Weissenauer Closter ist diß Buch an mich Anna Ottin verehrt worden". A copy with numerous damages. The two leaves M2 and Z8, each with a woodcut, are missing. Numerous woodcut borders are frayed at the sides (some also trimmed). There are mended tears in the folds of a number of leaves. Some leaf edges have old paper strips on the outside. On the flyleaf ownership entry by Baron Per Hierta, Främmestad, dated 1896, below the name entry Otto Smith dated 1911; the Swedish brandy producer Smith took over a large part of the Hierta book collection. Possibly unique. The only copy of the 1519 edition of Peypus dated May 18 in the trade I can find in catalog IV of Weiss, Munich, 1917; this is possibly the Munich copy mentioned.


Hortulus anime zu Tewtsch Sele(n)wuortzgertlein gena(n)t / mit vil schönen gebeten un(d) figuren. (On the last text leaf:) Nuremberg, Friedrich Peypus for Johann Koberger, May 18, 1519. 8°. 16 unnum. 228 foliated Roman fol. (instead of 230 fol. [wrongly paginated 234]), 6 unnum. With 54 (instead of 56) large text woodcuts by Hans Springinklee, 2 astronomical woodcuts (sun, moon) and 3 smaller woodcuts, all text pages with woodcut borders and printer's mark on the last leaf. Modern half pigskin binding (signed Hedberg) with gilt-stamped spine title. VD16 H-5099. w. Consuelo Oldenbourg, Hortulus animae [1494]-1523, bibliography and illustration L86. Not in Adams. Prayer book printed throughout in red and black with wonderful woodcuts by Dürer's pupil Hans Springinklee (1490/95-1540), of great rarity; this is also a contemporary colored copy. Previously unknown variant of the Munich copy described in VD16 under H-5099 (Mü SB Rar. 1622) with the final printing date of May 18, 1519, whose digital copy (nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00071227-2) we have used for comparison. Our copy also has this date of completion, but shows such significant differences to the Munich copy that we assume it is a completely new edition; in our opinion, the Munich printing is the later variant. For example, a different woodcut is printed on our title - also a crescent moon Madonna, but a standing one (and not a seated one as in the Munich copy). In the Munich print, the initials (originally) printed in red are often replaced by small woodcut initials printed in black on the "inscription plates" below the woodcuts (cf. pp. 93v, 94v and 95v); this also necessitated a new text at the head of the following page, as the woodcut initials required more space than the original small red initials. The most notable deviations are at the end of the last two foliated leaves and the six unfoliated leaves. In our copy, the last leaf of quire "f" is foliated "CCXXVIII", the first leaf of quire "g" "CCXXXIII"; in the Munich copy, the foliation of the first leaf of quire "g" has been corrected to "CCXXIX". The text is identical in both prints. In our copy, leaf "g2" has the following text printed in red at the end: "Das ist die löbliche bruderschafft des hymelischen Rosenkrantz. To those who pray the hymnal rosary we grant all indulgences of our dear Lady Rosary / and to this end one hundred and seven years / one hundred and fifty years / and one thousand seven hundred and eighty days." The reverse of the leaf shows the woodcut of the rosary. In the Munich copy, the text printed in red is printed above or below the rosary woodcut, whereby the text below the woodcut had to be shortened due to lack of space to: "To those who pray the hym(m)lische Rosenkrantz we grant asller ablass unser lieben frawen Rosenkra(n)tz ( vn(d) darzu. seven(d) years/ c.quadrage(n)/ vn(d) lxxx. Day." The small-format "Hortulus animae" was an extremely popular prayer book for the people at the time; it first appeared in Latin in Strasbourg in 1498 and in German in 1501, after which editions followed almost every year. Peypus printed three Latin and three German editions for Koberger in 1518 and 1519 alone! Given that so many editions were published, only very few copies have survived - a telling testimony to how much these books were used. Oldenbourg lists 36 editions, of each of which only a single copy has survived. The present copy has the following 16th century ownership entry at the foot of the crucifixion woodcut on p. XXXI: "Auß dem Weissenauer Closter ist diß Buch an mich Anna Ottin verehrt worden". A copy with numerous damages. The two leaves M2 and Z8, each with a woodcut, are missing. Numerous woodcut borders are frayed at the sides (some also trimmed). There are mended tears in the folds of a number of leaves. Some leaf edges have old paper strips on the outside. On the flyleaf ownership entry by Baron Per Hierta, Främmestad, dated 1896, below the name entry Otto Smith dated 1911; the Swedish brandy producer Smith took over a large part of the Hierta book collection. Possibly unique. The only copy of the 1519 edition of Peypus dated May 18 in the trade I can find in catalog IV of Weiss, Munich, 1917; this is possibly the Munich copy mentioned.

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Collection of 5 18th and early 19th century works on scurvy: 1. MILMAN (Francis): Recherches sur l'origine et le siège du scorbut et des fièvres putrides, translated from English by M. Vigarous de Montagut. Paris, P. Fr. Didot Jeune ; Montpellier, Rigaud, 1786, in-8 of XXXII-192-(4) pp. ; contemporary half-basane, hinges very slightly split but solid. First edition in French (E.O. in English: 1782). Wellcome IV-p. 139. 2. FACIEU (Henri): Dissertation sommaire sur le scorbut; présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 27 juin 1820, pour obtenir le grade de docteur en médecine. Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, 1820, in-4, 24 pages. Modern bradel boards. -Small ink stain in upper margin of title page. First edition. B.I.U.M. : MP 1820, t. 74 n° 44. 3. RAYNAUD (Jean-Marie): Précis sur le scorbut. Dissertation presented and defended at the École de Médecine de Montpellier, 25 floréal an X [15 mai 1802]. Montpellier, Coucourdan, An X [1802], in-4, 27-(1) pages. Modern bradel boards. -Minor wetness in upper margin of all pages. First edition. 4. ROUXEL (M.): Essay on scurvy. Presented and defended at the Montpellier Medical School, 10 Messidor An X [29 June 1802]. Montpellier, Jean Martel Aîné, An X [1802], in-4 of 37-(1) pages. Modern bradel boards. First edition. 5. TEXTORIS (Joseph-Boniface): Dissertation on scurvy, presented at the Montpellier Medical School on 28 Floréal year XI [18 May 1803]. Montpellier, Tournel Père et Fils, s.d. [1803], in-4, 21-(1) pages. First edition.

Articella cum commento. Nouissime per... Hieronymu(m) de salijs faue(n)tinu(m) recognita et expurgata (...). 2 Teile in 1 Bd. Mit breiter, figürlicher Titelholzschnittbordüre und einigen Holzschnittinitialen. Lyon, Myt, 1527. 8 Bll., CLXXX (i.e. cxcviij) Bll., 2 Bll., CLXXXIII Bll. (Sig.: a-q8, r-s6, t-z8. §8, &8 -- A-L8, M-N6, O-Z8). 4°. Flexibler Pgt. d. Zt. mit hs. RTitel (fleckig u. verfärbt, etw. bestoßen u. knittrig, mit kl. Defekten, Schließbänder entfernt). Medizin Articella cum commento. Nouissime per... Hieronymu(m) de salijs faue(n)tinu(m) recognita et expurgata (...). 2 Teile in 1 Bd. Mit breiter, figürlicher Titelholzschnittbordüre und einigen Holzschnittinitialen. Lyon, Myt, 1527. 8 Bll., CLXXX (i.e. cxcviij) Bll., 2 Bll., CLXXXIII Bll. (Sig.: a-q8, r-s6, t-z8. §8, &8 -- A-L8, M-N6, O-Z8). 4°. Flexibler Pgt. d. Zt. mit hs. RTitel (fleckig u. verfärbt, etw. bestoßen u. knittrig, mit kl. Defekten, Schließbänder entfernt). Adams A 2042 - Panzer VII, 343, 553 - Index Aureliensis 109.139. - Choulant 402 - OCLC: 313374250 - Baudrier VI, 154 - Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Kriegsverlust. - Die seltene, späte Lyon-Ausgabe von Girolamo Salios "Articella", einer Sammlung medizinischer Werke, blieb ein wesentliches Lehrbuch bis ins 16. Jahrhundert, mit 18 Ausgaben zwischen 1476 und 1534. "Girolamo Salio edited two editions of the Articella (Venice, 1523, Lyon 1527). He returned to the original Articella pattern of contents followed in Argilagues' and Da Volpe's editions. Nevertheless, he enriched it by in corporating the same new set of Hippocratic works as Pere Pomar in his editions, and by including some new translations alongside the old ones to some texts, as well as by adding the Quaestio de tribus doctrinis ordinatis secundum Galeni of the Hellenist physician Nicolo Leoniceno (1428-1524)." (Arrizabalaga, 14). - Fliegender Vorsatz mit hinterlegtem Defekt u. mont. Exlibris, in der oberen Falz tls. etw. wurmspurig (die ersten 40 Bll. mit minimalem Textverlust), ca. die ersten 40 Bll. mit größerem sowie durchgehend im unteren rechten Eck und gegen Ende auch im rechten Rand mit Feuchtigkeitsfleck (diese schwächer werdend), etw. knickspurig, etw. gebräunt. Insgesamt ordentlich. 2 parts in 1 vol. With wide, figurative woodcut title border and some woodcut initials. Cont. flexible vellum with handwritten title on spine (stained and discoloured, somewhat bumped a. creased, with small defects, closing bands removed). - The rare, late Lyon edition of Girolamo Salio's "Articella", a collection of medical works, remained an essential textbook until the 16th century, with 18 editions between 1476 and 1534. - Flyleaf with backed defect and mounted bookplate, some worming in the upper hinge (the first 40 pp. with minimal loss of text), approx. the first 40 pp. with a larger dampstain and throughout in the lower right corner and towards the end also in the right margin with a dampstain (diminishing), some creasing, somewhat browned. Overall in good condition. Dieses Werk ist regelbesteuert. Auf den Zuschlagspreis fallen 23,95% Aufgeld sowie auf den Rechnungsendbetrag 7% (Bücher) bzw. 19% Mehrwertsteuer in der Europäischen Union an. This work is subject to the regular margin scheme. There is a 23.95% buyer's premium on the hammer price and 7% (Books) or 19% VAT on the final invoice amount in the European Union.