ESCUELA MADRILEÑA, SIGLO XVIIIVerdadero retrato de la Virgen de las Angustias Oi…

ESCUELA MADRILEÑA, SIGLO XVIIIVerdadero retrato de la Virgen de las Angustias

Oil on panel. 20 x 15 cm. Inscribed at the bottom: "Consvelo de afligido adevoció D.D. Manvel Perez de la Puente del Consejo de sv Magesad". In the nobiliary necrological register of Madrid of the XVIII century (1701-1808), specifically in the years 1766 to 1770, the death is registered on April 7, 1766 of Don Manuel Perez de la Puente, of the Tribunal de la Contaduría Mayor de Cuentas. A connection is also established with the convent of Nuestra Señora de los Afligidos, as detailed in the Revista de Hidalguía, Year LXIV 2017, No. 376, pp. 802. The convent of San Joaquín, popularly known as de los Afligidos, constituted a place of worship belonging to the Premonstratensian order and was located in the plazuela de los Afligidos in Madrid. The historic building suffered a series of damages during the War of Independence, and finally at the end of the 19th century it disappeared completely from the urban scene of Madrid. Inside this convent there was a chapel dedicated to the veneration of the image of Our Lady of the Afflicted, whose presence gave the convent its popular name. Therefore, we do not discard that the devotional tablet that we present could be the true portrait of the Virgin of the Afflicted that was venerated in this church. This affirmation is based on the presence of the inscription Consuelo de Afligido in the work, as well as on the documented relationship of Manuel Pérez de la Puente with the convent, as we have pointed out in the necrological record.


ESCUELA MADRILEÑA, SIGLO XVIIIVerdadero retrato de la Virgen de las Angustias

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