FRANCIS II of FRANCE: (1544-1560) FRANCIS II of FRANCE: (1544-1560) King of Fran…

FRANCIS II of FRANCE: (1544-1560)

FRANCIS II of FRANCE: (1544-1560) King of France 1559-1560. Also known as François II. Son of King Henry II and Queen Catherine de´Medici. He was also King of Scotland 1558-60 as the husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. He ascended the throne of France at age 15 after the accidental death of his father, Henry II in 1559. His short reign was dominated by the starting of the French Wars of Religion. Francis II died at very early age of sixteen of an ear infection. A rare D.S., ` François´, one page, vellum, oblong 18 x 10,5 (45cm x 27cm), Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 10th August 1559, to François de Recourt, in French. The letter bears to the heading the title "François par la grâce de dieu roi de France", and is an order by the King, kindly ordering his correspondent to make a payment, stating in part ` A notre aimé et féal conseiller et trésorier ordinaire de nos guerres Me François de Recourt salut et delection, Nous voulons et vous mandons que des deniers qu’avez ou aurez en vos mains à nous revenant bons du paiement des compagnies de nos ordonnances étant de votre département, vous payez, baillez et délivrez comptant à nos chers et bien aimés Carles de Persey, Adrien Porcher, Guillaume Darnouville, et aux veuves de Husson de Verdanet, Jehan Colline et d’iceux de Pélissanne tous archers de la compagnie de nos ordonnances... la somme de six cent cinquante-quatre livres que nous leur avons ordonné et ordonnons par ces présentes pour leurs gages et solde des quartiers d’avril et juillet mil Vc cinquante-huit dont ils n’ont été paiés... ils étaient si extrêmement malades qu’ils n’y purent comparaître encore que par mandement et lettres du feu roi notre très honoré seigneur et père...´ (Translation: " To our beloved and faithful advisor and ordinary treasurer of our wars M. François de Recourt, greetings, We want and ask you that the funds that you have or will have in your hands, belonging to us, good for the payment of the companies of our orders being of your department, you pay, bail and deliver cash to our dear and well-beloved Carles de Persey, Adrien Porcher, Guillaume Darnouville, and to the widows of Husson de Verdanet, Jehan Colline and those of Pélissanne, all archers of the company of our orders. .. the sum of six hundred and fifty-four pounds which we ordered and hereby order for their wages and quarters, pay for April and July, thousand five hundred fifty-eight of which they were not paid... they were so extremely ill that they could only appear there by summons and letters to the late King, our most honored lord and father...") Countersigned by Robertet. With a five lines handwritten annotation to the verso, signed by Rouget, secretary of the general controller. Overall age wear and creasing. Very small professional repair to the left edge. G Florimond II Robertet de Fresne (1531–1567) was Secretary of State to French Kings Francis II and Charles IX. He served in that role from the age of 26 until his death ten years later.


FRANCIS II of FRANCE: (1544-1560)

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