BABEUF GRACCHUS: (1760-1797) BABEUF GRACCHUS: (1760-1797) His real name being Fr…

BABEUF GRACCHUS: (1760-1797)

BABEUF GRACCHUS: (1760-1797) His real name being François-Noel Babeuf. French Journalist and political Agitator. The nickname ''Gracchus'' was taken from the Roman tribunes of the people. His articles published on the newspaper Le Tribun du Peuple (''The Tribune of the People'') were calling for popular revolt against the government. Babeuf advocated for the abolition of private property and democracy. He was executed at the early age of 36 accused of conspiracy for his role in the Conspiracy of the Equals. Very rare and touching A.L.S., ` Babeuf´, two pages, 12mo, 24h January 1797, to his elder son Robert Emile Babeuf, in French. The letter is written from Prison, while Babeuf is still waiting for his trial. Babeuf states in full ` Je n’ai eu garde de rien dire à ta maman mon ami. C’est la chose essentielle que d’avoir soin de toi. Je t’engage à supporter ton mal avec courage. C’est en s’exerçant à souffrir qu’on se rend capable de recevoir avec force toutes les peines de la vie. Il faut d’ailleurs espérer que tu n’a plus que pendant quelques jours à endurer de grandes douleurs. Lorsque les grains seront bien murs, ta maman les coupera et tu sera soulagé. Dis-moi demain comment tu te porteras. Bonjour, mon ami. Babeuf´ (Translation: " I was careful not to say anything to your mother, my friend. It’s the essential thing to take care of yourself. I urge you to bear your suffering with courage. It is by practicing suffering that we become capable of receiving with strength all the sorrows of life. We must also hope that you only have to endure great pain for a few more days. When the grains are ripe, your mom will cut them and you will be relieved. Tell me tomorrow how you will be. Good day my friend. Babeuf") Babeuf writes to his elder son this letter knowing that his trial is about to start. The trial was held at Vendôme less than a month later, beginning on 20th February 1797. Although several people were involved in the conspiracy, the government depicted Babeuf as the leader. On 26th May 1797 Babeuf and Darthé were condemned to death, and both were guillotined the next day at Vendôme. With blank adress leaf where he only annotates ` A mon fils´ (Translation: " To my son"). Very small minor age wear, otherwise G Anne-Victoire Lenglet (1756-1840) spouse of Gracchus Babeuf.


BABEUF GRACCHUS: (1760-1797)

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