KLEBER JEAN-BAPTISTE: (1753-1800) KLEBER JEAN-BAPTISTE: (1753-1800) French Gener…


KLEBER JEAN-BAPTISTE: (1753-1800) French General during the French Revolutionary wars. Kleber was also a trained architect. Best remembered for suppressing the Vendée Revolt. He accompanied Napoleon in the Egyptian Campaign. When Napoleon appointed Kleber as Commander of the French forces he was assassinated in Cairo. An interesting military L.S., ` Kleber´, one page, 4to, Head Quarters of Koblenz, 30th October 1796, to General Grenier, in French. The partially printed letter bears the printed heading of the General of Division Kleber, and in his capacity as Commander of the right wing of the Sambre & Meuse Army, sends very precise orders to his correspondent General Grenier. A few months before the present letter was written, the French army had crossed the Rhine for the second time and the French troops we advancing in German territory, but only a month earlier, in September, the French were stopped during the battle of Wurzbourg and obliged to retreat. Kleber states in part ` Afin que vous puissiez vous assurer ainsi que moi si chacun est pénétré des instructions que vous avez données aux troupes sous vos ordres relativement aux différents postes que vous avez à défendre, et pour que je sache en combien de temps leur rassemblement peut s´opérer, vous voudrez bien, citoyen général, donner les ordres nécessaires pour qu´à minuit précise la générale soit battue dans toute l´étendue du front que vous occupez. Vous enverrez également ordre aux chefs de la cavalerie de sonner à cheval à la même heure pour se porter aux points de rassemblement. Je serai rendu de ma personne à minuit à Weisenthurn... Les troupes resteront ainsi sous les armes jusqu´au jour où je compte les passer en revue. Cet ordre ne s´étendra que jusqu´à Nancy exclusivement. Salut et fraternité.´ (Translation: " In order that you can assure yourself as well as me that everyone is aware of the instructions that you have given to the troops under your orders relating to the different posts that you have to defend, and in order that I know how quickly their assembly can take place, you will kindly, citizen General, give the necessary orders so that at midnight precisely the general drumms signal is announced throughout the entire extent of the front line that you occupy. You will also send orders to the leaders of the cavalry to make it sound on horseback at the same time that they go to the assembly points. I will personally be at Weisenthurn at midnight... The troops will thus remain under arms until the day I plan to review them. This order will only extend to Nancy exclusively. Salvation and brotherhood") Paper with large watermark. Overall age wear and creasing, otherwise G Paul Grenier (1768-1827) French General. A skilled tactician



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