Null GOMES ANTONIO CARLOS: (1836-1896) Brazilian Composer. Largely considered th…

GOMES ANTONIO CARLOS: (1836-1896) Brazilian Composer. Largely considered the first New World composer having his work accepted in Europe. An excellent A.L.S., ` A. Carlos Gomes´, four pages, 8vo, Milan, 20th September 1876, to Giovannina Lucca, in Italian. The letter bears to the upper left border an attractive red embossed seal with his intials "C.G". Gomes is furious after reading his correspondent´s letter referring to the copyright of his opera Fosca and responds forcefully, stating in part ` Stimatissima Signora G. Lucca, vi prego di leggere ancora la vostra lettera del 12 Aprile 75 a me diretta, e vi convincerete dei miei diritti d´autore sul primo nolo. Quella fu una condizione proposta da me ed acorttata da voi, su cui ora, non credo, porrete alcun dubbio. Nella vostra lettera d´oggi voi dite di non capire nulla delle nie laguanze! Ahime!´ (Translation: " Most esteemed Mrs. G. Lucca, I ask you to read again your letter dated 12th April 1975 addressed to me, and you will be convinced of my right on the copyright on the first rental. That was a condition proposed by me and implemented by you, about which, now, I don't think, you will have any doubt. In your letter today you say you don't understand anything about my complaints! Alas!") Gomes uses bold exclamations and underlines, showing his anger and making it clear that he is not going to give up, saying ` Per l´amor di dio, oppuredel Diavolo, signora Giovannina; volete che io prenda parte nei contratti da voi fatti cogli impresarii, ai quali voi accordate delle facilitazioni tutto a modo vostro? Il Guarany e roba vostra, e di quell´opera potete disporre (per l´Italia) a modo vostro, ma della Fosca, no!...´ (Translation: " For the love of God, or the Devil, Signora Giovannina; you want me to take part in the contracts you make with the entrepreneurs, to whom you grant facilities and all in your own way? The Guarany is your stuff, and you can dispose of that work (for Italy) in your own way, but not Fosca!...") Further and before conculding, Gomes states ` Io intendo, in conclusione che, la Fosca non vale meno delle altre opera, e esigo i miei 30% sul valore di 6000, di nolo, e cosi deve essere...Credo ora di averoi parlato ben chiaro su questo affare, dal quale non transigo...´ (Translation: " I mean, in conclusion, that the Fosca is not worth less than the other works, and I demand my 30% on the value of 6000, and so it must be... I believe that I have now spoken very clearly about this deal, which I am not willing to accept any change...") VG to EX Giovannina Lucca (1810-1894) Italian Musical Editor Fosca (1872) is an Opera in four acts by Gomes, with libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni, based on Luigi Capranica´s novel La Festa delle Marie (1869). The Opera premier took place at La Scala in Milan, on 16th February 1873.


GOMES ANTONIO CARLOS: (1836-1896) Brazilian Composer. Largely considered the first New World composer having his work accepted in Europe. An excellent A.L.S., ` A. Carlos Gomes´, four pages, 8vo, Milan, 20th September 1876, to Giovannina Lucca, in Italian. The letter bears to the upper left border an attractive red embossed seal with his intials "C.G". Gomes is furious after reading his correspondent´s letter referring to the copyright of his opera Fosca and responds forcefully, stating in part ` Stimatissima Signora G. Lucca, vi prego di leggere ancora la vostra lettera del 12 Aprile 75 a me diretta, e vi convincerete dei miei diritti d´autore sul primo nolo. Quella fu una condizione proposta da me ed acorttata da voi, su cui ora, non credo, porrete alcun dubbio. Nella vostra lettera d´oggi voi dite di non capire nulla delle nie laguanze! Ahime!´ (Translation: " Most esteemed Mrs. G. Lucca, I ask you to read again your letter dated 12th April 1975 addressed to me, and you will be convinced of my right on the copyright on the first rental. That was a condition proposed by me and implemented by you, about which, now, I don't think, you will have any doubt. In your letter today you say you don't understand anything about my complaints! Alas!") Gomes uses bold exclamations and underlines, showing his anger and making it clear that he is not going to give up, saying ` Per l´amor di dio, oppuredel Diavolo, signora Giovannina; volete che io prenda parte nei contratti da voi fatti cogli impresarii, ai quali voi accordate delle facilitazioni tutto a modo vostro? Il Guarany e roba vostra, e di quell´opera potete disporre (per l´Italia) a modo vostro, ma della Fosca, no!...´ (Translation: " For the love of God, or the Devil, Signora Giovannina; you want me to take part in the contracts you make with the entrepreneurs, to whom you grant facilities and all in your own way? The Guarany is your stuff, and you can dispose of that work (for Italy) in your own way, but not Fosca!...") Further and before conculding, Gomes states ` Io intendo, in conclusione che, la Fosca non vale meno delle altre opera, e esigo i miei 30% sul valore di 6000, di nolo, e cosi deve essere...Credo ora di averoi parlato ben chiaro su questo affare, dal quale non transigo...´ (Translation: " I mean, in conclusion, that the Fosca is not worth less than the other works, and I demand my 30% on the value of 6000, and so it must be... I believe that I have now spoken very clearly about this deal, which I am not willing to accept any change...") VG to EX Giovannina Lucca (1810-1894) Italian Musical Editor Fosca (1872) is an Opera in four acts by Gomes, with libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni, based on Luigi Capranica´s novel La Festa delle Marie (1869). The Opera premier took place at La Scala in Milan, on 16th February 1873.

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