Letter signed "Françoys" "à noz tré chers grandz amys les duc…

FRANÇOIS II. Letter signed "Françoys" "à noz tré chers grandz amys les duc, seigneurie Républicque de Gennes et protecteurs de l'Office S[ain]t George" countersigned by Florimond Robertet as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Fontainebleau, July 28, 1560. one p. oblong folio, address on back, wax armorial seal under paper; small cracks due to the letter's closing system, 4 perforations with damage to 2 words, cracks in folds, one long one partly restored. "Trés chers et gradz amys, le collonnel Sampetro Corse nous a fait remonstrer entendre les reffuz et difficultez qui luy sont par vous faictes de rendre les maison, biens et deniers qui appartenoient au sr Alphonse son filz et a la signore Vannina sa femme... Nous vous prions, aultant affectue que faire povons adce que pour amour et en faveur de nous, vous soyez contans de rendre et faire rendre aud[ict] Alphonse son filz et a sad[icte] femme lesd[icts] maison, biens et deniers que vous leur retenez sans les laisser travailler pour le paiement desd[icts] deniers et vaisselle d'argent perduz..." RARE DOCUMENT SIGNED BY KING FRANÇOIS II, THEN THIRTEEN YEARS OLD, whose reign, under his mother Catherine de Médicis, was very short, from July 10, 1559 to his death on December 5, 1560.


FRANÇOIS II. Letter signed "Françoys" "à noz tré chers grandz amys les duc, seigneurie Républicque de Gennes et protecteurs de l'Office S[ain]t George" countersigned by Florimond Robertet as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Fontainebleau, July 28, 1560. one p. oblong folio, address on back, wax armorial seal under paper; small cracks due to the letter's closing system, 4 perforations with damage to 2 words, cracks in folds, one long one partly restored. "Trés chers et gradz amys, le collonnel Sampetro Corse nous a fait remonstrer entendre les reffuz et difficultez qui luy sont par vous faictes de rendre les maison, biens et deniers qui appartenoient au sr Alphonse son filz et a la signore Vannina sa femme... Nous vous prions, aultant affectue que faire povons adce que pour amour et en faveur de nous, vous soyez contans de rendre et faire rendre aud[ict] Alphonse son filz et a sad[icte] femme lesd[icts] maison, biens et deniers que vous leur retenez sans les laisser travailler pour le paiement desd[icts] deniers et vaisselle d'argent perduz..." RARE DOCUMENT SIGNED BY KING FRANÇOIS II, THEN THIRTEEN YEARS OLD, whose reign, under his mother Catherine de Médicis, was very short, from July 10, 1559 to his death on December 5, 1560.

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[DODE DE LA BRUNERIE (Guillaume)]. Set of approximately 30 pieces. 1793-1847. Some of these pieces glued to others in the margins. Concerning the marshal's career. - Brevet de capitaine signed by Director Étienne-François Le Tourneur and Minister of War Claude-Louis Petiet (1796); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of captain 1st class, signed by General François-Étienne Damas (Cairo, 1799); letter announcing his appointment to the post of deputy director of fortifications, signed by War Minister Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1801); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of battalion commander, signed by War Minister Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1802); brevet confirmatif de chef de bataillon, signed by Napoléon Bonaparte (secretary), countersigned by Minister of War Louis-Alexandre Berthier and Minister Secretary of State Hugues-Bernard Maret (1803); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of colonel, signed by Minister of War Louis-Alexandre Berthier (Schönbrunn, Austria, December 29, 1805); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of brigadier general, signed by Major General of the Grande Armée Louis-Alexandre Berthier (1809); 2 letters announcing his appointment to the rank of brigadier general, signed by Minister of War Henry Clarke (1809); letter announcing his appointment to the honorary rank of lieutenant-general, signed by General Pierre-Antoine Dupont de L'Étang as Minister of War (August 24, 1814); brevet de lieutenant-général, signed by Louis XVIII (scratch) and countersigned by Minister of War Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult (January 31, 1815); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of lieutenant-general, autographed by Louis-Victor de Blacquetot de Caux (April 30, 1815); letter announcing his appointment to the rank of lieutenant-general, signed by War Minister Louis Nicolas Davout (May 4, 1815); letter announcing his elevation to the rank of Marshal of France (1847); extract from Louis-Philippe I's order elevating him to the rank of Marshal of France, signed by War Ministry director Marie Joseph François Mahérault (1847). - 5 military booklets: completed and signed notably during the Egyptian expedition (in Alexandria from June to October 1800), during the first Austrian campaign (in Donauwörth in Bavaria on October 22, 1805, in Stockerau near Vienna on November 23, 1805, Brünn today Brno in the Czech Republic near Austerlitz on January 2, 1806). - Service records, etc.