Albarello da farmacia raffigurante “San Giorgio e il drago”. Maiolica di Savona …

Albarello da farmacia raffigurante “San Giorgio e il drago”. Maiolica di Savona fine del XVIII secolo

Apothecary albarello depicting "St. George and the dragon." Savona majolica late 18th century. Painted majolica height 24 cm, base diameter 10 cm, rim diameter 11 cm.Painted majolica height 24 cm, base diameter 10 cm, rim diameter 11 cm.Late 18th centuryThe albarello has a slender shape and is slightly tapered in the center. The field depicts St. George on horseback defeating the dragon. Executed on stanniferous enamel of excellent quality, it is painted in predominant sapphire, with the figures outlined by thin strokes of manganese. Typical Savona production replicated in many centers, from Albisola to Naples, that emulated Spanish and Portuguese azulejos. Conservation status: excellent


Albarello da farmacia raffigurante “San Giorgio e il drago”. Maiolica di Savona fine del XVIII secolo

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