Null Historical map of the Levant, "Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem f…

Historical map of the Levant, "Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem formam redacta, et ex variis auctoribus a multis erroribus expurgata", col. Copperplate engraving c. 1660 from "In S. Scripturam commentarius", by the theologian Jac. Tirinus, small plan of Jerusalem in the lower margin, the border with a total of 18 depictions of Jewish places of worship and objects, folded three times, sheet size 46 x 95 cm


Historical map of the Levant, "Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem formam redacta, et ex variis auctoribus a multis erroribus expurgata", col. Copperplate engraving c. 1660 from "In S. Scripturam commentarius", by the theologian Jac. Tirinus, small plan of Jerusalem in the lower margin, the border with a total of 18 depictions of Jewish places of worship and objects, folded three times, sheet size 46 x 95 cm

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