An Epitaph rubbing of Governor Guan Yu An Epitaph rubbing of Governor Guan Yu, f…

An Epitaph rubbing of Governor Guan Yu

An Epitaph rubbing of Governor Guan Yu, framed on board, 59cm x 113cm Compare with a similar rubbing from the same Ming stone carving at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession number 59.195.3.御製漢壽亭侯之印碑拓片碑文說明於明孝宗弘治三年 (1490) 年,於揚州濬河拾得漢壽亭侯之印玉印。 後於晚明立碑銘記此事,碑文中題款之吳拱宸、黃輝二人,皆為晚明著名文士,石碑上方之御製二字更說明此碑為皇廷所立之碑。


An Epitaph rubbing of Governor Guan Yu

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