Null Sonja FERLOV MANCOBA [Danish] (1911-1984)
Kvinde (Woman), 1958
Bronze proof…

Sonja FERLOV MANCOBA [Danish] (1911-1984) Kvinde (Woman), 1958 Bronze proof with brown patina. Monogrammed under the base and numbered "NR5". 38 x 20 x 11 cm Provenance : Private collection, Paris 6e. Exhibitions : - Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Alberto Giacometti, Sophienholm, Lyngby, 1980, catalog, a similar example reproduced on p. 51. - Sonja Ferlov Mancoba: sculptures, dessins, collages, Centre Pompidou, Paris, June 26-September 23, 2019, catalog, no. 23, a similar copy reproduced on p. 95.


Sonja FERLOV MANCOBA [Danish] (1911-1984) Kvinde (Woman), 1958 Bronze proof with brown patina. Monogrammed under the base and numbered "NR5". 38 x 20 x 11 cm Provenance : Private collection, Paris 6e. Exhibitions : - Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Alberto Giacometti, Sophienholm, Lyngby, 1980, catalog, a similar example reproduced on p. 51. - Sonja Ferlov Mancoba: sculptures, dessins, collages, Centre Pompidou, Paris, June 26-September 23, 2019, catalog, no. 23, a similar copy reproduced on p. 95.

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Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Alain, Reading Balzac. Laboratoires Martinet, 1935. Cazauran, "Sur Catherine de Médicis" by Honoré de Balzac. Collection de l'ENS de jeunes filles, 1976. Ponceau, Paysages et destins balzaciens. Paris, Myrte, 1950. Métadier, Balzac homme politique. L'Harmattan, 2006. Vouga, Balzac malgré lui. José Corti, 1957. Bertault, Balzac et la religion. Boivin, 1942. Giraudoux, Le film de la duchesse de Langeais d'après la nouvelle de Balzac. Grasset, 1942, illustrations by Laglenne. Ki Wist, Les manuscrits de premier jet de Honoré de Balzac. Henriquez, 1964. 2 volumes in common cover. Clouzot and Valensi, Le Paris de la comédie humaine. Le Goupy, 1926, half-chagrin with corners. Lot of 12 studies on Balzac: Le Breton, Balzac l'homme et l'oeuvre. Boivin, sd. Faguet, "En lisant les beaux vieux livres". Extract from his 1911 book. Favre, Balzac et le temps présent. Flammarion, 1888. Demi-basane. Faguet, Dix neuvième siècle, études littéraires. Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie, 1900. Half-percaline. Neefs, Balzac, l'éternelle genèse. Manuscrits modernes, 2015. Brunetière, Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de la littérature française. Hachette, sd, seventh series. Dédéyan, Le faustisme romantique de Balzac. Revue des lettres modernes, n°39, Autumn 1958. Pommier, Créations en littérature. Hachette, 1955. Copy with dispatch to the writer André Maurois. Myrdal, Balzac und der Realismus Essays. Bucherei Oberbaum, 1978. Janis Glasgow, Une esthétique de comparaison - Balzac et George Sand. Nizet, 1978. Wedmore, Balzac. London, Walter Scott, 1890. Claudia Schmölders, über Balzac. Diogènes, 1977. Set of 9 studies on Balzac: Barny, Etudes textuelles 3. Volume 63, 1993, 5 texts on Balzac. Pommier, Créations en littératures. Hachette, 1955. Evans, Louis Lambert et la philosophie de Balzac. José Corti, 1951. Chardon, Expliquez-moi Balzac (2 Balzac). Foucher, 1962. Lecour, Généalogie des personnages de la Comédie humaine. Vrin, 1966. One volume and 33 folding plates. Important work. In common folder and slipcase. Voivenel, Autour des femmes et l'amour. Raoul Lion, 1950. Copy enriched with a letter to Dr. Moynier. Ingrid Ulrike Lange, Der Selbstmord in Honoré de Balzacs Comédie humaine. Romanistischer Verlag, 1995. Garnand, The influence of Walter Scott on the works of Balzac. NY, Octagon books, 1971. Weigand, Stendhal und Balzac, essays. Leipzig, Im Inselverlag, 1911. [autographs by Bardèche] Set of 15 studies on Balzac: F Germain - Honoré de Balzac, L'enfant maudit (critical edition). Paris, belles lettres, 1965. Half morocco, fine copy. Bardèche, Balzac romancier. Paris, Plon, 1940. Enriched copy with two typescript letters signed by Bardèche to Charles Gould of Bristol University. Half-percaline. Balzac and Italy. Paris, Des Cendres, 2003. Lucey, Les ratés de la famille - Balzac et les formes sociales de la sexualité. Paris, Fayard, 2008. Guise, Balzac. Nancy, Presses universitaires, 1994. Lotte, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages fictifs de la Comédie humaine. Paris, Jose Corti, 1952. Adamson, The genesis of Le Cousin Pons. Oxford university press, 1966. Swahn, Balzac et le merveilleux - étude du roman balzacien 1822-1832. Lund University press, 1991. Surville, Balzac, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, librairie nouvelle, 1858. Blanchard, Témoignages et jugements sur Balzac. Paris, Champion, 1931. Lotte, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages fictifs de la Comédie humaine. Paris, Corti, 1956. Bérard, La genèse d'un roman de Balzac - Illusions perdues 1837 - du manuscrit à l'édition. Paris, Colin, 1961. Affron, Patterns of failure in La Comédie humaine. Yale university press, 1966. Prendergast, Balzac - Fiction and Melodrama. Edward Arnold, 1978. Vanoncini, Figures de la Modernité. Paris, Corti, 1984.

[Balzac et ses amis] Lot of 8 books: A Augustin-Thierry, La princesse Belgiojoso. Paris, Plon, 1926. Fair condition. Mme Surville, Le compagnon du foyer. Stuttgart, Hallberger, 1855. Half basane, spines split. Ruxton, La dilecta de Balzac. Paris, Plon, 1909. Half-chagrin. Boschot, La jeunesse d'Hector Berlioz. Paris, Plon, 1906. Half-maroquin with corners, gilt head. Pizzagalli, L'Amica Clara Maffei e il suo salotto nel Risorgimento. Milan, BUR, 2004. Hommage à George Sand, revue de l'Académie du Centre, 1975. Echinard et Jessula, Léon Gozlan. Collection IMMAJ, 2003. Arrigon, Balzac et la "contessa". Paris, Les portiques, sd. [Balzac et ses amis] Set of 4 books: Bondy, une femme d'esprit en 1830 - madame de Girardin. Lafitte, 1928. EO one of 17 hollande, second paper. Turquan, La duchesse d'Abrantès. Montgredien, 1901. Séché, Delphine Gay. Mercure, 1910. Longhi, L'educazione esemplare - Zulma Carraud un'amica di Balzac scrive per l'infanzia. Schena, 1984. We enclose 6 books. A Hertor Berge, Le commis banquier. Bordeaux, 1856. Rare curiosity. Biré, Houvelles causeries historiques et littéraires, 1927. Excerpt from the volume, only the article on Lovenjoul. Dore Ashton, A fable of Modern Art, Thames and Hudson, 1980. The author quotes Balzac as much as Picasso or Cézanne. Wages and the cost of living in various periods up to 1910. Photocopy of 1911 edition. Guide du voyageur du chemin de fer de Paris à Tours. Photocopy of 1846 edition. Considérations sur l'histoire médicale et statistique du Choléra-Morbus. Photocopy of the 1832 edition. Balzac et son temps, Set of 12 volumes: Burnand, La vie quotidienne en France en 1830. Hachette, 1947. Paperback. Pelletan, De 1815 à nos jours. Charavay-Mantoux-Martin, 1891. Publisher's hardback. La Gorce, Louis Philippe 1830-1848. Plon, 1931. paperback, one of 30 copies on pur fil lafuma. Charassin, Dictionnaire des racines et dérivés de la langue française. Héois, 1842. Half-basane, lacking on spine. Toledano, La vie de famille sous la restauration et la monarchie de juillet. Albin-Michel, 1943. Paperback. Henriot, Les romantiques. Albin-Michel, 1953. Linda Kelly, The young romantics Paris 1827-1837. London, Sidney, Toronto, The Bodley Head, 1976. d'Ariste, La vie et le monde du Boulevard. 1830 - 1870. A dandy: Nestor Roqueplan. Tallandier, 1930. Bory, La Révolution de juillet - 29 juillet 1830. Gallimard, 1972. Paperback. Anquetil, Histoire de France. Jubin, 1829-1831. Volumes 12 to 15, 4 volumes. A.-F. Teulet and Urbain Loiseau, Les Codes. Preceded by Memento de l'étudiant en Droit. Paris, Videcocq, 1840 - In -12 of XXXVI + 815 p. 2-column printing. Bookplate from the library of H. Hottinguer. Half-bound in green calf, smooth spine decorated with gilt fleurons. A good copy. F. Raymond, Dictionnaire Français augmenté d'environ 15000 mots relatifs aux sciences, aux arts, aux métiers, a la médecine, a la chirurgie, pharmacie, chimie etc.. de plus qu'aucun dictionnaire de ce format. Paris, Ladrange, 1837. In-16, 438 p, printed on 2 columns. Armorial bookplate of Louis François Bertrand du Pont d'Aubevoye, comte de Lauberdière, with his motto: "Virtute et Labore". Full tan basane binding, smooth spine with 5 faux-nerfs, spidering on the first cover.

Kurt Bunge, Fischer & Frau young woman in a red shirt, next to a fisherman with fishing rod and quiver, briskly captured figurative, unfinished painting with broad brushstrokes in powerful colours, mixed media on panel, 1980s, unsigned, on the reverse old number "128" and affixed newer label with estate stamp "Nachlass Kurt Bunge" as well as handwritten date and signature "10.11.2022 Michael Bunge", traces of age, framed, folded dimensions approx. 103 x 72 cm. Artist information: also Curt Bunge, German painter. Painter, graphic artist and restorer (1911 Bitterfeld - 1998 Kassel), initially trained as a decorative painter and decorator from 1925-28, artistically supported by Hermann Schiebel, 1928-31 pupil of Charles Crodel and Gerhard Marcks at the Burg Giebichenstein School of Applied Arts in Halle, later further instruction by Charles Crodel, undertook study trips to Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic, member of the Reichskammer der bildenden Künste, 1931-40 worked as a restorer for the State Conservator of Monuments, 1936 study trip to Italy with the support of Carl Georg Heise from Hamburg, 1940-45 military service in the Second World War, then head of restoration until 1950. Afterwards, until 1950, head of the restoration workshops at the Saxony-Anhalt State Conservator for the Preservation of Monuments, from 1950 lecturer and from 1957 professor at the Burg Giebichenstein Academy of Art, working with woodcuts, 1950-59 member of the VBK (Association of Visual Artists) of the GDR, from 1953 member of the "Halle Painters' Brigade" with Willi Sitte, after cultural-political hostilities, left for Kassel at the beginning of 1959, represented at the Dresden Art Exhibition in 1946, 1949 and 1958/59 and at the "Painting of the Present" exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig in 1947, member of the Deutscher Künstlerbund and participated in the annual exhibitions from 1952-73, member of the Darmstadt Secession from 1976, source: Vollmer, AKL, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Eisold "Künstler in der DDR", Offner/Schroeder "Eingegrenzt - Ausgegrenzt", Werner Schmidt "Ausgebürgert", Schmaling "Künstlerlexikon Hessen-Cassel 1777-2000" and Wikipedia.

Marguerite LAVRILLIER-COSSACEANU (1893 - 1980) Female torso, 1945-1946 Numbered 2/8 (on the front of the right thigh) Green-brown patina bronze proof Posthumous lost-wax casting Coubertin Signed "Margaret Cossaceanu". Foundry stamp and date (on back of right thigh): 1993 Height: 114 cm; Width: 36 cm; Depth: 32 cm "Her science and great spontaneous gifts place her at the forefront of young modern statuary", wrote Antoine Bourdelle in 1928, of the woman who was his pupil at the Grande Chaumière academy from 1922 onwards, along with Germaine Richier and Alberto Giacometti, and then his collaborator until his death in 1929. At the same time, she became a pupil and practitioner of her Paris-based compatriot, Constantin Brancusi. Born in Bucharest to a mother who taught French and a father who was an engineer, the young woman had already made a name for herself at the fine arts school in her native city, first in the studio of the Symbolist sculptor Dimitrie Paciuera (1873-1932), then in Rome. It was in the Eternal City that she met the man who was to become her husband, André Lavrillier (1885-1958), who won the Grand Prix de Rome for medal engraving in 1914. Acclaimed by commissions and exhibitions, Marguerite Lavrillier-Cossaceanu's work is represented by some thirty works in public collections in France (Musée de la Marine, Musée d'Orsay, Musée de la Monnaie, Cité de la Musique, etc.) and abroad. This is one of the most important models in the work of Marguerite Lavrillier-Cossaceanu (1893-1980). It would appear that the plaster model of this Torso was exhibited at the 1946 Salon d'Automne (no. 812), and again at the 1962 Salon d'Automne (no. 414). The bronze proof acquired in 1955 (AMS 390), kept by the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, was cast by Susse in 1949. It was shown at the Salon d'Automne in 1949 (no. 851) and at the exhibition organized by Galerie Bernheim-Jeune in 1952. Finally, the work appeared at the Biennale Formes Humaines held at the Musée Rodin in 1968.