Null CLAUDE FRANCOIS / PRESS: A set of 8 copies of the monthly Hit published bet…

CLAUDE FRANCOIS / PRESS: A set of 8 copies of the monthly Hit published between February 1972 and November 1978: N°1, 5, 11, 15, 20, 31, 66, 74 and 82 and A set of 5 copies of the monthly Stéphanie published between February 1973 and April 1978: N°23, 24, 28, 40 and Cloclo souvenir album. Good condition. The lot


CLAUDE FRANCOIS / PRESS: A set of 8 copies of the monthly Hit published between February 1972 and November 1978: N°1, 5, 11, 15, 20, 31, 66, 74 and 82 and A set of 5 copies of the monthly Stéphanie published between February 1973 and April 1978: N°23, 24, 28, 40 and Cloclo souvenir album. Good condition. The lot

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Lot of 4 18th century works on Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 3 volumes: 1. ROUSSEL (Claude): La loi naturelle. Paris, Humblot, 1769. One volume. 9 by 15.5 cm. [III] to XXIV-288 pages (misch. 228). Contemporary full basane, smooth ornate spine, roulette on edges. Boards slightly stained. -Very light staining throughout the margins, stamp of a former owner. False title missing. First edition. Conlon 69: 1193. Claude Roussel taught philosophy in Chalons (Champagne). His work is a response to J.-J. Rousseau's theses on natural law. With 2. 1) SERVAN (Joseph-Michel-Antoine): Réflexions sur les Confessions de J. J. Rousseau, sur le caractère & le génie de cet écrivain, sur les causes & l'étendue de son influence sur l'opinion publique, enfin sur quelques principes de ses opinions. Paris [i.e. Lausanne, H.E. Vincent], 1783, 225 pp. ; followed by 2) CHAS (François): J. J. Rousseau justifié, ou réponse à M. Servan. Neuchatel, Favre et Comp. 1784, 259 pp. + IV pp. (Publisher's notice, bound between pp. 250-251). 9.5 by 16 cm. Contemporary full basane, smooth ornate spine, red title page. Small corner defect, otherwise very good condition. Very good condition inside. 1) Edition published the same year as the original. Conlon, Ouvrages français relatifs à J.-J. Rousseau, 675. "Fictitious address: edition printed in Lausanne by Henri-Emmanuel Vincent, identifiable with his typographical material." (RERO). Highly critical of Rousseau and his Confessions, whose "consequences on morals will be disastrous" ... 2) First edition. Conlon 84: 910; V. M. Marchand, Rousseau, les 7 vies d'un visionnaire. "In his Rousseau justifié, François Chas denounces "the rage of his persecutors" and is astonished that "he who was concerned with the happiness of men" should be declared "the enemy of the human race" (V.M. Marchand). With 3. CORANCEZ (Olivier de): From J.J. Rousseau. Extract from the Journal de Paris (...) de l'an VI. S.l., Imprimerie du Journal de Paris, s.d. (circa 1798). One volume. 12 by 19 cm. 75 pages. Modern bradel boards in perfect condition. Small browning on last leaf, otherwise very good condition of text. First edition. Conlon 1049. A great music lover, it was Corancez who introduced GLUCK to Rousseau. He was also one of the propagators of the rumor of Rousseau's suicide...

Set of 12 studies on Balzac: Martin Kanes, Balzac's Comedy of words. Princeton University Press, 1975.full cloth. Madeleine Fargeaud, Balzac et la recherche de l'Absolu. Paris, Hachette, 1968. Paperback. E. J. Oliver, Balzac the European. London and New York, Sheed and Ward, 1959. Full cloth. Annette Rosa and Isabelle Tournier, Balzac. Paris, Armand Colin 1992. paperback. E. Preston, Recherches sur la technique de Balzac Les Presses françaises, 1927. Paperback. Samuel Rogers, Balzac and the Novel. University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. Full cloth. Judith Lyon-Caen, La Lecture et la vie - Les usages du roman au temps de Balzac. Paris, Tallandier, 2006. Paperback. Edmond Biré, Honoré de Balzac. Paris, Honoré Champion, 1897. Paperback. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings. London, John Murray, 1904. Full cloth. [Collective] Balzac and the nineteenth century : studies in French literature presented to Herbert J. Hunt by pupils, colleagues and friends / edited by D. G. Charlton, J. Gaudon and Anthony R. Pugh. Leicester University Press, 1972. Full cloth. Georges Hourdin, Balzac romancier des passions. Temps Présent, 1950. Jean-Louis Bory, Pour Balzac et quelques autres - Musique 1. Julliard, 1960, paperback. Lot of 12 studies (13 volumes) on Balzac: Nicole Felkay, Balzac et ses éditeurs 1822-1837. Essai sur la librairie romantique. Promodis, 1987. Paperback Léon-François Hoffmann, Répertoire géographique de La Comédie humaine. José Corti, 1965-1968. 2 paperback volumes. Claude Lachet, Thématique et Technique du Lys dans la Vallée de Balzac. Nouvelles éditions Debresse, 1978. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac: Illusions perdues. L'œuvre capitale dans l'œuvre. C.R.I.N., 1988. Collected by Françoise VAN Rossum-Guyon. Paperback. Stefan Zweig, Balzac, sein Weltbild aus den Werken - Volume11 of Aus der Gedankenwelt grosser Geister. Bd.11. R Lutz, 1908, paperback, poor condition. André Allemand, Honoré de Balzac - Création et passion. Plon, 1963. Paperback. Agnès Guglielmetti, Fire and light in Balzac's La Peau de chagrin. Les réseaux symboliques du vocabulaire des sensations. Paris, Lettres Modernes, 1978. Paperback. Pierre Bayard, Balzac et le troc de l'imaginaire - Lecture de La Peau de chagrin. Lettres modernes Minard, 1978. Paperback. Michel Lichtlé, Balzac, le texte et la loi. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, 2012. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac voyageur - Parcours, déplacements, mutations. Textes réunis et présentés par Nicole Mozet et Paule Petitier. Published by Université François Rabelais, Tours, 2004. Paperback. Gabriel Faure, Pèlerinages dauphinois. Grenoble, Éditions J. Rey, 1925. Paperback. René Jouanne, Alençon sur les pas de Balzac. In: Le Pays Bas-Normand, 1970, N° 4. Paperback. Lot of 10 studies on Balzac: Aline Mura-Brunel, Silence du roman - Balzac et le romanesque contemporain. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Kristina Wingard, Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac. Uppsala, 1978. Thesis. Patrick Berthier, Balzac et l'imprimerie. Imprimerie nationale, 1999. Pierre Danger, L'éros balzacien - structures du désir dans la Comédie Humaine. José Corti, 1989. Sophie de Korwin-Piotrowska, Balzac et le monde slave - Madame Hanska et l'oeuvre balzacienne. Paris, Champion, 1933. Claude-Marie Senninger, Honoré de Balzac par Théophile Gautier. Paris, Nizet, 1980. [Lucienne Frappier-Mazur, Genèses du Roman - Balzac et Sand. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Linzy Erika Dickinson, Theatre in Balzac's La Comédie humaine. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2000. H.U. Forest, L'esthétique du roman balzacien. Paris, PUF, 1950. [Maison Balzac], "Souscrivez à la comédie humaine". 2001. Paperback set.