Null MASSÉ Jean
Syndicat d'initiative CHATEL-GUYON, Auvergne "INTESTIN-FOIE-COLI…

MASSÉ Jean Syndicat d'initiative CHATEL-GUYON, Auvergne "INTESTIN-FOIE-COLIBACILLOSE" Imprimerie Perceval, Paris - 100 x 62 cm - Uncoated, good condition (tears, foxing and soiling) Bibliography: "L'Auvergne en affiches", p.113


MASSÉ Jean Syndicat d'initiative CHATEL-GUYON, Auvergne "INTESTIN-FOIE-COLIBACILLOSE" Imprimerie Perceval, Paris - 100 x 62 cm - Uncoated, good condition (tears, foxing and soiling) Bibliography: "L'Auvergne en affiches", p.113

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Collection of 4 books on alternative therapies: 1 (Moxa). MOREL (Jean-Baptiste): Mémoire et observations sur l'application du feu au traitement des maladies; guérison d'une maladie du foie opérée par le moxa; suivis de vues générales sur la médecine, et de quelques préceptes en forme d'aphorismes. Paris, Le Normant, 1813. One volume. 12.5 by 19.5 cm. 315-(2) pages. Contemporary black half morocco, smooth spine. Copy in very good condition. First edition. Quérard VI-p. 302. 2. BACHER (Georges-Frédéric): Recherches sur les maladies chroniques, particulièrement sur les hydropisies, et sur les moyens de les guérir. Paris, Veuve Thiboust et Didot Le Jeune, 1776. One volume. 12 by 19.5 cm. (4)-XL-XV-(1)-724-(2) pages. Contemporary full marbled calf, 5-rib spine, ornate caissons, triple gilt framing of boards, all edges gilt. A 5 cm split on the upper spine, two corners slightly worn. Minor interior spotting. Pp. 629 to 675: Catalogue of writings on dropsy in alphabetical order of academic collections and authors. First edition. Conlon 76: 669; Blake p. 26; Wellcome II-p. 81. "Bacher (Georges-Frédéric), physician, 1709-1798, settled in Thann, where he practiced from 1741 to 1770 [...]. He specialized [...] in the treatment of dropsy, which he claimed to cure with tonic pills composed of 2/7 black hellebore, 2/7 myrrh and 3/7 powdered blessed charcoal. Dr. Bacher advocated the use of his pills in a number of advertising publications, the first of which dates back to 1767. In 1772, Bacher published his specific formula." (D.B.F. IV-p. 1074). 3 (Balneotherapy). FLEURY (Dr. Louis-Joseph-Désiré): Traité pratique et raisonné d'hydrothérapie. Recherches cliniques sur l'application de cette médication au traitement des congestions chroniques du foie, de la rate, de l'utérus, des poumons et du coeur; des névralgies et des rhumatismes musculaires; de la chlorose et de l'anémie; de la fièvre intermittente; des déplacements de la matrice, de l'hystérie; des ankyloses, des tumeurs blanches, de la goutte; des maladies de la moelle, des affections chroniques du tube digestif, des pertes séminales, etc.. Paris, Labé, 1852. One volume. 13 by 21.3 cm. VIII-568 pp. + 4 plates h.t. (including 1 fold-out). Contemporary fawn half-basane, smooth spine decorated, red title page. Small crack on upper spine. Some foxing, one plate skilfully restored without missing. First edition. 4. Collection of various pieces printed to date, relating to the anti-psoric discovery of J. Mettemberg, [...]. Some make known his successes, confirmed by official experiments and by a host of supporting evidence; others highlight the obstacles he faced, and the manner in which he overcame them. Paris, L'Auteur, Ventôse an XIII = February 1805. One volume. 12 by 19.5 cm. Multiple pagination. Contemporary full speckled basane, ornate smooth spine, red title-piece, gilt Greek frieze framing the boards, gilt edges. Small hole at bottom of lower spine. Six pieces. Details on request. P. Labrude, Joseph Sigisbert Mandel (1749 - 1820) [...], one of Nancy's greatest pharmacists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. "Mettemberg water, or "anti-psoric quintessence", is a secret medicine, hence the name "secret remedy", used to treat scabies. It was proposed in 1794 (year III) by the former military surgeon Joseph Mettemberg. This external remedy was widely used, and its author enjoyed a great deal of support [particularly in government ministries]. In 1801 or 1802, Mandel was "approached by a fellow doctor" who was "experiencing serious accidents as a result of the external use of this specific drug" [...]. [...] At the public meeting of the Société de Santé held on 2 Messidor An X (June 21 1802), in the presence of the Prefect of the Meurthe department, he presented the results of his analyses of the drug, concluding: "It was with the greatest surprise that I discovered that the base of this specific was one of the most deleterious, one of the most active poisons known, muriate of mercury suroxygenated, today called corrosive sublimated mercury". Mandel was not mistaken about the toxicity of this compound, now called mercuric chloride, which did not prevent the water from continuing its long career". (P. Labrude). This collection illustrates the controversy between the inventor and his detractors.

Set of 12 studies on Balzac: Martin Kanes, Balzac's Comedy of words. Princeton University Press, 1975.full cloth. Madeleine Fargeaud, Balzac et la recherche de l'Absolu. Paris, Hachette, 1968. Paperback. E. J. Oliver, Balzac the European. London and New York, Sheed and Ward, 1959. Full cloth. Annette Rosa and Isabelle Tournier, Balzac. Paris, Armand Colin 1992. paperback. E. Preston, Recherches sur la technique de Balzac Les Presses françaises, 1927. Paperback. Samuel Rogers, Balzac and the Novel. University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. Full cloth. Judith Lyon-Caen, La Lecture et la vie - Les usages du roman au temps de Balzac. Paris, Tallandier, 2006. Paperback. Edmond Biré, Honoré de Balzac. Paris, Honoré Champion, 1897. Paperback. Mary F. Sandars, Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings. London, John Murray, 1904. Full cloth. [Collective] Balzac and the nineteenth century : studies in French literature presented to Herbert J. Hunt by pupils, colleagues and friends / edited by D. G. Charlton, J. Gaudon and Anthony R. Pugh. Leicester University Press, 1972. Full cloth. Georges Hourdin, Balzac romancier des passions. Temps Présent, 1950. Jean-Louis Bory, Pour Balzac et quelques autres - Musique 1. Julliard, 1960, paperback. Lot of 12 studies (13 volumes) on Balzac: Nicole Felkay, Balzac et ses éditeurs 1822-1837. Essai sur la librairie romantique. Promodis, 1987. Paperback Léon-François Hoffmann, Répertoire géographique de La Comédie humaine. José Corti, 1965-1968. 2 paperback volumes. Claude Lachet, Thématique et Technique du Lys dans la Vallée de Balzac. Nouvelles éditions Debresse, 1978. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac: Illusions perdues. L'œuvre capitale dans l'œuvre. C.R.I.N., 1988. Collected by Françoise VAN Rossum-Guyon. Paperback. Stefan Zweig, Balzac, sein Weltbild aus den Werken - Volume11 of Aus der Gedankenwelt grosser Geister. Bd.11. R Lutz, 1908, paperback, poor condition. André Allemand, Honoré de Balzac - Création et passion. Plon, 1963. Paperback. Agnès Guglielmetti, Fire and light in Balzac's La Peau de chagrin. Les réseaux symboliques du vocabulaire des sensations. Paris, Lettres Modernes, 1978. Paperback. Pierre Bayard, Balzac et le troc de l'imaginaire - Lecture de La Peau de chagrin. Lettres modernes Minard, 1978. Paperback. Michel Lichtlé, Balzac, le texte et la loi. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, 2012. Paperback. [Collective] Balzac voyageur - Parcours, déplacements, mutations. Textes réunis et présentés par Nicole Mozet et Paule Petitier. Published by Université François Rabelais, Tours, 2004. Paperback. Gabriel Faure, Pèlerinages dauphinois. Grenoble, Éditions J. Rey, 1925. Paperback. René Jouanne, Alençon sur les pas de Balzac. In: Le Pays Bas-Normand, 1970, N° 4. Paperback. Lot of 10 studies on Balzac: Aline Mura-Brunel, Silence du roman - Balzac et le romanesque contemporain. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Kristina Wingard, Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac. Uppsala, 1978. Thesis. Patrick Berthier, Balzac et l'imprimerie. Imprimerie nationale, 1999. Pierre Danger, L'éros balzacien - structures du désir dans la Comédie Humaine. José Corti, 1989. Sophie de Korwin-Piotrowska, Balzac et le monde slave - Madame Hanska et l'oeuvre balzacienne. Paris, Champion, 1933. Claude-Marie Senninger, Honoré de Balzac par Théophile Gautier. Paris, Nizet, 1980. [Lucienne Frappier-Mazur, Genèses du Roman - Balzac et Sand. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2004. Linzy Erika Dickinson, Theatre in Balzac's La Comédie humaine. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2000. H.U. Forest, L'esthétique du roman balzacien. Paris, PUF, 1950. [Maison Balzac], "Souscrivez à la comédie humaine". 2001. Paperback set.