Null Cycling/Antonin Magne (1904-1983)/Tour/Nations/Six Jours/Cantal. Important …

Cycling/Antonin Magne (1904-1983)/Tour/Nations/Six Jours/Cantal. Important set on the one who before being Poulidor's mentor was a huge champion winning two Tours (1931-34), a world title (36), and three Grand Prix des Nations (34-35-36). We only count here the 24 original press photos, many of them very beautiful. Namely six large ones on the Tours 1930, 31, 34, 36, 38 and his wedding; b) five large ones, one Vel'd'Hiv, and one GP des Nations, Tours 36, 38, as well as 2 portraits; c) 9 small ones, five on the Tour, including one 1927, two at the Vel'd'Hiv with Guimbretière and S.Maes, and one at the Nations with Fournier. Finally, a superb AN card of Tonin under the jersey with a bell (on the back, detailed list of achievements by a supporter), and two other photos, an arrival of Diot in 1950, and the 70 years with Leducq (cakes, candles). Attached is a modern GF print of a Nations finish with Gaston Benac, two of the Tour, a map in poor condition (Pyrenees training), four press caricatures by Abel Petit from Cyclo-Ssport (one with a poem by Amédée PApet), and a set of period articles, the 1983 special issue of "Cyclette Revue", with his dc. And a superb photocopy of a very touching letter, answer to a questionnaire.


Cycling/Antonin Magne (1904-1983)/Tour/Nations/Six Jours/Cantal. Important set on the one who before being Poulidor's mentor was a huge champion winning two Tours (1931-34), a world title (36), and three Grand Prix des Nations (34-35-36). We only count here the 24 original press photos, many of them very beautiful. Namely six large ones on the Tours 1930, 31, 34, 36, 38 and his wedding; b) five large ones, one Vel'd'Hiv, and one GP des Nations, Tours 36, 38, as well as 2 portraits; c) 9 small ones, five on the Tour, including one 1927, two at the Vel'd'Hiv with Guimbretière and S.Maes, and one at the Nations with Fournier. Finally, a superb AN card of Tonin under the jersey with a bell (on the back, detailed list of achievements by a supporter), and two other photos, an arrival of Diot in 1950, and the 70 years with Leducq (cakes, candles). Attached is a modern GF print of a Nations finish with Gaston Benac, two of the Tour, a map in poor condition (Pyrenees training), four press caricatures by Abel Petit from Cyclo-Ssport (one with a poem by Amédée PApet), and a set of period articles, the 1983 special issue of "Cyclette Revue", with his dc. And a superb photocopy of a very touching letter, answer to a questionnaire.

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