SUÈDE. LOUISE-ULRIQUE of Prussia (1720-1782) Queen of Sweden. L.A.S. Following a…


of Prussia (1720-1782) Queen of Sweden. L.A.S. following a L.A.S. from her minister N.P. GYLLENSTOLPE, Stockholm 14 August 1767, to Antoine-François MARMONTEL; 1 1/4 pages in-4. Congratulations to the author of Bélisaire. "Her Majesty the Queen having read with infinite pleasure Bellisaire, orders me Sir to express her satisfaction and to add to this testimony the boete cy jointe", writes Gyllenstolpe, explaining the delay of this sending, due to the slowness of the workman. Then the Queen adds with her hand: "P.S. In spite of the thirty six proposals of the Sorbonne I cannot refuse my esteem to the author of the Belisaire, I read it with an infinite pleasure and felicitate it sincerely to have so well reüssi. Louise Ulrique ".



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